Messages from Ann & the Angels – 02/25/2023 • Things are not as they seem…


My dear friends, we love you so very much, Things are not as they seem. We are not talking about people fooling or trying to exploit you. We are talking about the massive stream of love flowing and growing despite all appearances. In the unseen realms, your human race is taking a gigantic leap in its evolution. Love is flowing as never before. You might say, energetically speaking, that the baby has been pushed out of the birth canal after a long period of contractions. Humanity and your mother earth have given birth to a new torrent of love by calling for it in your prayers and intense desires these past few years. You have collectively prayed as never before, and love is answering the call. It doesn’t look like love in many ways right now, but things are not always as they seem. You bear witness to the disruption on your planet. We see the evolution. You are grieving the physical transition of so many dear souls who have left the earth suddenly. We greet them as they expand back into an unbounded love. You feel pain in your body. We see streams of love flowing into you that sometimes push up against areas of tension or physical blockage. You feel antsy and anxious about change. We see you in the eternal dance between head and heart, striving to drop into your hearts and trust the journey. You are having a human experience, seeing through human eyes, and evaluating through your human conditioning. This can be very painful at times. As you learn to see beyond the world of appearances into a world where invisible loves streams unceasingly, you learn to dance in harmony with this flow in a way that feels better, creates better, and allows better into your life. Many of you feel far less tolerant of bad behaviors and situations you’ve endured up until now. Your soul is calling you to better – either an improved attitude and/or an improved situation. We never want you to suffer through something you don’t enjoy. We would instead advise you to look for the good here and now and, as well, focus on your heart’s true desires. For example, suppose you have put up with someone yelling at you for years, and it still bothers you. You can start to focus away from the destructive behaviors by looking at their good points or your own. Or you can completely ignore the bad behaviors as if they didn’t exist. You shift your vibration as you give less attention to what bothers you and more attention to what pleases you. You’ll be more open to guidance and ideas for improvement in this new and improved vibration. You may receive the courage to walk away from something that doesn’t work. You may be inspired to speak in a way that encourages a kinder response. You may receive an inspiration to ignore unkindness and see only good. The inspirations will vary from one person and situation to the next. Nonetheless, when you find a vibration that is either neutral or more loving than the previous annoyance, you become open to receiving guidance. The actions you are inspired to take will be tailored to guide you on your path of least resistance and to lead you in the kindest way to what you desire. Your guidance will have nothing to do with changing the other and everything to do with empowering yourself. Some of you are feeling new passions, new directions, new interests, or renewed interests. You feel your soul beckoning you forward with joy. Listen. Learn what you are interested in learning. Follow up on the ideas that feel good to you, even if they seem illogical. Spiritual logic involves doing what gives you true delight and expecting life to work as you continue to listen to your guidance dynamically. Some of you are finally admitting to yourself that you need rest. In your silence and downtime, you will reconnect with your heart and soul and find those new directions emerging naturally as you stop trying to force yourself through life. Be gentle with yourselves. As you move through this period of incredible expansion, sit, breathe, and receive our love. We never waver from love. We are aware of your circumstances and feelings but intentionally focus on the greater you, the greater life, and the life you wish to experience. An example might be helpful. Imagine you have a young child screaming and angry because they want a cookie. You know that a cookie on an empty stomach will give them a sugar high and then a low, and based on prior experience, they’ll become tired and cranky before dinner. You know that they want to feel good. They want nourishment for their body, love for their soul, and tastes to delight the senses. They want to feel energized and happy. That is their more profound truth, although right now, at this moment, they perceive all these wishes as a strong desire for the cookie!

If you give in to the screaming demands, you will teach them that they can manipulate life and others through lower-vibrational behaviors resulting from feeling powerless. This might work temporarily, but as you can imagine, such behaviors will not serve them as adults! You love them. You want more for them. You want them to know the universe wants to meet their needs and desires in a better way than the seeming superficial solution. You want them to feel empowered, loved, and satisfied. So you pick them up and hug them. You acknowledge that they want a cookie. You tell them you understand, and you have something even better. You tell them about the wonderful meal that you know they will love. You talk about making their favorite dessert! You let them know in every way possible that while you love them and understand their need for the cookie, you have all they want and more coming to them very soon. If they are willing, they will listen, anticipate the meal, and release you to cook it! If they insist on the very understandable childish demands that things go their way now – if they don’t believe you love them and want them to have an even better experience – they will delay their glorious dinner and delicious dessert! So too, your soul, your guardian angels, and the Divine hear your cries, but we also know the totality of all you desire. Sometimes we can give you the “cookie,” and it will satisfy all you want in that arena of life. Sometimes we see so much better. In all cases, we witness and have compassion for your feelings. We know where you are now. We hold our focus steadily on the future in which you will have all you want and experience levels of love beyond what you’d ask for. We look for openings to guide you on the path of your least resistance. Like a wise parent, we will comfort, love, and soothe you as much as you allow. By our very design, however, we cannot respond to lower vibrational demands when you are asking for a higher vibrational outcome. We hold the frequency of the outcome and guide you toward that.

We don’t dance in the density, dear ones. We invite you into your own light.

If you want to heal your body or emotions, we are here to help. Stop focusing on the pain or grief for just a few minutes each day. Sit, breathe, and receive our love while you dream of relief first and ultimately feeling wonderful. If you want abundance, stop the ongoing worry and focus on lack. Handle what you must now, then intentionally shift your focus towards something better. Count your blessings, and remind yourself of prior “miracles.” Let yourself sit in silence each day. Think about how abundance would feel and trust the ideas that will come quickly. Many tell us they can’t stop worrying, but we lovingly disagree. You stop worrying every time you watch a good movie. You stop worrying every time you have a fun conversation with a friend. You stop worrying when you kiss your dog. You stop worrying when you focus on your grocery list. Whenever you focus elsewhere on something better, you stop worrying. You simply have to make that choice…often over and over again. If you want more love, stop talking about how you were not loved, are not loved, and cannot find love. We understand you want human companionship and love. Of course! You are designed to connect and enjoy the radiant Divinity of one another shining upon you! You are designed to shine that light upon another. We want this for you if you want this for you. You were not designed, however, to expect another to make up for what you perceive is lacking in yourself. Another person is not responsible for making you feel safe, beautiful, and good, alleviating your fears, or ridding you of loneliness or boredom. Dear ones, would you want someone else to ask this of you? If you wish to love, then focus on love – loving life, receiving the love of the grass under your feet and the warmth of the sunshine. Receive the love anywhere and everywhere that it is given freely. Give the love where you authentically can. In that stream, you cannot help but rendevous with more and more love! A person in love with life is loved by lovely others who are too. We desire that you have all that you want for yourself and more. We will not waver from that frequency of love you wish to experience. We will not sway from our understanding of the love beneath all things. We serve you best by holding the highest vision for your life and guiding it to you as best we can and as much as you will allow.

Your world is in a considerable state of transition now. It looks chaotic, and from the human perspective, it is. But whether your world is rearranging, you’re cleaning your closets, emptying your pockets, or dumping out the contents of your purse, it is a fact that chaos often precedes greater order. Things are not as they seem. The world of energy is loving and impartial. It responds to your every loving vibration with as much as you will allow into your life. As you become more authentic with yourselves and life, you allow more love to flow. As you accept where you are, you allow more love to flow. As you dream of more loving realities, you allow love to flow. As you allow others to experience according to their choices, you allow love to flow. This can only elevate your experience of life, the experience of those who wish to benefit from it, and the experience of love upon your earth. It really is quite simple. You are encouraged to seek soothing and good-feeling thoughts and activities, even if that means ignoring destructive behaviors, turning away from doomsayers, and flowing love to those who insist on being negative. Even if you must be in uncomfortable situations and around unpleasant people, you can focus on the flow of love to you and outward through you, silently observing the conditions and beahviors while flowing love. As you do this, you begin to witness life through the eyes of your soul. You start to live in love and be open to love and release more love into your own life and world. Things are not as they seem. Only love is beneath things, in the core of all hearts, and in all situations. You allow or resist it, but it lives, breathes, and flows unceasingly whether you experience it or not. You can experience it whenever you look within, look to the unseen, or even look around you and notice the good. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels

The Doorway to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


The Doorway to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are seekers, adventurers, and explorers, and that is one of the ways in which we align with all of you there on Earth. You have come to planet Earth because you wanted to taste a bit of all parts of the galaxy in one place, and it is because you have an affinity for all the various parts of the galaxy that Earth was the obvious choice for you. There are, of course, many reasons why you chose to incarnate there, and this is just one, but you are travelers, explorers, and adventurers and all that you have been and every place you have ever been to is serving you right now.

You are drawing from all of those experiences, all of those selves, all of those places, and you are co-creating an experience of harmony and peace on Earth, but of course you are doing it by experiencing the opposite of those things first. Everything that has ever been there on Earth has been for the purpose of experience, and not all experiences have been positive to say the least. But all of those possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience. What you are meant to do in your lifetimes is to gradually come to peace with the way everything is there on Earth. You are supposed to accept everything as it is and change you.

You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement. But the path to getting to that Earth is through this one that you are currently experiencing, where there is hate, violence, war, bigotry, discrimination, and so on and so on. You make a difference there on Earth by changing yourself, and it really is that simple. You are the changemakers, but you are the change you are making. You are the wayshowers, and you will show others the way to the new Earth is through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.

Now, does that mean there is nothing for you to do in order to make a difference there on Earth? Absolutely not. There is plenty for you to do. You can spread this level of consciousness around. You can help others to come to that place of spiritual mastery where they understand that everything is to be accepted and nothing is to be resisted, that everything was created on purpose and serves a greater purpose. And in the process of experiencing the Earth and the Earth experience as they are, you are at the same time co-creating the new Earth.

You are deciding what would be better without resisting what is now the way it is. It is a tricky assignment for sure and difficult for most people to understand, but it is your mission to become your higher self, the self that sees all, knows all, accepts and loves all, and you are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender. You will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all, and you will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Benefit From Mercury Retrograde

Benefit From Mercury Retrograde Tools For Transformation Hello friends, Today I’d like to share some tools for making the most of Mercury Retrograde starting today. Continue reading to be inspired about what you can do with the next 23 days until Mercury goes direct September 15. Tap The Blessings of Mercury Retrograde While Mercury retrograde can impact communications and delay projects, the silver linings of this particular retrograde are huge! Why? Decisions and key steps you are about to take benefit from taking a step back for more evaluation. Right about now, you may say to yourself: “I know what I know.” Use this evaluation time to discover what you don’t know – that can radically change your mind and your outcomes. 3 Examples


You are human, with your unique views about what’s ideal and how you go about creating ideal outcomes. There can be wildcards in life – happenstance that when it shows up you are unprepared to navigate. Your human ego-self has fear-based agendas, and can push you to choose prematurely or even make a less-than-ideal choice. When you take a step back and are open to more insights from your inner wisdom, you may choose differently.


When Mercury retrograde stalls a project, do your best to apply patience. You benefit from meditation and applying the energy of letting go. This is part of your role as a Divine Changemaker – learning to own your power to create and trusting that you are being guided to the right thing at the right time. This is divine orchestration at work! (3) Go deep within yourself and invite a knowing of your assumptions. All of us make assumptions – from very basic notions about what we think will happen. In reality, nothing in life is guaranteed! Certainly, how things in our lives show up can be radically different from day to day. We are constantly-evolving beings! Knowing this, tune into one assumption you have, inviting a knowing of how and IF it applies to your life. Your Silver Linings As you work with the tools I’ve provided here, you can create a new start at the Virgo New Moon on September 14-15. When your new start is grounded and practical, your opportunities can manifest more easily. Let me know how it goes! Coming September 24 – Dancing In The Fire Of Change I’m now preparing for this year’s Divine Changemakers course – Dancing In The Fire Of Change! I will help you redefine who you ARE on a soul/cosmic level, and learn to own your infinite power. Importantly, I will give you tools to create joy and celebratory vibes in your energy field, lifting you up when the fire of change gets too hot. We will cover astrology in a way that’s practical and life-changing. More info and registration link below. Our Next Global Meditation on Equinox I’m excited about our September 23 Equinox Gateway meditation described more below. Join us by registering now! For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. If you participate in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course, I suggest working this month with our tools (e.g. “Inner Planes” and “Field of Possibilities”). Not yet in our “ReAnchor” course? Join anytime HERE. Feel free to contact me for more information on my new 2023 Divine Changemakers course, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

2023 & Beyond: The Galactic Age of Humanity  ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


2023 & Beyond: The Galactic Age of Humanity  ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sensitive to energy, as most of you are who receive these transmissions on a regular basis. We know when something feels right to us and when something feels off. And sometimes there are very well-meaning beings and collectives who have approaches to humanity that feel off to us, and we make every effort to connect with them in the same way that we are connecting to all of you to them that their approach seems flawed to us. Now, those of you who are aware of extra-terrestrial involvement in the evolution of your consciousness must recognize that sometimes you have been helped and sometimes you have hindered, and sometimes it has been by well-meaning e.t.s and other times it has been by e.t.s who had their own agenda that was more self-serving.

All of it has played out to give you the experiences you wanted to have as souls anyway. So what we are saying to you is that you do not have to worry about what negatively-oriented e.t.s might do if they were to have access to all of you. Everything serves you, and everything is serving your spiritual evolution. Now, does that always coincide with you getting what want from the level of your ego? No. But that’s okay, because when you don’t get what you want, you get creative. You are at your most creative when you don’t have everything that you need.

We are telling you this because we are on the precipice of the galactic age for humanity, and we don’t want people to continue to worry and even fear that there are negatively-oriented e.t.s coming. Sometimes, there is only so much that we can do to convince you that everything is going according to plan and that all will be well. Sometimes, we cannot change your minds no matter what we say because you have chosen to go down a path of negativity, pessimism, and looking for the lack in every situation. As we said earlier, even negatively-oriented e.t.s have helped you in spite of their agenda.

But, as we tell you that, we know that the wheels start spinning in some of you, and you think that we are warning you that negatively-oriented e.t.s are coming, and don’t worry about it, because it will all be okay in the end. That is not what we are saying. We just want you to relax, and we are looking for ways to relax those of you who are still worried and fearful about what is inevitable. You are going to be connecting with your e.t. friends fully and openly in the not-too-distant future, and it will go a lot better for those of you who are embracing it, who know that you are getting that contact because you’ve reached a level of consciousness, not because the Galactic Federation of Whatever has let down their guard.

You don’t have to worry about fighting amongst e.t.s or protection from e.t.s failing. Everything is going to be all right, and you will have the contact experiences that you are ready for when you are ready for them. And as you enter into the Galactic Age of Humanity, remember that you are creating all of this and that the inclusion of more beings to play with is part of your creation. They are not coming to enslave you or save you. They are coming because life gets more interesting when they are involved in a way that everyone can experience them.

You are inching closer and closer to full and open e.t. contact all the time, and as you look to your skies for ships, also look within your hearts for what you know is there. All vibration, all consciousness, all creativity, and all of everything you could ever want is inside of you as well. So also, do not forget that when things out there in the physical realm start to get way more interesting. You will still have so much more inside of you, and focusing there will always serve you, no matter what age you are currently in. From where you are right now, take a deep breath, relax, and open yourself up to the realm of infinite possibilities for 2023 and beyond.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mike Quinsey

6th January 2023.
I hope you all enjoyed a restful pleasant break and like many people look forward to a more peaceful and fulfilling New Year. The threat of expansion to the Ukraine War hangs over us, but greater powers than ours also try to direct it in such a way that a resolution will soon be found. It should put an end to the war altogether so that permanent peace can settle upon Earth. From my understanding it is apparent that we have moved onto a new time line that has a more settled outcome and a peaceful conclusion. By concentrating on it you will help it to manifest and lessen any possibility of the war escalating and causing a worse scenario.
Baba Yanga a Bulgarian who died on the 11th August 1996 aged 84 years old, was a blind Mystic and Clairvoyant who had an amazing record for the accuracy of her prophesies that were proved 85% correct. At times like this people look for some reliable indication as to what the future holds, and many quote from her prophesies that cover the immediate future. She claimed to contact the “dead” and spoke of the coming of 1000 years of peace as have many before her. She also foresaw official contact by ET’s after a period of 200 years.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Mike Quinsey.
6th January 2023. Mike Quinsey.
We are pleased to see the world at large celebrating the New Year with hopes and wishes for a peaceful outcome after experiencing a return to the bad old days of warlike actions that threaten world peace. It is a difficult time for you in not knowing what the outcome is likely to be, so far the major powers are sabre rattling but holding back from initiating an escalation that could lead to a world war. We for our part go as far as we are allowed to without direct interference, hoping our influence will enable a peaceful solution to be found. The higher energies of your prayers and wishes for peace in your New Year celebrations has helped to commence the year with hope and love for your future and all Humanity.
Try to keep calm when all around you are getting embroiled in the battle for peace. Be assured that even when a small number of you gather together to send out positive energies of love you have a great effect far beyond what you can imagine. On a higher level you are winning the conflict and so it will permeate down as it overcomes negativity bit by bit. Every little effort you make helps to eventually achieve the peace and harmony that you seek. Conditions upon Earth seem far removed from the future you seek but be assured that it may be hard going, but in the end you will be victorious as it is your destiny, and each incarnation will endeavour to expand your level of true knowledge.
Understand that the Law of Attraction has no way of discerning whether energies are positive or negative and simply responds to your thoughts and prayers. It is therefore very important that you give your energy through the love of Mankind and not for negative reasons. It is possible to discuss such matters without energising negative aspects that happen when people start getting annoyed and angry. The dark Ones feed off negative energies which is why they encourage wars. Fortunately there is an energy for change amongst the people who have tired of continual conflicts and disregard for their well-being, and they are beginning to demand a change in leadership that will focus upon peace. Unfortunately, the despots and others that favour warlike actions are loathe to relinquish their power but will eventually be forced out by the people.
Your general experiences show how difficult it is to run a country when politics are dominant and controlling according to the doctrine of each party. Even when a Leader is elected who has total control, there is no guarantee of fair and honest policies that are not biased in one way or another. Money appears to be the dominant factor and can “buy” favours that may not otherwise be given. You have much to sort out if you are to reach a level where honesty and fair dealings are the normal way. It is all facing you and begs the question, what are you going to do about it to create a fairer society. The World is crying out for real leadership that recognises the true needs of the people it was appointed to represent.
There are many decent people amongst you who understand what is needed by you to establish a fairer world. However, because many prefer “service to self” they are not favoured when it comes to being appointed to represent their country. Given time it will have to change but first you have to sort out the troubles so that there is a clear pathway that offers a solution that helps all people and not the favoured few. You now have more multi-millionaires that you have ever had who will no doubt claim it has come from their own hard work, that is fine but is it helping the world as a whole, as money should work for the betterment of the people. Obviously some Millionaires do make their wealth work for the people yet much more needs to be done if Man is to rise up again in a fairer society.
We offer our observations hoping they may inspire people to participate more in supplying the needs of the people. After all they are the backbone of society and have a lot to offer by way of experience. How you solve your problems is a learning curve for you as it would not be as beneficial if we did most things for you. Indeed it is quite the opposite as we give every encouragement for you to find your own solutions. In your quiet moments we can come to you and often do so that we can pass on thoughts and ideas that may help you make wise decisions. Some of you who are more sensitive often feel us around you and that is not your imagination. More direct contact takes place when you are out of the body as in your sleep state but few remember it. However, you will nevertheless have possibly received help from that contact to overcome some problem, or sought some general help or advice.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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Attention Lightworkers, Wanderers & Wayshowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Attention Lightworkers, Wanderers & Wayshowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to have you all on this journey with us, because you give us our purpose. You help us fulfill our mission, and because of course we love you. We know that some of you can feel the love that is coming through the channel as he co-creates these transmissions with us, but we also know it is nice to hear it every once in a while. You are living at a time in human history where there are so many ways to communicate and to express yourselves, and you do not need to wait around for someone to give you your own television show or to publish your book in order to have an audience.

You can let yourselves determine your level of readiness for putting yourselves out there to the world, and you can decide which modality you are ready for and which ones you need a bit more time to warm up to. But you can express yourselves and have your perspective out there in the world today for everyone who is in alignment with it to experience, and that is empowerment. You have empowered yourselves enough to give yourselves all of these modalities, all of these ways to share your perspectives with the rest of humanity, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, and you get to choose how you do it and when you do it.

Again, you’ve empowered yourselves. You don’t have a publisher telling you that you must turn in your manuscript by a certain date if you are self publishing. You don’t have an executive producer or a network telling you that you have to make your show by a certain deadline so that it can air by a certain time. You get to decide that, and you get to publish the version of your video that you like the best, and that too is empowerment. And so, you have been empowering yourselves in a variety of ways, and you have been giving yourselves more choices because you have raised your level of consciousness to this point where those choices do now exist.

It is important for you to acknowledge this, because one of the ways in which you have been stifled most often in your life experience is in your self expression. You were told to be quiet when you went to services for your religion. You were told to sit still and be quiet at school. You are not encouraged in many occupations to tell the higher ups what you think or how you believe the direction of the company should be headed. But now here you are with all of this freedom and all of these choices, and many of you still feel stifled in your self expression, but it is good for you to recognize that so you know now what your next challenge is.

Your next challenge is to overcome that so that you can share more of yourself with the world. Many of you have something to say, something that will help others when they hear it or read it, and you know that about yourselves. You also know the power of being in the flow of energy, and you are in the flow when you are in that self-expression mode. We get to know so many of you when you come to visit us in the astral plane, and we see the beauty of what it is that you have to share, and we want you to know that your fellow humans will feel that way as well. Of course, not all of them will, but enough of them will to encourage you to continue to express yourselves in whatever ways you choose to at this time. Empower yourselves by allowing yourselves to be heard, to be seen, to be experienced by others, and notice how your lives take off exponentially when you do.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the bringers of a multitude of different energies to Earth and humanity, and we see how these energies affect all of you, including plant, animal, and mineral life. We notice what those kingdoms can handle first, as they are the building blocks for human life, and we want you to see them as such also. We encourage you to do this because when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the animal kingdom, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you. You are connecting to energies that are responsible for life on Earth, and as you show them gratitude, you grow spiritually. You also get to connect to those energies that we have infused into these life forms.

You get to benefit from the anchoring that they do when you are unavailable to be the anchors. And as we have said, there are also just times when we need to test what we are delivering to see how it can be assimilated there in the environment of the fourth-dimensional Earth. We want you to recognize your connection to all things, because that will be a stepping stone to you recognizing your connection to all humans and then all beings throughout this beautiful universe of ours.

We know that compassion is the key there on Earth, and if you can realize that there is no real separation between you and anyone or anything, you can take humanity to the next level of consciousness, and with the help of beings and collectives from other star systems and dimensions, your success is guaranteed. One thing we do encourage you to also employ there on planet Earth is tending to your own gardens.

As soon as you see someone outside of you as a threat, as soon as you give in to the idea that you are a victim, you immediately go on the defensive. And when you are on the defensive, you are not connected to all beings, to all life forms. You more further and further from Source when you do this, because Source never separates. Source always integrates, always seeks to bring home all of creation.

And so, when you feel triggered by what someone else is doing or saying, or by what you think someone or some group is doing, you must look at yourself for the reason behind what you are feeling, and you must feel that feeling. You are not there to put a stop to anything that is happening outside of you. You are there to live in peace and harmony inside of your own bodies and your own psyches. You are there to balance your own energies and your own emotions, and you can’t do that when you are fighting against enemies, foreign and domestic. It doesn’t work that way. It hasn’t worked for anyone, for any society in the history of the universe.

You are there to unite and to unite with love, and you can start by uniting with the love that is all around you, that we have hidden quite literally under every rock, every pebble, every grain of sand, every clump of dirt. We encourage you to do this often, but we will repeat ourselves yet again. Shut off your devices and get outside; connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Connect with your animal friends and go within to seek what you want to experience outside of you, because the outside world will always reflect your inner realm, and because ultimately it is all you ever have control of there in your lives.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What Buddha Would Tell Us Today

What Buddha Would Tell Us Today Tap New Moon Potency Hello friends, Today I’d like to describe the significance of Wesak and its relevance in these pivotal times. I will give you modern-day context for this ancient celebration of enlightened beings such as Buddha. Why Do We Care? Why do we care today about buddhas, also known as enlightened beings, who walked the Earth long ago? To be sure, their experience arose out of a totally different kind of world. Many of them spent time in monasteries and most had much simpler lives than we have. The key to understanding the relevance and wisdom of these ancient ones lies in simplicity. They understood core truths that apply to all beings living throughout the ages through the present day. What Buddha Would Tell Us Today If Buddha were here today, he would remind us of simple truths to live by. Examples:
  • The only time you have is now – the present moment. Make the most of it.
  • Dwelling on the past is useless.
  • Dreaming about the future is unproductive as it takes you out of the present.
  • Each moment is brand-new, despite how it appears.
  • You are constantly having an experience, in the moment. The experience is not YOU, your essence or soul that is eternal.
  • All conditions and experiences are impermanent.
  • The 3 things that will matter at the end of your life include how much you loved, the gentleness and kindness you expressed, and how easily you let go of hurts and things not meant for you.
These concepts are so simple in theory. In practice, your ego-self will not entertain these ideas! That’s why learning to track your ego is vital to your spiritual growth. You can’t fire your ego, or stop its ruminating, but with practice you can learn to track its voice and temporarily put it in the back seat. This can sometimes feel like a full time job, I say, laughing to myself. Tap New Moon Potency At Friday’s Taurus New Moon, use your intuition to take steps that influence your future. Remember: you are at the helm of your own life experience. About Our Wesak Meditation This year’s Wesak Meditation to the Wesak Valley is this Saturday May 20! You won’t want to miss this unique and auspicious experience. You can attend live or benefit fully by listening to the recording later. I would be thrilled to have you and your friends join us this year! More description is below. Already know you want to join: register now!   Follow-Up If you aren’t already participating in my monthly meditations and Divine Changemakers courses, consider joining me for guided support. For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. In astrology sessions, you will receive context for life situations involving other people, your work, and your spiritual path. Your birth chart will reveal past life situations, specific purposes for your soul to evolve, and what you have been born to learn and bring to the world. Annual solar returns and transit sessionswill reveal current potentials and a way to make the most of your opportunities. Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, 1-on-1 session, or process has been helpful. Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always seeking more humans who will resonate with us, but we don’t seek out humans for our benefit or our curiosity. We seek you out because you need to have an understanding of how connected we all are in this galaxy and in this universe, and we can do that for you all. We have the capability to help you access that which is buried deep inside of you, and we do this with all of you who are open to us. We can see how our energy, our consciousness, our vibration has impacted the collective consciousness there on Earth, and we can also see an opportunity for great changes to come there on Earth simply because human beings were willing to open themselves up to us.

We don’t care if you believe anything that we say through the channel here, because all of that just gives your mind something to do so that we can be more effective as transmitters of energy, so that we can be more effective as the ones who deliver the galactic light codes to you, the ones who activate your DNA. There is so much more happening during one of these transmissions than you could possibly imagine, and again, we see the impact. We feel it; we know it. And in this case, more is better.

We seek to connect to all humans who are willing to explore the possibility that consciousness exists outside of humanity, outside of your dimension, your solar system. This is a time of expansion for Earthlings. It is a time to let go of the idea that you have it all figured out, that you know what’s going to happen or what needs to happen in order for humanity to ascend. This is a time for you to let go and trust that you’re going to receive exactly what you need to when you need to, so long as you take the time to relax and open up to what is always around you and always coming to you.

We are your past and your future. We are your colleagues and your teachers, and we are here to unlock human potential. That is why it is so important that we reach as many of you as we possibly can. The more of you with your potential unlocked, the easier it will be for humanity to ascend and ascend with grace, with joy, with excitement, and with love. We know that if you are receiving this message, you probably already know what we have just given you, but it always helps to have it repeated. And this message will also help all of you to know that we are going to reach more humans. It is inevitable, especially as more and more people open themselves up to the idea of extra-terrestrial life and e.t. consciousness.

We invite you to be with us and share in our intention for more humans to know their galactic origins, their galactic roots and the potential that lies deep inside each and every one of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Un-Complicate Your Life with These Steps ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Un-Complicate Your Life with These Steps ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are being as concise as we can possibly be with all of you. We are at times simplifying things to make them clearer to you, but of course we acknowledge that you live in a complex world and that you have complex lives. We know that even though you have the knowledge that you have, the application of that knowledge can be tricky to say the least. It is important sometimes for you to walk away from the complexity of a situation. We are not saying that you need to walk away permanently, but we are saying that when you feel overwhelmed, when you feel that something has become too complicated for you, that is a time for you to set it aside. Let it go. Focus on something else. Go do something else.

Sometimes problems take care of themselves, and this much we know is true from observing all of you. Sometimes you get the solutions to those problems when you are doing something fun, when you have let go to such an extent that you are able to let in that brilliant idea. When you are in the middle of a conversation, an argument you might call it, where you don’t seem to be getting anywhere, that is another time that we recommend that you set aside that argument. Don’t believe for a second that if you keep arguing, things will get better, the other person will eventually get your point, or you will somehow win the argument.

Instead, leave it be and let it go, and get outside, and breathe some fresh air, and go for a walk. When life gets complicated, you need to un-complicate it. You need to go back to the basics. Remember who you are: Source Energy. Remember that you create all of this. Remember that you create it so that you will grow and expand spiritually, and therefore it all serves you. Do some deep breathing, and go connect with nature or an animal. Sometimes you just have to unburden yourselves because you have encountered something that is too complex, too complicated for your mind to be able to figure out on your own.

That’s when you need to surrender. That’s when you need to ask for help, and that’s when you need to do the thing that you know relaxes you the most. It is so much easier to access a positive thought when you are already in a positive vibration. And it is so much easier for you to access a negative thought when you are already in a lower-vibrational emotion. Therefore, do not expect yourself to be able to come up with the most brilliant thought, the most brilliant solution, when you are in the midst of feeling really bad. It is good for you to acknowledge this. It is good for you to acknowledge that you are not always at your best, and when you are not at your best, that is not the time to be making decisions about your life.

Feel good first, and then re-examine the situation, and see if there is a better way of looking at it, a new perspective that comes to you from that higher-vibrational place. You are all making so much progress, and that is why you present yourselves with the bigger challenges that you do. And those bigger challenges sometimes require you to surrender. Let them go, and find a way to calm yourselves down, to get into a place of peace, a place of calm, a place where that which is going to serve you can come to you effortlessly. And when you demonstrate to yourself that this is in fact true, you will be walking away from those complicated situations more often and playing more, and you will be enjoying your lives, which is so important for all of you who have agreed to be there, holding a higher vibration for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”