Your Abundance of Power & How to Use It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Your Abundance of Power & How to Use It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to share this transmission with all of you because we are always so eager to empower you, and we want you to know that you have never been more powerful there on Earth than you are right now. You have never had as many activations and upgrades as you currently have. You have never been supported by more energies or more beings around you than you are right now. You have also not been as knowledgable as you are right now, and you can use that knowledge and the wisdom that comes from the application of that knowledge to bring yourselves into harmony with the new Earth and with the life that you desire to live. You can do all of this while also fulfilling your purpose and being of service because the two go hand in hand.

You are meant to lead others, and the way you do that is by showing them how it’s done. When you do what you teach, you are an example to others of what is possible. When you demonstrate that the concepts you talk about work, then others start to understand that they have power as well. The power lies within each and every individual, but it is dormant in most because most know that they don’t feel very powerful in their lives and have made attempts to change their lives through words and actions, but have come up short. Most people do not realize that their power truly lies in their ability to focus, to feel, to vibrate, to visualize, to think about the reality they want to experience. And so, they do what their parents did and their grandparents did, which is to work hard and hope for the best.

Most people do not realize that their beliefs are important, and those of you who do recognize how powerful beliefs are can help others with teachings and also with examples from your own lives of how you have shifted from one belief to another and how that has paid off for you. As we said before, the energies that are upon you right now are supportive of each and every one of you who is awake in the creation of your reality the way you prefer to live it. They want to work with those of you who are conscious, awake, aware, and interested in being of service.

And so, it is time for you to dream big, and it is time for you to expect more. It is time for you to step out of doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, and disbelief and tune in to the truth of who you are as everything, as all-that-is, as all-inclusive. You have every single vibration available to you right now, and they are all inside of you. And that is why it is so important to meditate, to go within, and to feel your feelings, because when you are willing to do those things, you will have the keys to the kingdom, and you will be able to create whatever you want.

This life is filled with possibilities, and you have more timelines available to you now than ever before because you are conscious, because you know how to manage your thoughts and your feelings, and because you have made it this far on your journeys. You have demonstrated that you have so much to give, so much to share with your fellow humans, and when you want to be of service, more is opened up to you. So relax, tune in to your power, and feel for the energies and the beings around you that are supporting you. Know that there is so much more for you to live and so much more for you to share with your fellow humans.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are Sovereign Beings, so reclaim your Sovereignty NOW!

Click here to listen to an audio clip.

As humanity waits expectantly for its collective awakening, we in the spiritual or non-physical realms are flooding the Earth and all her sentient life forms with Love and healing energies.  We are massively strengthening your individual life force-fields as you undergo the intense and ongoing energy frequency changes or transmutations that are part of your awakening process.  Events of a seemingly momentous nature are occurring world-wide, putting you all under enormous stress.  Know that it is certain that these will be resolved, and that you will awaken.

As you all assist one another, all of humanity, to come to a full awareness of the insanity of so many of your present forms of interaction – one on one or globally – your main task is just to be.  I cannot sufficiently emphasize the importance of this.  Just being is allowing yourselves not to engage angrily, fearfully, or judgmentally when you get “triggered.”

Everyone gets triggered, it’s part of your collective as well as your individual egos.  When that happens it is very important to be able to take a breath or two before responding – LOVINGLY.  You know that Love is the only Reality, and yet you regularly get distracted from your awareness of that Truth, as you go about your daily lives and events or situations arise that displease you.  Love is the only sane response in any situation or interaction, and that is what so many are finally beginning to realize.

As Love continues to express Itself far more powerfully through each one of you, those who are engaging with life unlovingly will find that fewer and fewer people are willing to support them in their unacceptable words and actions.  People are turning towards Love because they realize that nothing else works or ever has, and that LOVE DOES!  Love, lovingly and honestly engaged with, heals ALL wounds.  Love is your nature, Love is your Reality, Love is who you are.  Remind yourselves frequently of this divine Truth.

Notice how the awakening process is continuing to express itself lovingly in all of your lives by softening your feelings as they arise, and by bringing to your attention the intense effectiveness of being loving instead of judging, blaming, or condemning either yourselves or others for perceived errors, dishonest actions, or intentional deceit.  You are all God’s beloved children, and therefore your intent is always to be loving, even though as humans in form you frequently forget this.  To awaken is to remember this and put it into practice in your daily lives.  You know that this is the only meaningful and honest way to live, but your egos continuously draw to your attention times or memories when others have, in your opinion, treated you unjustly or unfairly.

These times or memories are very deeply embedded because you c h o s e to be hurt and offended when they occurred.  But you can only be hurt or offended if you c h o o s e to accept these unkind and invalid offerings from others and dwell on them, thus confirming your own inner feelings of unacceptability or unworthiness.  As you do know,deep within yourselves, you cannot possibly be unacceptable or unworthy, because you are the beloved children of God, created in Love for eternal Joy.

However, all of you, during infancy and childhood, were to some extent shamed, disgraced, and judged unworthy, and at that early stage of your lives – when you were still partially aware of your apparent choice to separate from Mother/Father/God – you were already carrying an underlying sense of guilt.  Your egos built on this in order to be able to direct and control you, and have indeed been very successful in doing so.  And yet you all do have an underlying sense that this cannot be right, that you do have a right to be, and that the negative judgment of others is invalid.  This knowing is unsettling, and your egos have done an excellent job of using this to undermine your belief in yourselves – the knowing of your divine nature with which God inspired you at the moment of your creation, an infinitely long time before you were born into form as a human infant.

Yes, as humans in form your egos are useful, but when you developed them it was with that intent alone, to have them be helpful.  However, because of the kind of environment you constructed in which to experience separation, you found it useful to give them increasing amounts of power or control over you by allowing them to direct your bodies’ emotional responses to events and situations that arose in your lives, and you saw others doing likewise.  You, as it were, withdrew from the decision making process and allowed your egos free reign.  This has been occurring for many eons, and now is the time to reclaim your sovereignty from your unwise and fearful egos.

You are Sovereign Beings, so reclaim your Sovereignty NOW!

As you have been told so often, and as I now repeat again, it is absolutely essential that you spend quiet time alone daily with all means of communication silenced.  During this quiet time a l l o w yourselves to be free from all thoughts or anxieties; when they arise be aware of them and choose not to attend to them.  Just focus on resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day – deep within you all this is always your intent, and you do know it – then invite Love to flow freely into your hearts, and from there to flow through you out into the world to assist everyone in their individual awakening processes.  EVERYONE is awakening, even if that does not appear to you to be the case.  And, you can assist them, in fact you are assisting them, unless you make a very positive egoic choice not to do so.

You all know that your present life as humans has a deeply spiritual purpose.  Mostly, of course, you spend much time either dismissing that possibility so that you can focus on ‘reality,’ your demanding daily human lives and the responsibilities that they entail, or you spend time wondering how you, inadequate and unworthy as you believe yourselves to be, could possibly have such a purpose.

So, once again, I must remind you that as Divine Beings all your doubts and worries about inadequacy for your task or unworthiness to serve Mother/Father/God are utterly and completely invalid.  God created you all as perfect beings like unto Herself, and what She creates is unchanging, and eternally Divine.  Once again, LET GO of your Ego-driven doubts and anxieties, and allow yourselves to feel and be fully aware of the Love that you are in every moment, even when you lose your cool and react angrily to someone.  That loss of control, or, more correctly, relinquishment of control to your egos is an unreal, and only momentary expression of your feelings.  Your feelings are always valid, but it is generally unloving to express them in an attack or a judgment of either yourselves or others, as often they are fleeting, inappropriate, and will quickly pass if you do not cling to them, a habit that many have difficulty breaking.

BE KIND.  That is your nature, and enjoy the peace and contentment that result.

With so very much love, Saul.

What Buddha Would Tell Us Today

What Buddha Would Tell Us Today Tap New Moon Potency Hello friends, Today I’d like to describe the significance of Wesak and its relevance in these pivotal times. I will give you modern-day context for this ancient celebration of enlightened beings such as Buddha. Why Do We Care? Why do we care today about buddhas, also known as enlightened beings, who walked the Earth long ago? To be sure, their experience arose out of a totally different kind of world. Many of them spent time in monasteries and most had much simpler lives than we have. The key to understanding the relevance and wisdom of these ancient ones lies in simplicity. They understood core truths that apply to all beings living throughout the ages through the present day. What Buddha Would Tell Us Today If Buddha were here today, he would remind us of simple truths to live by. Examples:
  • The only time you have is now – the present moment. Make the most of it.
  • Dwelling on the past is useless.
  • Dreaming about the future is unproductive as it takes you out of the present.
  • Each moment is brand-new, despite how it appears.
  • You are constantly having an experience, in the moment. The experience is not YOU, your essence or soul that is eternal.
  • All conditions and experiences are impermanent.
  • The 3 things that will matter at the end of your life include how much you loved, the gentleness and kindness you expressed, and how easily you let go of hurts and things not meant for you.
These concepts are so simple in theory. In practice, your ego-self will not entertain these ideas! That’s why learning to track your ego is vital to your spiritual growth. You can’t fire your ego, or stop its ruminating, but with practice you can learn to track its voice and temporarily put it in the back seat. This can sometimes feel like a full time job, I say, laughing to myself. Tap New Moon Potency At Friday’s Taurus New Moon, use your intuition to take steps that influence your future. Remember: you are at the helm of your own life experience. About Our Wesak Meditation This year’s Wesak Meditation to the Wesak Valley is this Saturday May 20! You won’t want to miss this unique and auspicious experience. You can attend live or benefit fully by listening to the recording later. I would be thrilled to have you and your friends join us this year! More description is below. Already know you want to join: register now!   Follow-Up If you aren’t already participating in my monthly meditations and Divine Changemakers courses, consider joining me for guided support. For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. In astrology sessions, you will receive context for life situations involving other people, your work, and your spiritual path. Your birth chart will reveal past life situations, specific purposes for your soul to evolve, and what you have been born to learn and bring to the world. Annual solar returns and transit sessionswill reveal current potentials and a way to make the most of your opportunities. Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, 1-on-1 session, or process has been helpful. Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

24th February 2023. Mike Quinsey.

24th February 2023. Mike Quinsey.
Few could doubt that time has speeded up as the Earth hurtles through Space, and the Human Race is oblivious to it all so much so that it was thought it was at the centre of the Universe. Time has elapsed that proves otherwise and you are moving through a new part of Space and the vibrations are increasing meaning changes are inevitable as you have been experiencing. Logic suggests that they will be far reaching and to be expected if as prophesied they are to become part of your future.
Certainly the end of your last cycle and the beginning of a new one would suggest the old ways of living are no longer adequate, as has been told in recent messages. Therefore major changes would be expected and welcomed as Man seems to have reached a point of no return, and witnessing the demise of most of what was achieved during the last cycle. It is difficult to see where the Earth is heading except that messages from the higher realms make it clear that major changes must take place, as the “old” is no longer to be prominent in the New Age.
So where does it leave you as you seem to be going headlong into another war that could escalate if good common sense does not prevail. Greater powers than yours oversee your progress and will ensure you follow the plan for your future. It could be smooth going if you so wished and made the right moves but first you must start thinking “Peace” that looks remote in view of your present troubles. We push you to keep the peace but appreciate in the present hostile conditions it is nigh impossible. Yet the changes will come regardless of whether you are prepared for them or not. They cannot be held back as all of those souls that have progressed are to rise up and leave the old vibrations behind. However, no one is forgotten and all will progress in some way or another.
In some ways it is everybody for themselves, inasmuch that in a manner of speaking it is up to the individual souls to ensure they stay on their chosen path and never lose sight of their goal that is to rise up and leave the lower vibrations behind. We know that once you have the confidence in yourself to overcome any obstacles in your way, no one will be able to stop you from achieving it. Of course the dark Ones will try as they know they are losing the battle to try to keep you in the dark as to your true potential and destiny.
There is much sorrow and sadness upon the Earth right now and often inadequate help for those people who have suffered in one way or another, it is where your help and experience can be of great help. There are many ways to do so and clearly every little helps. We believe that people need assurances that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and even a few kind words will often help lift them up. People need to know that once this period of unrest passes there will be a great upliftment and a wonderful future for them, and they should not despair as many Beings from the higher realms are working behind the scenes to ensure the plans for a wonderful future work out.
We know that many of you are worried about the fate of your family and we assure you that those who wish to stay together will be allowed to do so. Realise that you have freewill, but clearly that does not extend to allowing you to go beyond your personal vibrations although you can work towards a higher level. We help you in this respect to lift them up, but it is you who have to do the work to achieve it. We often arrange for you to meet another soul who may have a greater understanding of what you need to evolve and can help you progress.
When you are ready to take a step up we will be on hand to assist you, we do for example ensure you meet the right people who can assist you according to your life plan. However, always ask us for help when needed and circumstances permitting we will do so. Sometimes you meet us in your dream state and we discuss the ups and downs of your life and what can best done to assist you. We then follow your activities and “guide” you so as to ensure you progress. We refer to levels where you meet with family or friends both present or already passed over and discuss all manner of problems to arrive at a solution. The hard part is after you awaken from your sleep, often with some feeling or even memory of what took place yet cannot bring it all to mind.
We do not expect you to recall much of your night time activities, but where necessary we will give your memory a jog. Believe us there is so much that is done for you to ensure your life is productive and helping your evolution in accordance with your life plan. You do of course touch other people’s lives in the course of your own and may have a minor role to play in theirs. It can get quite complicated but all involved are assured of keeping to their life plan, but if they wish to ignore it we do not stand in their way of their freewill choices.
Dear Ones, keep your life goal in mind and do your best to stick to it. Understand that it is for your progress and will ultimately lift you out of the endless lifetimes fighting the dark Ones who wish to hold you back and will do anything to achieve it, their tentacles are everywhere but you are of the light and have the upper hand, and we are also with you.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at and contact him if you have any

Brand new program ( one day sale! )


Hello, Beautiful — Let’s talk about freedom … In the present, you can know from within that everything is working perfectly, and that you live in a safe, loving and abundant universe. You can receive a new desire and feel confident that you can uplevel your life and shift into new ways of being. But for many of us, the past and its influence on the present, can make these things harder to feel, believe in and live. By clearing the past, you can create space for new experiences. Experience more freedom. Feel more relaxed. Calmer. Notice spacious moments of inner peace and joy. You’ll have more energy, more clarity, more well-being, more abundance and a greater experience of timing and flow… All of this is natural when you’re energy is more coherent, spacious and in sync with who you truly are. Clearing the past makes getting into alignment easier because it increases the resonance you have with your Divine Self. What might be possible if you felt SOOOOO much love and gentleness towards yourself? If you made stories and beliefs TRUE that actually support you and your belief, your trust, your KNOWING that your desire is, of course, naturally, manifesting? What If you were open to new and even magical outcomes? What if you expected your life, your relationships, your self trust, your finances, your work, your energy and your health to steadily get better and better and better? And, if you felt calm, happy and filled with sincere respect and appreciation for yourself… more than ever before? CLEARING THE PAST can open you up to all of this, and more. In support of our conscious evolution and to make the most of the coming Equinox and the Eclipse Cycles… I’m so happy to write to you and ~ INVITE YOU TO JOIN A NEW PROGRAM: CLEARING THE PAST ~ This practical and spiritually grounded program offers: Gentle, reliable guidance in releasing the stories, beliefs, expectations and attachment to the past, including teachings on forgiveness, And through this, guides you in choosing and attuning to new truths, creating expansion, joy, positive expectations AND opening up your flow to being & receiving more. Bonus? This program will help prepare you for ascension. To move into higher vibrational states, and higher consciousness, involves coming into greater resonance with our continually expanding Divine Self. You have the power to work with your Divine Self, to evolve consciously. Many of you do this daily. We’d like to share with you a reliable process to work with your Divine Self, to open up lesser personality patterns, and to change them into patterns of greater beauty, order, harmony and coherence. We’d like to support you at this time in your evolutionary journey and so that you may experience an enormous increase in freedom, confidence to create and manifest more of what calls to you AND to bring you into Oneness and Unity, more often. It’s possible to evolve these patterns, and shift the energy of what has been. We are so excited to share this new program with you! CLEARING THE PAST, is now open for enrollment. ✨✨✨ CLEARING THE PAST is offered at a special introductory price for one day only. ✨✨✨ I am excited to share Clearing the Past at the lowest price it will ever be — a special introductory celebration of it’s release. (After that, the price will go up 33% as the full price takes effect.) A channeled invitation from Archangel Michael + program details + payment options: ARE YOU IN? The introductory price is available for one day only. ​If this calls to you! Don’t wait. (If you are worried you missed the special price, don’t be. I will give a little “time zone grace…” If the special price is still there when you click on the link above, it’s yours.) Hooray!! If you are joining us now, welcome to CLEARING THE PAST, . To you SHINING BRIGHTER! And being, the very liberated, clear, true, peaceful, happy, powerful and freest version of YOU! With so much love, Ailia

Auspicious Energies For Self-Expression

Auspicious Energies For Self-Expression Plant Seeds Of Opportunity Now Hello friends, As we move into September, I’d like to share some auspicious energies available now. This can be a time of rethinking how you see yourself and your ability to shine your light in a more powerful way. Ready? This theme is related to my brand-new Divine Changemakers course – “Dancing In The Fire Of Change”. As our world shifts at lightning speed, and we feel the fire of change getting hotter, we need an overhaul in our thinking of who we are on a soul/cosmic level. It is much grander than we were conditioned to believe! Indeed, we Divine Changemakers are infinite beings, capable of creating anything that is in alignment with our soul. We are alive now to initiate a mega shift on this planet as we humans take back our divine power. While this power was always within us, we were taught that we were powerless. That’s a lie! Auspicious Energies Available I believe that if we have enough self-awareness and the appropriate tools, we can benefit more from auspicious energies as they arise. Why do I say this? First, because we are consciously aware of energies – our own and planetary. This means that on a moment-by-moment basis, we can tap into our personal energy state – as well as planetary cycles that tie-in with our own astrology. This is an immense blessing! Second, because we have tools to take advantage of auspicious energies – tools like I give you in my “Dancing In The Fire Of Change” Divine Changemakers course – that help us to dive deeper into ourselves and get real about who we really are and what we can manifest. Third, because we are aware of positive potentials of energy cycles – and we take relevant actions the make the most of them. Action is key! As I wrote about recently, there are silver linings with Mercury retrograde. We’re in one now until September 15. These silver linings make this particular Mercury retrograde auspicious. I suggest tapping into this idea in your meditations and invite dreams that help reveal what you need to see. Anchor these insights by writing them down in your journal or notes-taking app. Retrogrades involve review, reassessment, and rethinking. This Mercury retrograde is an EXCELLENT time to rethink who you really are – beyond all the stereotypes, your self-image, and what you were conditioned to believe about yourself. None of that thinking aligns with who you are and what you are capable of being and creating! A Newness In The Air Sitting side-by-side with the Mercury retrograde energies we are beginning to feel a newness in the air. September is often a time of new things, openings, new starts, and rebirths. Take advantage of these. Join my new course “Dancing In The Fire Of Change” starting September 24! I will give you priceless tools and powerful guided audio processes to both navigate these times and redefine who you ARE on a soul/cosmic level. I’m looking forward to having you with us! More info and registration link below. Coming September 23 I’m excited about our September 23 Equinox Gateway meditation described more below. Join us by registering now! For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. If you participate in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course, I suggest working this month with our tools (e.g. “Inner Planes” and “Field of Possibilities”). Not yet in our “ReAnchor” course? Join anytime HERE. Feel free to contact me for more information on my new 2023 Divine Changemakers course, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

September 23 Equinox Gateway Meditation

  • Experience powerful Equinox Gateway of transformation
  • Move forward in a new way with targeted life insights
  • Balance your life to create higher energy vibes
  • Connect with joy and playfulness during Selacia’s dolphin process, receiving a personal message about your life
  • Join with others across the world on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds & connection with others on a spiritual path
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing that uplifts consciousness
  • Benefit from Selacia’s signature “Fire Activation Process” that will help you manage volatile emotions and create inner peace
  • Receive further insights and healing by listening to the recording

When What You Want Isn’t Manifesting ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


When What You Want Isn’t Manifesting ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are updating our various philosophies on existence on a moment-to-moment basis, because we know that whenever we feel as though we have it all figured out, we will discover someday that we do not. And so, we will never cling to anything because we have been proven to be off on so many assumptions that we’ve made in the past, and now we are ready to embark upon more new missions with all of you as you discover what you need to know about existence, sometimes through us. But we will always be seeking to give you more of our up-to-the-moment philosophies, because we can see the bigger picture from our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and that lofty view can assist you in so many ways.

For example, when something isn’t happening that you really want to happen, and that you really want to happen now, stop and ask yourself the question, ‘How could this be serving me?’ ‘What else could I add to this creation while I am waiting?’ And, ‘How can I grow from this?’ That was actually three questions, but you get the idea. Turn it around; instead of thinking about what you’re doing wrong, where you’re blocked, who is preventing this from happening, look for the positives, because they are there. You are growing exponentially there with each passing day, because you are awake and because you are willing to do the hard work of self-examination, looking for where you can improve, and what else you can let go of to lighten your load.

You are allowed to have desires and to live lives of joy, but you also have to recognize that everything is ultimately about your expansion and your evolution. And so, when you aren’t getting something that you want in the timing that you want it to come in, that will always be an opportunity for you to grow. Letting go of your attachments allows you to be more present in the moment, and when you are more present in the moment, you can enjoy the moment that you are in. And when you are not thinking about time, you become timeless. And when you become timeless, then you don’t even realize how long it’s taking for what you want to come to you.

And also, recognize that once you create something, you will experience it. Live knowing that, and you can take the anxiety and fear away, because those only exist when you aren’t certain about your creation ever coming to you, ever coming to fruition. So remember that you are creator beings who are there to have experiences, and all of it furthers the expansion of Source Energy, and that’s why you are never denied anything. Knowing that should bring you some peace, some solace, and some enthusiasm for what is to come.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Message from Ann & the Angels – 3/11/2023 • Are You letting love in?

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Love flows to you in a never-ending and constant stream from the Source of all life. You call it to you with your every desire and your every complaint. You call it to you with your every wish for yourself or another. You summon this love in every breath! Love is beneath your every human thought and feeling, no matter how much you allow it to flow freely or how much you resist. Even in your negative emotions, love is attempting to flow. Beneath your anger is a desire for love and a kinder experience of life. Hidden in your sadness is a love for what you feel you have lost. In your jealousy, there is love for something you don’t feel you can have. In your frustration, there is love for what you wish to experience and at the moment, are not. This may sound radical, but we would like for you to treasure all your feelings. They are part of what makes you human. While we would never wish for any of you to stay stuck in fear, anger, frustration, sadness, or any painful emotion, we do want to help you see the value in all feelings, so you can use them as information to help you move into a kinder and more loving experience of life. Simply put, your feelings are indicators of whether or not you are aligned with, or resisting love. Beneath every human emotion, love is present and attempting to flow. When you feel good, you can rest assured that you are allowing this love to flow into your life. When you feel bad, your negative feelings are information, telling you that you are resisting this love. We are not talking about intellectually resisting love. Few of you would honestly say, “No, thank you, I don’t want the universe to love and support me.” Instead, we are speaking technically of resistance as a vibrational opposition to the love you have called forth. Any two forces or energies that don’t harmonize with one another create resistance. If you pet your dog’s fur backward, that causes some resistance. If a copper wire has impurities, they cause resistance to the electricity trying to flow through the wire. If you move your hand through the air, it moves freely, but if you try to move it through a tub of jello, you will feel resistance. A warm front that encounters a cold front creates resistance in the weather pattern and direction, and as a result, storms often ensue as they push against one another. If you try to walk through a wall in your 3D form, you will encounter resistance. So too, if someone tries to force an idea upon you that does not resonate with you, you will also feel resistance. If you encounter a situation that does not resonate with you, you will feel resistance. If you think a thought in opposition to the love you have called for you, you will feel resistance. In nearly all cases, you will feel resistance in the form of discomfort or negative emotion. Something, someone, or some thought doesn’t resonate with the love you have called for. Your negative feelings are giving you valuable information. They are saying, “Change your thoughts, change your actions, or change your focus.” As you move through life, your feelings help you discern the thoughts, actions, and objects of focus, which align with your desires, and the ones which don’t. If you interpret your feelings as information, you can quickly readjust your thoughts, actions, or focus to find your way back to love. You can recalibrate your vibration to allow what you wish to flow into your life. You can rest assured that you will always know when you are resonant with the love you want to experience, and when you are not. Your feelings give you this valuable information. If, however, you do as you have been trained to do, and blame your feelings on the person or situation that inspires your resistance to love, then you remain their helpless victim.If, however, you do as you have been trained to do, and blame your feelings on the person or situation that inspires your resistance to love, then you remain their helpless victim. In truth, they inspire your resistance to love but do not cause it. This is a fine point, but one worth taking in. If someone is unkind to you, this does not resonate with you, no matter how trained you have been as a child, to expect unkindness. Something deep within you knows you want to feel loved. As a result, unkindness, no matter how familiar it may be, will never feel good. Your bad feelings are telling you something. They are giving you a wealth of valuable information. They tell you to change your thoughts, your actions, or your focus. This unkind behavior may have activated feelings of being unloved or unworthy of love. It may trigger feelings of being misunderstood. You may actually be unloved and misunderstood by the unkind individual. Your bad feelings, however, come from resistance to the love that is trying to flow to you – not through them, of course – but rather from the never-ending stream of love from the Source. If someone offered you bad food from a buffet, wouldn’t you rather allow the chef to provide you with delicious food? Would you waste your time arguing with the individual offering bad food, or wouldn’t you rather simply receive the good? Likewise, people, through their unkindness, offer you “bad food.” The Source is always offering “good food!” Source is constantly transmitting good vibrations to you. “Your worthiness does not require another’s agreement. I love you as you are.” “Your value does not require another’s understanding. I understand you.” “You do not need to convince this individual of your goodness. You are good.” Love says, “You be you and let others learn from their own actions.” Your bad feelings tell you that you are resisting this flow of love. Your good feelings tell you that you are allowing it. If you find yourself stuck in bad-feeling emotions, pay attention. How is love trying to guide you to change your thoughts, actions, or focus? Love may guide you to change your thoughts about a person or situation. Instead of taking this person’s behavior personally, you may be inspired to see through the eyes of your soul. “They are hurting. Their words mean nothing about me and everything about their own pain. Happy people don’t hurt others.” You may even feel compassion for both of you in this unpleasant dance. As you feel compassion, you feel love. As you feel love, you feel better. You are allowing love to flow to you and through you. Love may guide you to change your actions. You may have the urge to walk away from this relationship, to ignore the unkindness, or to spend more time around kinder people. For example, if you have an unpleasant spouse, you may be motivated to get out of the house, spend time with friends, or engage in other activities that lift you above the unpleasantness, so it bounces off you more easily when you are around it. Your better feelings around friends, or when engaged in hobbies, help you to open to the flow of love. You feel better. Love may guide you to change your focus. Using the example above, suppose you have a spouse who drinks or gets frustrated and repeatedly aims their pain at you. While some of you would be inspired to leave, others, for a variety of reasons, would be inspired to stay in this relationship. Love may be whispering, “Change your focus.” You learn to tune out the anger rather than thinking about it or having to do something different. You learn to focus on your more pleasant thoughts. When they’re angry and nasty, you may be focused, like a mom with a tantrum-throwing-two-year-old on making your dinner. Removing your focus from unpleasant situations can also open you up to feeling love in other, better areas of life. Contrary to popular opinion, distracting yourself with something truly better feeling, avoiding unpleasantness, or even putting something unpleasant behind you, if you truly can, is often love’s guidance! Love never says, “Eat the bad food and like it!” Likewise, love wouldn’t tell you you must like something or someone you don’t resonate with. Love never encourages you to “endure the suffering so you can learn from it.” Love doesn’t suggest you make yourself or one another wrong. Love doesn’t even require “completion” in the traditional sense with a given person or situation. Love wants for you, instead, to recognize the value in all things and all beings. They provide the contrast that inspires your creation. Love wants to help you out of your suffering. Love wants you to live and let live. Love says you are complete with something unpleasant the moment you disconnect your energy from the unpleasantness and allow love to flow into your heart. Even if you leave an abusive relationship and the process is long and messy, the minute you allow love into your life, mind, and heart in any way, you are complete. You are no longer resisting love. Pay attention to your feelings. They tell you about you. They tell you about the degree to which you are resisting or allowing love.You need not resolve everything with everyone. You need only to resolve your relationship with love’s flow. Listen to your feelings. They help you find your way –  one feeling at a time – back to allowing the steady stream of love you have called for to flow into every area of your life. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels

Your Most Powerful Abilities ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Your Most Powerful Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to rely on our ability to sense and feel in order to know what it is that you all would best benefit from there on Earth. You have the ability to do this as well with yourselves and with others in your lives. You have the ability to help so many and help so much through that willingness to sense and feel what is actually needed in a situation. You also must pay attention to your own feelings, to the sensations that occur inside of you, in order to give yourselves what you need, in order to be the version of yourself that you want to be, and ultimately, in order to ascend with the greatest amount of ease and joy possible.

If you ignore your feelings, the sensations that you’re getting, then you are ignoring the messages that are coming to you from your guides, your higher self, your oversoul, the universe, Source, and countless others. If there is a very accurate way to summarize what the shift in consciousness is, that summary would be that you are shifting from being mind oriented to being heart centered. And your heart is all about feeling; it’s all about sensing, while your mind is all about figuring things out, thinking about the past, the future. It can be use appropriately to focus you. A well-trained mind will focus you in the direction that it is best for you to be focused in, and therefore, it is a good practice for you to pay attention to your thoughts, but then ultimately to recognize that your thoughts are also pointers, and they are pointing you in the direction of your feelings, your vibration.

And as you pay more attention to what’s going on inside of you, what you are feeling, what you are sensing in your body, than what you are thinking about a situation, then you will benefit greatly. You will also be able to go deeper with other people as well. You will not only be able to help them, but you will also be able to connect with them, to feel compassion for them, and to let them be the reflections to you that they most certainly are. There is always something that a person is bringing you that you need to acknowledge is also in yourself. There is not one pointless interaction in all the universe. Everything is pointing you back to you, to that inner reality that you have, where you feel and where you sense what is really going on.

We don’t have bodies anymore, but we can still sense and we can still feel. It is easier for us now than it was when we had physical bodies, and so we do understand what you are going through as you shift and you are let go of your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs, and your tendency to focus on past and future. You are getting better; that is something we want to give you as well. You are getting better at sensing and feeling. You are getting more sensitive as individuals and as a collective, and it is serving you all very well, no matter what you are feeling right now. Embrace it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Your Relationships Key to Getting Real

Your Relationships Key to Getting Real  Selacia Gives 4 Life-Changing Views on Relationships Hello friends, If you want to get real and live your truth, you must get real about the relationships in your life. Real means going deeper so you can see just how vital each relationship is to your self-realization. Continue reading to know how I learned this valuable lesson that continues to guide how I interact with the world.  From My Early View To Now I grew up with ego-based conditioning all of us have. I learned to categorize and evaluate relationships in a linear way. I unconsciously took in biases of my family. I was schooled in unevolved markers of success in relationships – like whether they made me happy or were sustainable.   As I evolved over time and began questioning the role of relationships, I saw how I had limited myself. I had unknowingly obscured the truth of what it really means to be in relationship. It wasn’t my fault. After all, no one in traditional society teaches you these things. Thank goodness for my innate curiosity and relentless seeking of the truth of all things. These qualities led me to discover and learn from amazing evolved teachers who were genuine and steeped in understanding our true enlightened nature, and what blocks us from realizing it. I am grateful that I continue to learn from these teachers daily. Relationships Under Microscope During Mega Change I feel strongly called to share about relationships in these pivotal moments of mega change. As I’ve recently discussed, planetary forces are bringing to the surface what we need to look at and transform. This is not accidental. We need to change into a much higher version of ourselves – to discover our truth, manifest our light, and indeed survive as a species. Each of us is being pushed to go deeper so we can see ourselves as we truly are, find meaning, and reset our lives in a higher frequency. This isn’t a temporary push, or related to any specific planetary lineup. It will be an ongoing push throughout our lives!  We have priceless jewels in our transformation tool box – awaiting our discovery! One of them involves relationships.  Students in my “”ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth””Divine Changemakers course are receiving hands-on experience evaluating relationships within the context of self-knowing and expressing their truth. During guided audio process and live global zoom calls, students are discovering how essential each relationship is for their self-realization. The course is live through October 22 – join us for your own self-reveal!  I suggest that you reflect on the following 4 life-changing views on relationships. As you read them, invite your higher wisdom to speak to you about the personal relevance.  4 Life-Changing Views on Relationships
  1. How can you get to know yourself without the mirror of relationships?
  2. How do you learn to validate what is true for you without feedback from others?
  3. How can you see more clearly into yourself – beyond your ego – unless you strive to learn from every relationship in your life? 
  4. How can you bring the light of your soul into manifestation without a network of relationships?
The answers to my obvious questions clarify just how essential your relationships are. Indeed, relationships are the basic foundation for personal and spiritual growth. Each relationship – regardless of whether you see it as important, compatible, or an irritation – gives you a priceless window into yourself. When you learn to see these dynamics as the miracle they ARE, your life transforms in miraculous ways!  For more energetic support with relationships and managing your energy during this season’s tumultuous eclipse season, attend my “Full Moon Solar Eclipse” Zoom Global Meditation November 5. I look forward to seeing you and your friends there!  Don’t miss it by registering now!   Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know how you are doing.   Thank you for being a part of my life in these times, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.