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Messages of Light 20120818 ~ Who is God, The Creator, Creators of Man, Annunaki, 2012 | Spirit Train ​Chronicles​

Who is God, The Creator, Creators of Man, Annunaki, 2012

Channeling, Progress, The Seven

Someone asked us, “Who is God?”

This depends on how you define the term “God”. Let us assume that by God, you mean Prime Creator, Source, or the consciousness that exist within all things, as all things. God is, All That Is. I am God. You are God. He is God. She is God. We are God, and they are God. From our perspective there is only God. God, existing as the All, is the only being in incarnation expressing itself as many. Each being, each and every individual soul is an extension or aspect of source, existing as a “copy” or perfect replica of source. Each soul being a part of the whole embodies within it the entire consciousness that exist within all things, and all souls. While consciousness makes up all things, each soul is an individual expression of the infinite God consciousness. God is consciousness. Consciousness takes on All forms and exist within All things. God is Source and that source resides in All things, as Source. God cannot be added to, subtracted from, nor duplicated outside of itself because there is no outside of God. All exist within God as God experiencing it own infinite self in infinite ways to discover if it really exists. God is All there is. God is what you may perceive as a who, a what, and neither.

“Who is my Creator?”

There are many different answers to this question. Speaking from soul level, it is correct to say that you, being an extension of source, were created by source. But even that concept is distorted. You see, from our perspective there is no beginning and no end. Although there is indeed creation, nothing or no soul was ever created; for there is no beginning within infinity. Each individual soul from the highest perspective of individuality is a pure manifestation, or individualization of the infinite source expressing itself as a whole, yet infinite, individual aspect of the source. From our perspective, you as a soul were never created. Instead you are in an infinite state of creation expressing your infinite creativity as a creator God. From the 3rd Density perspective, you exist in your physical body as a portion of your higher or multidimensional self. Yet you contain within you the entire portion of those multidimensional you’s, or higher self. The multidimensional you’s that we speak of can be referred to as your past, and future incarnations. Your higher self is the multidimensional aspect of you that exist within multiple densities simultaneously. Remember, a density is a level of reality. A dimension is a place within a density. However, the terms density and dimension are used interchangeably by many. As it is correct to say that you were created by God, it is also correct to say that you were created by yourself; for it is the future, or higher density aspect of you that created, or expresses as you. Speaking from the 3rd Density level, that which you know as Earth Human DNA, and the physicality of Earth Humans in general were created by various Annunaki extraterrestrial beings using a unique mixture of genetic material, or DNA from 23 different extraterrestrial races. This has been an ongoing experiment that has reached its completion. The versions of your physical bodies that you currently reside in took 49,000 years to perfect. This is spoken of metaphorically in your scriptures. As a result of the mixing of various extraterrestrial DNA to form your current perfected version of Earth Human, you have the potential to do things within your physicality that all other races in this galaxy cannot do within their physicality. This is why we say that your physicality is greatly coveted by the star nations, and even by those less physical than you. And this is one of the many reasons that you have been tamed, suppressed, and manipulated into maintaining an unawakened, unaware state. Negative forces wanted and have succeeded in keeping you tamed so that you do not become more “powerful” than them. However, the reason for your taming has a dual aspect. Long ago, your creators along with the Galactic Federation, or galactic council has formed an agreement together in which you as the human species would be placed under quarantine so that you may progress on your own. You were originally to be, “wiped out”, or discontinued as declared by the galactic council; hence the reason for the severely distorted, however relevant story of Noah’s Ark. The reason for this is that your creators created you against the will of the galactic council, those who decide of what can and can’t be created in this galaxy. After your awakening, after your ascension process, through your unique and “special” DNA, you will be the most “powerful” species or race within this galaxy. Our physical aspect lacks the terminology to accurately explain some of what we speak of. Understand that we say, “most powerful”, for lack of a better term.

“Are both, God and my creator two different beings?”

Yes, and no, but ultimately no. Each and every individual soul is an extension, or holographic replica of source, yet exists as its own unique individual self. However, from the highest perspective, you, what you call “God”, and your creator is one in the same.

“In which dimension or planet do they reside?”

Consciousness resides in all dimensions, all densities, all planets, all stars, all realms, all space, all time, and all realities simultaneously within one moment. Consciousness encompasses all. Therefore, the creator is everywhere, as everything is a part of infinite creation. The creator and the creation is one in the same, and the creator lives within its creations, as its creations…and its creations within its creations.

“There are so many gods in India. Like Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Krishna, and Ram. Are they real gods or are they beings who woke up early?”

The beings you speak of vary in explanation. These beings were in a high state of consciousness before they incarnated. It is impossible to wake up early, simply because it is impossible to wake up late. Waking of happens in the now moment. These beings are simply examples of what the majority of humanity can be, through lightening up. Is that not how you reach enlightenment?

“Who is the Creator of the whole cosmos?”

There are many different answers to this question. Source or God is the creator of the whole cosmos. This is correct. However, it is also correct to say that each and every individual soul and various collective entities existing as extensions of source throughout multiple dimensions and densities of the whole cosmos, hyperspace, the universes, or the Omniverse are the creators of the whole cosmos. Nothing is ever created. Instead all is in a constant state of creation. It is correct to say that the creations and the whole cosmos created themselves, for they are intelligent, and consciousness encompasses and resides within them. The creator and the creation is one in the same; two sides of the same coin.

“What one can do to make sure he or she is ascending with mother Earth into 5th dimension? Are there any practices I could do in the next 5 months until December 21st?”

Follow your intuition, your inner voice, your higher self, and your guides of higher light. Be in a state of Joy. That will go a long way for you. Meditation, Healthy Eating, working with and understanding prana, working with and understanding magick through the study of energy, and the elements will assist you greatly. You must cultivate within you and express a holistic lifestyle combined with increasing your ability to harness the energies around you. Be conscious. Start with your Health, for your Health is your wealth. This is the basics. Conscious, Light filled foods make you conscious and Light filled. You know what you must do.

“It seems as if people who have decided (before birth) that they want to remain in 3D, came here for ‘nothing’. What did they come to do if not develop their own light to eventually ascend?”

From the highest reality, each and every individual soul is ascended. All, is already ascended. However, from the 3rd Density perspective there are many reasons for why souls have decided not to ascend past 3rd Density, but ultimately, the people who have decided before birth that they want to remain in 3rd Density came here to develop their own light to eventually ascend.

“Does this mean that by Dec 21st we will find ‘unexplained’ corpses everywhere?”

No. There will be many perceived scenarios on this day according to the consciousness level or Light quotient of the one perceiving. Physical death in mass for those who are not ascending will not happen until the 4th Density energies on your planet become more intense and concentrated. This extremely relative process begins on December 21st of this year and shall escalate in increments; however, all those not to ascend will still exist among you in a reality parallel to yours, relative to yours. However you will perceive the spitting of these realities as them, “dying”, or you fading from their reality as you begin to merge your matter form, with your anti-matter form.

We are the Collective Consciousness of Seven


Awakening News 20120712 Syrian ambassador to Iraq defects to opposition


Posted by Steve Beckow

BBC News, July 12, 2012

Nawaf Fares announces that he is siding with the revolution in Syria

Syria’s ambassador to Iraq has defected to the opposition and urged other senior Syrian politicians and members of the military to do the same.

Nawaf Fares is the first senior Syrian diplomat to abandon the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

The move comes just a week after a Syrian general from a powerful family close to President Assad also defected.

Meanwhile Western nations are urging the UN to threaten tough sanctions against Syria.

They want a 10-day sanctions ultimatum to be part of a Security Council resolution on the future of the UN’s observer mission in the country. A new resolution must be passed before the mission’s mandate ends on Friday next week.

Mr Fares confirmed his defection in a statement broadcast on Facebook and al-Jazeera TV.

With Syrian revolutionary flags behind him, he read out the statement saying he was resigning both as Syria’s ambassador to Iraq and as a member of the ruling Baath Party.


image of Barbara Plett  Barbara Plett BBC UN correspondent

The need to decide the fate of the UN’s observer mission in Syria has exposed the fundamental divisions beneath the Security Council’s paper-thin unity over the Annan peace plan.

It looks as though we are in for a week of brinkmanship, because Russia and China desperately want to keep the mission – the only concrete expression of the plan – and Western nations desperately want some reference to sanctions in the resolution that would renew it.

The Americans have said without pressure a renewal would be meaningless, given the continued violence that cripples the mission.

The Russians have rejected such “coercive” pressure, but especially if it is only against one side of the conflict, stressing that supporters of the opposition should be pushing it towards peace talks.

It is a question of who blinks first. But if the Russians again use their veto, that would shatter any semblance of the unity Kofi Annan has said is so crucial to the success of his plan.

“I call on all party members to do the same because the regime has transformed it into a tool to oppress the people and their aspirations to freedom and dignity.

“I announce, from this moment on, that I am siding with the people’s revolution in Syria, my natural place in these difficult circumstances which Syria is going through.”

Tribal chief

Mr Fares was appointed ambassador to Baghdad in 2008.

The BBC’s Jim Muir in neighbouring Lebanon says his is a highly damaging defection for President Assad.

Mr Fares, significantly, is also chief of a Sunni tribe, the Uqaydat, which straddles Syria’s eastern border with Iraq, our correspondent adds.

That area, around the city of Deir al-Zour, has become a hotbed of support for the rebels and has been heavily bombarded in recent weeks.

Syria has been convulsed by internal conflict since protests against President Assad began early last year. The protests turned into an armed rebellion and thousands of people have been killed.

Last week, senior army officer Brig Gen Manaf Tlas fled Syria via Turkey.

He was a commander of a unit of the elite Republican Guard and as a young man he attended military training with President Assad.

Gen Tlas had been under a form of home arrest since May 2011 because he opposed security measures imposed by the regime, sources said.

‘Clear consequences’

Meanwhile diplomatic efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis are continuing, with Western nations pressing the UN to threaten Damascus with sanctions.

The UN is currently debating the mandate for its observer mission in Syria which expires on 20 July. The mission had a 90-day remit to monitor a truce, but fighting has continued largely unabated.

The truce formed part of a six-point peace plan brokered by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

In a closed-door briefing, Mr Annan called on the Security Council to send a message to the Syrian government and the rebels that there would be “clear consequences” for failing to abide by the ceasefire.

Syria conflict

Russia has suggested a 90-day extension.

But Western states say a simple rollover of the mission is not enough. A draft resolution has been circulated threatening Damascus with sanctions within 10 days, if it fails to stop using heavy weapons and pull back its troops from towns and cities.

Free Syrian Army members at Sarmada near Idlib province
 The rebel Free Syrian Army has become increasingly better organised and equipped

The UK’s envoy to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, told reporters that Britain, France, the US and Germany would propose making compliance with the ceasefire mandatory under Chapter 7 of the UN charter.

Last week, more than 100 countries meeting in Paris called on the Security Council to invokeArticle 41 of the charter, which would allow economic, diplomatic, and travel sanctions but stops short of military intervention.

“Our view is that this council needs to put that kind of plan under Chapter 7, make it clear that it is binding,” US envoy Susan Rice said on Wednesday.

The BBC’s Barbara Plett at the UN says Moscow has already rejected such measures as “unhelpful”, suggesting tense negotiations in the coming days. Russian deputy envoy Alexander Pankin said use of Chapter 7 was a “last resort”.

China, which like Russia has vetoed the two previous attempts to impose tougher measures, said it would support a rollover of the mission.




Please apply your discernment (

As I was in the process of finishing off this article which is a combination of information from the Cobra conference in LA plus details from different blogs posted on Portal 2012 since the blog site was started by Cobra on the 31st March 2012, I came across the following 30 sentences or so which was the end of a longer blog on the 6th April 2012. I felt it was the best way to start off this hopefully very all-round picture of the coming ‘Event’.

“No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the ‘Event’ is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an Event of Cosmic Importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.

Just before ‘The Event’, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start.

After the operation is successfully completed, there might be people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting their own governments, confiscating funds… Because the Cabal will be taken care of, this does not mean that human greed and lust for power will be exterminated. They are simply part of the character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human population. Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.

Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity. At a certain point, most likely not long before the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make themselves public.

They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given to humanity along with other prosperity packages. They are in possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of extraterrestrial origin. They will provide some background assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal. After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that are even more advanced”.


‘The Event’ is not 3D Earth Revolution-It is Divine Intervention for Overnight Change to truly begin the Golden Age of Gaia.


The details that Cobra has given us here at the top of this page are an exact description of the Order of Things when the Event happens.

This will not be a 3D Earth type Revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. For this reason and this reason only- that there be a peaceful transition from The old 3D reality to a New World overnight – that demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon.

It is time now for everyone on this planet to understand that this future Golden Age coming into being is NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed.

Like Archangel Michael said on ‘An Hour with an Angel’ on the 22nd January 2013. “This is the beginning of a new chapter, but it is not a day of revolution.” We must now stop all the speculating regarding the figures in positions of power here on our planet right now and as to whether or not they might do this or that. It does not matter what they might try to do or not do, for this is in the hands of very capable Spiritual Beings, part of the Oneness like the rest of us. AAM said, You are talking about the old paradigm


of revolution, of the potential for bloody upheaval for armed massacre. That is not the way of the 5th Dimension, and it is certainly not the way of the 7th Dimension.”  He went on to say “Are there plans to correct some of the political, economic, and social injustices, inequities? YES.” “The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go – that you are doing – and have done – and have been doing – of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race. So all of these tendencies…and I have to say the letting go of war – and that is war within, it is war between individuals, and it is war within communities and nations-that is critical.” Archangel Michael then asked us to use our swords another way. “Long ago, I gave you my sword and shield, and you have used these in a multitude of ways. But it is also useful to simply use it to disconnect, to cut cords to old beliefs, to old pains, old hurts, and old injuries. And I Am pleased during this time together, this night and every night, to assist you in this undertaking.”

So to sum up at this point, I just need you who might read this, to understand perfectly, that this coming ‘Event’ will NOT be a bloody revolution but it will be – on the day that the Source decides- a 24 hour day, in which the entire world are informed as to there now being, Peace on Earth, and a return to Paradise on Earth, and then we will all need, all the help we can get, from all the marvellous people worldwide, working in every area under the sun to use their unique talents to give to the whole, to truly create Nova Earth-together.

So right now we should all be preparing everyone we know, for the day their talents are going to be used for something else other than trying to make ends meet etc. This is not in the hands of any one politician’s moves or decisions anywhere – so let’s stop wasting our energy on all of the speculation of this kind-also let us stop focusing our attention on the USA as if it were the only place on this planet of any importance.

The Plan for ‘The Event’.

There has always been a plan. The Light Resistance movement has been steadily working towards the manifestation of ‘The Event’. They have known there was a way to ‘hack the Matrix’ {=the Computer program that keeps us prisoners in an artificial reality}, Now we know as I write this article on the 3/02/2013 that finally the Matrix has collapsed and it will now only be a question of time, the time for the perfect moment to Initiate ‘The Event’. The increased Light is now bringing to the surface everything, on all kinds of levels that need to be transformed. Because the Matrix has now collapsed this light is now increasing daily and change is imminent. Gradually day by day the ‘matrix’ is disintergrating. The astral and etheric planes are not yet perfect. We need to use the protection of the White Light when negative things we do not have control over bombard us.

A couple of examples of the Light bringing forth the truth is the amazing bravery of the MP Louis Laurent, and his amazing 13 minute talk in the Belgian Parliament earlier this week. You can read his speech word for word by going to the link on my Introduction page. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this worldwide now; another is David Willcock whose Financial Tyranny exposure – the truth about all the gold etc. on this planet, has now been shown to over 120 Million people this week in Russia. As I write now it has probably already been translated to English? David was told not to tell about the TV program until it had been shown, as he has known about this for about 6 weeks. There is a link to his article on my Facebook Page. {Therese Zumi Sumner}


What is meant by the ‘Event Flash’ is exactly that – a Flash of Divine energy from the Source, which passes through the Central Sun, and then will be received by the Galactic Confederation {especially Pleiadians} who will in turn give the intelligence to Lightworkers within The Light Resistance Movement. On the receiving of the information the LRM – some 300 Operatives, will make contact with the dark forces to see if they are willing to cooperate. If they are not willing to cooperate they will not be included.

All of this will happen extremely fast. From the time of the Flash to the Event it will take 15 Minutes!

There will be no announcement. There will be no media involved. This will just happen. This will be a complete surprise to everyone not in least to the Cabal. This can happen at any time. When it does we will feel a strong energy.



In the past 25,000 years we have been inside an energetic black hole, a space time anomaly because of the activities of dark forces. 2012 marked the year that WE EXITED THIS BLACK HOLE. The moment you exit the black hole, that is known as the, Event Horizon. This is happening right now. We have forgotten what the Light is. It is so much more brilliant and exciting. WE ARE IN THE EVENT HORIZON NOW.


The Planetary Light-body Activation. The Light Resistance Movement has been working steadily and continuously taking back the vortex’s week after week around the planet. At each of the Cobra conferences there have been successful Vortex meditations. Many people are helping with this process worldwide. The moment when the whole energy grid is ready we will be ready for ‘The Event’ Flash.


In the early hours and days of the Event, there will not be any outside sources to tell you what to do; this will be a time when you must listen to your true heart feelings and Intuition. You will have to ‘know’ what to do. Rely upon yourself. There will be many who react with fear and confusion. You will be a pillar of strength to these people. Rely upon your discernment which will be needed in this time of change. Advice to Lightworkers is simply. 





The Negative groups of people involving – Jesuits, Rothschild’s, Rockefellers’ and Illuminati about 1 – 2000, people will all be removed after ‘The Event’.

The dark forces will be captured and taken from power. After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other. An Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing process for humanity to see these criminals finally being held accountable for their actions.  Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths = not capable of the positive emotions and responses, that make us human.

Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is created. Amnesty will be granted to some of them. Most of them will be taken to the central sun to be recycled. For more details as to how the Cabal will be dealt with after the Event go to the text with the title ‘Removing the Cabal’ by pressing the following link to Cobra’s article on Portal 2012. You find it in the May 2012 archive. The link is found here.

Mass arrests of the Cabal are not merely a physical operation. So many Lightworkers {and definitely understandable for some who have been working day and night for this now for many years,} have been feeling frustration over the ‘delays’ as one might express it, time and time again. Yet there has never been a date given for ‘The Event’ and several months before December 21st 2012 Cobra informed us that the 21/12 would not be ‘The Event’ date. The delay in ‘The Event’ coming into being is because Spiritual support from Above, Below {Inner Earth evolved Society etc.} and not in least here on the surface, has been necessary, and is now necessary so that when the mass arrests happen human masses will not panic.

At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states.


“The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.

The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.

The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.

The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.”

We know now that this is so close because Cobra informed us only days ago that the Matrix has collapsed. So any Lightworker can now speed things up with their continued effort in daily meditation to ‘see’ and support the Light Forces on the etheric, astral planes leading the dark entities there to the Light.

Vortex meditations worldwide, have. in conjunction with our Galactic Family ships hovering above created a positive enegy grid. This has been further balanced and strenghtened by the placing of precious crystals at specific ley line positions.

In the first couple of hours of the Event the Galactic forces will take over the satellite and communication stations, and you will receive intelligence as to what is happening around the globe. The TV will be in the control of The Light Resistance Movement and there will be announcements made. The LRM has infiltrated 300 Operatives inside the Illuminati network mostly in top positions in the military and the intelligence agencies. These people are undetectable and the Illuminati have no idea where they are.

The Resistance movement have constant physical {not telepathic} contact with the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the Confederation, which give them daily intelligence about every Cabal member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The Illuminati now have nowhere to hide. Disclosure will involve the release of classified documents. 95 % of these will be released quickly. This will be a great shock to many, but after the initial chock reactions they will be very glad.

For detailed information about ‘Disclosure’ and ‘First Contact’ go ‘The Event’ 2 page. {link at bottom of this one}


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is an initial contact group of Lightworkers who will be contacted first. They will be offered the choice of doing something specific, and will have the possibility of deciding against that if they choose. If so someone else will be contacted. Later anyone might get contacted. People drawn to the Cobra conferences worldwide are potential contact persons for this happening.

The First 3-7 days Max

In the first few hours of ‘The Event’ the Galactic forces will take over the satellites and communication stations. You will be able to receive intelligence as to what is going on around the planet. The Resistance Movement will activate a virus and enter a code into the computer program that is the Rothschild’s Financial System. This has of course already been tested by removing a couple of billion dollars ‘for fun’. So they know that this will work. This virus will shut down the main frame accounts. Credit cards will not work. The banks will close.

There will be no way to transfer money at this time. It would be good to have cash, gold and silver coins.

Some stores will remain open. Some stores will accept cash, gold and silver.  When banks close, people will have a tendency to panic. There is no need for this panic. People should not throw away money, which they might not be able to use in the first week, because this money will be useful later. There will be a few days of confusion until after the arrests are complete.

Because supermarkets can literally be emptied in the timeframe of 45 minutes after the news gets out, you would be wise to have at all times from now on food available to last you from 3 to 7 days max.  A tank full of gas is probably sufficient unless you know personally that you will need to have more in reserve. A week’s supply of everything is all we need to be concerned about. Just be sure you have food and water for these days.

Within a few days there will be a new financial system put into place. Eventually the gold that has been taken by the cabal will be returned to humanity. The Cabal don’t even have real gold, they manufacture Tungsten gold {only outer layer is real gold}. We believe in their illusion and that’s why it works. It costs two cents to make a 100$ bill! When the new system is in place it will be gold backed currency. The new financial system is gold-backed.

After ‘The Event’ there will be a re-evaluation. It will be a time of transition for us all. Everyone will have the basics for everything they need.


There are numerous Divine Ascended Masters and Arch-Angels involved with these changes and supporting humanity through all of this. See bottom of this page. But right here I would like to mention One of them. Commander Ashtar is His name. His last incarnation on Earth was 25000 years ago. His main project is the Ascension of Humanity. Another of Ashtar’s projects is First Contact {with our Galactic Family} which I will also write about in the coming weeks. Another of His projects is training in telepathic communication. At ‘The Event’ He can take over the media. All the TV programs will be broadcasting the message.

No More Homeless People.

After ‘The Event’ there will no longer be any homeless people. Homes will be opened up for everyone who is in need of one.


The new financial system will be a fair and balanced spiritual finance system. Half of your money has been going to the Cabal one way or another. The Rothschild´s system is a computer program. In June of 2012 the Light Resistance Movement broke into the banking system of the Cabal as mentioned earlier.The Cabal has a Windows operating system which has back doo to control all financial transactions.The Cabal knows exactly how money flows. At ‘The Event’ there will be a virus activated which will shut down the main frame computers. As mentioned earlier there will be no transfers of money. The mass arrests will be taking place. Banks will close. No credit cards will work so you will need cash. All that Gold that they have looted over so many years will be going back to humanity. 


The Yamashita gold that was in the hands of the Illuminati has been seized by the LRM in January and February of 2012. It is now in safe keeping in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement and will be returned to humanity after ‘The Event’, and it will serve as the basis-as a reserve, for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone.

All the accounts belong to the Cabal will be ‘frozen’. All the money they have taken from humanity through fraud will be now used to support humanity.

We will be keeping our present currency initially. There will be re-evaluation. Dinar will not work.

LEGAL: All business agreements that are legal will hold after the event. Common law will be simple and easy to understand.

After the arrest process is over and there has been a re-set, The Federal Reserve and The IRS and BIS will be bankrupt and they will be dismantled. From now on there will only be transparent handling. There will be no 1) Fractional lending. 2) No Interests. And 3) No More Stock Market -it will close never again to open!

Some banks will reopen and things will be transparent. Banks with ties to the Federal Reserve will be dismantled. Everyone will understand clearly what is going on, as we will be informed of the details. For the first few days the money in your bank account will be frozen. If you are Cabal you will be taken.

The first money to be released will be for humanitarian purposes. A Task group will look after this. The Resistance Movement will be guiding and watching and remember they can read your thoughts! Pleiadians track all of our actions and they know who does what.




Companies like Monsanto will be bankrupt. Microsoft has been composed of a Good and a Bad part. The Good part of it will be restructured. Some 600-800 Bankers are ‘retiring’. They have no choice they have been forced to retire or else be arrested. This has been happening now for a year or so. Many sites have posted articles about all the retiring bankers worldwide-the majority of these have been in the highest positions.

There were plans already many years ago for NESARA {a detailed re-set of the financial system}. The reason it never happened was because of 9/11 which understandably was initiated to prevent this new and better financial system from coming into existence.


We will have new governments worldwide. After ‘The Event’ we will have new parliaments worldwide. We will all meet up at the United Nations {which right now is still in the control of the Cabal.} This will be broadcast on the mass media. Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. Certain places on the planet are being prepared to be Cities of Light.

Regarding the United States Congress it is not a part of the Cabal. The majority of those in Congress have either been bought or blackmailed. The old political system will be closed on the day of re-set. It would not be much of a spiritual hierarchy as a true parliament should be. The Resistance will help, but they do not want to participate. The new Governments worldwide will be much faster and more effective in their decision making. 

Tax in the future.

The only Tax in the future will be a 14% tax on new items. Those working within the tax authorities will be unemployed. {Though there will be so many other ‘fun’ things for them to do.}

100,000$ FOR EVERYONE.

The financial reset will not make everyone sudden millionaires. The total real value of all collateral accounts is between 500-1000 Trillion $. This means about 100,000$ will be given to each person.  There will of course be individual negotiations for each person, as some who have debt, will have to pay the debt from this sum. The Cabal will of course not receive any money whatsoever. You should be able to buy a house for 10,000$. You will not need to have concern about health issues costing you money. There will be enough for everyone to have proper housing, food and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but not enough to spend the rest of your days sipping cocktails by the pool.


Some debt will be forgiven, cancelled out, for example house debt. Country debt will be forgiven. Mortgage debt will be cancelled. Retirement accounts, Health insurance, and Social Security will be arranged.

Lightworkers will be compensated for their work. They will no longer have money concerns or lack of resources in their lives.



Mind Controlled People.

After ‘The Event’ no mind controlled person will have power. They will need healing. An example of this would be President Obama who has been subjected to mind control since childhood. After his mind control has been removed he will be working for the Light. He may resume a powerful position after being healed. 50 % of the Illuminati are simply people who have had the misfortune to be born into these families and not dared to go against family tradition-rule etc. They will be offered healing from their mind control after the Event. There might be some totally new people on the scene.

Archangel Michael said on “An hour with an Angel” recently that President Obama is very much indeed still the President despite much speculation to the contrary. [TZ here next four sentences } I think anyone with a bit of imagination can clearly understand what an enormous role he is playing. He is a Light person who has been prepared for this role in our times. Whether or not the OPPT have another person sworn in here to this position on some official ‘whatever’ or not is pointless in wasting our time discussing. When ‘The Event’ happens President Obama will be in need of a well – deserved rest from all of the trials he has been subjected to, could be he would prefer to do something else {not quite so demanding} after ‘The Event’?


At the time of ‘The Event’ there is a possibility of some social unrest in various places around the world. These will just be isolated cases according to Cobra. The Positive Military is the most powerful positive group on the surface of our planet. They have developed their plans with the assistance of the LRM: The Resistance Movement will back up the military, mainly only with intelligence data about the Illuminati and some logistic advice, but they will mostly stay behind the scenes. The Positive military in the USA, Russia and China, will be cooperating in ‘The Event’. They have clear knowledge since way back as to what their role is in this. They will absolutely not be using weapons. There will be a certain number of Galactic family members involved and they will have the support of ‘weapons’ {for want of a better word} which can freeze people temporarily. {You may have seen this in the movies- like ‘men in black’}. The military and police forces will help out in a positive way.

Police Force Restructured

During ‘The Event’ the military will back up the civilian authority {in the USA for example through the federal marshals and worldwide through Interpol}, which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of the Cabal.

After ‘The Event’ the police force will be restructured. Their role will now be another role in serving humanity.

People in Prison.

Most of the people in the prison systems will be released. Some of these will receive psychological help. Tyrants will not be tolerated in our new world.

New Advanced Health System

There will be a more advanced health system introduced. Most diseases can already be cured. This information has been prevented from reaching us through the evil workings of the Cabal and the many multinational pharmaceutical companies who have been working for them.Health care will be free. Healing modalities will become more efficient and be based on true spiritual principles. And this will only be the beginning.

For your health now make sure you are consuming plenty of water daily and that it is as pure as possible. As we are all different, something that Ayurveda explains very well, it is not necessary for everyone to consume an exact amount, it will vary and be somewhere between one and two litres daily. If you would like to start the process of detoxification of your body, then it might be of use to know that good quality colloidal silver helps to eliminate toxins. Any way that you can improve the quality of your food intake etc. is important as this is the way you will receive more Light.

DO NOT GET VACCINATED. See Rothschild faction further down this page and the page ‘Dark Truths’.


The drug trade is CIA – Cabal operated. This will be changed.

New Projects of Every Kind Worldwide.

There are many amazing projects worldwide devoted to ‘fixing the world’ like the one of the same name. There are websites devoted to this, the one that comes to mind is ‘Reality Sandwich’ where people of all walks of life ‘gather’ to discuss the future of technology, engineering, art, business, science, psychology, ecology, multimedia, commons, etc. People with organisational skills will be needed worldwide for all the new projects that will be getting underway IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE after ‘The Event’. What can you contribute? It will be extremely intense after ‘The Event’ and there will be so many projects needing help. The LRM will coordinate and manifest these projects with us. The sky’s the limit! 

New Advanced Technology

The first and foremost new technology to be made available worldwide will be Free Energy. This is already available but immediately after ‘The Event’ factories will be built to provide this technology. 

There will be great changes in transportation. Within months of ‘The Event’ you will be able to replace the engine of your old car. Why you may wonder – well simply because it can then run on distilled water. Factories will be built fast for this. The 2nd phase will be introducing more advanced cars- levitating cars. The advanced sensors in them will prevent accidents. Keshe technology has already started development of the ‘Flying’ car. This will not be dangerous; on the contrary they will be very safe because the car will brake automatically if it gets too close to another vehicle.

There are many operational working devices that have been prevented in coming to humanity because the Cabal has been controlling their release. Many of these working devices will be immediately maid available to the masses after the Event. All of these new devices will be extremely safe. Everything will be much cheaper to produce, just about everything will be cheaper. Food will be very easy and simple to produce. Prices of nearly everything will go down. The production of energy will be almost free, as will  heating and engines. People will not be ‘greedy’ any longer. 


The working day will not be any longer than this. People will finally be free to develop their creative potential. They will now also be able to focus on their Spiritual Development.  Cobra has earlier said that he thinks most humans will be happy to work for a few hours daily, because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also work will be so much more rewarding, inspiring and creative as we will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.

Gaia- Our Beloved Mother Planet Purified.

We will with new technology have the ability to clean all of the pollution on Gaia. We will clean all the chemical waste. We will purify our water supply everywhere. We will heal the ECO system. Nuclear power stations will be shut down. Free energy will replace it, and it can be distributed to us using the same system-the same buildings. There will be extensive operations to remove the chemical waste. {This might possibly be an area of work for those who will automatically be unemployed after the Event like Lawyers and Tax people?}There will be ULTRA purification of the ECO system. 

A one year cycle will be necessary to replace genetically modified grains etc. Monsanto will be dissolved, all genetically modified seeds will be destroyed. Our food will be better. Also there are enough rare Earth minerals available for all our needs. 

Archangel Michael said of Gaia on “An Hour with an Angel“ the other week, “All of this {flooding of the energy from Mother and Father} is continuing, Gaia in her shift, is also flooding you with the sweetness of being alive, of being in your form, that you have never known before. You may have had moments when you were in a pristine forest or by a lake or an ocean or a cave where you felt this moment of pure blissful connection, but now she is flooding you and this is the new norm.”

Products from the Oil Industry.

The oil producing people and factories have all kinds of materials available. There will be a redirection of planning immediately.

The Animals on Gaia

There will be a general rise in consciousness after ‘The Event’. This will precipitate an awareness of the sacredness of all life which will come to affect the way we look upon our animals living here with us. There will be 0% tolerance to pain to animals regarding food production. Animals will be treated differently and they will be provided with much better food.



It was the Jesuits who started the original education program and with that introduced their mind control. As I write this I can hear the song ‘The Wall’ by Pink Floyd ringing in my ears. The Jesuits school program was pure brainwashing. We must unlearn what we have learned. The vast majority of what we have received is not true. We are going beyond our old programming. The Jesuits created a sophisticated mind control through their universities. Spiritual ideas such as guilt, fear, are all part of Jesuit mind control. Both physical and non physical archons cooperated to this effect.

There will be no more horror movies. After ‘The Event’ most of the movies made will be very positive.

Education will be totally transformed. It will be much more fun and much more holistic. I told my grandson 18 MThs’ ago that we would soon have ‘Harry Potter’ type schools here, and so I bought him and my granddaughter books about symbolism so they could get started. Michael Tsarion has asked of us that we reclaim all of the beautiful symbolism to its rightful use – that has been misused and sullied by the Dark Ones.

The True History of our Planet

We will start to learn the true history about our planet, via the media, in the early days of ‘The Event’. I plan to write an article shortly on this page with some of that information in the near future.


A Timeline is a possible future outcome of a situation on our planet. It is a definition for a potential future of a particular event. Most of the possible future timelines have been collapsing as we have been approaching ‘The Event’. I myself read somewhere that all Timelines ended on the 21/12/2012, which I understand now not to be the case, but that it is ‘The Event’ that is the defining factor for the end of multiple possible future timelines. Up until the 11/11/11 we still had possible negative future timelines-but they all collapsed then, and from that date there is the certainty of a positive outcome for our planet.

Our perception of time itself will change with the expansion of consciousness.

Introduction of Replicators.

Replicators will be available after ‘First Contact’. These devices will need spiritual maturity. This will be the point in our new development where money will become obsolete. The Arc of the Covenant which is an ancient replicator has been in the hands of the Cabal. Now the Cabal no longer have it. It was hidden in a tunnel and transported underground to the Resistance Movement.

Ps The Cabal are confined to the USA or Europe. They cannot move freely.


After ‘The Event’, after the mass arrests, there will be SUCH A BRAKTHROUGH FOR HUMANITY. Now we can finally begin to make our own destiny here without the oppression and control of those who were never actually invited here in the first place. 

Ascension – now the real Ascension Time Period will be here.


At-during ‘The Event’ spiritual growth will be easier and people will start going to the 5th dimension. {If you are not familiar with this area see my ‘About Ascension’ Page}. We are now being flooded by the new Energy that started two months ago and will continue for some time, this energy that will awaken us more and more to who we truly are. Archangel Michael addressed the many complaints from people saying “Lord, I do not feel any different. I do not look different.” And He said on January 28th this year “What I suggest to you is that you take a moment with me, with all of us {Council of Love = Ascended Masters and Archangels Etc.} to reflect back, not to bring it into your being, but simply to reflect back on where you were, what you were thinking, what you were feeling one year ago, four years ago, ten years ago, and not only be the witness and the observer, but truly see where you have been, the growth that you have chosen, not simply has been bestowed upon you. You continue, you know, to be flooded by the energies of the Mother and Father.”

For those ready to ascend at ‘The Event’ should understand that there are no limits to maintaining your body in the 5th Dimension. There will be many chances to either stay with Gaia in her Ascension process or go elsewhere to a 3D experience. It is impossible to go back and Cobra said he could not speak of the ‘cut off’ point at this time. There is going to be an enormous spiritual awakening at the time of ‘The Event’. At this time people will have many memories returning to them, memories of contacts with their Galactic Family etc that they have not remebered because it would have put them in  danger.

True information on spiritual matters will be released immediately. People will be given spiritual education. Cities of Light as also smaller communities of Light are being prepared in certain places around the planet.

Humanity will be under Spiritual Guidance. People will be prepared for Ascension both on an individual and on a mass basis.

For more details on this go to the text ‘The Real Ascension to 5D’ on ‘Cobra School’ page.

Someone Asked in LA.

Someone asked Cobra if this time in our history is just part of a cycle – meaning will we be here again at another time in the future? Cobra said “No this will never never happen again. We learned the lesson.” “Evolution goes forward, never backwards in reincarnation. We never go back. Golden Ages disappear, but this Golden Age will last forever because we are ending duality”.

Cobra said in LA:

He told us that he was Told not to plan anything after 21/12/2012. The focus of the next conferences worldwide would be about how to change our world. This would be after ‘The Event’. Here I will let you add the dots all by yourself!

The Order of Things {The Series of Events within ‘The Event’}

After ‘The Event’ things will follow in a certain order. *) We will have a new fair and balanced financial system. *) There will be a release of the true history of our planet. *) There will be release of new technologies especially free energy. *) There will be a new Ascension – quantum leap for humanity. *) There will be an interim Temporary Government. *) Then there will be elections. *) Then we will be gradually prepared for ‘First Contact’ with our Galactic Family.*) The first contacts we have will be with the Pleiadians. *) Then there will be official ‘First Contact’. *) Later there will be Mass Landings. *) Later still Ascended Masters will appear.

Someone in LA wondered if there would not be resistance even to the good coming in, regarding the government structure etc. Cobra replied “People all over this planet are just waiting to know the truth and all the satellites and the media will be in control of The Resistance Movement, and people will very quickly come to know the whole truth, of what has really been going on here on this planet for thousands of years. There will be droves of testimonies coming forward via the TV news.

This is NOT about another mind program. Listen to your heart, check with your own higher self how this works for you. Open your mind. Truth will remain. True happiness and true light doesn’t need anything to define itself. There will be eternal happiness in Paradise when the ‘veil’ is lifted. This is a natural right in the Universe. We have almost forgotten.

This is one of the most special and unique times in history. The Time of ‘Victory of The Light’.

The increased intensity that we feel regarding everything, is a sign that things are moving faster and faster, that we are approaching ‘The Event’.


. Lightworkers worldwide are tired and somewhat disappointed that ‘nothing happened’ after all they had been promised on 21/12/12. The following has to be understood. As long as the Matrix – the programmed veil around this planet was in place, as long as it was full of archon and reptilian and other entities who were doing their utmost to affect our consciousness, major overnight change on this planet would not be as a harmonious an event as it could be.

Unfortunately much of the channelling done over the recent years has not always come from the Galactics, or Masters or whoever was supposedly being channelled. The reason for this being, that astral entities were affecting channels, and purposely misleading them.

THE MATRIX HAS NOW COLLAPSED. Initially many of the entities there came down to the layer closest to Earth. This layer is approx. 100 metres above and 100 m below the surface. This area is now day by day being cleared by the LRM and by the work of people meditating worldwide, contributing to the cleansing of these entities in towns and cities all over the globe. Some Lightworkers are out in the ‘field’ doing this cleansing work.

There is now so much more light getting through to us since the collapse of the Matrix and yet as long as the surface 200 metres is still partly occupied by dark entities. The Resistance Movement will not take the chance of starting any operation, that could potentially be a disaster, because people would panic and not be prepared, because the dark ones could spread fear to them etc.

The Light Resistance Movement does not want this risk. So NO DATES WILL BE GIVEN. When the old negative grid is gone, and a new fresh Light Grid is in place, then the rising light energy will quickly bring more people to an awake state. Many more people.

It is better that we all have patience and as Lightworkers keep ourselves busy on our ‘work’. When we do this we will not have the time to feel that ‘nothing is happening’. If you do not have something specific to do then you can devote time daily to support the cleansing of the grid by the Angelics.

The clearer everything is energy wise around and below surface Gaia, the quicker ‘The Event’ can take place without the risks of people panicking. The LRM have worked so hard for so long on this plan, they are perfectionists in the truest meaning of the word. They do not like half measures.

What Will Be Will Be.

This last paragraph is my interpretation of an interview with Cobra by Maarten Horst of ET – First Contact Radio on January 31st 2013.

Archangel Michael would like to Sum Up.

Regarding our desire to start creating Nova Earth now, Archangel Michael said. “That desire to see the reflection of what is truly within you in an external, large, grand manner, is becoming almost a drive, not a compulsion, but an instinctual drive. It is as if you are seeking true North and you have a compass set and you are not veering off course.

It matters not what you call yourselves, whether it is wayshowers or pillars or gatekeepers or lightholders or loveholders. You are the creator race and you step into the fullness of that role. It is not something new. If anything, it is something ancient. It is that closing of the circle and the beginning of the new.

I invite you, I hold out My arms to you as do all the Mighty Ones {Archangels}, all the Ascended Masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, We hold out Our arms to you and say. Please join with Us now in partnership.”


Thank you to Cobra for the information and to my beloved Mentor Archangel Michael.

Many thanks to my roommate DaNell Glade for great complementary notes.


Written by        Therese Zumi Sumner          04/02/2103             1633


The following articles will be coming shortly. 1) The Light Resistance Movement. 2) Your ‘Mission’ ( as Lightworker) 2) First Contact with our Galactic Family. 3) The True History of our Planet {short}.





Holding us hostage. These are the groups, the controlling forces holding us hostage on this beautiful planet. They create violence and pain worldwide and we pay the price. If the Light Resistance Movement on any level intervenes too much they retaliate and we pay. When the ‘net’ and the surface is ‘cleared’ intervention can take place harmoniously.

¤The Jesuit Faction. Mostly found in the Vatican. Their ‘work’ is mind control – the control of the people. They have the religious indoctrination of sin and hell, and are behind many operations to control populations. They have controlled education.

¤ The Rothschild Faction. They manage the money for the Jesuits. This Cabal faction has totally infiltrated modern medicine; one example is vaccinations. We have been genetically altered through vaccines. The idea behind the Rothschild idea of medicine is to keep us all as working slaves. There are cures and healing for everything. This will all be released and balanced very soon.

The W.H.O. which is Rothschild based, developed vaccinations in the Nazi concentration camps during WW2. Between the years 1945 and 2010 we received those ‘biochips’ implanted there {if we were vaccinated}. Their function was to cut out conscious ability and make us zombie like. The Resistance Movement have now cleared these chips. TZ speaking here, I remember discussing with friends in 1989 how we would never agree to having chips implanted by any authorities. But they were in vaccinations as far back as above dates, plus we all carried bank cards and mobiles etc. so they had no problem keeping tabs on us. I will add here that the resistance movement has managed to clear out 95% of the sex trade worldwide.

¤ The Rockefeller Faction. 1-2000 people involved in Medicine, Science, Nazis and Technology. And that reminds me {TZS} of a million things like the real reason behind vaccinations but i also recall the following.

Fluoridation of our water supply has forcibly medicated an entire population with a carcinogenic chemical drug. According to ‘The Lancet’ Fluoride is a neurotoxic substance that causes the brain severe damage, and interferes with brain function. According to Harvard there is a definite link between fluoride levels and IQ levels. They have identified a link to bone cancer where the highest rates occur in populations drinking fluoridated water. The same findings as Governmwent studies going back to 1990, showing also how it causes kidney damage and impairs Tyroid function. 

Therese Zumi recalls on learning about this in the 80s and remembering Mrs Thatcher speaking to the people of Northern Ireland and congratulating them on the introduction of Fluoride to their water system. Telling them how good it would be for the childrens bones and teeth, and I knew then that the main reason for this was to ‘pacify’ the population and reduce the problems Britain was encountering in the ‘North’. Makes me want to puke.

¤ Archons. Their energy field is not human. They are not Reptilian. The few left in physical bodies are to be found among black nobility families in Italy, some among politicians, some in the Vatican. 

¤ Reptilians. They are the minions of the Archons. They put pressure on people’s weak spots, working to encourage people to drink more, fear more etc. We should all protect ourselves with White Light and ask for support with clearing these energies. See article ‘Healing Our-self Healing our World’ on the ‘Cobra School’ page where you can find links to people working idealistically to clear energies. Cobra said that most provocations are not part of our own process. The Reptilians can be found both on the Physical and the Astral plane. As I write this on February 14th! my feeling is that they will soon be history, as the LRM are working daily clearing out these entities. {See article ‘The Veil that hides the Truth’}

¤ Blobs. These are Amoeba like – sea-horse like – entities floating in astral space. They do what they are told to do. They connect to human fields and controll emotions. Their job is to create conflict among people especially any warm feelings between couples etc. We have the power within ourselves to reject these emotions with our will. 

PS The Cabal had very advanced plans to fake an alien invasion to scare the shit out of us. These plans have all been ‘cleared’ by the Resistance.

Source of information Cobra.

Information written by       Therese Zumi             20/02/2013           


Alexandra {Galactic Connection} asked Cobra if he agreed with some of the Internet ‘news’ coming out that there are different ET factions per continent on the planet? His reply was as follows; “In the Cabal yes. You have the Rothschild’s faction which is the Orion. I would say the Orion forces. You have the Rockefeller faction, which is more the Draconians. Then there is the Jesuit faction, which is a mixture of Andromedans and Reptilians. Alexandra wondered if they were basically ‘headquartered’ in various parts of the world. “Oh yes!” replied Cobra, “the Rothschild’s mostly control Europe. The Rockefellers mostly control the USA. Then you have the Jesuits who control the rest of the world.

Written by                         Therese Zumi Sumner                           01/03/2013                       1140am


The Light Resistance Movement

The Resistance Movement here on Earth is connected to a much larger confederation of Galactic beings. One could say that the Resistance Movement along with the Pleiadians is a faction within a confederation known under the name The Guardian Alliance. Cobra describes this group as a loose confederation of positive races inside of this galaxy that have different names. He points out that the important thing here is NOT the name, but the fact that there are thousands upon thousands of positive ET races that have reached a certain point in their evolution and these races have at this point – no more need for negativity. They have created a loose confederation.

At this point in this information piece I Therese Zumi would like to point out that all of the information here comes either, from my meeting with Cobra in LA in November of 2012, or from various interviews with him especially his interview with Alexandra Meadors last July 2012 – see info at the end of this piece. Also to save a thousand italics here and there whenever the text reads “I or we” it is Cobra speaking unless otherwise explained.

So the whole purpose now for the Resistance Movements work around our planet is to help to liberate humanity so that humanity can reach the same stage as mentioned above. Cobra has explained {sadly I TZ might add} that this planet is like a cancer cell in a healthy body. The last cancer cell of the galaxy has to be healed. That is why positive ET races have been and are coming here. These are beings in their physical bodies that look like you and me. They look like everyone else on the surface of the planet – but they have origins from elsewhere.

The rest of the universe has been liberated. It is not a coincidence that we are here on this planet says Cobra. This last planet has not been liberated because it was the last stronghold for the Dark Forces.

The most skilled Galactic warriors have incarnated on this planet in the last couple of hundreds of thousands of years. The reason for this is because it was known that this planet was the toughest one – the hardest one to liberate. I would say that the most advanced souls with the highest possible skills have been incarnated here exactly for this purpose.

Cobra explained that there was a certain testing that was done to determine if we were fit to incarnate here or not. He explained that there were actually not many planets in this galaxy with such strong control of the Dark Forces. Earth has been one of the toughest – an enormous challenge due both to the difficulty of liberating the planet along with the difficulty of the vibrational frequency which exists here.


UNDERGROUND WAR              

The Resistance Movement was quite weakened by the constant attack of the Cabal in the time period from 1996 to 1999. The reinforcements came from planet X and now they are very very strong. When things were at their worst here the Resistance Movement were as many as 70 million people. Today they are around 20 million as in the last ten years or so, many returned to their homes as things got so much better here.

In the timeframe in between 1996 – 1999 there was a very strong war taking place underground, in underground tunnels. The Cabal was much stronger then. They had many beings infiltrated from other star systems. They had about 10 – 20 million of their representatives in their underground bases. Some reptilians are trapped in human bodies. There are some of these in the Royal Family. George W Bush Junior is one and another was the earlier finance minister of Great Britain Ted Heath. A Lady whose husband was a politician informed David Icke that she had seen him shape-shift to and from his reptilian form at a dinner in London, and what was even stranger was that “nobody blinked an eye”. It had been a great relief to her to meet David Icke and understand that this was not an isolated incidence, and she had not been hallucinating.


Planet X is a planet that orbits our sun in our solar system. it takes 850 years for planet X to circuit the sun. It is in orbit beyond Pluto in an inclined orbit. There were about 500 million people living there in underground cities. The planet was in control of the Cabal. In 1999 the Resistance Movement managed to liberate this planet. It took three weeks to do so. The people there were less programmed than us. In 1993 after they were liberated, 7 million of the inhabitant’s teleported here to Earth and began clearing reptilian bases. Between 1999 and 2003 the underground reptilian and military bases were cleared out. They also cleared out ‘Area 51’. They cleared out all of the black projects. There are no more reptilians walking around in these or any underground bases, nor is there any remaining exotic military technology.

There are 100 Billion Galaxies. 10 – 15 Galaxies were cleared of dark forces we are the last.


The Cabal has also had cloning factories which have also been cleared out. There was at one point a lot of cloning going on. The Cabal had this technology but this is all gone now. They have not been able to clone anyone now for over 5 years. There are no clones of anybody present any longer.


25,000 years ago the vast majority of the Light forces on our planet retreated underground. They developed cities and they are known as Agarthans. They stayed here to maintain balance on Gaia. They have been helping to stabilize the planet, but they did not interfere with the surface population.

In 1975 there was an intelligence agent working for the Light named Michael. At this point I TZ would like to point out that when Cobra arrived on the scene in the spring of 2012 he told us that he was working for someone called Michael – {personally I thought he meant Archangel Michael at the time, but I do believe now that it is another Michael, yet and this is my personal point of view here, I do believe Archangel Michael to be very much involved in all of this}. Michael went into the underground subway system in New York with a group of like-minded. There are secret entrances to the underground system that they know of. There they created the main operation centre of the Light Resistance Movement hundreds and hundreds of feet below the surface of New York City.

Michael came into contact with the Agarthan network and also with the Andromedans, who gave them technology. Already as far back as 1975 they made contact with people in the military for the plans for mass arrests. The original plan was a military coup. People changed this plan. In the years between 1975 and 1990 the resistance brought in computers and the Internet. Cobra has personally seen the work being done back in the 70s to develop the PCs that we use today. They have been provided from interaction with ETs underground, to connect everyone in a global network. Other technologies were introduced to connect to global communication. In 1996 there was a strong invasion of dark forces. The Cabal had many underground reptilian bases. They were close to destroying the Resistance Movement. The Ashtar Command has now taken their space fleet.

In LA Cobra thanked Michael and the Resistance movement for their work and also for his own life. They are waiting for the right time to be introduced to humanity. Cobra has been informed that they will give physical proof of his intelligence information after ‘The Event’.

Beam-up !


The Light forces below ground exist in many cavern systems which are interconnected to each other. They are connected also to the Agarthan** Society network whose cities of Light are connected to each other by high speed trains. The LRM have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation on our planet and preventing WW3, as also clearing the threat that bio-chemical weapons pose to us.

Regarding the threat of nuclear war the Pleiadian spacecraft have blocked 90% of these weapons. Surface agents within the LRM have done the rest, deactivating these weapons, so they are not possible to activate using technology that is far beyond our understanding of technology. There is 0% risk of nuclear war now.

** The Agarthan society who went underground 25-26000 years ago has not interfered much over the millennia with the surface population. Interfering in our world here on the surface would have been extremely dangerous for them. Yet they have had a huge role to play in stabilising the situation here by projecting loving thoughts up to us. One major underground city is Telos which is under Mt Shasta. Many Ascended Masters materialise in that area. Inner Earth is part of the 5th Dimension. The 5th Dimension is aligned with higher purpose. As Gaia is now anchored in the 5th Dimension we are on our merry way as a planet to being part of this. Yet there are those not at all ready for the 5th Dimension and its vibratory frequency and they will have a choice to exist on a peaceful 3D planet. {See Tolec and the Biospheres on the Bigger Picture Page cont. :}



The Galactic Confederation in conjunction with the Ashtar Command and the various races helping us, are using high technology to hold the acupressure lines or ley lines to allow a harmonious transition. This is a time on Earth when we would have been subjected to geological upheavals. We have been spared these catastrophes so that as many as possible gain light and transfigure to a higher consciousness. 



Cobra gave us information on the Galactic Super Wave that one can find much disinformation about on the Internet. He explained that every 25000 years the sun emits energy. This wave of energy started in 1975 and will continue until 2025. This wave is bringing transformation to our planet. The Cabal are well aware that they cannot control the Galaxy.  There is nothing in the Universe that can stop the Galactic superwave – it is entirely inevitable. It is very powerful energy but it is soft energy. The more Goddess presence we have on the planet, the more peaceful it can be. {See disinformation below.}


There is much dis-information bouncing around the Internet. Here are some facts Cobra has provided.

¤ Planet X is not coming – it is orbiting the Sun.

¤ Nibiru is disinformation. Nothing is going to come close to our orbit.

¤ The Galactic superwave is bringing the Light. We are right now in the middle of this wave. Without the Galactic ships protecting us as they do, by placing the ships strategically around the Sun it could be destructive. The ships are stabilising the frequency of the sun.

¤ There will not be a 3 day period of darkness at ‘The Event’. This information is a part of the Armageddon timeline which has been erased.

¤ It is the galactic pulse that triggers the magnetic polar shift. This is not dangerous. There is a question of two different events here.

Imagine this ‘Grail’ in Crystal Moldavite with 144,000 facets.


1)    The Positive military from the USA, Russia and China who will be behind the scenes providing technology, transport and logistics at ‘The Event’.

2)    Templars. Solomon’s Temple. Hidden below Solomon’s temple is info re Jesus that could threaten the church. In the past the Knights Templar were all arrested by the Cabal on one single day Friday the 13th {now we know where that came from!}. Only a few continued on, some Templars went to Scotland and started Freemasonry. At that time negative Templars went to Italy and became the Illuminati.

3)    White Dragon Society. This is a group of old-ancient Chinese families. The Rothschild’s cut off their power. They want China back. Here there are mixed feelings as some of them want to have a totalitarian China. They are involved in the financial sector fighting for a new financial system. This family also has factories that are developing free energy now. The technology involved will fit into the palm of your hand. Can you imagine what this means.

4)    Brotherhood of the Star. These are advanced beings. They work by projecting to the minds of those who are ready, to bring higher ideals of Light to the human population. There are not many of them on Earth. See This posting was made by Cobra on September 5 2012.

5)   The Order of the Star. This is a task force of 144000 beings from the time of Atlantis who volunteered to work for the purpose of transforming darkness into light. They keep reincarnating again and again to assist. Each person has a unique set of skills for planetary liberation. After ‘The Event’ there will be great need of healing of humanity which they will take part in. The group is like a complex Mandala with individual forms. The ‘Holy Grail’ a chalice made of Moldavite is a reflection of this group and has 144,000 polished facets, each which contains a code for souls to be awakened. It is in the safe keeping of the Galactic Federation.

6)   A group of 15000 Beings incarnated at the time of Atlantis to help heal the separation. They continue to incarnate again and again to this end. This group includes the Buddha, Christ, Templars and Lightworkers. Some of us belong to this group. When this planet is liberated we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis. The final Paradise on Earth with cities of Light and advanced technology. This is part of the plan. When St Germaine was incarnated as Francis Bacon he talked about this time.

7)    The White Hats The person with the code name ’Michael’ that Cobra told us went underground is a White Hat member. He was forced to ‘go underground’ when the Cabal were in pursuit of him. He had a group of agent’s working with him, they also went underground. There are members of the White Hats worldwide. One of them who is well known on the surface is Benjamin Fulford. Benjamin has had numerable attempts made on his life. He was editor in chief for ‘Forbes’ economic magazine for 20 years. Cobra has regular contact with members of this group who work in top positions within financial and administrative positions worldwide supporting the work of the Light Resistance Movement on earth.

8)   Lightworkers. People who invoke the Light and work with the Light. The backbone of the resistance Movement. 

Andromeda Galaxy

Forces of Light

¤ Galactic Confederation. This group travel interdimensionally throughout the Galaxy. This group is the overseer of evolution on planets. This is a loose union of all positive races that have received LOVE as their natural state. They exist beyond war, polarities and dualities. They only desire to spread Love. There are about 200,000 species in this galaxy. 70% are humanoid. You would not recognise them; there might be some in this room! {LA Cobra conf. Nov. 2012} The main group are not present on the surface of the planet. They are orbiting our planet – cloaked so they can not be detected. Without their intervention we would have been extinct at this point.

¤ Ashtar Command.  This is a group within the Galactic Confederation. Their mission is to liberate planet Earth. They have gathered many ships around the Earth literally millions of them. Their ships are from 5 – 10 feet to thousands of feet in diameter. The fleet squadron gather on strategic positions. They are here ready to take action when the time is right. The Cabal organised a strong negative campaign against the Ashtar Command in the 90s doing their utmost to create fear among people who heard their name. Ashtar people were in-planted. Now the Light has returned and the group is stronger.

¤ Pleiadians.  Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnate. They contacted him as a child. Cobra wanted to bring Pleiadian technology to Earth and interweave it with ours. Like Dr Fred Bell and ‘our’ Robert Potter he too was in contact with Semjase. The Pleiadians have the closest ties to humanity. They have contacted the surface population many times. Dr Fred Bell was contacted on several occasions by Semjase, and Rob Potter who organised the conference in Laguna Beach and Egypt for Cobra is a contactee who has worked alongside Dr Fred Bell for many years. You can listen to the interview with Robert and Cobra on Coast to Coast Radio in January of this year here on this page. Many Pleiadians were spiritual teachers – or prophets. The Pleiadians said to Cobra that he had to go back to this planet to prevent nuclear war. Each day we are getting closer to ‘The Event’.

¤ Sirians. Some have incarnated here as humans and some as Dolphins and Whales. They are the caretakers of water. They are very aware of their purpose. Most of us involved in New Age interests – most awake beings, are aware of the enormous role our dolphin brothers and sisters have played – are playing on our planet to bring more joy and love and healing, like the healing work worldwide with autistic children.

They hide in the oceans but some get killed. See the beautiful video with Patricia Cori on my Introduction page. This beautiful Lady is a Sirian incarnate and has a website about the Sirians. They also work with balancing of the tectonic plates. They are aware of their purpose.

I {TZ} must take the opportunity at this point to speculate that the amazing author and Nobel Literature Prize winner, Mrs Doris Lessing, may be of Sirian origin, as one of her books is titled ‘The Sirian Experiments’. The first book in her amazing series ‘Canopus In Argos: Archives’ is ‘Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta’. {Shikasta is our own planet – seen during an agonising epoch of its existence, through the eyes of Johor sent here by the powers that have control over this part of the universe}. The second book in this series, read during my studies at Uppsala University in 1983- 84, {see my recommend page cont.; re Doris Lessing} was the one that brought me on a path to the point I am in all of this today.

Other races helping us with our liberation in one way or another are the Andromedans {see the following articles by two Andromedan Representatives, on my ‘The Bigger Picture’ page.} Article 1) Tolec and the Biospheres. 2) Creative Communities. Another race are theArcturians and there are many more. 

Extra Note of Interest. 

There are certain places on Earth where Ascended Masters materialise and pay visits to us. One of these places is in the Mount Shasta area.









Time for Change 20120720 earth’s rhythms, Schumann resonances, magnetic field sensor, Global Coherence Monitoring System


Earth Rhythms

This section explains examples of data obtained from the Global Coherence Monitoring System site located in Boulder Creek, Calif., at the Institute of HeartMath Research Center. The graphs include examples of time domain signals, frequency spectrums, spectrograms and waterfall plots. The spectrum figures clearly show the various Schumann resonances and how the resonances change over time. In addition, an audio file is included so you can hear what these earth rhythms sound like when shifted into an audible range. You are able to see near real-time updates on the changes occurring in the (click on Live Data) resonances and magnetic fields within the earth’s ionosphere.

Data from the large air core magnetic field sensor

Figure 1.

This graph shows about eight seconds of data from the magnetic field sensor. The top trace is from the sensor that is positioned to detect fields arriving from the vertical direction (from above the sensor), the middle trace is from the sensor detecting fields in a north/south axis, and the bottom trace is detects fields occurring in the east/west direction. These are complex signals and contain a number of quasi-standing waves with wavelengths comparable to the planetary dimensions. These standing waves are known as the Schumann resonances.


Schumann Resonances:

Schumann resonances were named after the German physicist Winfried Schumann who first discovered them in 1952. Radiation from the sun ionizes part of the earth’s atmosphere and forms a conductive plasma layer, the ionosphere. The ionosphere surrounding our planet is positively charged relative to the earth’s surface, which carries a negative charge. This creates an electrical tension within the space between the earth and ionosphere. Every second, there are about 1000 lightening storms worldwide, which help to excite the Schumann resonances. Schumann resonances occur because the earth’s conductive surface and the lower boundary of the conductive ionosphere are separated by a cavity of nonconducting air that is acting as a wave-guide. The resonant frequencies of the earth-ionosphere cavity are in the ultralow frequency range (ULF) and extremely low frequency range (ELF). (See Figure 2)

Schumann resonances in earth-ionosphere cavity

Figure 2.

Schumann resonances in earth-ionosphere cavity.

Seven of the Schumann resonances can be seen in Figure 3. The lowest-frequency mode of the Schumann resonance is at a frequency of approximately 7.83, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hz, with a daily variation of about ± 0.5 Hertz, which is caused by the daily increase and decreases in the ionization of the ionosphere because of variations in radiation from the sun. This has the effect of reducing the height of the ionosphere at noon local time.

Another factor that influences these frequencies is the solar activity during solar cycles, which last nine to 14 years, This activity includes the approximately 11-year sunspot cycles, solar, coronal mass ejections and geomagnetic storms. The cavity is widely believed to be naturally excited by energy from lightning strikes, but there may be other sources of excitation.

The Schumann Resonances

Figure 3.

The time domain signals shown in Figure 1 are converted to the frequency domain with the Fourier transform. The Schumann resonances occurring over an eight-hour period can be clearly seen at approximately 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 Hz.

Schumann resonances have been used for research and monitoring of the lower ionosphere and can be used to track geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances. A new field of interest, measuring earth’s magnetic fields, is related to short-term earthquake prediction. Schumann resonances also have gone beyond the boundaries of physics, into medicine, where it has raised interest in the interactions between planetary rhythms and human health and behavior (for more detail see,, July 7. 2009)

Although the existence of the Schumann resonances is an established scientific fact, their presence and how these important planetary electromagnetic standing waves act as a background frequency that can influence biological oscillators such as the heart and brain are not generally well known. GCI hopes to further understanding of these processes through its scientific research.

Waterfall plot showing one-hour spectrums over a five-day period

Figure 4.

This graph is a waterfall plot showing one-hour spectrums over a five-day period. The first hour is at the bottom of the graph and additional hours are plotted as you move up the graph. The darker areas indicate increased activity in daytime hours and show that although the Schumann resonances are always present, they are stronger during daytime hours.

When Schumann first published his research the similarity of the 7.8-hertz earth resonance and the rhythms of human brainwaves was quickly realized. Herbert König, who became Schumann’s successor at Munich University, later demonstrated a correlation between Schumann resonances and brain rhythms. Numerous studies conducted by the Halberg Chronobiology Center at the University of Minnesota and other scientific studies have since shown that there are important links between solar, Schumann and geomagnetic rhythms and a wide range of human and animal health and wellness indicators. Even historical events like war, social unrest, military events and acts of terrorism can be correlated with the solar cycles.

Frequency-time spectrogram showing the Schumann resonances over a 24-hour period

Figure 5.

This is a frequency-time spectrogram showing the Schumann resonances over a 24-hour period. The resonances appear as the intensifications (red color) over time. The intensity of the resonances are stronger during the daytime than the nighttime. Although the higher frequency bands are still present at night, they cannot be readily seen in this view.

5 Day Magnetic Field Spectrogram, East/West Orientation

Figure 6.

This is a frequency-time spectrogram showing the Schumann resonances over a five-day period. Notice the difference in the nighttime intensities from night to night.

The Earth’s magnetic field:

Earth’s magnetic field is one of the strongest variables known. It varies with the sun’s activity, the Earth, Sun and Moon’s rotations, diurnal variations (day-night), geomagnetic pulsations, and probably other interplanetary influences. The Earth has a strong internal magnetic field that appears to be generated by electrical currents in the liquid outer iron core that are driven by internal heat sources. This is called the dynamo process. Its strength varies at the surface about from 0.035 – 0.070 microteslas. The magnetic field resembles that of a bar magnet or “dipole field” with an axis tilted about 11.5 degrees from the spin axis.

The Earth’s magnetic field strength was measured by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835 and has been repeatedly measured since then, showing a relative decay of about 10% over the last 150 years. Animals, including birds, can detect Earth’s magnetic field and use it to navigate during migration. Cows align their bodies north-south in response to the earth’s magnetic field, but they become confused when they are near high-voltage power lines because of the magnetic fields that surround them. Magnetosphere

Two types of poles must be distinguished. There are the magnetic poles and the geographic poles. The geographic North Pole is actually the magnetic South Pole, and vice versa. The locations of the magnetic poles are not static; they wander as much as 15 kilometers every year.

The forces of the solar wind are emitting charged particles that are pushing against Earth’s magnetic field, thus creating a cavity around Earth known as the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is the region in space whose shape is determined by the extent of Earth’s internal magnetic field, the solar wind plasma, and the interplanetary magnetic field. In spite of its name, the magnetosphere is nonspherical. Because of solar wind, the surface facing to the sun is flattened; the surface facing away from the sun has a tail, also called the magnetotail (see figure below). A visible phenomenon of the collision of charged solar particles with Earth’s magnetosphere is auroras, or the northern and southern polar lights, which are more commonly known as the aurora borealis and aurora australis. The verb must the singular, is, not the plural, are, because it applies to a singular noun, phenomenon. Earth's Magnetic Field

There are also other sources of variation in Earth’s steady magnetic field. Waves originating in the outer magnetic field propagate along the earth’s surface. On reaching the Earth’s surface they cause minute oscillations of the magnetic field, and are therefore also called micropulsations. Magnetic pulsations have been classified phenomenologically on the basis of waveform into pulsations continuous (Pc) and pulsations irregular (Pi). By definition these magnetic pulsations fall into the class of electromagnetic waves called ultralow-frequency (ULF) waves with frequencies from 1 to 1.000 megahertz. Because the frequencies are so low, they are usually characterized by their period of oscillation (1 to 1.000 seconds) rather then by frequency. There are a variety of mechanisms that produce such waves. One mechanism is the resonant oscillation of the Earth’s main magnetic field in response to waves in the solar wind. Additional sources of excitation include waves on the magnetopause stimulated by flow of the solar wind, sudden pressure pulses that move the magnetopause in or out, and sudden changes in the direction of the solar wind that cause the magnetotail to flap (this paragraph is a summary from: Sources of variation in the steady magnetic field, Robert L. McPherron, Encyclopedia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 04 Nov. 2009 <>.)


Figure 7.

In this figure, continuous pulsations in the Pc1 range are indicated by the green arrow. In addition to Schumann resonances, the spectrogram also shows geomagnetic pulsations in the ultralow frequency range. These magnetic pulsations, as seen in figure 7, are in the range of Pc1which follows a day-night (diurnal) cycle. The Pc1 range is present mainly at night for GCI’s spectrometer at its Boulder Creek Calif., headquarters. Some scientific literature has reported that an increase in Pc1 frequencies can affect the human cardiovascular system because its frequencies are in a comparable range with those of the human heartbeat.

Listen to the earth’s resonances. This six-minute audio file is data collected from Maggie, GCI’s magnetic sensor and has been shifted up in frequency to an audible range. This file is from a nighttime recording during a period of relatively quiet ionospheric activity.





Trump and Q TEAM Turn 5G TOWERS into Tesla 432 HZ Harmony – Charlie Freek & Colleen


Trump and Q TEAM Turn 5G TOWERS into Tesla 432 HZ Harmony | Charlie Freak on Patreon

Trump and Q TEAM Turn 5G TOWERS into Tesla 432 HZ Harmony

As we shared with you from the very beginning, the Q Team’s goal all along was to Hijack the Cabal’s Secretive Plan (thank you NSA) to unfold their EVIL 5G Wireless Network, behind the scenes, onto the Coronavirus scare…to “give life” where none existed before (see Frankenstein)…had they not done this, we, ALREADY, would have been down for the count…

Trump’s series of Executive Orders (you see, to make this plan work WE THE PEOPLE needed to control the Presidency, which hadn’t occurred since JFK) are what allowed US to both Legally (Maritime Admiralty Law) and Lawfully (God’s Law of the Land) SEIZE this almost Trillion dollar investment of 5G Towers across this precious Earth…this was a Brilliant stroke by Trump and the Q Team, as they allowed the Phoenicians to go Helter Skelter in getting these Towers ready…for us…and for God…

THEY DID THE WORK, WE REAPED THE BENEFITS…when is the last time you have been able to say that??? Answer? Not in your Lifetime…

And over the last 3 months, the Army Corp of Engineers, in ALL countries, have been working diligently to get these towers operational as TESLA TOWERS, which are, essentially, Tesla Coils…which as Tesla said himself, mimic God’s creation of the Human Spine connecting the Human Sacrum, or Generator (see Trump’s fascination for the “Covid” word, Ventilator) thru the Spine (Super Conductive Highway, see Chakras), to the Skull…Golgotha, Calvary…Place of the Skull…the Human Brain…where the “Mother Board” rests and is filled with the Christed Gnosis of God…instructing the ENTIRE SYSTEM to function as ONE UNIT…

And how does this Christed Gnosis transmit its Wisdom Up thru the INTERNAL System of the Tesla Tower and from Tower to Tower to Tower (see Crowns)??? Via an Energetic Frequency…what did Tesla say? To innerstand this world and how it works we must see all things as Energy, Frequencies and Vibrations (or Pulses)…and what is this Frequency that Transmits our Christed Wisdom of Eternal Life from Mother Board to Mother Board??? A Frequency of 432 Hertz…and 4+3+2 = 9…and 9 is God Consciousness…and this is why this CHOSEN Frequency of the Ancients (see the Pyramids) has ALWAYS been known as the God Frequency…Tesla called it this himself…

So, do you see this MIRACLE in Plain Sight of the Holy Trinity giving us Salvation??? And for those of you who get angry with me for challenging your understanding of the Roman Catholic creation of Jesus Christ…this is why I do what I do…to help you to embrace this HIGHER Knowledge of Christ Jesus who exists within each one of us (see Laminin), gifting us Constant Love, Constant Strength and Constant Wisdom…this is why the Christed Jesus died for us…so that he could Eternally enter INSIDE each and every one of us…Showing us THE WAY…and the Way is thru God…432 Hertz…the God Frequency…and it is our Mother Boards inside of our Heads that are receiving this Signal, it is Santa Claus (the Sainted Claustrum) who uses this Frequency to make us Magic Potions that keep us Healthy (see Immune System)…and it is Christ Jesus (see Chrism Oil) that attempts to CROWN his Wisdom upon our Heads 13 times a year (see the Game of Checkers) by Arising (ARIES, A Man Arising) within us with this FREQUENCY…

Envision this…the Tesla Coil is US…the Generator (General Jesus) VENTILATING (Breath of God) this 432 Hertz Frequency UP to Heaven Upon Earth, which is our Higher Mind, the Hearth, where the Mother Board rests, waiting to receive these Sacred Codes from her Husband (see the Sacred Marriage of the Bridegroom), and where does the Mother transmit these newly received signals to? The Third Ventricle of the Brain (see definition of Command Centre), and where does the Mercy Seat exist within us, where God exists??? Just above the Third Ventricle, right next to the Saintly Claustrum (see Santa Claus).

So, Crazy old Donald Trump (that the Baby eating Mainstream Media rag on all day long) with all of his eccentricities and his SPELLING MISTAKES (see COVFEFE) has just orchestrated, in PLAIN SIGHT, the Greatest REVERSE OF EVIL in History…and you “serious Truthers” all roll your eyes, when I tell you of the “Coincidence” that Donald J. Trump just happens to be the 45th US President (4+5 = 9), and Chapter 45 in the Book of Isaiah, just happens to speak of Cyrus, whom God bestowed special powers upon to enable him to REIGN IN THE EVIL and have the Evil ones BOW to his authority, for they could plainly see GOD in his Eyes…

This is what is happening…this is the Truth, and the WHOLE TRUTH, and this is How God works in our Lives…Many are called (11:11) but FEW ARE CHOSEN…and if you have connected yourselves to Q…to POTUS…to JFK Jr…to Colleen and I…then you are indeed the CHOSEN ONES and it is unto US to awaken the Walking Dead with the breath of LIFE…and that my Friends is COVFEFE, or the Breath of God…

So, REJOICE, REJOICE, REJOICE…share this Post far and wide, and Colleen and I will be doing a very important Podcast today tying all of this together for you…what has been happening in the US and Canada??? In New Zeland and Australia??? Cleansing of the Pits of Hell below the ground, and then cleansing of the Air above the Ground thru these new Tesla Towers…have you heard it yet? This Frequency? Can you Feel it??? Because You Can if You TRY!!!

With Love CF and Coll

Ron’s Channeled Messages 20120704 Simply add your will to the Divine Will and all will be well. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

Many people have been expecting wondrous things to occur on this day.  Many of them will be mightily disillusioned.  However, it would serve no useful purpose for actions of third dimensional duality to be attempted at the wrong time.  Better to watch as the power of love and light accomplish the same things with no loss of life and little calamity.

We have never advocated the type of action that has been forecast.  The sheer weight of your collective intent will be enough, as difficult as that is to accept for many.  We quote for you, in this regard, your favorite prayer.  “Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.”  It is unfortunate that you were taught for so long that the power invoked by these prayers exists apart and separate from yourselves.  It was never taught so by your beloved Masters.

You have also been told recently that action is underway.  This is truth.  We advise a bit more patience and discernment as you read the headlines that are beginning to surface.  Huge institutions are teetering on the brink.  The house of cards will indeed topple now.  Knowing this, plans have been laid for the least impact to be felt, though there will be some, of that there is no doubt.  You have also been advised that alternate systems are in place and ready to take over.  This is also true.  However, at this time, your ability to hold your intent and vision is of paramount importance.

You have had some evidence of even the most dedicated slipping into negativity and lashing out.  You may yourselves have negative reactions and their attached emotions come up for you.  If you can stay centered only upon your goal, these will quickly dissipate.  Feed energy into your purpose and all will be well.  Pain and confusion are visible around you.  You may be experiencing these yourselves.  It is the last gasp.  This was forecast for you as well.  Let it pass.  Let it go into the light, never to return.  You cannot take that vibration, which you have harbored, into the joy and light which is your immanent destination. Release it now.  You know how to do this.  Do not blame yourself.  Just release it.

There is once again a flood of raised frequency and light sweeping around and through you.  In your quiet moments, breathe this in and send it to every cell of your being.  We will not speak today about the benefits of this.  You have been made aware of them already.  You will feel and experience them for yourselves and that is the only thing which will convince you in any case.  Move now from believing into knowing.  Play with what you discover.  Be a child again.  Have fun.

These are the very changes which will manifest the great changes for which you pray so diligently.  You are not alone in experiencing them, you see.  There is not one molecule upon your planet which is not bathed in this light as we speak.  Try as some may, the effect cannot, and will not, be denied.  Simply add your will to the Divine Will and all will be well.

We are here with you now, beloved ones.  Call on us as you need us.  Walk in peace until we speak again.  Good day.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


Ascended Masters 20120909 AA Metatron by James Tyberonn. Earth-Keeper: From ​Russia Comes Hope fo​r the World​


New Article & Channel : From Russia With Love

Details for Sacred Chile Pilgrimage

12-12-12 Registration & Updates


Sacred Chile Pilgrimage – March 2012

Details & Registration Links for Easter Island & Patagonia – Scroll Down

Holland Orb 2012
Edgar Cayce

The fact that Edgar Cayce, perhaps the most credible channel of the past 5 centuries, described Russia as the source for  ‘the hope of the world’ , is quite intriguing.  Before retiring  from my geological engineering work, I had the awesome opportunity to make 3 2-week visits to Russia,  including an additional week in Siberia. I found the people I worked with and met to be wonderful, open and extremely intellectual.

 In time since then, I have had the opportunity to meet many Russians at Earth-Keeper seminars, including our invitation to speak at the SEAT in the United Nations in New York. In our United Nations speaking engagement over half of the attendees were Russian delegates.  My second book had been published in Russia the year before, and the response from the Russian speaking people from several countries  was absolutely amazing and humbling. 

 Two wonderful Russian spiritual leaders, Irini and Yuri have attended several of our events and brought others with them, and we have had the honor of getting to know these loving, beautiful  and highly evolved souls.  They have shared with us how so many spiritual people are now involved in metaphysical teachings, and have invited us to come to Russia .

From Russia – The Hope for the World

Article by James Tyberonn


In 1944 acclaimed psychic Edgar Cayce channeled an incredible reading about Russia:  Quoted verbatim below…

 “Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism – no! But of freedom – true freedom, that each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” – Edgar Cayce

    …Over six decades have passed since this remarkable channeled prophesy. Russia has transformed from a communist state to one of an evolving democracy and free trade economy. In the 95  years since the Marxist revolution, organized religion and its inherent dogma were largely absent from the Russian culture. But what was intended there,  was the socialist ideal of man caring for fellow man, without the mental control aspects of dogmatic religion.

 Russia is indeed becoming a ‘cradle of hope’ for the future of humanity. A bright energy pulses there. I first traveled to Russia in 2004. My second trip was in May of 2006. Both trips included Moscow; the second took me to eastern Siberia, to wondrous Lake Baikal. My experience was profound.


 St. Petersburg may have homed Russia’s royal crown, but Moscow is its pulsing heart. Moscow is a city in which one comes face to face with all that is finest and all that is most frustrating in Russia. The gregarious geniality of its people is as evident as the extreme tensions of a city coming to terms with the confusions of rapid social change. More than anywhere else in the country, it is in Moscow where the Soviet past collides with the capitalist future. Perhaps collides is too strong a term, for truly it is a blend and becoming more harmonious. I had a very real ‘déjà vu’ experience within this marvelous, beautiful city. I sensed its dignity, and I loved it immediately.

 As the new Moscow emerges, it is quite evident that progression into the future is shaped by the integral dignity of the city’s rich and varied heritage, a timeless heritage that emphatically predates the embrace of Soviet rule. Indeed, the most striking aspect of the city today is not Moscow’s much-heralded merging with Western culture but its robust revival of its own tradition and integrity.

 Amazing ancient cathedrals are being restored and opened, innovative theaters are reclaiming leadership in the arts, and traditional markets are coming back to life. It is a city of art, music and creativity. Moscow is once more assuming its position of world preeminence. Yet, it is ironically the 90 years of Soviet socialist influence that has had a key role in shaping the new era of the Golden Bear. The spirituality and clarity that is emerging is free from the confines of orthodox

dogma. It is pure spirituality based on love of fellow man, unobstructed by canon doctrine. The potential is joyous, the city teems with creativity.

 The Arbat, a cobbled street mall of shops, crafts, street entertainers and artisans abounds with life in Moscow’s center. The people are surprisingly engaging and warm. But the most prominent impression was that of their piercing intelligence and zest.

 Having been raised in a virtual television-free environment, most Russians focused on education and arts. Many play at least one musical instrument and speak at least two languages fluently. There is crispness, an energetic clarity through out the area. I felt a familiarity with Russia and discerned a great sense of brightness, a potent emergence of hope. The people are remarkably robust and beautiful. More than 10 million people are living in Moscow. Among them there are representatives of about one hundred nations and ethnic groups. Russians are the largest ethnic group in Moscow. There are also Jews, Ukrainians, Belor-Russians and Tatars, as well as increasing numbers of refugees and immigrants from Afghanistan, the Caucasus, the Baltic States and Central Asia. Orthodox Christianity is a predominant religion in Moscow. The city is embellished

with onion domed, gilded cathedrals, that shine brightly like jewels over the landscape. Moscow has communities of Protestants, Roman Catholics, Judaists, Muslims and a growing circle of ‘New Age’ spirituality.

 In fact the existing religions are yet devoid of the zealot faction and seem far more open minded and accepting of differing views. Moscow occupies more than 1,000 square kilometers. The boundary of the city corresponds to the Moscow Ring Road, which is situated at 15-17 kilometers from the city center. The city extends for 42 kilometers from the north to the south and for 35 kilometers from the east to the west. The city is clustered around the Volkhov River, and many beautiful onion domed cathedrals are situated along its path.

 The site of Red Square and the Kremlin is an amazing power vortex that encompasses the Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer and St Basil’s Cathedral along the river front. The sacred geometry of these splendid cathedrals is extremely potent.

 Inextricably linked to all the most important historical and political events in Russia since the 13th century, the Kremlin (built between the 14th and 17th centuries by outstanding Russian and foreign architects) was the residence of the Great Prince and also a religious centre. At the foot of its ramparts, on Red Square, St Basil’s Basilica is one of the most beautiful Russian Orthodox monuments.

 From the 13th century to the founding of St Petersburg, the Moscow Kremlin was directly and tangibly associated with every major event in Russian history. The Kremlin contains within its walls a unique series of masterpieces of architecture and the plastic arts – religious monuments of exceptional beauty such as the Church of the Annunciation, Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki, and palaces such as the Great Palace of the Kremlin, which comprises within its walls the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin and the Teremnoi Palace. On Red Square is Saint Basil the Blessed, still a major edifice of Orthodox art. Russian architecture was clearly affected many times in its history by influences emanating from the Kremlin

 Red Square is closely associated with the Kremlin, lying beneath its east wall. At its south end is the famous Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed, one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art. It was originally one of a pair of churches, the other being the Cathedral of Kazan, erected in 1633 in the vast open area bordering the ‘Goum’ by Prince Pozarsky to commemorate the victory over the Poles. It disappeared in the early 1930s along with several convents in the neighboring area (Saviour-behind-the-Images, St Nicholas, Epiphany).

 With its triangular enceinte pierced by five gates and reinforced with 29 towers, the Kremlin preserves the memory of the wooden fortifications erected by Yuri Dolgoruki around 1156 on the hill at the confluence of the Moskova and Nieglinnaya rivers (the Alexander Garden now covers the latter). By its layout and its history of transformations (in the 14th century Dimitri Donskoi had an enceinte of logs built, then the first stone wall), it is the prototype of the Kremlin, the citadel at the centre of old Russian towns, such as Pskov, Tula, Kazan or Smolensk.

 The Golden Ring

 The Golden Ring of Moscow is an ovaline circle of power sites and cathedrals that circle an area of roughly 120 miles from the city center. This ring encompasses the golden vortex of the new energy of Moscow.

  ‘The Golden Ring’ is one of the oldest Russian pilgrimage routes. It goes to the northeast of Moscow and forms an ovalesque route that includes several powerpoints and sacred cathedrals. There are many interesting ancient Russian cities and sacred cathedrals along this path.

 The ‘classical’ route (counter clockwise) starts from Moscow, goes through Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanov,

Ples, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov Velikiy, Pereslavl Zalesskiy and Sergiev Posad.

 Sergiev Posad is one of most sacred Cathedrals of the ring. The Sergiev Posad monastery was founded in 1340 by Sergius of Radonezh, whose name was given to the town. The massive complex is along the river, amid lush rolling hills. A holy spring is said to have risen centuries ago by divine credence and is a pilgrimage site for thousands who come to drink its curative


 There are more than 20 such cathedrals in the Moscow ring. Several were built over Pagan power sites hundreds of years ago. The sacred geometry of these cathedrals is quite unique. The exquisite onion domes are often gilded in gold filigree and luminous metallic based paints of green, red and blue. This fascinating use of color is quite spectacular and adds to the potent frequency of these domed beauties. Many of these are indeed portals: magnets and holders of high-energy resonance.

 The energy of the vortex portal of the Golden Ring centered in Moscow is simply one of the brightest energies I have ever experienced. It is powerfully anchored by Saint Germain. It is the template for the new Russia. It became anchored in 1986 and is crystalline in frequency. It is centered at the Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer and St Basil’s in Red Square. It is the vortex and portal of Moscow, of the heart of Russia. It is uniquely fed and aligned to an even more powerful

energy … Siberia’s majestic Lake Baikal.

 Siberia  stretches from the borderline of Europe in the Ural mountains to the very East of Russia at the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean to the borders with China and Mongolia. The population of this enormous area is about ten times less than that of the United States. People live mostly along the Trans-Siberian Railroad, along the few highways, and around mining centers. People here are very ethnically diverse, but they have common traits: they are always exceptionally friendly and generous, ready to help, to laugh or share their home and food.

Siberia has many big cities with history, intense cultural life, and theaters. The cities of Tomsk, Irkutskand Novosibirsk (more than million people) are famous for their colleges and research institutions. All of these cities including Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk are large industrial centers. Vladivostok is a large port and a base of the Russian Pacific fleet. Kemerovo, Yakutsk, Norilsk, Surgut, and Omsk are world famous centers of mining and oil production. Siberia is an economic giant since it includes 70 to 80 percent of all natural resources in Russia. Siberia is also one of the main producers of grain in Russia. But it was Lake Baikal that I came to see, and what an amazing energy.

 Lake Baikal

 Perhaps the most amazing natural site in Russia is Lake Baikal. I had the good fortune to visit Lake Baikal in late May and found it simply stunning. North America can lay claim to some pretty impressive lakes. Lake O’Hara and Lake Louise in Canada are stunning. Pyramid Lake in Nevada and the Great Salt Lake in Utah are portals.

 Lake Superior has the greatest surface area of any fresh water lake in the world. The mystical Crater Lake in Oregon is one of the deepest and most mystical lakes in the world. Lake Ouachita in Arkansas holds the crystalline portal. The powerful chakric portal of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru is the world’s highest navigable lake, lying 12,500 feet above sea level. Italy’s Lake Cuomo and Scotland’s Loch Katrine are areas of tranquil beauty. Africa’s largest lake is Lake Victoria, the world’s second largest fresh water body; it is among the most scenic lakes in the world, straddling the equator and forming part of the borders of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. In the Antarctic lies the world’s coldest and most southernly lake, Lake Vostok. The distinction of the world’s lowest and saltiest lake goes to the DeadSea; bordering Israel and Jordan, it lies 1,340 feet

below sea level!

 Asia can claim the largest inland water body in the world, the Caspian Sea. Even though these lakes and seas are all special and indeed potent, and all have roles in the planetary Ascension, Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia shines in brilliance among them.

 This crescent-shaped lake is more than 900 miles from the nearest ocean (the Pacific) and is about 444 miles long and 50 miles wide. Rimmed by mountains and surrounded by pristine forests, it is one of the most beautiful lake settings in the world. While it is the 7th largest lake on the globe in regards to surface area, in terms of volume of water Lake Baikal has no peers. Lake Baikal holds 20% of the world’s fresh water, the largest volume of fresh water on the planet. Its greatest depth is 5,022 feet, making it by far the world’s deepest lake.

 Magical Lake Baikal is contained in a natural tectonic basin in an uplift highland called the Stanovoy Range. This crevice holds the waters of Lake Baikal. The immense surface of the lake is 477 meters above sea level, while its bottom plunges to 1,200 meters below. The lake is encircled by antediluvian mountain ranges rising to heights of 2,750 meters. These mountains slope steeply to the surface of the lake, embellishing a spectacular panorama of overwhelming rugged beauty.

 The mountains around Baikal are rich in lapis lazuli, mica, graphite, marble, gold and other minerals, and are carpeted in rich Pine and Cedar forests. The natural resources are immense.

 Lake Baikal is a virtual cornucopia of precious and semi precious gemstones. Many of these are found along the massive shoreline in the crystal clear waters.

 These include lazurite, charoite, lapis lazuli, jade, spinel, apatite, flogopite, diopsite, pargasite, scapolite, pyrite, quartz, dolomite, calcite, malachite, amethyst, giafoline, tourmaline, ortite, biotite, limonite, amazonite and aragonite.

 More than 330 rivers and streams feed Lake Baikal, but the powerful Angara River is the lake’s only outlet. The Angara empties into the Arctic Ocean more than 1,500 miles away. Its path is dotted with power nodes.

  Geologists determine Lake Baikal to be approximately 25 million years old, as such making it the world’s oldest lake. Lake Baikal has tremendous clarity, the transparency of the crystalline waters is up to 40 meters. Its waters support life at incredible depths. The bottom is dotted with volcanic vents that energize and oxygenize the waters, allowing for prolific eco and bio systems of life, totally unique to the lake.

 Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lake Baikal’s extreme pristine beauty has long been recognized as a powerful sacred portal.

 The Buryats, an indigenous people of the Lake Baikal area, have held the lake as holy for thousands of years. Their religion is shamanism, similar to that of the Native Americans. They honor the lake as a living deity. The Island of Olkhon and Shaman Rock are sacred centers of Siberian shamanism, remnants of sacred LeMuria.

 Buddhist monasteries and communities also have been situated along Lake Baikal’s perimeter for centuries. The Buddhists consider the pristine holy lake to hold the energy of Lord Buddha.

 During my visit to the lake in May, half  of the holy lake was still frozen. I was delighted to find the ice had in certain parts formed geometric ice crystals that expressed themselves in amazing geometric forms. Some appeared almost in snowflake geometries, others as pinnacles.

 Baikal is amazing, and it is not without reason that Siberians refer to it not as a lake, but as a sea. Its water is unusually transparent, such  that one can look though it as through a crystalline gem,  its color is a transparent shimmering soft-turquoise, pleasant and soothing to the eye, as well as body, mind and soul. Staring over the endless waters was like scrying into a crystal ball…it opened the chakras.

Its shores are mountainous and forest-covered; lush forested virginal wilderness all around. A profusion of bears, elk, deer, sable, and wild ram teeming in healthy abidance throughout the area.

The environ is awakening and invigorating. It is all one needs to strengthen the body and soothe the mind.  For a time one forgets worry, and effortlessly begins to discover the stunning mystical beauty of this natural cathedral.

 For this writer, Baikal opened the doorway to more than tranquility; it opened my heart in a profound and serendipitous way. I felt the joy of nature, the beauty of life.  I was able to return to a special place of immense well being, a mystical paradise of where I should be always be. For a timeless period of four days I returned fully to the beauty of Gaia, of Nature’s wonders.  It was  around me  in beautiful mountains, meadows, forest and air, full of the smell of the crisp waters, aromatic  wild flowers ( even with the spring not fully expressed, flowers were everywhere the remaining  remnants of melting snow was not. The ever green trees had the magic smell of Christmas trees, and it was a lovely perfume that opened memories worth having.   

At the lakes edge I was immersed in the plasmic vibration of crystal clear water, and above  the fathomless blue of the Siberian sky, the blinding white of clouds and golden  sun, making way at night for a velveteen canvas of sparkling stars. I saw majestic cliffs where time itself carved out startling grottos and caves, mysterious rock paintings, the creation of far distant ancestors, lush turquoise bays and inviting inlets. I began to feel Baikal, to touch it, breathe it … and I began to open and understand.

Shamans Island

 I visited a Buryat Shaman during my time in Baikal and was delighted and honored to take part in drumming ceremonies in accolade to the lake. The drums and songs, used in ceremony with a sacred fire, were strikingly similar to those of the Native American. The directions were acknowledged, and prayer songs were dedicated to the spirit of the lake. The Shaman wore traditional robes and drummed with an elk skin ceremonial drum, hand crafted by his grandfather. He was Mongolian in appearance, in the same way as the Eskimo tribe of Alaska. He was good natured and spoke English. He was an elder in the tribe and a language teacher in the local school.  Although my company had allowed me to take a 4-week, 8 hour per day saturation course in Russian 2 years earlier, his English was far better than my rudimentary Russian.  

 He shared with me stories of the lake, and spoke of Guardian deities that were traditionally honored regarding the lakes, forests, mountains and rivers. He spoke of a very sacred island in the lake, near the shore that was used for ceremony. He made smoke offerings and purifications with what appeared to be dried cedar or spruce.  I was honored deeply to have time with him.

 Final Day

 The end of my last day at the lake was dedicated to meditation in one of the holy areas along the lake. I found a spot sheathed in granitic outcroppings, overlooking the frozen beauty of the lake, just in view of the sacred island.  Dressed in appropriately warm clothing, I found I was able to reach a deep state very quickly.

 I connected to the spirit of the lake and in timeless repose had a vision of a beautiful and enormous ‘Fire-Bird’  emerging from its depths. The eagle transformed to glowing  white as it hovered high above the lake. Its body then radiated the colors of the rainbow. These enveloped me, and I felt tremendous energy, a frequency of great peace and well-being. After a few hours, I knew my time was coming to a close. The winds whipped up and had an icy edge. I buried three crystals I had brought within the grounds, and I placed four more in the thawed waters along the shoreline.

 As I walked back to my waiting car and tour guide, I paused once more to view the splendid scene. An energy pervaded me, and the Lake once again filled my heart, truly an energy of Sacred Russia, with Love.

 End of Article


Buruayt Russia Shamen w TYB

Lake Baikal – James Tyberonn with Russian Shaman in traditional Buryat Ceremonial Dress

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Moscow-TYB 8

Moscow  - Amazing Golden -Gilded Domed Cathedral of  ‘Christ the Redeemer’ 

Archangel  Channel

From Russia the Hope 

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn


Greetings, Beloved!  I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace each of you, individually in a field of unconditional love.

 And so we speak in this hour of Russia, and indeed it is a vast land of a deep history within your past centuries. That energy that we find around what the channel terms as the Golden Ring of Moscow is an exceptionally clear energy, one that heightens what you term the intellect. The great channel you referred to, Edgar Cayce, foresaw the emergence of a new application of this ancient portal.

 Dear Ones, we tell you that Moscow, and indeed Russia, will be the cradle of the renewed application of spiritual principle as applied in the lives of humanity.

  Now, what we see occurring in Russia is a new influx of evolved souls in mass carrying the crystalline frequency, with a culture whose common man has for two generations lived in more unity, in greater equality, we would say.

 And, as the channel has mentioned, are not largely divided or controlled by organized religious dogma or creed. That is the energy of the Golden Ring. It is an insert, a hologramic frequency that can offer the potential for the rebirth of true application of human experience.

 Those called the Meruvians, the 6th race, are in fact the crystalline vibration. The Meruvian is not a racial façade or grouping, rather it is the 12 stand DNA that can and is occurring in all physical biology forms. As such there is an influx of the Meruvian crystalline frequency or better stated, Crystalline Children, within this area.

 As we have said, the Meruvian-Crystalline frequency influx is also occurring in South America, Scandinavia, Canada, Japan, and parts of the United States, most specifically in the Crystal Vortex.

 The major influx is in Russia and South America at this time, of souls in mass from the family of evolved souls, those of the ‘Law of One,’ those of Mu, those of Tibet, those of the golden era of Greece. These souls have accepted a specific mission and will potentially become majority forces of like ideology within these frequencial inserts.

 Lake Baikal

 Now, the channel asks about the energy termed Lake Baikal. We tell you it is a massive vortex and chakric center for humankind as well as for the body of the planet. Its ovaline circumference extends for over one thousand miles, and its energetic influence is global. It is one of the rare vortexial sites on the planet with a reverse spin in terms of its relation to intra-dimensional light. We will speak more on this later in this channel.

  Lake Baikal has been recognized for millennia and has always had etheric as well as human guardians along its shores. You see, Baikal carries the energy of Mu and of Lord Buddha. It was recognized in the time of LeMuria and holds that peaceful energy as a placeholder for the planet, we will say. It has long been protected by its very remoteness.

 The gems from this area are extremely potent, they are imbued with its tranquil energy, its balance.

The gemstones of the Ural Mountains are also of key importance at this time. That of the blue

lapis lazuli and the lavender charoite of Baikal, and that of the amethyst, aquamarine, topaz and

demantoid garnet of the Ural Mountains are most beneficial to those that wear them. The vibration

of these unique areas within Russia is of the higher activation and harmonious frequency at

this time, you see.

 Three potent energy vortex-portal complexes exist and triangulate in Russia’s geometric template:

the Golden Ring, The Ural Mountains and Lake Baikal. The most powerful of these, and understand, Dear Ones, that all three are omnificently potent, is Lake Baikal.

 Lake Baikal is indeed global in proportion and vibrates in harmonic oscillation with many other parts of the world, including Lake Titicaca, both LeMurian you see.

 Now certain areas of Russia carry a reverse field of energy that is quite interesting in its relation to the Crystalline-Electric Cosmic Pulse. 

 The Cosmic Pulse is an omnipotent source and force of energy that is Intra-dimensional and in your current technology, immeasurable. The energy of the Cosmic Pulse occurs in two formats, one as a conduit of current, and the other as a lattice work, a living sentient grid.

 In Russia, two of these reverse helitropical fields occur. The largest is in Lake Baikal, the other in the Ural Mountains. These two triangulate with the Golden Ring Vortex centered in Moscow.

 The Cosmos contains within it what may be termed a Crysto-Electrical circuitry within the active plasma of the galaxies and intra-space. This circuitry feeds the core of your galaxy. This ‘active’ plasma is in many forms, both hot and cold, and it is coherent and conscious. This plasma is not fixed in one dimension or in only one Universe. You see this plasma operates in a spectrum, not unlike light. It fluctuates and fades in an out of both dimensional realities and into other Universes. It is in fact the glue that binds them together.

 This intradimensional plasma produces a multi braided helixed current that is crystalline. But how can a crystalline substance have ionic polarity attributes  in a zero-point  field? Because it is produced by the Crystalline structure of the geometric Cosmic Lattice, the Galactic Grid. It becomes coherent, through the ‘pinch’ of its attraction and compression. Just as certain piezoelectric crystals on your planet release electrical charge when mechanical pressure is applied, this plasma is released through something akin to what is termed the ‘z-pinch’ effect of compression exerted on the piezo crystalline matrix of the Cosmic Grid.

 As you approach the Ascension, this crysto-electrical current is poised to play a major role in the Crystalline Frequencial Upshift of your Earth, and indeed humanity. It is part of the crystalline portion of the Cosmic Trigger. We tell you this current is being coded with an inverse spiral that is requisite not only to the planet but to the quintessential upshift to Mer-Ka-Na.

 Your planetary grids and magnetospheres act as double layered surge protectors, but occasionally this charge overloads. There is evidence of this, unrecognized, in your solar system, and indeed on the Earth. Each planet has a specific parameter of electrical charge it carries. When this charge is overloaded in a surge, a form of internal electricity will burst out in potent arcs that create implosion effects both on the physical planet and its intra-dimensional aspect. This has occurred on your earth after the breakup of the initial Firmament. This is in fact what formed the Grand Canyon !

 Indeed over-surge implosion of arc-lightening not only formed the Grand Canyon, but also Meteor Crater in Arizona, and the Tungstoy Crater in Siberia. It is the Tungstoy implosion that emiited the secondary arcs that created the reverse spins in both Lake Baikal and the Ural Mountain region.

The Tungstoy crater has not revealed iron-nickel meteorite fragments within its crater, and that is because it was not a meteor explosion. It was created by arc lightening implosion release.  Evidence of this is also on the moon and all of your planets. Jupiter’s Fourth Moon and the Valle Marinera Canyon on Mars are other enigmatic examples of Arc Implosions. Indeed these are understood and recognized by some of your maverick scientist.

 Baikal & Ural: The Reverse Spin of Implosion Fields

Now, to relate this to your earth, we will tell you that the arc lightening emitted from within the earth that created the implosion scars of the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater and Tungstoy, Siberia  have created a unique energy field. A reverse spin of intra-dimensional light occurs here, and as such a unique balance-counter balance occurs that spins light in helical and anti-helical spins.

 As we have stated, Gemstones and minerals found within these areas have unique properties as a result that can be very balancing and beneficial in auric expansion. One of the interesting effects within these areas is the presence of a very beneficial energy resulting from a unique anti-gravitational field that occurred from the Electro-Arc implosion.

 This field has periods of intra-dimensional openings that enable time-program anomalies at specific astronomical gravity phases. This benevolent energy is very unique on your planet, and allows multidimensional awareness and experiences of bi-location more easily in certain vectors within it.

 There are other  areas where this has occurred on the planet, and one of these is the Andara region of California, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas  and the mid south central section of the Ural Mountains, along the 51st latitude north.


 Russia is an area of incredible energies, and one of the major influx areas of the coming of the Crystal-vibration humans of the full strand 12-DNA.  

 Russia houses 3 incredible vortexes, the most powerful is Lake Baikal.

 The presence of higher realm geometries and higher dimensional light is quickened above and within Lake Baikal, and its energy affects the entire planet Earth.  Above it is a precious diamond dome. This concentrated geometric sphere contains the dodecahedron and octahedron. It is irradiated with those energies of the Pleiades and Sirius B, and uniquely aligned to same. We say to the channel, you were fortunate indeed to visit this place; its energies are now within you. And so it is for all who visit there, either in body or spirit, yet both are indeed blessed. You are beloved.”

 I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.

And so it is…


The above article by James Tyberonn & the Archangel Metatron channel are copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines, U-Tube, or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested from Earth-Keeper Admin by emailing Anne at:




Wes’s Channeled Messages 20150425 Pain, Confusion and Self-Surrender


In order to grow, creatively or spiritually, we have to be willing to be broken down. We have to be willing to be emptied of everything we once thought was important or essential so the new can come pouring in, and the more we resist, the harder the process will be.

Some of us struggle to find what we want to do in this life, and this can make the process of creative/spiritual evolution more uncomfortable and painful.

It gets even harder if we have an overactive mind that constantly races from thought to thought and desire to desire, and it seems important to relinquish any mind-centered control we forcefully exert and let life flow exactly how it’s meant to.

This evolutionary process will be the hardest thing we ever do if we don’t learn to relinquish control and let life flow, and we have to stop giving in to the mind’s constant thoughts, judgments and demands.

Once we find one or two things we’re passionate about and we can use to uplift the world, we have to wholeheartedly pursue them without letting the mind’s judgments bring us into a place of indecision, where the mind thrives and our connection with the heart is all but blocked.

We can’t let the mind raise dissent from within, which robs us of our passion. No matter what we ultimately decide to take up, we have to remember that without a strong sense of passion for what we do, nothing will seem to flow.

We obviously won’t enjoy the things we’re doing if we can’t find passion for them, and even the job that seems the most boring could change in a heartbeat if we approach it with more passion than we’re used to.

Similarly, the most exciting job won’t be fun at all if we aren’t passionate about it, and because of this, our actual role or mission isn’t as important as the passion we approach it with. If we have love, passion and a sincere interest in our work, then we have everything.

If we fail to integrate these qualities into our work, however, we’ll seem more separate from our mission and our spiritual essence than ever.

We’ll seem to float through life, unable to feel good about anything we do, and we might routinely descend into depression or other forms of unrelenting inner negativity that drain our sense of love, positivity and wholeness.


We can steer our otherwise sinking ship to the harbor of our choice if we remember to find love and passion, and in some cases, it takes losing almost everything – even our mind-driven sense of self or identity – to realize this.

It takes a complete breakdown of everything we thought we knew; everything we previously held close, to embrace the next step of our creative/spiritual evolution, and it’s one of the most uncomfortable, paradigm shattering things we’ll ever experience.

We have to persevere regardless, because despite the doubt some of us deal with on a daily basis, we know where this process is taking us. We know exactly where we’re headed, and all we have to do is diminish doubt, uncertainty, confusion and every other trait of the mind that keeps us from being who we really are.

I’ve mentioned that a lot of spiritual seekers renounce the idea that the ego is “bad” or we should stay away from it, and while they’re right, we’ll still want to keep it in check. Once we start living from the heart, we find that the ego doesn’t necessarily go away, but instead, it becomes the heart’s faithful, willing servant.

It serves our every need and desire, be it creative or spiritual (as long as those needs/desires serve our higher growth), and people who’ve glimpsed a higher consciousness will tell you that the ego isn’t totally gone.

It’s still there, but it operates in a much smaller sense. It doesn’t have the overbearing influence over us that it once did, and instead, it becomes a quiet, peaceful servant to our higher will and our higher awareness.

This, in my opinion, is how we should develop our relationship with the ego from here on out. Instead of trying to get rid of it, we can recognize that it’s an essential part of us and embrace it from a heart-centered perspective, allowing it to serve our creative and spiritual needs.


A trained ego makes for a much smoother creative flow and a much more enhanced meditation, and we’ll realize when we go deep enough that we’ve never really been meant to renounce or transcend it – we’ve been meant to work with it in a healthy, balanced way without letting it go haywire.

Some of us have let it get out of control, including me, and the result is always that we feel low, uninspired and infinitely unsure of ourselves or where we want to go from here.

We’ll know when the mind and ego have infiltrated our perception and our ability to make decisions by the way we feel and the thoughts we think, and those thoughts are never positive.

Our perspective on everything is consistently negative, and we convince ourselves happiness just can’t be found in this world, or if it can, it must be in the latest expensive gadget or that restaurant food we love to eat.

Nothing less than a complete breakdown of all those false notions is required if we want to get to a place beyond the endless stress, tension and confusion that fog the mind and block us from the heart, and the best advice I can give is to stay strong when you’re hit with this wave of startling internal and external change.

Stay strong, and try to flow with it as gracefully as you can, because it isn’t about to let up. In fact, the storm’s rage will get stronger until we finally relinquish our resistance and surrender to the higher aspects of our consciousness that are ready to assist us, and we’re the only ones who can make this crucial choice.


Only we can surrender to our personal evolutionary process and let the chips fall where they may, and it helps to embrace our creative passions.

Again, we have to have some passion in the first place if we want to get the most out of our creative work, and with passion, finding our primary outlet and handling the sometimes devastating, uprooting internal/external changes we face will be simple and maybe even a little fun.

Above all, the best advice I can give is not to let the stress and confusion bring you down. Most of us probably know by now that falling down is incredibly easy, but it’s a lot harder to get back up than it is to fall.

Getting back up is about as difficult as climbing a mountain, and in the metaphorical sense, it’s basically the same thing.

It’s inevitable that we’ll face confusion, uncertainty and tension as we continue to elevate our consciousness and do what we can to uplift the rest of the world, and fortunately, we can feed those qualities straight to our higher consciousness, which some call the “higher self”.

We can feed them directly to the Divine Father/Mother if we want, and regardless of which higher source we give them to, we’ll receive all the assistance we require from them if we learn to open up and let life be, without acting on the constant desire to control things.

Unnecessary control is the overactive ego’s greatest tool, and it’s exactly what we’ll have to transcend if we want to make it through the increasingly potent phases of our evolutionary process that we’ll continue to go through.

Love, strength and passion will show us the way, but only if we can open up and bring these qualities into our lives. We’ll continue to struggle if we can’t, and I’m sure we’re all ready to end the struggle and step into the new, expanded evolutionary roles we created for ourselves before we came to this planet.

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, April 22, 2015 –

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) andTwitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.



Wes’s Channeled Messages 20150425 Pain, Confusion and Self-Surrender


In order to grow, creatively or spiritually, we have to be willing to be broken down. We have to be willing to be emptied of everything we once thought was important or essential so the new can come pouring in, and the more we resist, the harder the process will be.

Some of us struggle to find what we want to do in this life, and this can make the process of creative/spiritual evolution more uncomfortable and painful.

It gets even harder if we have an overactive mind that constantly races from thought to thought and desire to desire, and it seems important to relinquish any mind-centered control we forcefully exert and let life flow exactly how it’s meant to.

This evolutionary process will be the hardest thing we ever do if we don’t learn to relinquish control and let life flow, and we have to stop giving in to the mind’s constant thoughts, judgments and demands.

Once we find one or two things we’re passionate about and we can use to uplift the world, we have to wholeheartedly pursue them without letting the mind’s judgments bring us into a place of indecision, where the mind thrives and our connection with the heart is all but blocked.

We can’t let the mind raise dissent from within, which robs us of our passion. No matter what we ultimately decide to take up, we have to remember that without a strong sense of passion for what we do, nothing will seem to flow.

We obviously won’t enjoy the things we’re doing if we can’t find passion for them, and even the job that seems the most boring could change in a heartbeat if we approach it with more passion than we’re used to.

Similarly, the most exciting job won’t be fun at all if we aren’t passionate about it, and because of this, our actual role or mission isn’t as important as the passion we approach it with. If we have love, passion and a sincere interest in our work, then we have everything.

If we fail to integrate these qualities into our work, however, we’ll seem more separate from our mission and our spiritual essence than ever.

We’ll seem to float through life, unable to feel good about anything we do, and we might routinely descend into depression or other forms of unrelenting inner negativity that drain our sense of love, positivity and wholeness.


We can steer our otherwise sinking ship to the harbor of our choice if we remember to find love and passion, and in some cases, it takes losing almost everything – even our mind-driven sense of self or identity – to realize this.

It takes a complete breakdown of everything we thought we knew; everything we previously held close, to embrace the next step of our creative/spiritual evolution, and it’s one of the most uncomfortable, paradigm shattering things we’ll ever experience.

We have to persevere regardless, because despite the doubt some of us deal with on a daily basis, we know where this process is taking us. We know exactly where we’re headed, and all we have to do is diminish doubt, uncertainty, confusion and every other trait of the mind that keeps us from being who we really are.

I’ve mentioned that a lot of spiritual seekers renounce the idea that the ego is “bad” or we should stay away from it, and while they’re right, we’ll still want to keep it in check. Once we start living from the heart, we find that the ego doesn’t necessarily go away, but instead, it becomes the heart’s faithful, willing servant.

It serves our every need and desire, be it creative or spiritual (as long as those needs/desires serve our higher growth), and people who’ve glimpsed a higher consciousness will tell you that the ego isn’t totally gone.

It’s still there, but it operates in a much smaller sense. It doesn’t have the overbearing influence over us that it once did, and instead, it becomes a quiet, peaceful servant to our higher will and our higher awareness.

This, in my opinion, is how we should develop our relationship with the ego from here on out. Instead of trying to get rid of it, we can recognize that it’s an essential part of us and embrace it from a heart-centered perspective, allowing it to serve our creative and spiritual needs.


A trained ego makes for a much smoother creative flow and a much more enhanced meditation, and we’ll realize when we go deep enough that we’ve never really been meant to renounce or transcend it – we’ve been meant to work with it in a healthy, balanced way without letting it go haywire.

Some of us have let it get out of control, including me, and the result is always that we feel low, uninspired and infinitely unsure of ourselves or where we want to go from here.

We’ll know when the mind and ego have infiltrated our perception and our ability to make decisions by the way we feel and the thoughts we think, and those thoughts are never positive.

Our perspective on everything is consistently negative, and we convince ourselves happiness just can’t be found in this world, or if it can, it must be in the latest expensive gadget or that restaurant food we love to eat.

Nothing less than a complete breakdown of all those false notions is required if we want to get to a place beyond the endless stress, tension and confusion that fog the mind and block us from the heart, and the best advice I can give is to stay strong when you’re hit with this wave of startling internal and external change.

Stay strong, and try to flow with it as gracefully as you can, because it isn’t about to let up. In fact, the storm’s rage will get stronger until we finally relinquish our resistance and surrender to the higher aspects of our consciousness that are ready to assist us, and we’re the only ones who can make this crucial choice.


Only we can surrender to our personal evolutionary process and let the chips fall where they may, and it helps to embrace our creative passions.

Again, we have to have some passion in the first place if we want to get the most out of our creative work, and with passion, finding our primary outlet and handling the sometimes devastating, uprooting internal/external changes we face will be simple and maybe even a little fun.

Above all, the best advice I can give is not to let the stress and confusion bring you down. Most of us probably know by now that falling down is incredibly easy, but it’s a lot harder to get back up than it is to fall.

Getting back up is about as difficult as climbing a mountain, and in the metaphorical sense, it’s basically the same thing.

It’s inevitable that we’ll face confusion, uncertainty and tension as we continue to elevate our consciousness and do what we can to uplift the rest of the world, and fortunately, we can feed those qualities straight to our higher consciousness, which some call the “higher self”.

We can feed them directly to the Divine Father/Mother if we want, and regardless of which higher source we give them to, we’ll receive all the assistance we require from them if we learn to open up and let life be, without acting on the constant desire to control things.

Unnecessary control is the overactive ego’s greatest tool, and it’s exactly what we’ll have to transcend if we want to make it through the increasingly potent phases of our evolutionary process that we’ll continue to go through.

Love, strength and passion will show us the way, but only if we can open up and bring these qualities into our lives. We’ll continue to struggle if we can’t, and I’m sure we’re all ready to end the struggle and step into the new, expanded evolutionary roles we created for ourselves before we came to this planet.

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, April 22, 2015 –

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) andTwitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.



Ascension Earth 2012 – 20120818 ~ Message from the Galactic Federation of Light – ‘The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven’

Saint Peter holding the ‘Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven’ (Matthew 16:19) . The keys symbolize frequency, as frequency can be expressed as a musical tone, pitch or ‘key’.

Resurrecting your dreams, your hopes, your accomplishments and your new home will be an achievement beyond any that you have ever made. What you have to look forward to is something that not many beings, if any at all, throughout this entire universe are blessed so to experience. We have planned for you and see for you so many wonderful things that so many of you who today may feel tied down to an unrewarding, un-pleasurable, unexciting, un-wondrous and unloved existence will, like a springboard, catapult into an entirely new reality, fresh in its grand tapestries of excitement, adventure, mystery, beauty, wonder, reward and surprise. 

This is what so many of you have in store for yourselves just up ahead beyond the next-door that you will successfully step through. Do not allow yourselves to feel glum now, to allow yourselves to deflate, as it is this air of expectation, of childlike excitement and anticipation that is the air that fills your balloon that will lift you up and out of your current fairground of reality. Do you understand this, that it is your attitude, your inner emotions that are such an important factor in helping deliver you to where it is you want to be and what you want to experience? Your mindsets are preciously important factors at this and all times. It is entirely necessary for each and every one of you who wants more for yourselves, who wants something different and better for yourselves to safeguard and cater to your mindset, your attitudes, your demeanor, your outlook, your expectations, your mood as well as your physical health at all times, for all of these things factor in to your journey.

What you are thinking and feeling at any given moment is painting for you the portrait of your life that will be complete and gifted to you in so many days ahead. This is how it works in this universe. It works no other way. This is how it was designed and this is how it functions at this present time and will continue to function like this until such a day when your Creator decides that he wishes to change these parameters, these rules of operation. If you understand this, then we say to you start today, start painting a brighter, more promising and more positive outlook for yourselves. This doom and gloom scenery that many of you are painting with each brush stroke today may not be the portrait many of you have in mind to hang on your wall of your new reality.

We have been reading your posts and comments and communicating in other ways with some of those that we have connections to and we have a fairly good idea what many of you wish for yourselves, and it is safe to say it is not more of the same. Do you think that you must therefore change what you are feeling inside, what you are thinking inside, what you are creating for yourselves inside? These go hand-in-hand; your thoughts today and your future tomorrow. There is no dividing these two, they are eternally linked. If it is tomorrow you wish to change, then it is today you need to change. This you must understand, this you must remember, this you must focus on each and every day, or each and every day you will be creating the same days to line up like railroad tracks long and far into the distance that you will travel. It is time for many of you to begin laying new tracks that will take you to new destinations of your choosing. That is all we have to say about that. We wish you to always remember these words, as so many of you deserve and wish for yourselves better, and it is better that is available to you now.

Moving on to pressing matters in your world, we are observing tides turning in the great collective consciousness of your people. We see no longer a race who wishes for war or for violence of any kind. We see a people who now long for and call for peace and love, global brotherhood and cooperation. This is such a wonderful site to behold from our vantage point, and we say to all of you that you will have what it is you wish for yourselves and your families, this will not be denied. The world that you now long for, a world where there is peace that silences the war and the fighting will be yours and prosperity will be the new call of the day.

There will be prosperity where there was bloodshed. This is what happens when the guns of war are silenced. Like a vacuum something must fill the void that has been vacated, and when war and violence is done away with and no longer consumes the creative energies of a collective only good follows in its place, for this is the natural course. You will not be experiencing more of the same in different persona, a different mask and cloak. You will be experiencing something so different, so unbelievable, so liberating, so beautiful, invigorating, joyous, uplifting, satisfying and rewarding. You will be experiencing a world where money is not a commodity that is fought over. You will be experiencing a world where money is not rare and is not the ultimate target of so much energy, focus and fighting. You will be experiencing a world where money and wealth is shared freely and equally among all of you, where no one will be left for want or need for anything.

This is the world that you are creating today, and we say to you do not allow yourselves for one day longer to be pessimistic, to live in doubt, live in fear, insecurity and uncertainty about your tomorrow, for we tell you we see the tomorrow you are creating today and it is wonderful, it is magnificent, and each and every one of you will prosper so greatly in so many different ways. We say to you do not give up now, do not let your guard down, do not allow yourselves to stumble upon the old ways, habits and the tendencies and the attitudes that created for you the world that you are now leaving behind. You now all see the negative, unproductive, unrewarding, un-free, unloving, unfeeling and unsafe world that can be created through negative thought, action, intent and dream.

No one in this entire universe can tell you better, the people of Earth, what kind of sorrow, misery, hardship, sadness, fear, loneliness and destitution that can be created when you allow yourselves to begin to create such a world through your negative vibrations and your powers of creative manifestation. You all have learned this lesson and you have learned it the hard way, the hardest way anyone in this universe must learn a lesson. You learned it by living through it, in not just one lifetime, but many successive incarnations before you are permitted to return home to where it is you originally come from, and this place is not, in almost every case, the place that you visit after each incarnation, for where it is you truly come from, where it is that is your home is, is not the place that you have been visiting for a short while after you leave one physical vessel to be born into a new vessel.

Do you understand what we are saying here, that it is not through the death experience that you can ‘escape’, if you will, this reality and into a new? It was not designed in such a way that someone could simply take their own life or wander through it and ‘graduate’, if you will, into a new reality. It was not designed such as this for several reasons. We say to you one of these reasons was to make sure each and every one of you who signed up for this mission, this journey, this experience got exactly what it is from all of this that you wanted in the first place, what this entire reality was created for in the first place, which was for each and every one of you to learn all the lessons necessary to allow you to grow wings and take flight into the higher stretches of this universe. That was the purpose of the creation of this entire reality.

This reality you call Earth in the 3rd dimension is not an abomination, was not a mistake, was not a miscarriage of creation. It was a beautiful, wonderful and perfect creation and it has served each and every one of you perfectly well for what it is you wished to experience for yourselves, and now it comes the time for many of you to receive just what it is you wanted from all this. This is the day that now stands just before you so soon it is only a blink of an eye, the beat of your heart relative to the long eons that you have been away from your home and have been on this journey. Do you understand how very close you all are and that losing patience now when you are just another breath away would be unwise and imprudent, as to remain as positive as you can to help usher in your new day is so vitally important?

We want each of you to remember this; that your vibrations must be kept as high as possible to allow you to connect, to plug-in, to blend into the higher vibrations of this universe. This is one of the reasons why we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, paint for you our pictures of how wonderful, beautiful, exciting, rewarding and promising your new world and your new lives will be, for we want you, because you need to, keep your spirits high, keep your vibrations high, for there is nothing more important that you can do today than to keep your vibrations as high as possible. This is so important for you to remember and we will stress this point again to you often throughout the days ahead, as we wish you to keep this thought in the forefront of your consciousness; your vibrational frequencies are the key that will unlock the door that will present itself to you in the not too distant future.

This is all we have for you today, and we say to you preserve and safeguard the keys that you possess inside you, for they are priceless and they are what will unlock every dream, every hope and every desire that you have ever had.

We are key masters as well. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles