Tap Auspicious Energies April 20

Tap Auspicious Energies April 20

Be Open To Brand-New Experiences!

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to describe one of the biggest astrological transits of 2024 – becoming exact this Saturday, day of our ‘Love The Earth’ global meditation! Continue reading to understand how these energies can catalyze beneficial new beginnings in your life.


On April 20 Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, a rare event that only occurs once every twelve years. A conjunction is a new cycle. This particular conjunction is auspicious for it opens the door for radical changes, new innovations, unexpected epiphanies, and breakthroughs on both personal and collective levels. These dynamic energies began arriving in mid-March and will be with us to mid-May.

Uranus is the planet of revolutionary vision and inventiveness – bringing changes or the unexpected into our lives. Jupiter represents abundance, optimism, and generosity – stirring feelings of thankfulness. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is associated with the Earth element.

Tap Auspicious Energies April 20

As a sensitive you likely already sense a brand-new energy in the air. It’s especially palpable when you’re aware of it and open yourself to brand-new experiences and ways of thinking.

As I often say, anything can happen at any time! Nothing in our reality is as fixed as we think it is. All is fluid. We Divine Changemakers are creators of energy and experiences!

I suggest setting your intention daily – not just on April 20 – to break out of outmoded approaches and linear thinking. This is conditioning that has you identify with your body, identities, and what you learned was reality.

Over the next several days until our meditation, set aside 10 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night – envisioning a series of exciting opportunities and breakthroughs possible during these moments. Tell your ego-self to stay in the back seat as you do this – you don’t want any naysayer energy diluting your breakthroughs and excitement.

During our April 20 ‘Love The Earth’ meditation, I’ll include a guided process that helps you tap the auspicious energies of the Jupiter-conjunct-Uranus line-up. More on that meditation – with registration – below!

Looking forward to seeing you and your friends Saturday on Zoom!  

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses

  • Energies – April 1-25 Mercury Retrograde * April 20 Jupiter-conjunct Uranus in Taurus * April 22 Start of Annual Wesak Season * April 23 Full Moon
  • Global Meditations – April 20 Love The Earth * May 18 Wesak * June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Reset for Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change July 7-13


For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. Receive additional benefit by re-listening to the meditation recording a second time – this factors in how your energy continually shifts and your view of things changes too.

Feel free to contact me for more information on my Divine Changemakers courses, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Let me know if there’s a certain topic you want me to address or further clarify, too.

I welcome your feedback after attending meditations and courses. And I appreciate your referrals to friends and colleagues who can benefit from my work.

Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these unique moments, and for your ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



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