Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/20/2024 • Loving on Purpose

My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is a notion on your earth that you will be happier if you find your purpose. In a way, that is true. However, it is not nearly as difficult as so many of you make it. Your purpose is to love. Your purpose is to find ways to express love so you can feel the invisible love of the Divine flowing through you and becoming tangible in whatever form you choose in your physical world. Some of you came with very specific ways you wanted to love. For example, some souls, in their very great love for the earth, came because they wanted to express love by helping to clean up the plastic bottles left on the beaches. Some came to express love by caring for a family. Some came with a deep desire to uplift, and others came to explore love in ways you might think are so loving. Nonetheless, they learn by the contrast their choices provide and hopefully learn to love more deeply than ever before. Some of you did not come to earth with one specific way you wanted to love. Many of you came in with what we’ll call “travel plans” — ideas about people you wanted to meet and things you wanted to do, but also with a healthy sense of spontaneity. “I’ll figure it out as I go,” you told yourself, and so we constantly guide you in the direction of greatest ease and joy towards whatever you choose to create. No matter what you did or didn’t choose before birth, each of you exists in the present moment. No matter what you decided before birth, you have the right and ability to decide, in each moment, where to aim your love. You may have come to the earth intending to clean up the plastic bottles, but you fall in love with someone from a different country and redirect your love. You hold hands on the beach, appreciate the waves and the clouds, and in that moment, you emanate love for the planet and your spouse. Suddenly, you get the idea to travel and blog so you can share this beautiful planet with others. Your love for the planet still exists. You have simply chosen to express it differently than originally planned. You are still living and loving with purpose. You may have come to express your love for a family, but once the “empty nest” presents itself, you will have to find new ways to aim that love—perhaps towards a hobby, work, or a charitable cause. Perhaps you’ll grant yourself the love you gave so freely to your family and choose to embrace your own dreams and desires. You are still living and loving!, with purpose. Our point here is that, rather than worrying about discovering or living your purpose, choose to love on purpose. Love is the greatest purpose of all, and when you are truly in a moment of flowing love, you will feel aligned with your beautiful spirit, clear on your next step, and in a natural and harmonious flow of life. When you wash a dish after dinner, you can choose to love on purpose. You can love the dish, the people who grew and delivered the food you just ate, the water running over your hands, or the dishwasher that will do the work for you. When you get up in the morning, you can start your day in a wonderful way by loving on purpose. You can love your bed, your sheets, and the temperature of the room around you. You can love the first breath of air you take and the feel of it empowering the life within you. You can place your feet upon the floor and love the connection you feel between you and the earth below. When you see something that deeply bothers you, you can love on purpose—not the thing that bothers you, but the thing you’d rather see. When you witness the horrors of something like child trafficking, you immediately choose to love on purpose. Send love to those children. Imagine embracing them with a light so powerful they cannot feel the pain. Love the living saints who are rescuing them and the hearts who are caring for them. Dear ones, love on purpose and you become light for the world. It is easy to fear, worry, and hate. Most of you have witnessed plenty of that. Nonetheless, love is the feeling native to the soul. As you allow yourself to love on purpose, you will find it becomes much easier than fear, worry, and hate and much more pleasant. Loving on purpose will help you feel like your true self and lead you to a life that is passionate, joyful, healthy, healing, and uplifting. You were born lovers dear ones, and your greatest purpose of all is to love. As you love on purpose, other purposeful and delightful ideas will arise from within. Love is the invisible force that is the basis of all creation. You are that. You can tap into it, aim it, and watch it ripple into the universe in glorious ways. If you watch the clouds with appreciation you will feel your body relax, and your mood improve. Perhaps as a result, later in the day, a kind word or two will escape your lips and uplift someone in need. If you love your pillow and blanket and a mid-afternoon nap, you may not think of that as purposeful, but how wonderful that you are putting the vibration of peace and relaxation into a world so dearly in need of such qualities. You will awaken refreshed, ready to get on with your day, and open to receiving greater guidance. There is purpose in any loving thought, word, or deed, even if you cannot imagine it in the moment. Don’t worry so much about discovering your “purpose,” dear ones. There are so many ways that you can express your love, and all of them have a purpose. As you choose, repeatedly, to love on purpose, you will discover, live, and express your greatest purpose of all. And, at the end of your life, you will know that all you did, all you built, all you gathered, and all you learned was for one purpose only — to find, feel, and express love. If you have done that in any way — and each one of you reading this has, millions of times already this lifetime — you have not lived in vain. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels

Have You Already Ascended to 5D? ∞The 12D Creators


Have You Already Ascended to 5D? ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know you all as you truly are, and that is how we serve you the most. We don’t serve you by telling you how to think, what to do, what to believe, how to vote, what not to eat, or any of the other things that you generally go to spiritual teachers for. We serve you the most by reminding you of who and what you really are, and we do that by holding that space for you but also by exemplifying it for you in our vibrational countenance. We maintain the high vibration that we do here in the twelfth dimension rather effortlessly, and we know that you too can hold a higher vibration effortlessly with practice.

When you are tuning in to us and our vibration, you naturally raise your own up. So now, while we will not tell you what to do and not to do, we do like to make suggestions to you, and then we ask you all to see whether those suggestions are working for you. If you put your attention on that which naturally raises your vibration, you will perhaps find that it is easier for you to stay in a higher vibration all the time.

You can remind yourselves of how good you feel when you do certain things, when you listen to certain things, when you watch certain things, and you can make a mental note of which things are bringing you into that higher-vibrational state. It is different for different people, and you have been there now long enough to determine for yourselves through your own experience, what puts you in a higher-vibrational state, what reminds you of who you really are without any effort on your part.

Without even having to speak an affirmation or a mantra to yourself, you can feel more in alignment with Source when you are, for example, playing with your dog, or listening to your favorite music. You can find that alignment by being with the people that you love and laughing and having a good time. You can find that alignment by going on a trip to a place that you know puts you in a higher-vibrational space when you are there.

You are receiving all of this feedback from your own experience all the time, and so you don’t even need to have your guides talking in your mind’s ear all the time, telling you what to do, because you have the feedback of your feelings, of that alignment that you get, and the inner knowing that you have when you are on the right track, when you are facing in the right direction.

Keep focusing yourselves on that which reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from that which does not, and you will find yourself operating in a fifth-dimensional frequency state so often that you will start to question whether or not you have already ascended. It is very possible to experience yourself as a fifth-dimensional being right now, but it does take practice and a dedication to feeling yourself as you truly are, and you truly are Love incarnate. Every. Single. One of you.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Eclipse Day and Gift for You


In a few hours, we will move through the total solar eclipse energy portal, and the changes it will bring for humanity in the next 6 months will be remarkable.

Eclipses are a time when the veils between worlds are thin. This makes it a great time to resolve lingering density from our lives, and create space to receive new blessings.

During a solar eclipse, all insecurities we have been holding onto, and all the false stories keeping us stuck, have the potential to dissolve, simply by us choosing to decree a clear intent for them to do so.

  This is going to have a great impact on every area of our lives and help us usher in higher states of being and living.   In honor of this momentous time, please accept the following musical healing gift titled Higher Heart and Mind Activation which includes a tapestry of sound healing technology to support you with transcending fear, struggle, hardship, pain, and density as you embrace the Divine Wisdom and Love of your Spirit.   Listen to this music session once per day for 21 days, for a complete healing experience. If you can listen with headphones, even better. Just sit back, and allow the music to work its magic.   Receive your sound healing gift here, and if you enjoy it, please share with your tribe: With gratitude, Emmanuel

How to Choose the Timeline/Future You Want ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


How to Choose the Timeline/Future You Want ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very capable of seeing down many different timelines simultaneously, because we exist in the ninth dimension, and we can see the various timelines that are in front of each of you who are receiving these messages. We know that new timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you. We know that you are very creative, in fact, and capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally. Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the planet, and you wonder that with the idea that it is set in stone right now.

You think that these decisions are being made outside of you by some other being or some other group of beings, but you get to decide when that happens. You get to decide when humanity has access to free energy. You get to decide when you take everything that is coming to you, all of your gifts, all that you’ve ever wanted to manifest. It is all right there, waiting for you to receive it. You are the ones deciding. You are the ones focusing. You are the ones vibrating. You are the ones thinking, feeling, acting, speaking, and as you remain in alignment with what you do want, and let go of what you don’t want, then you put yourself on that best feeling timeline for you.

If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Think better of your fellow humans and of yourselves. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are and the love that exists in every other human being. And while you’re at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.

And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just means you get to have the experience of forgiving them. You get to see the best in every being. That’s your choice; that’s the choice that will feel best to you when you make it. There really is no other choice, because you must make that choice in order to be who you really are, and being who you really are is where all roads lead to. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.

So don’t forget that. Don’t fall into that trap of seeing yourselves as small, insignificant, and destined to have certain experiences. The world is what you make of it. Your lives can be better, even by the highest of standards, if you allow them to be so. And you are becoming your higher selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, no matter what anyone else is doing or no matter how it sometimes appears. Choose the best timeline for yourself right now by being conscious about the fact that you are choosing and that the timeline that will feel best to you does exist.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Are Reptilians, AI & Cabal Groups Preventing Ascension? ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Are Reptilians, AI & Cabal Groups Preventing Ascension? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking for the natural evolution process there on Earth and looking to encourage all of you to participate in it consciously and deliberately. In other words, we know there are a lot of people out there who are telling you that they have the shortcut, the way to bypass all of the work, and that you can grow by leaps and bounds if you just use this technique or this device. But the natural evolution process is the best way to raise your level of consciousness, and we see how you all participate in the natural evolution process, consciously and subconsciously, and we just want you to understand that the old-fashioned way is still the best way to evolve and to ascend.

You do want to meditate, process your emotions, offer forgiveness, and focus on your vibration. You do want to be aware of your thoughts and the words you speak, and in today’s world, the messages you send electronically. You want to be aware of these things because they are so much more powerful than anything that is happening outside of you or anything that could zap you or force you into a more enlightened state.

And we say that with the full knowing that you are getting help from outside of you, but that help is always meant to get you to focus more inwardly than you currently are and currently do. So, you have a choice to make when it comes to your spiritual evolution. You can look to the predictions about med beds, and solar flashes, and things that can fix all of the problems of your world at the drop of a hat, or you can choose to take more control of your spiritual evolution by paying more attention to what’s going on inside of you. That is one of the biggest benefits of meditation. Meditation brings you more awareness, and with more awareness, you can make more changes, the changes that need to be made, the changes that will be made one way or another.

Taking on your work deliberately is the much better and easier path, because if you put things off and push things down, they eventually erupt out of you, and then you have a bigger mess to clean up while you are doing the necessary work on yourselves. Lately, we have noticed the power of connection for human beings. In other words, many more people are seeking out connection with those like us, and we help you to pay more attention to what you are thinking, feeling, and vibrating, but we also offer a higher vibration to you, and that is an invitation that we are sending out for you to join us in the higher-vibrational realms.

When you make connections, you reach up, as well as in, and it is through that reaching up vibrationally that you make a huge impact on your normal set point vibration. That is needed for each individual in order to handle the energies of ascension. Otherwise, as we said, you are just making it harder on yourselves by ignoring everything that’s going on inside of you and looking outside of you for the answer, or for the e.t.s who will swoop in with their more advanced technology to make everything better for humankind. We know that there’s a lot of focus on A.I., and reptilians, cabal groups, and so on, and the idea that they all must be defeated before you can access the truth of who you are within you, and none of that is true. All of it just keeps you from focusing on what is truly important, which is always what’s going on within you.

And so, we are happy to be one of many groups and beings that you can reach out to for connection because we know that our vibration is helpful. We see the impact that our energy transmissions have on all of you, and we know that you, as the awakened collective, are ready to not only receive those higher-frequency vibrations, but also to spread them around to your fellow humans. And that is how your seeking of connection helps everyone, regardless of whether they are seeking it and regardless of whether they are listening to anything you are saying. This is one of your many gifts that you have to give to your fellow humans, and everyone is benefitting from that particular gift of connection.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

LIVE Energy Update Starting Soon!

Hello my Friend!

  Please join Master Energy Healer Bonnie Serratore & me today for the Free Live Monthly Energy Update for April 2024 —  YouTube Live – April Energy Update Thursday, April 4 at 10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern Go Here to Join Us! We now offer a FREE clearing and channeled answer with energy work, with every Energy Update! So tune in and stay till the end, to receive these gifts. The energy work applies to all! April is a Time to Go Within April’s energy is pulling us inward to protect our vulnerability and to have some Me Time. Please write your insights and questions about these energies into the Live Chat! Go here to join us: Hope to see you there! Huge blessings, Caroline And Join the Spiritual Accelerators for these powerful Group Energy Clearings in April Take advantage of these powerful Group Energy Clearings in April to help you feel clearer and more grounded: Feeling Like a Sinner? • April 12 Resurrecting Your Sacred Heart • April 26 Clear your energy center where your personal power is generated, with Clear Your Chakra Small Energy Group Clearing – The Solar Plexus Chakra • April 14 links: Website: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: YouTube: Instagram: LinkedIn:

A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are in the midst of a massive wave of energies there on Earth. You can do what you will with those energies, because you have free will and because you are creator beings. You create with energy, whether that energy is a stone or a thought, whether it is a pain or a sound. You are creating with energy, and when there are new energies upon you as there are now, you can create that which is new and that which has been unknown to humanity prior to this moment. That is what is exciting about being there on Earth at this time.

You get to go from where you were to where you are going. You get to experience the movement, the motion, the evolution, and the expansion. And those of you who are doing it consciously are joyously riding the wave of these energies. You get to do that because you decided to go to planet Earth to have a lifetime in a dense physical place with lots of polarity. Now, what you can do is perhaps beyond the level of consciousness of your physical mind, and that should excite you.

That which is unknown to you can put you in a place of fear, or it can put you in a place of excitement. If you are more positively-oriented, you will go to the place of excitement. If you are more negatively oriented, you will go to the place of fear. The choice is yours. Again, free will. Use it to choose, to go down the positive path, to open yourself up to higher and higher frequency energies and experiences, to know yourselves in ways that you have never known yourselves before.

In other words, listen to your hearts. Be aware of your desires, and have faith that your desires can and will come to fruition. They will not just come to fruition because of a very kind and loving God that grants you your wishes. They will come to fruition because of you and because you have the power within you to access any dream, any desire, any manifestation. You always have had that power, but now you are stepping into that power and you are using the help that you are getting from above. That is how this really works. It is through teamwork. It is through a joining of forces. It is through the merging of the nonphysical with the physical that you get the desired results.

And it is time for more humans to acknowledge that so you can benefit from that knowledge. You are there to go beyond where you have been before, and you can do so consciously and deliberately without knowing exactly what it is you are moving towards in each and every moment. That’s the exciting part, is that get to unwrap those presents, and more and more presents keep coming. When you are feeling pretty good and aligned with your Source, you can move mountains, you can go to places you’ve never been before, and you can experience new heights of ecstasy.

Do not ever limit yourselves by looking around and saying, ‘What’s possible? Let me determine that by what I can see out there and by what other people have done and accomplished in their lives.’ You are meant to go beyond what has been before, and you are doing so by staying in your bodies, by being present and by noticing that you have this overwhelming amount of energy available to you right now to utilize and to utilize in whatever ways that you see fit.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Your Journey of Ascension ∞The Andromedan Council of Light


Your Journey of Ascension ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you in this way.

You open us up to more of ourselves, just as we open you up to more of yourselves, and we are accessing more energies to share with you because we are helping you in the ways that we can. You have the ability to open up to so much help and to be helpers in so many ways, and it helps when you see yourselves in that way. It certainly does give you more confidence in yourselves to know that you are helping just by being there. And when you acknowledge that you have so much more help coming in to assist and serve you, that’s when you tend to open up to it.

You have to believe that it’s there in order to receive it, in order to take the time to even relax yourself into that state of receptivity. You are not meant to travel this path of yours alone. And while sometimes there may be no other humans or animals around to go down the path with you, we are always here, your guides are always with you, and so many others are assisting you.

This is a time where you can really feel the help that you are getting. You don’t have to just trust that it’s there, but you can viscerally feel it in your body, and many of you do. Many of you question your feelings, just as you question your thoughts. Remember that when you are raising your vibration, you can trust anything that happens in that state, and you can always trust in the truth that everything is there to serve you and to serve your spiritual evolution.

As you become less attached to physical circumstances being exactly as you would like them to be, you make the spiritual progress happen so much more quickly, and then you do get to enjoy more of the physical as a result. But it is good to understand that the help that you are getting is always meant to help you on both fronts. You don’t have to suffer in the physical for your spiritual evolution. You don’t have to give everything up physically in order to evolve spiritually, and when you do enjoy the physical realm, it doesn’t mean that you are abandoning your spirituality.

In fact, you will enjoy everything so much more if you do involve your spirituality into it. You can enjoy eating so much more when you are communing with the food. You can enjoy breathing so much more when you are doing it consciously and to open up and connect. You can enjoy sleep so much more when you recognize that you are getting so many upgrades and activations as you enter into the state of slumber.

Letting go of control over your physical circumstances will open up to more of the help that is coming from the likes of us. And as you let go of the timing and the circumstances, and the who and the where and the when, and especially the how, you become conscious co-creators in this beautiful expansion of your consciousness. And when you involve more of us in that expansion of consciousness, you can feel it. You can feel it physically in your bones, in your skin, in your muscles, in your organs.

And the merger of more of the nonphysical with the physical is the greatest experience you will have there on Earth at this time. So let more in by relaxing, and you will get to do more in the physical, more of what you want, more that you have told all of us in the higher realms you desire, and we can all have fun together in this journey of ascension that we are all a part of together.

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

New Messages from The Rainbow Scribe

New Message from The Rainbow Scribe

At the end of March 2024 I took part in a presentation called F5 Mystery School with Bryan deFlores that was activating us with multicultural interplanetary most powerful energies of Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Maya and Sirius. This morning I found myself watching this video below with the most amazing images of star glyphs and symbols on them! I do not even know how I got on that site! I love the Universe and how it works for me! More knowledge and wonders to explore!

The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes

The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes
The Pleiadian-Mayan Star Codes

Lady Portia – April 2024

I come on the wings of love! These times that you are experiencing are those that have been predicted for many centuries by the world’s holiest people, messengers that were in tune with the higher dimensions of reality.
Read Message

Master Yin – April 2024

I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the great changes that are occurring and will be occurring in the months ahead. The changes are within the consciousness of humanity, the changes will be occurring within the hearts of humanity, for the energies that are being directed to the Earth at this time affect the heart chakra’s of all who receive this energy.
Read Message

Archangel Michael – April 2024

I come on the wings of love to bring a message of hope and peace. We of the higher dimensions ask that you of the Light upon the Earth unite to focus and anchor your energies to bring greater Light and love to this ascending planet Earth and all her inhabitants.
Read Message


Join us in invoking Divine order, peace, harmony, unity, cooperation, and miracles for our beloved Earth and all of humanity. Let’s come together to manifest peace and Divine order on Earth. Embrace the intention for the highest good and the greatest outcome for all. Let’s spread the message of peace and unity. Let peace and Divine order prevail! 🌍✨🕊️ Read the Peace Prayer from Sanat Kumara as received through Marlene Swetlishoff
Peace Prayer for the World
These messages by Marlene Swetlishoff offer insightful and uplifting guidance for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment. Marlene’s words resonate with authenticity and provide a sense of hope and inspiration. Her writings touch upon various aspects of life, including personal transformation, healing, ascension, new earth and connecting with higher realms of consciousness. Through her work, Marlene Swetlishoff continues to empower and support individuals on their spiritual journey. We thank you for being a part of her community of light.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 04/27/2024 • Anger, fatigue, or flow?

My dear friends, we love you so very much,uui There are so many times when we wish you could see yourselves the way we see you. We wish you could see your light, your beauty, and how well you are all doing in your evolution. Many of you reading this are rare on your earth. There are few who truly understand themselves as vibrational beings, and those who do are still challenged to overcome the old three-dimensional conditioning. Many of you are the first generation to shift your understanding of the nature of reality. You are breaking new ground upon your earth by remembering how you intended to live before you came. You are, by example, helping others learn that life can be kinder and easier than most were led to believe. As you embrace the 5D paradigm of calibrating your energy to an outcome and acting only in a joyful flow (rather than the 3D paradigm of using effort alone), you will see things come to you in miraculous ways. Others will want to know what you are doing and why your lives are working more easily. While you are learning to embrace this new paradigm, there will still be challenges along the way, as the old habits of thought conflict with your new understandings. There will be times when try as you may, it is difficult to focus on something pleasant. Love yourself anyway, as you are, for even choosing to love yourself when you feel less than loving will raise your vibration. The past few years have driven all of you deeper into your hearts. That is why so many of you are suddenly intolerant of things you once settled for. So many of you are reconnecting with people who nourish your spirits and disconnecting from those who don’t. Many of you are picking up new hobbies or getting rid of old commitments. There is a huge movement upon your planet, although not widely acknowledged, to dive deeper into your hearts and live more authentic lives.  When, in a given moment, you are living in alignment with your heart and soul, you will feel energized, hopeful, or happy. When you are not in alignment, it is easy to feel sad or angry. When your flow is guiding you to act gently, and you try to “push the river,” you’ll feel the exhaustion of going against a current of love that is trying to help you achieve all your desires in a kind and loving way. When you are in alignment, feeling your feelings, accepting and loving yourself through them, you’ll feel amazing. What you call “miracles” will flow to you. Honoring your own personal flow of love is the most joyous feeling in the world. Resisting it is becoming more and more of a challenge. This fast flow of love is also why so many on your planet are angry as of late. It is difficult in this fast-moving current to ignore or stuff your feelings. Those who have stuffed feelings for a lifetime are experiencing emotional “eruptions” as their hearts begin to awaken. For those who are aware of the value of their feelings, these emotional outbursts provide clarity and guidance that help them move back toward a path of greater joy. For others, these feelings are upsetting as they look around and see they are not yet where they want to be. For still others, the feelings are so upsetting that they look for someone or something to blame, often trying to find company in their unhappy state of being. In all cases, your feelings tell you one and only one thing — how close or far you are from alignment with your heart, your soul, and the loving flow that guides you.   Those who aim their anger at you “know not what they do.” They don’t yet understand that their anger is a result of their own misalignment. It is easier to blame someone else for unpleasant feelings. It takes more work to admit that the upset occurs because someone or something has made it difficult for you to focus in a way that feels like love. When you are upset, the quickest way out is to refocus on something or someone or some thought that feels more like love. When someone aims their upset at you, or when you witness unthinkable behaviors around you, you still get to decide how much power to give them. You get to choose where and what you place your focus upon. As you refocus on something that feels better, the unkind or unthinkable behaviors become irrelevant to you. What matters more is focusing on anything that feels like love. Here, you will find not only your joy, your guidance, and your solutions, but in this vibration, you will also contribute to a better and more peaceful world. You can more effectively handle the situations and people in your life from a place of feeling good than when you allow them to manipulate your feelings or actions with lower behaviors. You can more effectively solve the world’s problems in a vibration of loving solutions. You can more easily feel the presence of your dear ones in spirit when you reach for the vibration of love that they live within. This fast-moving flow is also why many of you vacillate between incredible energy and passion at times and sheer exhaustion at others. When aligned with your heart, you will feel boundless energy. Fighting your natural impulse to feel good will be exhausting. Criticizing yourself or others causes resistance to love and will also tire you. The key to being re-energized is simpler than most think. Listen to your body. It has great wisdom. Listen to your mind when you receive an impulse to do something pleasant. Listen to your emotions and see them as barometers guiding you to a path of love. Something as simple as listening to your body and taking a nap can rejuvenate you and make your whole day flow more easily. Something as simple as craving a certain food and going to get it for dinner may give you the exact nutrients your body is calling for.   The urge to explore a new hobby might lead you to the person you wanted to meet, or calling a person that pops into your mind might lead you to an answer you seek. We guide you always, along the kindest path. When you listen to your heart you are close to that path. When you feel good, you are on that path. When you feel upset at anything or anyone, you’re having a temporary wobble. The moment you refocus on something that feels better, you’ll be back on track and receive our loving impulses. Despite current appearances, your world is moving towards greater love. There are many growing pains as pe ple find their hearts coming to the surface as never before. So many don’t know what to do with the strong feelings. But you do. You know they tell you a great deal about whether or not you are aligned with your heart, soul, and guidance. Give yourselves permission to feel good even when life is not as you wish, when people are not as you wish, and even when someone has been unkind to you. You need not join those in denser vibrations. You can, instead, choose a happier train of thought and, in so doing, grant yourself the freedom to live in a vibration of love. Here, on the path of heart, you will find the grace, goodness, and guidance you so dearly desire. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels