Are You Harming Your Soul? ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters


Are You Harming Your Soul? ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here to tell you more about your beautiful souls. You think of your souls as something that you possess. However, your souls are who you really are. They are your truth, your essence, and they are aspects of Source/God/All-That-Is. Therefore, your souls are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and that is why we tell you that it is also true of yourselves. You are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and you are aspects of Source. Now, who you are pretending to be in your physical body doesn’t always hold that knowing and speaks, thinks, and acts accordingly.

The goal then for every human being in existence is to know themselves as they truly are while masquerading around in their physical meat-suit. That is how you live the best of both worlds. That is how you become who you really are in spite of the challenges that you have laid out for yourselves in the physical reality that you call your life. Do not worry that you are harming your soul by doing what you are doing, thinking what you are thinking, or saying what you are saying. You cannot possibly do so. You can feel a wider gap between who you are pretending to be and who you really are, and that is the worst of it.

The worst of what you are doing when you are not being your true, whole self is that you have what you would call a negative emotion. When those emotions come up, the best thing to do in that moment is accept the emotion as it is. It is what it is, but it doesn’t have to keep showing up. You can learn from it, and you can grow from it. You can identify why it came up, and recognize that there is something that you want to change so that you don’t keep experiencing that not-so-good feeling emotion.

Those negative emotions are your friends because they are showing you that you are out of alignment, off center, not on your path. You are choosing not to be who you really are in those moments, but those moments can be fleeting if you allow them to be. If instead you beat yourself up for whatever you did, said or thought, then you will stay in the negative emotional state longer. You have to be easy on yourselves; you have to forgive yourselves in order to move past the false, limited self that you’ve created for an experience.

You cannot stay in that lower-vibrational state forever, just as you cannot be the masquerading meat-suit that you pretend to be forever. Nor would you want to. You are going to change, you are going to evolve, you are going to ascend, because it is appropriate for you to have new experiences. Let go of that tendency towards self-recrimination, self-hate, self-loathing, and it will be easier then for you to be the love that you are, because the love that you are doesn’t judge.

Your soul and Source have never judged you. Not once. But you tend to judge yourselves, and it’s one of the things that you’re letting go of right now. Doing so feels good. Not doing so feels bad. Choose who you want to be and how you want to feel, and live happily ever after because it is your birthright to do so, and we will keep encouraging you do just that because we are your loving guides and friends here in the twelfth dimension.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Absolutely DIVINE Message.


When Will The Shift Be Complete? ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

When Will The Shift Be Complete? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased that so many of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective are expecting a better future for humanity, and we know that you are because you believe in the shift in consciousness. Or, to put it another way, you know that there is a shift in consciousness that is happening right now and that will be completed at some point in humanity’s future. Now, we know we have been over this before, but it is important for you all to hear it again. You are not meant to wait around for an Event, a Solar Flash, or any other occurrence that would catapult you into the fifth dimension. You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution.

You are meant to not only take those steps, but to experience them as incremental movements forward in your consciousness. In other words, you want to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension, whether you realize it or not. Now, here is something else that is very true. You get to experience your gradual evolution in consciousness in every moment of every day. You are faced with choices all the time that are about you either clinging to some aspect of the third dimension, or letting go and letting yourself rise up to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness.

This is not about going to a place, and you don’t have to wait for the Earth to split into two Earths so that you can exist on the fifth-dimensional one. That is another story that we are aware of that is in the new age community and that needs to be seriously examined, because there are way more than two Earths already. Now, as you become the next highest version of yourself on this path, and you do so deliberately, that is an amazing experience. You get to have one amazing experience of your spiritual evolution after another, and that is something worth celebrating. That is something worth feeling very good about right now.

You might feel despondent that we are not here telling you that the shift in consciousness will be completed tomorrow or in six days, but that’s only because you are looking at it in a way that does not serve you. If you see the completion of the shift as something that is inevitable and something that you are there to enjoy, then you can let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and consciously. That is the best experience you can have right now. Make that choice, and do not wait for something outside of you to occur so that you can feel better about your now moment.

We know that we are preaching to the choir here, because if we weren’t you’d be watching a different video or reading a different post on a different website. We know that you are up for the challenge of shifting yourselves gradually and moment by moment, and we also know that you know that this is the better experience. You still have so much to enjoy in terms of what is available to you there in the fourth dimension and planet Earth, so also do not be in such a hurry to go home, wherever you believe your home to be. Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What These Challenging Times of Transition Are About ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


What These Challenging Times of Transition Are About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed so much about life there on planet Earth, and we know that so many of you are going through challenging times of transition in your lives. We want you all to rest assured that there will always be a huge payoff for you when you continue to go through the challenging circumstances of your lives. You might not like experiencing the challenges as they happen, but as you face them, you are gifted with so many rewards because you must rise up to meet those challenges that you place before you.

It is true that you create your own challenges. Your challenges are not coming to you because of your ancestors or because of your karma. They are coming to you because you, as the soul that you are, knows exactly what challenges are going to get the most out of you. You are always giving yourselves the best and the biggest opportunities for expansion. Now, what do we mean by expansion, you might wonder. It’s a very good question. You are there to recognize who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, but that recognition doesn’t bring you to that highest of the high points all at once.

You then get to go on a journey where you know that is the end point, and it will always be an end point that is in continuous motion. Therefore, once you understand that you are becoming your true self, you can grow more consciously into the more expanded you that you always have been. In other words, you get to experience what it is like to move from where you have been to where you are going, and that movement feels like you becoming more of you. So if you expand out in all directions, obviously there is more of you to know and to experience.

And we are not talking about your physical bodies. We are talking about the truth of who you are as consciousness that knows itself. Therefore, because you are sentient beings, you get to have the experience of knowing thyself, and who you really are is Source Energy. So these challenges you place before you are for the purposes of getting you to know who and what you really are, and you are meant to know that experientially. You are meant to know it more than just as a concept, or a belief, or an idea.

Therefore, when you place challenges in front of yourselves, they are not just annoyances. They are not just there to keep you from living a life of freedom, comfort, luxury, and joy. They are there to bring more of the true you out of you, the experiencer. As you accept all challenges in your lives right now as your creation, and as being there to get more out of you, then they suddenly they don’t look so terrible. They don’t look like something someone out there is doing to you in order to oppress you.

And then you can stop putting your attention on all of those people who are telling you that there’s a conspiracy about this or that and those conspirators are coming together to keep you down. Once you realize that it is all you and that you are doing it to yourselves for yourselves, then you can bless everyone who has ever been a part of your experience, whether they are known to you and by you or not. It is the eternal expansion of Source Energy that this is all about, and it will always be about that for all of us within this universe and beyond.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities.

The divine energy – LOVE, All that exists – is extremely powerful and heartfelt, and many who have not felt it before are beginning to do so now as it intensifies during the present Easter and Pentecost season.  This divine energy, in which all are enveloped, is beautifully adjusted so that those who are in human form do not become physically overwhelmed as they set their intent to feel its loving Presence.  Nearly everyone presently in human form is consciously choosing to awaken into Reality, and so the energy level has to be set at a much higher level than in ages gone by so that your bodies are filled with its Light but not enough to burn them. Consequently, as you intensify your intention to awaken, others will feel at peace, accepted, and loved when they are physically in your presence.  To accept and love humanity – all of humanity – is why you chose to be present on Earth in human form at this moment.  To fulfill this pre-planned task all you need do is just Be!  It is not in any way difficult, just allow yourselves to totally accept each interaction with others as they occur, and allow the Love that you are to flow freely through you, thus extending It and sharing It with all others.  This is the purpose with which you incarnated.

As you have so often been told: “You are each enormously powerful beings because God created each of you completely like unto Herself.”  Any sense of unworthiness or incompetence to carry out God’s Will, or to believe that you do not know what Her Will for you is, is utterly invalid.  Your egos live and thrive on the energy of fear which they are constantly attempting to intensify within you all, so dismiss any sense of fear, knowing that it is unreal, and invite Love to envelop and embrace you; It will!  You are never without Love or unloved, because Love is the divine life force that flows within you giving you eternal existence, and providing the living energy, the vigor, and the potency that enables you to experience life as a physical being in human form.  Just remember that by incarnating as humans you chose to forget your true nature as you played the game of separation, and now you have chosen to remember who you truly are, and you are beginning to feel the power of God’s Love uplifting and inspiring you, and you are also seeing It in others, as they too start to remember.

Many of you are finally coming to the awareness – the REMEMBRANCE – that you and God are One, eternally and inseparably, and this is greatly assisting you in moving out of the illusory world of form in which it seems that you have been immersed, indeed incarcerated for eons.  The door to that prison has never been closed, you have always had total freedom to leave, but your egos’ need to be right in their belief that you areincarcerated and that the key has been lost or thrown away, causes them to spend enormous amounts of your time attempting to convince you that you are small and insignificant in the overall scheme of things, and that your miserable existence will be finally and completely terminated when your bodies fail and die.

Yes, you do need your egos to act as autopilots when you are doing repetitive actions that do not require your full attention, thus allowing you to more frequently use your minds creatively and lovingly.  However, they should never be in control!  They are your personal assistants, and you are each responsible for guiding and directing them so that the Love that you each are also flows through them as they work in concert with you and your loving intentions, instead of against you.

Love is infinite and eternal, and so is each created sentient being.  Your awakening is your newly remembered awareness of this divine Truth coming alive within you and filling your hearts and minds with the infinite joy and happiness of this your eternal and unchangeable state of Being.  You are,as you most certainly do know deep within yourselves, Love Being.  And that pure beingness empowers your infinite creative abilities in every moment of your eternal existence.  You are One with God, forever creating and expanding the infinite field(in the absence of a better word!) that is LOVE!  You had just momentarily forgotten this, and now you are about to remember, so prepare to CELEBRATE the divine Reality that each one of you is.

And of course, as I frequently remind you, it is essential that you spend daily quiet time alone at your holy inner sanctuaries where your eternal connection to God is always open.  While there please remember to reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives, this is very important and extremely effective.  Whenever you choose to communicate with God She always listens and hears you.  If you do not feel or sense this communication taking place within you, it is probably because you are allowing yourselves to be distracted by thoughts relating to your daily human lives, but even if this is happening, nevertheless, you are receiving Love and divine guidance in every moment.  The truth of this often becomes clear when an intuitive idea about dealing with an issue you are needing to address comes to mind.  You are never alone or unheard, it just seems like that because you are so often preoccupied with thoughts about the material lives you are experiencing.

You are Love, and therefore Love envelops you and embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence.  Your unawareness is caused by your egos, as you allow them free reign with your thought processes and allow them to call attention to ‘what if’ thoughts of fear or anxiety.  Don’t dwell on them, they are for the most part meaningless distractions, rather like small children seeking attention when they feel unseen or unheard.  So treat them as you would treat small children, lovingly and gently, without being distracted from the task at hand.  Interactions with others are often ego directed because the unreal world is very competitive as egos seek power and security to escape their feelings of inadequacy and find love outside themselves.  Therefore, love your egos, but do set boundaries.  Boundaries are an aspect of the unreal state of separation that you have chosen to undergo that make it possible for you to honor your intuition instead of allowing others to persuade you not to trust yourselves.  You are divine beings in constant communication with your Source, and your intuition is that communication channel which helps you to evolve spiritually, thus ensuring that you can and will find your way Home.  Your intuition can offer you great wisdom that you will find nowhere else.  Allow it to evolve and learn to trust it, it is the unbreakable link to your divine communication connection to God.

With so very much love, Saul.

The Doorway to the New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

The Doorway to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are seekers, adventurers, and explorers, and that is one of the ways in which we align with all of you there on Earth. You have come to planet Earth because you wanted to taste a bit of all parts of the galaxy in one place, and it is because you have an affinity for all the various parts of the galaxy that Earth was the obvious choice for you. There are, of course, many reasons why you chose to incarnate there, and this is just one, but you are travelers, explorers, and adventurers and all that you have been and every place you have ever been to is serving you right now.

You are drawing from all of those experiences, all of those selves, all of those places, and you are co-creating an experience of harmony and peace on Earth, but of course you are doing it by experiencing the opposite of those things first. Everything that has ever been there on Earth has been for the purpose of experience, and not all experiences have been positive to say the least. But all of those possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience. What you are meant to do in your lifetimes is to gradually come to peace with the way everything is there on Earth. You are supposed to accept everything as it is and change you.

You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement. But the path to getting to that Earth is through this one that you are currently experiencing, where there is hate, violence, war, bigotry, discrimination, and so on and so on. You make a difference there on Earth by changing yourself, and it really is that simple. You are the changemakers, but you are the change you are making. You are the wayshowers, and you will show others the way to the new Earth is through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.

Now, does that mean there is nothing for you to do in order to make a difference there on Earth? Absolutely not. There is plenty for you to do. You can spread this level of consciousness around. You can help others to come to that place of spiritual mastery where they understand that everything is to be accepted and nothing is to be resisted, that everything was created on purpose and serves a greater purpose. And in the process of experiencing the Earth and the Earth experience as they are, you are at the same time co-creating the new Earth.

You are deciding what would be better without resisting what is now the way it is. It is a tricky assignment for sure and difficult for most people to understand, but it is your mission to become your higher self, the self that sees all, knows all, accepts and loves all, and you are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender. You will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all, and you will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

5th April 2024. Mike Quinsey.

5th April 2024. Mike Quinsey.   Time marches on and matters are still causing great concern for many countries who feel threatened by the happenings upon Earth. There is no sign of any let up but rather a move to take sides for their own protection. Peace seems far away and the war in the Ukraine seems to be escalating with the Russians pushing forwards. We know that the West is reluctant to force the issue for the fear that they themselves will become more involved. It is a delicate situation calling for sensible actions that will not cause the war to spread. For our part we stand aside trying to influence the outcome so that a solution can be found that will eventually bring peace.   The effect of the world’s troubles seems to have spread far and wide causing many problems that are resulting in far more problems than first encountered, that along with the Earth changes is making survival very difficult. The Earth no longer functions as it should making life intolerable for so many people with little hope of it returning to normal. We observe all happenings and can see the most likely outcome that we try to avert, but we can only go so far so as to not to interfere with your freedom of choice. The voice of the people is muted and has little influence on those who would lead them into a world war. We mention these things not scare people who already fear that the actions of those who lead their nations into unspeakable troubles.   We remind you that you are at the end of a period that still follows the old ways, whilst the new ways of living are coming in very quickly and “fighting“ for recognition. There is a battle for control of the Earth, and we are pleased to tell you that the Light will always eventually win. Be assured that there are many forward thinking people waiting in the wings, ready to come out and lead man forwards to a far greater future of peaceful cooperation. It must come as the old ways of working are no longer adequate for the new society that is coming.   These are times when there is a lot of sorting out to be done so that the way is cleared to allow the new to arise. It is hard to see it amongst all the turmoil taking place but it is there waiting its opportunity to be introduced. So do not lose heart as the changes are coming that will see great steps forward leading to a new road to happiness. It has been planned for a very long time and nothing shall prevent it from appearing. It is your destiny and one you have fought for eons of time. Fortunately you have never given up hope for a brighter and happier future.   Your focus should be to spread harmony and send out feelings of happiness and love, as this will help lift people up when most are feeling low and worried about their future. If you get an opportunity tell them that in reality all is well and what a wonderful future beckons. If it can be achieved these positive energies will help others you may meet. Your aura will be filled with them and they attract other souls to you who will feel them.   From time to time we mention that your mere presence can help uplift souls as you are mixing with them. So keep your vibrations as high as possible as they can be healing for people as they come into contact with them.  Negative energies abound at present and are sometimes used for witchcraft, but have no fear as your aura fully protects you. Some souls are so open that they have little or no protection against the negative energies, but you do by ensuring you keep your aura closed and shut at all times using your mind’s eye.   You can see aura’s by looking past the person, but it does take time and practice. Healers check your body in this way, and can see if it needs healing. You can help in this respect by mentally visualising your aura intact and nicely enclosing your body. One that is very open is prone to letting in unwelcome energies that could cause you illness. Some souls are lifting their vibrations so much they are becoming natural healers using the power of thought. You too can do it, but it will take longer depending on how much you have developed. Your aura is your protection against unwelcome energies that could cause you illness, so it is advisable to mentally see it with your mind’s eye and see it intact.   Your power of thought can enable you to become a healer but experience is necessary to reach a level where it is possible. There are of course different levels of healing but like most things practise makes perfect. If you try it realise that your “patient” can feel the energies moving into the aura so you can get confirmation of success. If you think of taking it up seriously join a healing group, so that your development can be monitored and Spiritualists are a well-established group.   Understand that what you are experiencing now is necessary to clear old karma and evidence of the ways of those who use might and power to achieve their own aims. We can oversee what is happening now and will use that knowledge to move events in such a way that ultimately they work for the Light. So in the immediate future events will result in a way that the dark Ones were not prepared for and unable to alter the outcome.  Be assured that we continually assess what is happening on Earth and are ready to use our influence for your betterment.   You have been kept in the dark for so long that you have been denied advancements that would have given you a far better quality of life. However, advancements that have been held from you will greatly lift you up. Yet the challenges you have faced have made you much stronger, and able to face whatever the dark Ones have done to keep you under their control. As we have often told you of late, your future is assured but meantime you have to bear the problems that currently assail you, but the good times are coming and nothing can stop them.   It may seem incredible but every soul on Earth at this time was aware of the future that they would have to experience. Naturally they agreed to have the experience and it is partly for clearance of karmic responsibilities. Times are very testing at present but every effort you put in will be well worth it, helping to raise your vibrations, and is essential if your life plan was to prepare yourself for Ascension. Your Guides are working with you and will ensure you are successful. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at  and contact him if necessary.  

Message from Matthew

May 3, 2024   With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Mainstream media’s distorted reports on Israel’s assault on Hamas; that country’s and Iran’s tit-for-tat warmongering; billions more in cash and weaponry for Israel and Ukraine; and burgeoning anti-Semitism could be considered theater of the absurd if those situations were not hurting so many people and ending tens of thousands of lives. Eventually the truth will strip away the media spin on those important matters and all others where the Illuminati are causing traumatic conditions. Behind the curtain of the global stage, the White Hats and extraterrestrial special forces are uprooting pockets of darkness. Their joint efforts stopped cold the Illuminati’s attempts to start a third world war and to unleash more viruses. Arrests and executions of top Illuminati and principals in the covid 19 atrocity are continuing in several countries. Ill-gained fortunes are being removed from Illuminati grasp, and the near-bottomless money laundering well used to pay protestors and mercenaries, bribe influencers, and fund Black Ops is running dry. That progress for the light is indeed reason for rejoicing, but until that secret society has been completely vanquished, minions of the many disparate groups under its synergistic umbrella will keep causing fear, chaos and destruction. Our sources tell us the few individuals remaining uppermost in the ranks are discussing a holographic alien invasion and having WHO simply lie about virus rapidly spreading and mandate lockdowns and vaccinations. We’ll see what may come of those potentialities, but what definitely is rapidly  spreading is love in action. Family and friends whose relationships had been severed are forgiving and reuniting. Appreciation of Earth’s beauty and bountiful provisions for her life forms is expanding. Respectful treatment of animals is increasing. Residents are upgrading community conditions and grassroots movements worldwide are gaining influence. Individuals are thinking more deeply, soul searching, seeking understanding and enlightenment. These heartwarming situations and many others are aspects of love energy. Be fearless, dear ones. Feel optimistic about Earth’s future, connect with the earth, hug a tree, and be genuinely grateful for something every day. “I don’t see how individuals get away with pretending to be people the White Hats executed. What about the dead people’s families and coworkers who know those individuals are imposters? It’s hard to tell who is an AI clone, but sometimes mannerisms, speech and reactions are suspicious. What will happen when others see the differences I do in original folks and their fakes?” By confidently reporting what the pretenders are doing, mainstream media have conditioned viewers not to even wonder if they have been seeing the same persons all along. People who know about the imposters are willingly silent or bribed, threatened or assassinated by Deep State operatives who want the influence of the deceased to continue. Rising vibrations are prompting viewers to examine circumstances and individuals more closely than heretofore, and questions like yours are emerging. If the weight of these duplicitous apple carts doesn’t upset them—that kind of deception isn’t sustainable long-term—the White Hats will do it. Let us add something here. The White Hats aren’t a corps of angels with divinely issued undercover assignments. These members of national and international special military and police units, intelligence agents, researchers, journalists and reporters are among the many volunteers who don’t know they are, thus don’t identify as such. They don’t know they are fighting a battle between the light and the darkness that began in antiquity and now is ending. What they do know is, a powerful sinister group has been creating armed conflicts, manipulating the economy and causing chaos around the world. That’s not the world they want for their children and grandchildren. Individually they were opposing injustices decades ago, and as time passed, the energy of their awareness of the group’s network and unconscionable activities and their feelings about the future of their families attracted them to each other. Realizing they had the knowledge, expertise and experience to be a small but potent force for freedom, they started uncovering and destroying the group’s entrenchments and eliminating the members. These courageous women and men are alone in the global trenches, so to say, but they have a growing support crew of awakened and awakening souls. Representing every trade, craft and profession from farming to teaching, truck driving, science, construction and music, millions upon millions are generating the light that is undergirding the White Hats’ efforts. Earth’s peoples whom you came to waken and motivate to transform life in their world are on the move, dear ones!  Well done! “I read a report that asserts humanity is doing ‘too little, too late’ to save the planet from climate change disaster. I don’t believe God would let Earth’s Golden Age be on a ravaged planet, but what has already happened is a worry. Do you know how extensive future changes will be?” First we say, climate change is an excellent example of not everything is as it seems. Throughout the years this football has been kicked back and forth by governments, multinational corporations and scientists, what actually is going on never has been publicly mentioned. The Illuminati plan far in advance of starting a war, a pandemic or any other situation that can result in population reduction and social and financial upheaval. For the past several decades they have been setting the stage for the catastrophic effects of “global warming,” the term they changed to the less arguable “climate change.” A major part of the century-long preparation for their ambitious world control plan is technologically producing record-setting high and low temperatures, violent storms and other weather anomalies and devastating geophysical events. Those incidents of “weather warfare” have been generating the low vibrations of fear about Earth’s bleak future due to climate change while the “changers” have been filling in the gaps in their plan’s detailed agenda. Based on “survival policies,” it would regulate food production by forcing out small farmers, local produce markets and small grocery stores and outlawing multiple-crop seeds and insecticides and fertilizers with natural ingredients. Drinking water would be bottled and sold. In a series of claims that a virulent contagious disease was infecting animals in the food chain, ultimately they would destroy all those species. Their superstores in 15- and 20-minute cities would sell AI-designed meat made in laboratories and nutritionally worthless produce from their industrial farms. Those foods would result in serious health issues and the population would be funneled into the vaccination and prescription drug regimen of the only available medical system. Tying individuals’ medical, purchase and computer records to their digital bank accounts automatically would deny or grant what they want or need—perhaps healthcare, rent payment, college tuition, travel or legal assistance. The population controllers exist in low vibrations, which they produce by causing widespread fear and suffering. They are puppets of the dark forces and are devoid of light except the spark that is their life force. Known as the Illuminati or Deep State, One World Order, New World Government, Secret Government, Kharzarians, neo-Nazis, Luciferians, Satanists, the cabal or elitists—they regard all other people as their toys or suppliers of services and all are expendable. They were making inroads in their diabolical “climate change” plan until they had to divert their efforts to salvage their facilities and save themselves so they could keep on producing the low vibrations that let them control the world. It is with good reason we told you about their agenda, operating methods and heinous activities: Only when unconscionable evildoing is known can the necessity of executing the evildoers be understood and accepted. Now then, when technologically-caused weather and “natural” disasters end, Gaia’s sickly, damaged planetary body can start healing. Deforestation and fires in the Amazon rain forest and other heavily forested regions; toxic pollutants in air, soil and waters; and extraction of fossil fuels have severely affected the health of Earth and her life forms. Those conditions can and shall be remedied. Although the breakup of Arctic ice and the melting of glaciers will not have the dire effect some scientists predict, land and marine animals who don’t want to move or cannot adapt to changes in those areas will instinctively know to stop breeding. The introduction of free energy and the replacing of many millions of trees are primary aspects of Earth’s restoration to her condition when the entire planet was a garden of Eden. In the beginning Terra, the name that became Earth, was one enormous continent with gently rolling hills and valleys and the rest was a vastness of shallow pristine waters. Long ages of advanced civilizations devolving preceded the first lengthy period of continuous cataclysms that formed volcanos and a series of jagged mountain ranges on land and stretching along seafloors at great new depths. The climate of the future will be moderate except in mountains and polar areas, where temperatures will permit snowfall and some ice formation, and there will be no violent storms, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Those devastating events were necessary to release darkness-caused negativity so it wouldn’t amass and be life-threatening to the planet. That eons-long era is over! Universal family’s technologies and your own that are being removed from dark hands can remedy environmental damage, neutralize radioactivity and dematerialize a megaton of garbage with amazing effectiveness and speed. If you visualize Earth as pristine, vibrantly beautiful and bathed in sunshine, the energy of your thoughts and images not only will help in Earth’s rejuvenation, it will seal your vibrational signature in the cells of the planet from which your bodies’ cells are derived. The common concept of the planet’s interior, which is various kinds of rock, ores and crystals, petroleum, water, magma and natural gas, is far from complete. In addition to those natural elements are thousands of miles of tunnel systems. Some were built during the past century, but deeper within Earth are ancient tunnels that contain technology beyond your imagining, and highly evolved civilizations live in modest communities and magnificent cities. Those members of the universal family will introduce themselves when life on the surface is peaceful, and the spectacular tunnels with astounding technology also will become known. Beloved family, you are living in one of the most momentous eras since Creator Source selected a god to co-create and rule over all celestial bodies and life forms in this universe. That you were chosen to awaken Gaia’s humankind and help them discover what a phenomenal homeland they have is a sterling tribute to the extraordinary souls you are! Feel privileged, honored and grateful! All light beings in this universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love. __________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward   [Note from Suzy: Thank you to all who sent emails or cards with condolences about my son Michael. Too many young mothers and fathers are grieving the loss of their children. Too many parents’ hearts are breaking as they watch their children dying of starvation or from injuries or illness because there are no medical supplies. The need is so great to stop preventable causes of death. Probably my grief and other parents’ isn’t helping in that way, but our love for families and dear friends, living here or in spirit, IS and it’s far more powerful. Love lets us keep on keeping on helping to uplift life in this world.]   Please send all questions and comments to All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on Please share them. Also on that site you can read contents and a sample chapter of all six books and order them in Bookshop.

New Moon Empowerment Process

How To Benefit From Taurus New Moon New Moon Empowerment Process Hello friends, Today we have Taurus New Moon vibes in the air – putting a spotlight on comforts of home, security, and healing. Below is a potent transformational process you can work with to benefit fully from this week’s New Moon. Background As a reminder, we Divine Changemakers are at the helm of our own lives. When we remember this, and tap into helpful energies like a New Moon can provide, we can elevate our energy and see our path forward with new eyes. Working with the process below can give you new insights into yourself and help you shift unproductive patterns that block your progress and joy. Potency Of New Moons New Moons involve new starts and new beginnings. Sometimes the new start is simply a brand-new way of looking at something. To place your focus on a new start or beginning, it’s best to ground yourself, still your mind, and invite intuitive guidance. More specifics in my process below. Let me know how it goes for you, and what unfolds over the coming week as you work with it! Don’t be surprised, if you share your experience with me, that even more breakthroughs occur! New Moon Empowerment Process
  1. Take a few moments and invite a knowing of home base and what your core group of friends, family, and pets mean to you. Consider, too, what you as a soul need to feel at home, connected to others, and also have time for yourself (to reflect, do inner work, and have space to regroup your energies).
  2. Become still – intentionally turn off your thinking mind and ask your ego-self to stay “in the back seat.” Take a couple of deep breaths in-and-out to center and ground. Set your intention to be open to changing your view and how you operate to get your needs met. As part of that, consider that you may have been conditioned to give your power away – therefore feeling disempowered vs empowered.
  3. Invite a knowing of a stressful or emotionally-draining dynamic related to your home environment. Ask your Higher Self to reveal a puzzle piece outside your awareness. After asking, if no insight comes – relax – allow your guidance to reveal it over the coming days this week.
Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses
  • Energies – May 7 Taurus New Moon * May 23 Sagittarius Full Moon * Wesak Season that began April 22 and continues through May 18 Wesak and June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice Global Meditations
  • Global Meditations – May 18 Wesak * June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Reset for Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change July 7-13
  For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. Receive additional benefit by re-listening to the meditation recording a second time – this factors in how your energy continually shifts and your view of things changes too. Feel free to contact me for more information on my Divine Changemakers courses, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Let me know if there’s a certain topic you want me to address or further clarify, too. I welcome your feedback after attending meditations and courses. And I appreciate your referrals to friends and colleagues who can benefit from my work. Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these unique moments, and for your ongoing support! Wishing you love and blessings, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved * Friends often forward these emails? Join Selacia’s List.

Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice  ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice  ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very fortunate to have the attention of so many of you there on Earth, because we know there are lots of places that you can put your attention at any time in any given day. We want you to be aware of that fact as well so that you choose where you are putting your attention more consciously. You do not have to put your attention somewhere just because everyone else is putting their attention on that particular subject, person, or thing. You do not have to put your attention on something just because it is loud or alluring in some other way.

You get to use your discernment to determine whether it serves you or not to put your attention on something, and that is a power that you have, an ability that often does not get looked at as a gift. But if you have the gift of discernment, and you are able to feel whether something resonates or doesn’t, then you are lucky indeed. There is no such thing as luck, of course, and so we will use the word ‘fortunate’ here again.

You chose well when you chose for yourself this incarnation. And those who don’t have it also chose to have those experiences on purpose, so please remember that they are asleep because they want to be asleep. They are watching the twenty-four hour news cycle because that soul decided it wanted to have that particular experience. You don’t have to make anyone wrong or call them a ‘sheep’ because they do so. On that soul level, they know exactly what they are doing.

But if you encounter people who are not choosing wisely, or are not choosing consciously what they put their attention on, then you have to recognize that you are bringing those people into your awareness for a reason. Maybe it is so you can release your resistance, or your judgment, of them. Or maybe they are there to show you that you are not in fact choosing as consciously as you could what to put your attention on and for how long. Something loud might get your attention for a moment, and then you might say to yourself, ‘I don’t need to focus on this,’ and you can consciously and deliberately put your attention somewhere else.

You may have heard of the truth that what you focus on expands, and it is also true that you become one with what you focus on because you start vibrating in harmony with it the moment you give it your attention. And therefore, you must determine for yourself whether this is something I want to become before continuing to give it your attention. What you become, you will also see a reflection of in your outside world. So you can also wonder whether you want to see more of what you are focusing on in that very moment.

These are conscious choices that everyone can make and everyone needs to make who wants to be a conscious and deliberate creator of their reality. When you decide that you want to be one of those people, pay attention, and pay attention to what you want to see more of in your life and in your world.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”