In the wake of the Eclipse Cycle … (an Ascension Update)

Hello Beautiful  — In the wake of the eclipse cycle, many of us are still feeling the energies + working with what these transits brought up. How are you doing?! This was the strongest energy that I have ever felt in an eclipse cycle. It also seemed very pointed in the way it affected me. Eclipse always bring things up that are ripe for change, but this Eclipse Cycle felt more keenly associated with the evolution of our consciousness. What the energies are activating, triggering, illuminating… in someway bringing to the surface, are the parts of our life that really need our love, acceptance, and our willingness to take action on our own behalf, with the belief that we’re supported. These are very powerful themes if you’re in touch with the part of yourself that truly wants freedom. Liberation even. Everything you sense will bring you joy, is possible for you. More and more, this is the message I receive from the Angelic fields I channel, and from my Divine Self (I AM Presence, or Monad). Think of the aspects of your life that are being lit up by these Eclipses as being keys to you shifting into this possibility. It changes how this all feels when you really can see how it’s happening FOR YOU. Even though the two eclipses are now complete, Mercury went retrograde April 1 and will move through the same energy for the next couple of weeks reactivating it. Given this, the opportunities for empowerment are still very much with us. I sense that for many of us who are opening deeply to the invitations and inner calls that are arising, we might have the opportunity to work through one area and then another which may only be accessible after the first was embraced, exalted and allowed to shift. This possibility to stride much further into our vision of Heaven on Earth, than we can even imagine, feels vividly real and alive for me right now. Maybe for you too? In general — Eclipses unfold and impact our lives far beyond the moments when they occur. Eclipses, like the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices are definitely fueling the evolution of our consciousness. And the effects of these eclipses will likely play out over the next six months. Maybe even longer. For me personally, the eclipses felt very much about being willing to tackle things I was avoiding because I didn’t have much confidence they were going to go my way. As these areas of my life got activated, it was very clear to me that NOW was the time, to move through any doubt and step forward and evolve these situations. I’m still working on a couple of aspects of what came up for me, but the results of my willingness to fully embrace these challenges and take action is mind blowingly awe inspiring! I was teaching during the eclipses (EVOLVE with LOVE + GRACE) and many people shared that their Eclipse Cycle experience was much more physical — they felt their bodies and energies changing dramatically and were really just wiped out by everything. I also had friends who found the energies triggered particular chakras associated with areas in which they have a history of holding themselves back. Some people were focused on generational patterns of trauma and the call to resolve this, by fully forgiving and loving themselves. I find it amazing that the theme of empowerment worked uniquely and specifically in a personal way with each of us. But isn’t this the promise of quantum energies? We’re known, loved, seen, supported and all of this is personal. Unique. We’re specifically attended to. We’re surrounded by our Spiritual Support Team, our Family of Light and our Divine Self is always reaching out to us, to guide and give to us, all that we need. I felt this support more of late, than ever before. We’re becoming more and more consciously multidimensional — living our lives, knowing, feeling, calling upon and co-creating with our non-physical vastness of being. It’s so beautiful and amazing. Even though I’ve been channeling two programs through all this, I haven’t been writing/posting as much because I’ve needed a lot more rest. But I wanted to reach out today and share a little bit and see how you all are. If you feel inclined to share what your experience was or is like, I’d love to hear. Just hit reply. (Or join the conversation on the Expect Wonderful Facebook page…) I’m always happy to hear from you. Lastly, the other thing i want to say out loud is that Archangels Michael & Metatron have both shared with me, that the coming months will continue to call us into SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY and EMPOWERMENT. I heartily encourage you to answer these inner calls with belief in yourself and knowing you have the power to clear, elevate, shift, change and manifest what you sense will give you joy! Sending you blessings and so much love!  

Pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities.

The divine energy – LOVE, All that exists – is extremely powerful and heartfelt, and many who have not felt it before are beginning to do so now as it intensifies during the present Easter and Pentecost season.  This divine energy, in which all are enveloped, is beautifully adjusted so that those who are in human form do not become physically overwhelmed as they set their intent to feel its loving Presence.  Nearly everyone presently in human form is consciously choosing to awaken into Reality, and so the energy level has to be set at a much higher level than in ages gone by so that your bodies are filled with its Light but not enough to burn them. Consequently, as you intensify your intention to awaken, others will feel at peace, accepted, and loved when they are physically in your presence.  To accept and love humanity – all of humanity – is why you chose to be present on Earth in human form at this moment.  To fulfill this pre-planned task all you need do is just Be!  It is not in any way difficult, just allow yourselves to totally accept each interaction with others as they occur, and allow the Love that you are to flow freely through you, thus extending It and sharing It with all others.  This is the purpose with which you incarnated.

As you have so often been told: “You are each enormously powerful beings because God created each of you completely like unto Herself.”  Any sense of unworthiness or incompetence to carry out God’s Will, or to believe that you do not know what Her Will for you is, is utterly invalid.  Your egos live and thrive on the energy of fear which they are constantly attempting to intensify within you all, so dismiss any sense of fear, knowing that it is unreal, and invite Love to envelop and embrace you; It will!  You are never without Love or unloved, because Love is the divine life force that flows within you giving you eternal existence, and providing the living energy, the vigor, and the potency that enables you to experience life as a physical being in human form.  Just remember that by incarnating as humans you chose to forget your true nature as you played the game of separation, and now you have chosen to remember who you truly are, and you are beginning to feel the power of God’s Love uplifting and inspiring you, and you are also seeing It in others, as they too start to remember.

Many of you are finally coming to the awareness – the REMEMBRANCE – that you and God are One, eternally and inseparably, and this is greatly assisting you in moving out of the illusory world of form in which it seems that you have been immersed, indeed incarcerated for eons.  The door to that prison has never been closed, you have always had total freedom to leave, but your egos’ need to be right in their belief that you areincarcerated and that the key has been lost or thrown away, causes them to spend enormous amounts of your time attempting to convince you that you are small and insignificant in the overall scheme of things, and that your miserable existence will be finally and completely terminated when your bodies fail and die.

Yes, you do need your egos to act as autopilots when you are doing repetitive actions that do not require your full attention, thus allowing you to more frequently use your minds creatively and lovingly.  However, they should never be in control!  They are your personal assistants, and you are each responsible for guiding and directing them so that the Love that you each are also flows through them as they work in concert with you and your loving intentions, instead of against you.

Love is infinite and eternal, and so is each created sentient being.  Your awakening is your newly remembered awareness of this divine Truth coming alive within you and filling your hearts and minds with the infinite joy and happiness of this your eternal and unchangeable state of Being.  You are,as you most certainly do know deep within yourselves, Love Being.  And that pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities in every moment of your eternal existence.  You are One with God, forever creating and expanding the infinite field(in the absence of a better word!) that is LOVE!  You had just momentarily forgotten this, and now you are about to remember, so prepare to CELEBRATE the divine Reality that each one of you is.

And of course, as I frequently remind you, it is essential that you spend daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries where your eternal connection to God is always open.  While there please remember to reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives, this is very important and extremely effective.  Whenever you choose to communicate with God She always listens and hears you.  If you do not feel or sense this communication taking place within you, it is probably because you are allowing yourselves to be distracted by thoughts relating to your daily human lives, but even if this is happening, nevertheless, you are receiving Love and divine guidance in every moment.  The truth of this often becomes clear when an intuitive idea about dealing with an issue you are needing to address comes to mind.  You are never alone or unheard, it just seems like that because you are so often preoccupied with thoughts about the material lives you are experiencing.

You are Love, and therefore Love envelops you and embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence.  Your unawareness is caused by your egos, as you allow them free reign with your thought processes and allow them to call attention to ‘what if’ thoughts of fear or anxiety.  Don’t dwell on them, they are for the most part meaningless distractions, rather like small children seeking attention when they feel unseen or unheard.  So treat them as you would treat small children, lovingly and gently, without being distracted from the task at hand.  Interactions with others are often ego directed because the unreal world is very competitive as egos seek power and security to escape their feelings of inadequacy and find love outside themselves.  Therefore, love your egos, but do set boundaries.  Boundaries are an aspect of the unreal state of separation that you have chosen to undergo that make it possible for you to honor your intuition instead of allowing others to persuade you not to trust yourselves.  You are divine beings in constant communication with your Source, and your intuition is that communication channel which helps you to evolve spiritually, thus ensuring that you can and will find your way Home.  Your intuition can offer you great wisdom that you will find nowhere else.  Allow it to evolve and learn to trust it, it is the unbreakable link to your divine communication connection to God.

With so very much love, Saul.

Eclipse Day and Gift for You


In a few hours, we will move through the total solar eclipse energy portal, and the changes it will bring for humanity in the next 6 months will be remarkable.

Eclipses are a time when the veils between worlds are thin. This makes it a great time to resolve lingering density from our lives, and create space to receive new blessings.

During a solar eclipse, all insecurities we have been holding onto, and all the false stories keeping us stuck, have the potential to dissolve, simply by us choosing to decree a clear intent for them to do so.

  This is going to have a great impact on every area of our lives and help us usher in higher states of being and living.   In honor of this momentous time, please accept the following musical healing gift titled Higher Heart and Mind Activation which includes a tapestry of sound healing technology to support you with transcending fear, struggle, hardship, pain, and density as you embrace the Divine Wisdom and Love of your Spirit.   Listen to this music session once per day for 21 days, for a complete healing experience. If you can listen with headphones, even better. Just sit back, and allow the music to work its magic.   Receive your sound healing gift here, and if you enjoy it, please share with your tribe: With gratitude, Emmanuel

New Messages from The Rainbow Scribe

New Message from The Rainbow Scribe

At the end of March 2024 I took part in a presentation called F5 Mystery School with Bryan deFlores that was activating us with multicultural interplanetary most powerful energies of Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Maya and Sirius. This morning I found myself watching this video below with the most amazing images of star glyphs and symbols on them! I do not even know how I got on that site! I love the Universe and how it works for me! More knowledge and wonders to explore!

The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes

The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes
The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes

Lady Portia – April 2024

I come on the wings of love! These times that you are experiencing are those that have been predicted for many centuries by the world’s holiest people, messengers that were in tune with the higher dimensions of reality.
Read Message

Master Yin – April 2024

I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the great changes that are occurring and will be occurring in the months ahead. The changes are within the consciousness of humanity, the changes will be occurring within the hearts of humanity, for the energies that are being directed to the Earth at this time affect the heart chakra’s of all who receive this energy.
Read Message

Archangel Michael – April 2024

I come on the wings of love to bring a message of hope and peace. We of the higher dimensions ask that you of the Light upon the Earth unite to focus and anchor your energies to bring greater Light and love to this ascending planet Earth and all her inhabitants.
Read Message


Join us in invoking Divine order, peace, harmony, unity, cooperation, and miracles for our beloved Earth and all of humanity. Let’s come together to manifest peace and Divine order on Earth. Embrace the intention for the highest good and the greatest outcome for all. Let’s spread the message of peace and unity. Let peace and Divine order prevail! 🌍✨🕊️ Read the Peace Prayer from Sanat Kumara as received through Marlene Swetlishoff
Peace Prayer for the World
These messages by Marlene Swetlishoff offer insightful and uplifting guidance for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment. Marlene’s words resonate with authenticity and provide a sense of hope and inspiration. Her writings touch upon various aspects of life, including personal transformation, healing, ascension, new earth and connecting with higher realms of consciousness. Through her work, Marlene Swetlishoff continues to empower and support individuals on their spiritual journey. We thank you for being a part of her community of light.

Have You Already Ascended to 5D? ∞The 12D Creators


Have You Already Ascended to 5D? ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know you all as you truly are, and that is how we serve you the most. We don’t serve you by telling you how to think, what to do, what to believe, how to vote, what not to eat, or any of the other things that you generally go to spiritual teachers for. We serve you the most by reminding you of who and what you really are, and we do that by holding that space for you but also by exemplifying it for you in our vibrational countenance. We maintain the high vibration that we do here in the twelfth dimension rather effortlessly, and we know that you too can hold a higher vibration effortlessly with practice.

When you are tuning in to us and our vibration, you naturally raise your own up. So now, while we will not tell you what to do and not to do, we do like to make suggestions to you, and then we ask you all to see whether those suggestions are working for you. If you put your attention on that which naturally raises your vibration, you will perhaps find that it is easier for you to stay in a higher vibration all the time.

You can remind yourselves of how good you feel when you do certain things, when you listen to certain things, when you watch certain things, and you can make a mental note of which things are bringing you into that higher-vibrational state. It is different for different people, and you have been there now long enough to determine for yourselves through your own experience, what puts you in a higher-vibrational state, what reminds you of who you really are without any effort on your part.

Without even having to speak an affirmation or a mantra to yourself, you can feel more in alignment with Source when you are, for example, playing with your dog, or listening to your favorite music. You can find that alignment by being with the people that you love and laughing and having a good time. You can find that alignment by going on a trip to a place that you know puts you in a higher-vibrational space when you are there.

You are receiving all of this feedback from your own experience all the time, and so you don’t even need to have your guides talking in your mind’s ear all the time, telling you what to do, because you have the feedback of your feelings, of that alignment that you get, and the inner knowing that you have when you are on the right track, when you are facing in the right direction.

Keep focusing yourselves on that which reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from that which does not, and you will find yourself operating in a fifth-dimensional frequency state so often that you will start to question whether or not you have already ascended. It is very possible to experience yourself as a fifth-dimensional being right now, but it does take practice and a dedication to feeling yourself as you truly are, and you truly are Love incarnate. Every. Single. One of you.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

The Real Reason for the Spike in Humanity’s Vibration ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters


The Real Reason for the Spike in Humanity’s Vibration ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are exceeding expectations for humanity at this time. You may not realize it, but it is possible for you all to exceed our expectations. You are reflections of us to us, and we understand that, but we also know that you will always have your free, and you will always be able to make your individual choices. We just want you all to know that we are impressed, and we are impressed because of those of you who are there in service to the light and how well you are doing with the task of maintaining a higher vibration in the face of all that you must face there throughout your life experiences.

The reason why we can state with certainty that there is nothing that you have to accomplish there is because we know that the biggest advancements are made for the human collective when any one of you maintains your vibration in the face of some sort of adversity. That adversity may just be a disagreement with another person. It may just be a disappointment that you are facing. Whatever it is, if you are able to maintain a higher vibration in spite of conditions, you are making gigantic progress for yourself on your journey, and because you are a part of that human collective, you are contributing to the progress of all of your fellow humans.

We suggest that you don’t get so caught up in how much you’re doing or what you’re accomplishing, how many people you are reaching. But instead, pay close attention to how you are reacting and responding to what is happening in your world and what is happening in the world, because you do have this ability to experiences it at a higher vibration than the circumstances would generally call for. That’s your strength. That’s your super power. It is not your ability to move mountains with your thoughts. It is not, and excuse us for saying this Yeshua, your ability to walk on water either.

It is your ability to be your higher self in the face of that which is lower, vibrationally speaking, and could potentially pull you down into that lower vibrational state. Your willingness to not go there because you care so much about your vibration is commendable. It is something for you all to feel very proud of, and we recommend that you continue to notice the opportunities as they come up.

You don’t need to shy away from any of these challenges, because you do ultimately want to experience the riding of the wave of that higher consciousness, and the only way you’re going to have those experiences of that higher consciousness is through experiencing those lower-vibrational circumstances. Anything can be seen through a more positive lens, and it can be given spiritual significance. You can find the meaning in everything that you are experiencing or witnessing, and you can grow from it.

And those of you who are awake, of course, know this, and that is why you are able to receive this message. We just want to encourage you to keep it up, because we are noticing the spike in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we are very excited about seeing that spike.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are in the midst of a massive wave of energies there on Earth. You can do what you will with those energies, because you have free will and because you are creator beings. You create with energy, whether that energy is a stone or a thought, whether it is a pain or a sound. You are creating with energy, and when there are new energies upon you as there are now, you can create that which is new and that which has been unknown to humanity prior to this moment. That is what is exciting about being there on Earth at this time.

You get to go from where you were to where you are going. You get to experience the movement, the motion, the evolution, and the expansion. And those of you who are doing it consciously are joyously riding the wave of these energies. You get to do that because you decided to go to planet Earth to have a lifetime in a dense physical place with lots of polarity. Now, what you can do is perhaps beyond the level of consciousness of your physical mind, and that should excite you.

That which is unknown to you can put you in a place of fear, or it can put you in a place of excitement. If you are more positively-oriented, you will go to the place of excitement. If you are more negatively oriented, you will go to the place of fear. The choice is yours. Again, free will. Use it to choose, to go down the positive path, to open yourself up to higher and higher frequency energies and experiences, to know yourselves in ways that you have never known yourselves before.

In other words, listen to your hearts. Be aware of your desires, and have faith that your desires can and will come to fruition. They will not just come to fruition because of a very kind and loving God that grants you your wishes. They will come to fruition because of you and because you have the power within you to access any dream, any desire, any manifestation. You always have had that power, but now you are stepping into that power and you are using the help that you are getting from above. That is how this really works. It is through teamwork. It is through a joining of forces. It is through the merging of the nonphysical with the physical that you get the desired results.

And it is time for more humans to acknowledge that so you can benefit from that knowledge. You are there to go beyond where you have been before, and you can do so consciously and deliberately without knowing exactly what it is you are moving towards in each and every moment. That’s the exciting part, is that get to unwrap those presents, and more and more presents keep coming. When you are feeling pretty good and aligned with your Source, you can move mountains, you can go to places you’ve never been before, and you can experience new heights of ecstasy.

Do not ever limit yourselves by looking around and saying, ‘What’s possible? Let me determine that by what I can see out there and by what other people have done and accomplished in their lives.’ You are meant to go beyond what has been before, and you are doing so by staying in your bodies, by being present and by noticing that you have this overwhelming amount of energy available to you right now to utilize and to utilize in whatever ways that you see fit.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tap Auspicious Energies April 20

Tap Auspicious Energies April 20 Be Open To Brand-New Experiences! Hello friends, Today I’d like to describe one of the biggest astrological transits of 2024 – becoming exact this Saturday, day of our ‘Love The Earth’ global meditation! Continue reading to understand how these energies can catalyze beneficial new beginnings in your life. Background On April 20 Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, a rare event that only occurs once every twelve years. A conjunction is a new cycle. This particular conjunction is auspicious for it opens the door for radical changes, new innovations, unexpected epiphanies, and breakthroughs on both personal and collective levels. These dynamic energies began arriving in mid-March and will be with us to mid-May. Uranus is the planet of revolutionary vision and inventiveness – bringing changes or the unexpected into our lives. Jupiter represents abundance, optimism, and generosity – stirring feelings of thankfulness. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is associated with the Earth element. Tap Auspicious Energies April 20 As a sensitive you likely already sense a brand-new energy in the air. It’s especially palpable when you’re aware of it and open yourself to brand-new experiences and ways of thinking. As I often say, anything can happen at any time! Nothing in our reality is as fixed as we think it is. All is fluid. We Divine Changemakers are creators of energy and experiences! I suggest setting your intention daily – not just on April 20 – to break out of outmoded approaches and linear thinking. This is conditioning that has you identify with your body, identities, and what you learned was reality. Over the next several days until our meditation, set aside 10 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night – envisioning a series of exciting opportunities and breakthroughs possible during these moments. Tell your ego-self to stay in the back seat as you do this – you don’t want any naysayer energy diluting your breakthroughs and excitement. During our April 20 ‘Love The Earth’ meditation, I’ll include a guided process that helps you tap the auspicious energies of the Jupiter-conjunct-Uranus line-up. More on that meditation – with registration – below! Looking forward to seeing you and your friends Saturday on Zoom!   Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses
  • Energies – April 1-25 Mercury Retrograde * April 20 Jupiter-conjunct Uranus in Taurus * April 22 Start of Annual Wesak Season * April 23 Full Moon
  • Global Meditations – April 20 Love The Earth * May 18 Wesak * June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Reset for Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change July 7-13
  For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. Receive additional benefit by re-listening to the meditation recording a second time – this factors in how your energy continually shifts and your view of things changes too. Feel free to contact me for more information on my Divine Changemakers courses, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Let me know if there’s a certain topic you want me to address or further clarify, too. I welcome your feedback after attending meditations and courses. And I appreciate your referrals to friends and colleagues who can benefit from my work. Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these unique moments, and for your ongoing support! Wishing you love and blessings, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

Dream Big & Create More with the Eclipse Energies ∞The 12D Creators


Dream Big & Create More with the Eclipse Energies ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We recognize you as the creator beings you truly are, and we love encouraging you to create. We offer you an invitation to create with the eclipse energies that you have coming up there in just a few days. Now, leading up to an event like an eclipse there is a preparation that occurs, and it is a psychic preparation. You are all preparing yourselves for these energies, and as a result, more beings and collectives can help you and do the upgrades and activations on you that you desire and that you in fact need.

And so, we are inviting you to get very deliberate about what it is you want to create along with these eclipse energies that you have upon you and that will be absolutely at their most powerful at the time of the eclipse. You’re going to find that your system upgrades are very valuable during that time, and you’re also going to find that the work that you do on yourselves will pay off immensely. All the clearing, releasing, and healing that you have done has made you a beautiful vessel for energies to flow through.

And there will be more and more energies coming to flow through you as you move on through the month of April. We are talking about getting very clear about what you want to create and even writing down and speaking out loud those desires of yours. Your desires are powerful, and they do create, but when you have more supportive energies coming in, you can experience faster manifestation results.

We know that many of you who are awake have become impatient with the process of ascension and many other things. And so, we are inviting you to recognize yourselves as creator beings who have additional help at this time, and we know that some of you already know this, but the sky is the limit. We are telling you to dream big.

We are telling you to think outside the box and to put things in your creation box that may have seemed outlandish to you during other times of your life there on planet Earth. It is a beautiful time for you all to be there and to have so much that you do want, and it is an even better time for you all to be letting in that which you create because it is yours and yours alone to claim.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.” Accessing & Developing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞

19th April 2024. Mike Quinsey.

19th April 2024. Mike Quinsey.   Much of the old is disappearing as it has served its purpose and makes way for new energies that herald the beginning of a new era. You are seeing the effects all around you and it is causing upheaval, bringing about changes that will eventually lift you up as part of your introduction to the New Age.  You are in the interim period when new ideas will give you a better way of life and the prospect of peace upon Earth. However, much depends upon your response as there is always a reluctance to give up a way of life that you have got used to over many, many lives.   Be assured that the plan for your future is intended to present you with opportunities to take a great leap forward, never to return to what by comparison would seem to be very primitive ways of doing things. It is time to move on as grand opportunities await you that will lift your spirits and present you with wonderful changes that will raise your quality of living. Those souls who spurn such an opportunity will continue to progress at a rate that suits their chosen preference, but all is not lost as a new cycle will guide them through more opportunities to experience in a way that enables them to continue evolving.   If you could look back you would find that over many lives you have been given many opportunities to evolve with much assistance from your Guides. You are never left without it but with your freewill you choose which path to take, and of course you receive much guidance to help you make the right choice. Every effort is made to keep you on the right path as we know of your needs far better than you do. In reality you are all very experienced souls on a path to being greater and opportunities are given you having regard to the level of your ability. We dearly want you to succeed so that you can fully move into the Light and put the negative experiences behind you.   Humans in reality are peaceful and loving and will always seek positive ways to live their lives, but on Earth there is so much negativity that at times it seems like a losing battle. However, all experience is beneficial making you much stronger in the face of the many challenges you encounter. Understand that most of these are intended to test your resolve to overcome them, as by doing so you become a much stronger soul. We know that so to say “keeping your head above water” all of the time is not easy but you should be able to cope with whatever crosses your path, it is planned that way.   In your critical moments we are fully aware of what you are going through, and we give encouragement as far as we are allowed to without infringing your freewill. When you meet us during your sleep period much good work takes place and we can fully prepare you for what is to come. Be assured that you are given much good advice that should help you through those days to come. We want you to be successful in your attempts to continue evolving, and do our best to keep you on the correct path to achieve it.   It is nice to share your knowledge with others but do not overdo it as it may have the opposite effect to what you intended. The best advancements come from a steady growth that is lasting. Too much too soon can have the opposite effect and confuse a soul that has difficulty in understanding a greater truth. It is best that they come to their understanding through their own growth. After all there are many sources of information that can help those who are awakening and they will be guided to it.  They keep you safe and sound but when you are clearing your karma you may be due experiences that are necessary to help you evolve. You are never left alone to make your advancements and we are always present to be of help.   On a day to day basis you may experience instant karma just to keep you on track, but nothing serious, and naturally in the background is your life plan that determines much of what you do. We know that many of you question the reason for an early death particularly when a soul is very young. Know that sometimes the soul involved is simply helping out by undertaking a certain task for the benefit of others. When it is understand that there is no such thing as death of the soul and that it carries on with life in the higher dimensions, much sorrow and pain could be avoided. If everyone was aware that they have eternal life, they would know that there is no such thing as total death, but simply the giving up of the physical body that has served its purpose.   We tell you of the different levels of existence that you refer to as dimensions, but rarely mention the lower levels as they are unlikely to be applicable to those who seek spiritual knowledge. However, after death of the body the soul can go up or down according to their vibrations. Those who are of a very low vibration you may call “evil” have little light and upon death find themselves in regions of darkness with souls of the same type. But they are helped as every soul is and as soon as they awaken and seek answers to the truth they are helped by Guides to continue it and rise up. No souls are left to seek answers by themselves.   If by choice you are on a path to the truth be assured that you will get every help to rise up even if you are not aware of it. However, as you evolve the truth will become more apparent and you will be well on your way to Ascension.  The testing times you go through are helping you to raise your vibrations and you will you become more aware of the truth of your being. With it usually comes a wish to also help others onto the Path of Light, and once again your Guides will help you fulfil that desire and achieve it.   Meantime be patient as all will work out well in the end and that is absolutely certain. After many lives and many different experiences you have reached a point where you know that you have achieved much from all of the effort you have put in to be successful. It may be slow coming but we assure you that your experiences will have a happy ending. You will find that all of the progress you have made will pay off, and you will gain the full benefit. Nothing can take it away and you have been able to get this far by hard work and are to be congratulated for your achievement. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Subscribers List, You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at  and contact him if necessary.