Loving Yourself in Crisis

Loving Yourself in Crisis How To Resource Yourself With Love Hello friends, Today I’d like discuss the crisis unfolding in our personal lives as our world sits at a precipice of multiple crises. Continue reading to understand why loving ourselves in a deeper way is essential to our personal futures and the planet’s. How We Rise or Fall Together History has shown that our fates are inextricably tied to others. The ‘others’ are the billions of humans alive in our globally interconnected world. No ocean or wall can separate us. We have consciousness – so does our planet and all life forms. The state of our planet is mirroring us. The Earth is in crisis, therefore, reflecting how we humans have treated her. Humans have mistreated Earth – not consciously but out of ignorance and lack of awareness. We are conditioned by ego-based fear, greed, distrust, blame, and hate. Our true nature, however, is love. At the core of our being, our essence is love! Loving Yourself in Crisis No one person can transform the multitude of connected crises unfolding in our world. What each of us can do, however, is what I call ‘an inside job’ of rising above crisis by developing more self-love. With self-love comes self-compassion. These two qualities are essential for each of us. Our state of being is daily mirrored in our outside world. The impact on others and our global society is quantum. 7 Ways to Love Yourself in Crisis
  1. Be more present to your ego’s self-talk – that voice inside your head that is self-defeating. ruminates about ‘what ifs’ and catastrophizes. Learning to recognize this unloving voice is the first step.
  2. Once you track your ego’s naysayer voice, use your conscious will to silence it. This is crucial, for only you can do this in the moment.
  3. Build more self-love by acknowledging yourself each time you block your ego’s fearful thoughts.
  4. Practice this acknowledgement as though your life’s joy and success depends on your ego overrides – because it does!
  5. Smile when you encounter people, including those you don’t know. Think of the smile like a welcome sign that says ‘love is here’. Do this regardless of whether people smile back. Experiment with this – don’t be surprised if your smile creates a rush of oxytocin in your body or simply a happy feeling that tells you everything is okay, you are okay.
  6. When in crisis, remind yourself that the crisis is not YOU. It is a temporary experience. At your core you are pure love – no crisis can touch that.
  7. When a crisis leaves you feeling anxious, go within to your heart and connect with the love inside of you. Know that the love is always there, in a never-ending supply.
Earth Day April 22 As I wrote about last week, Earth Day is a time when humanity gathers to celebrate and express love for the planet. It’s also a time when we collectively recognize our power to bring more love into the world. This power begins with self-love, each of us contributing to the whole. This year Earth Day occurs April 22, the day of my ‘Love The Earth’ global meditation on zoom. You can attend live or benefit fully by listening to the recording later. I would be thrilled to have you and your friends join us this year! More description is below. Already know you want to join: register now!   Follow-Up If you aren’t already participating in my monthly meditations and Divine Changemakers courses, consider joining me for guided support. For More Energetic Support  Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation. Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support! May love and success be yours, Selacia   * All Rights Reserved *

The illusion is being recognized for what it is – ILLUSORY!

Here in the non-physical realms we are all looking forward most enthusiastically to humanity’s imminent collective awakening, and to then joining with you all in the celebrations that are planned and that will ensue.  Truly, a most magnificent event is about to unfold, and the joy that you are about to experience will indubitably amaze you, as the unreal times of fear, pain, and suffering dissolve into the void from which it seems that they arose into actuality.  You are to awaken into the Joy that has always been, is, and always will be God’s Will for All of Her divine Creation.  You are always present in this state of limitless joy, it just seems, while you are in form as humans, that this is not and cannot be the case, and that is because of what the illusion, the dream state, or game of separation is all about.  You built it for this very purpose, and it has served its purpose extremely well, but the ‘time’ has arrived for its termination – dreams and games do not and cannot last, there is always a termination point – and that point is NOW!

‘In time,’ where you are presently experiencing life as humans in form, we have, for quite a ‘long time’ been telling you that the moment for termination of the illusion or game is ‘very close,’ and that it will happen ‘very soon.’  And this has always been true,it has not been some fanciful illusory idea that we have been offering you.  However, because you are experiencing life ‘in time,’ and because, naturally enough, you believe in and submit yourselves to the ‘flow of time,’ this moment of ‘closeness,’ ‘of soonness’ seems to have lasted a ‘very long time.’   But, as you have so often been told – and as modern physics has finally realized – ‘time’ is unreal, there is only NOW.  And so now is when you are going to awaken, and even as you are experiencing the apparent ‘reality’ of the unreality of time, that moment of now is extremely close.  I would remind you yet again that all is divinely taken care of, that God’s divine plan for you is absolutely and precisely ‘on time,’ because there is no other possibility!

You are awakening, and many are actually experiencing delightful moments of being awake, during which they feel happy and joyful, and are realizing that there is no need to doubt what has been divinely promised because they can feel it, and therefore know that it is happening.  The illusion is being recognized for what it is – ILLUSORY!  Yes, there are many who are still fully engaged with it, and suffering enormously as a result, but that is, of course ‘NORMAL!’  The normality that you have been experiencing for eons is about as far removed from Reality as it is possible to be, as your collective egoic mind continues to encourage fear, and the resultant expectation of future catastrophes and disasters.  The seeming reality of the unreal has been most cleverly maintained, while the scenes and the actors change, and the seemingly unending story continues to unfold.

This time of waiting is being experienced extremely intensely by many because of the unfolding dramas to which the media are drawing the focus of their attention, because so many are fully aware of the need for major changes in the ways you live and interact with one another, and because many are also feeling that these essential changes areoccurring, but not quickly enough.  In fact many are indeed wondering if the necessary changes will actually be brought to fruition, or if instead some catastrophic disasters could throw you back into the maelstrom of violence and corruption in which humanity has been collectively engulfed for eons.  This anxiety is completely understandable because it is deeply ingrained within you all, due to the eons in which the collective way of living has been step by step from catastrophe to catastrophe, and as conflict was chosen as the only way forward, instead of engaging in dialogue and deliberation for the benefit of all involved.  However, the collective has finally, irrevocably, and most definitely chosen and taken the decision to awaken.  Therefore, because of the love and the wisdom with which that choice/decision was made, fully supported by Mother/Father/God, there is no way you can fall back into limitation, conflict, and confusion.

All are becoming aware that there is only Love, that their true and only nature is Love, and they are most willingly and enthusiastically embracing this divine Truth, the only TRUTH.  You all are Love, you have never departed from that state, you have just momentarily fallen into a state of amnesia, while asleep and dreaming, and from which you are about to awaken into full conscious awareness of the eternal joy of your true and changeless nature – One with each other and with your divine and holy Source.

Please continue to make daily visits to your own individual holy sanctuaries where you will enjoy feeling the Peace and Love that is always present within you, awaiting your acceptance of It.  Doing this enormously empowers your constantly and powerfully reset intent to be only loving whatever arises during the day.  You then quietly and most beautifully, by living through and as your true nature without any fanfare or egotistical display, very effectively demonstrate to all with whom you interact the amazing power of Love to maintain an energy of peace and calm that is felt by all of those with whom you come in contact.  Doing just this isyour purpose now, because being you is the most effective and expeditious way to bring all of the human collective into full conscious awareness of its true and divine nature.  This is the state of complete and most joyful wakefulness – without any possibility of interruption – in which all are eternally present and most beautifully focused in and on the divine Presence of Mother/Father/God, which is a state of unsurpassable joy.

With so very much love, Saul.

Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always excited to see what you will do next there on Earth to further your spiritual evolution. You have your individuals journeys, of course, and you have your journeys as a collective of humanity. When you see things going on out there in the world, in other countries, in other places, that do not seem to affect you personally, know that they are affecting the human collective consciousness, and therefore, they are affecting you.

When you recognize that you are there to exude love, you are there to help and to heal, then knowledge of what’s going on and where can help you to point your love and your healing energy in the right direction. You know that it is necessary to meditate more on peace when a new war breaks out, for example. When you look at your own lives and what is going on within them, or what isn’t happening that you want to happen, this is also a way for you to go deeper with your level of awareness about what you need and what is needed from you.

Other people in your life might be acting out in ways that are troubling to you, and then you know that the person or people who are acting out need more love sent their way. They are acting out because of an unprocessed emotion, because of an unreleased trauma, and when you see it that way, you know that you are being called upon to offer what is needed in that moment. Otherwise, they either wouldn’t be in your life or they would be living happily ever after in your presence.

We know that being the caretaker for the other people in your life and for the rest of humanity is a tall order, but we also know that those of you who are awake are always looking for opportunities to be of greater service. Now, you being of greater service does not have to mean that you are going out and starting a foundation to save the whales, for instance. It doesn’t have to mean to that you are going out on an international speaking tour where your objective is to enlighten and uplift. As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to show up, to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.

Again, it seems like a tall order, but if you were not up for it, you would not have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, and you would not have awakened before the majority of the population. The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is not about what you know intellectually. It is not about having inside information about what’s really going on with the government and the cabal groups. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time. It is about what you feel and what you do about what you feel. So we recommend spending more time focusing on how you feel and on what is needed out there in the world around you. That is the best way for you to know yourselves as the beings of love and light that you truly are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

A Hathor Planetary Meditation through Tom Kenyon

You are the current blossoming of your ancestral tree. And as such you might be living not only your own life but the lives of your ancestors as well. By this rather odd statement we mean that you may be living out their dreams and personal realities rather than your own. All sentient beings, without exception, are affected through the actions taken by those who came before them. This is true for all beings—both incarnate and ephemeral. But for human beings the situation is more complex because the subtle energetic effects of your ancestors’ belief systems, actions and karma affect you in profound ways. The imprinting of the perceptual limitations of your ancestors is held in your nadis (the subtle energy pathways for prana within your body) and by your DNA. Those ancestors who interacted with you in this lifetime usually have the most profound effects on you, but some of your more distant ancestors may be affecting you despite their distance from you in time. As the Ascension process continues to unfold on your Earth, the unresolved energetics of your ancestral line can (and probably will) stimulate the release of deeply held unconscious material from your ancestral tree. This is a form of spontaneous ancestral healing and should not be feared or shrunk away from. When ancestral impressions arise, let them unfold in innocence and understand their nature as messengers from the deep. They are a calling to be present and conscious. If you consciously work through your ancestral line, you will notice that some of your ancestors exerted a benevolent or positive effect on the situations and people around them. And you may also discover that some of your ancestors were less than positive if not downright destructive. Through your ancestors you were given the rare gift of a human lifetime. Human embodiment is a rare thing and brings with it potentials for rapid spiritual development that are unsurpassed anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. Within the seat of your own lifeforce are keys to your ascension, and it is in the seat of your lifeforce, as a human being, that the Ascension process begins. When the heart enters the vibratory field of compassion and loving-kindness you are elevated. And when this is conjoined with increased lifeforce, the process of Ascension is born. Thus, when you extend compassion and loving-kindness to your ancestors, you free them and contribute to your own Ascension. The Ancestral Healing Sound Meditation is a gentle but profound way to work with your family tree and ancestral lines. May you find the solace within your own heart, and may you extend this grace to your ancestors whose numbers are greater than all the stars in your galaxy. The Meditation Sitting or lying down, close your eyes and focus on your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Imagine that your ancestors (both known and unknown) are in front of you at a comfortable distance away. (Note: Look both to your right and your left as some of your ancestors may be “off in the wings.”) When the meditation begins, both imagine and feel that the music is emanating from your heart. This addition of the sense that the music streams out of your heart is an important element in this particular meditation. This simple shift in perception will intensify your experience. As you enfold your ancestors with compassion, forgiveness and solace, you may feel responses from them. And as you work in this manner, you may find that deeper insights and memories come to you. When you finish the meditation, it would be good to rest in silence for a few minutes and notice the quality of your thoughts and feelings. This meditation can be repeated multiple times to plumb the depths of your ancestral heritage. Tom’s Thoughts and Observations The foundation tracks for this meditation were originally part of The Upper Rooms Intensive. But after listening to the recording, I felt that it was timely to present the meditation on its own to a larger audience. My reason for wishing to disseminate this meditation more freely is due to the clear fact that our culture is dealing with the toxic burden of unresolved ancestral issues. And these issues can affect us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally. They can also affect us genetically—through imprints in our DNA as geneticists have discovered. While I was listening to the recording of the meditation, the Hathors blipped in and suggested an acoustic tweaking of the meditation tracks in order to create more potent psychoacoustic effects. And I did indeed experience more potency after the Hathors made their adjustments in the studio. The Hathors did their acoustic magic in the section where I was chanting to two benevolent archetypal beings who are Buddhist in origins—Chenrezig (the Buddha of Infinite Compassion) and Kuan Yin (he/she who hears the suffering of the world). When I asked the Hathors about this they said that they felt very aligned with these two enlightened beings. And both their subtle energetics and their teachings reminded the Hathors of their own spiritual teachers whom they call the Aethos. The energetics of compassion, forgiveness and solace are embedded in the sound meditation, and all of this has a healing effect. Deep and profound healing is available to you through both the psychoacoustics and the transmission of compassion, forgiveness and solace to your ancestors. I have experimented with this sound meditation in various situations including just before going to sleep. My experiences in dreamtime were often deeply insightful. And I would suggest trying this for yourself as well. I will personally come back to this sound meditation time and time again when it feels right to sweep through the cluttered hallway of my own ancestral issues. For those of you who encounter strong resentments as you work with your ancestors, or anyone for that matter, you might work with another sound meditation called Healing Regrets. This is a powerfully effective meditation that allows you to clear deeply set hostilities. You can find Healing Regrets in the Listening section of the website (www.tomkenyon.com) or click here. Regarding the Ancestral Healing Sound Meditation, I suggest stereo headphones or earbuds for the greatest acoustic impact. And don’t listen to the sound meditation in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car. Click here to listen to and/or download the Ancestral Healing Sound Meditation

A Message to Light Bringers – October 27, 2022 💚

Hello My Friend –

This week, the Collective (and all your Spirit teams, who are always assisting!) look at healing our small self-concepts. Those stuck places that hold us back from feeling the reality of what we desire to create. Go here for the video, and here for the full transcript. Lightworkers: A Small Self Concept Is NOT the Real You! “The energies we’re looking at today, are stuck patterns—stuck energies. If you feel you’re in an old pattern that is holding you back, this is very difficult. So you may be looking at the outer situation, and you’re saying, “Well, I’m just afraid to meet someone new.” Or, “I could drop the weight, but I don’t know how! It’s never worked for me so far.” Or perhaps you would love a new job, or just a change of pace in some way—perhaps, just to love and appreciate yourself in a greater way than you have in a long time. And so there are all these ideas, old emotions, and beliefs holding you back—“I can’t do that. I’ve tried, and it hasn’t worked . . . “Probably, this is something that’s just too difficult to let go of. I can try different outer actions, but so far, none of them have really worked.” So just for a moment, just release all those feelings [whatever they are]—just for a moment. Ask yourself, “What would it feel like, if I could enjoy a dream like what I’ve been dreaming of? “Who would I be, or how would I feel in that moment?” Just give yourself a moment where you’ve already created it—and indeed you have! In that great flow of energy that is the quantum field, you have created it . . . “ Go here for the full Message. In these days of astounding Light codes pouring onto the planet, we are facing Opportunity such as we have never seen before, since the start of the third dimension — To finally heal all those small, cramped, traumatized, and lost parts of ourselves, bringing all these pieces back into a fully renewed, integrated, whole self. And the process has already begun . . . Sending much Love, Caroline  P S  My friend Bernadette Wulf’s “Ladies of the Lake” event, coming this Sunday, October 30th! In Arthurian lore, the Lady of the Lake is the one who gives the magical sword, Excalibur, to King Arthur – and receives it back when Arthur is mortally wounded.  Yet ‘Lady of the Lake’ is actually a role or title shared by several residents of Avalon . . . the lake is symbolic of the faery realm.  Nimue’ and Morgan Le Fay are probably the most well-known and intriguing ladies in the lore. Bernadette shares, “In my personal experience, they are both very powerful and expansive beings who have much to share with us. Guinevere is also included among them. “In this workshop we will be meeting these ladies, as well as other faery ladies of Avalon who may come to join us. “Here’s your chance to meet them and ask anything you want to know about them and their realm. “I find that the energy of a group always enhances shamanic journeys and makes experiences more clear and potent!” Don’t miss this chance to tap into the co-creative power of this group event, and receive your own Avalon initiation! Go here for more info

Date: Sunday, October 30th

Time: 10 am – 11:30 am Pacific Time (1 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern) Location: Zoom call – link will be sent out shortly before the call Full scholarships are available. 

The Arcturians & Archangels Unite ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


The Arcturians & Archangels Unite ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have brought ourselves into greater alignment with the Archangels of this universe because we want to blend with their energies, because we want to feel their love, their support, their compassion and their powerful creative abilities. We are channelers, just like Daniel here, just like so many of you are. We are merging with Archangel energy at this time, because those who look to the galactic but do not look to the realm of the angelic will benefit from opening up to us in the ways that they do.

Some of you, of course, are open to both realms, as well as the faerie realm and the ascended masters. Of course, there are more realms than those, however they certainly are getting a lot of attention there on Earth and with good reason. We all have our part in co-creating the experience there on Earth, and we all have our roles to play in helping you to grow, to evolve, to expand and to ascend. When we feel the Archangel energies moving through our collective, we feel as though we have gone home. We feel closer to Source, and we feel held in their arms. We want you to feel this way as well.

Many of you still see us as having bodies and having ships, even though we have explained that we are a nonphysical collective consciousness, and because people see us and experience us with all of their e.t. filters on, they don’t quite get the entirety of the Arcturian energy that we provide. With this blending, this merging that is occurring with our Archangel friends, we know you will experience more of that higher-dimensional consciousness.

We know that you will see and feel more of that angelic energy coming through the channel here, and we know that we are reconnecting you to your roots in the twelfth dimension. Everyone has their roots in the twelfth dimension, no matter where they are in this universe. You simply need that foundation to grow from, and you need that place of love, comfort, cohesiveness and expansiveness to come from in order to grow appropriately and beautifully, just like flowers need their roots to do so.

We are forever changed by this experience, and we hope that you feel the love now from us that we have felt from them, as well as the compassion, the support, and the protection that you all need to feel in order to move forward in your lives with trust, with faith and with knowing that everything is going to be all right for humanity there on Earth. And we want all of you to spread that energy around as well, and these transmissions will always help you do that with ease with a spring in your step. You will especially feel it from now on.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Access Your Spiritual Gifts, Skills & Abilities ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Access Your Spiritual Gifts, Skills & Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken another giant leap forward in the evolution of your consciousness, as you have granted yourselves greater access to the skills, gifts, and abilities that have been lying dormant within you and that are ready to be revealed to the world. If there is something that you have always wanted to access, but have been unable to access up until now, you would do well to put your focus on that particular gift that you want to develop.

The reason humankind has granted itself greater access to those abilities to tap into other consciousness is because of how confused and dismayed many of you have become with what you are being told by others. The failure for others to come through for you generated a gigantic collective desire for better direct access, and now is the time for you all to open up and receive those skills that you have always wanted to have yourselves.

Perhaps you thought that certain people were just born with a predisposition towards having channeling, healing, or psychic abilities. Perhaps you just had your confidence drained out of you by the programming that you received from others throughout your life. Whatever the reason has been for you to not grant yourself access to what you want to do spiritually, now is the time to set all of those reasons aside and open up to the possibility that you are different today than you were the last time you sat to receive something, anything, on your own.

Everyone is playing their part in your story, so when someone tells you that the shift will be completed on a certain date, and then that date comes and goes, and you feel disappointed, that disappointment is the fuel that you use to ignite the desire within you for your own personal contact with higher consciousness, with streams of information and energy. And when you get sick, and people around you are getting sick, there is a desire that is birthed within you for natural healing and for you to access healing abilities that will serve you and others.

We understand why you have relied upon others to give you bits and pieces of information that would supply you with the hope that was necessary for you to continue on in this journey, but now that you have been let down by others you can rely more heavily on yourselves. And the energies are very supportive of you making the connections that you have always wanted to make, so that you can have your own direct lines of communication with  higher frequency beings and collectives that exist in the higher realms.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are each absolutely boundless beings.

Click here to listen to an audio clip.

As you wait expectantly, and somewhat impatiently, for humanity’s collective awakening to emerge, to become the present that you are experiencing now, continue to set and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises.  As your MSM keep making clear, there is much chaos and confusion occurring worldwide, and it seems that no one is even remotely capable of coming up with practical solutions to any of the issues that are causing so much anxiety, suffering, and pain.  This is why I keep reminding you to set and reset your loving intent daily.

Your individual and collective intent to be only loving is the way forward to your grand awakening.  Do not lose faith or trust in God’s promise to you, because I assure you that you ARE very firmly established in the awakening process.  It is totally irreversible, totally unstoppable, and the amazing power and effectiveness of each of your individual daily resetting of the intent to be only loving is way beyond your human capabilities to envision

Remember, you were created like unto God, utterly and completely free to just BE, while retaining full access to the Power that is Mother/Father/God, Source – LOVE – which is, of course, each one of you!  You are each absolutely boundless beings.  When you awaken into the Reality of who you are, and know and understand with full conscious awareness that you are each, in every moment of your existence, incorporated within the GLORY that is GOD, as essential, eternal, and irreplaceable aspects of that One infinite divine Being, then your Joy will know no bounds!

You are all fully aware, even though you may not wish to admit this to yourselves, that your essential task – not your only task, but your essential task – as a human in form is to just BE.  To be is Powerful!  You are powerful, and your empowered presence in human form at this moment in time – right Now – is not a chance occurrence.  Your presence in human form right now is God’s Will, which you have all most lovingly and graciously accepted.  You do know how powerful your presence on Earth is, and you chose to be here to exercise that power to mightily assist in humanity’s awakening.  You have no idea of the honor and respect in which we in the spiritual realms are holding you, as we lovingly embrace and support you on this magnificent journey, your path to remembering and acknowledging who you truly are.

Oneness means precisely that – that ALL is One.  Love is the Source, the infinite field (for want of a better word or term) of Energy that IS Mother/Father/God, the conscious, aware, potency, vigor and vivacity that infinitely empowers ALL that She creates.  It is utterly beyond comprehension and contains within Its infinite V A S T N E S S All that has, is, or will be created in the continually expanding infinitude of Love that Love IS.

The Reality that you are is beyond measure, incalculable, immense.  You, while in form as humans, have absolutely no concept or language to even remotely attempt to explain or elucidate what in Truth you are.  The amnesia that you willingly agreed to experience in order to incarnate for this particular incarnation in which you now find yourselves is also totally beyond your ability to understand – dementia or any related illnesses with similar memory issues are as nothing in comparison – the human intellect cannot conceive of what the amnesia of your unreal or dream state means, because, of course, it is beyond comprehension and is utterly unreal!  When you awaken all will be revealed in stunning clarity, and the celebrations to honor your return to full and infinite awareness of Being Alive, to Reality, to Oneness with Source, await your loving Presence so that they can be set in motion.

Bring on the moment to start the Celebrations by daily setting and resetting your loving intentions as you go within to your holy inner sanctuaries and invite Love to fill your hearts.  You are Love incarnate, and when you invite Love into your hearts you expand them enormously, thus extending your divine energy fields transcendentally to interact with and cooperate in complete harmony with the individuated fields of countless others setting the same daily intent.  This is why you are all incarnate NOW.

To awaken into Reality, leaving behind the dream or nightmare of life in human form, is your purpose, and you facilitate that purpose just by being.  Yes, I am repeating myself, because it is impossible to overemphasize the importance of each of your individual presences incarnate as humans at this point in the collective awakening process.  You signed up for this, you incarnated to fully participate, and you are doing just that.  DO NOT ALLOW any self doubt, sense of unworthiness, incapability, or ineffectiveness lead you to believe that while others may well be doing great work to assist in the awakening, you yourself are not really helping with this great work.  Nothing could be further from the Truth!

You, each and everyone of you, were created by Mother/Father/God as infinitely prefect divine beings like unto Herself.  That is the only way that She creates.  Therefore cease allowing your fearful egoic natures – those unreal aspects of yourselves that appear to be your real identity, and which delight in filling you with guilt, anxiety and fear – to guide or persuade you in thought, word, or action.  Become quiet, allow yourselves the time to listen.  Your intuition will communicate with you offering you the guidance you need in every moment.  If you sense or hear nothing from it, then in that moment there is nothing to which you need respond, just be.  As you become more practiced at listening to the wisdom of your own inner guidance – your higher Self or the Holy Spirit, if you prefer those or similar terms – you will come to recognize and accept its holy wisdom.  That holy wisdom is always with you, you just have to call and it will respond, and if it is just quiet, then its guidance for you in the moment is to be quiet as well.

YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!  Divine guidance is always available, trust your Holy Mother never to leave you in need.  And remember you do have a totally free will, and that you always make the choice whether or not to listen and be guided.  Therefore, make a point of choosing wisely and lovingly, and enjoy the sense of peace and contentment that arises.

With so very much love, Saul.

The November 11th (11/11/22) Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


The November 11th (11/11/22) Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy for humanity, as you have this wonderful time to exist there on Earth. You are now at a time where you can already feel the opening of the November 11th portal, and we want to tell you a little more about the energies that are coming in through that portal that are coming in to support you in your spiritual evolution. These energies are for connecting you to both higher-dimensional planes and higher-vibrational beings and collectives, and they are for connecting you more to yourself, connecting you within your own self to who and what you really are as a Source Energy Being.

These are incredibly powerful energies that you are in the midst of already and that will reach their peak on November 11th. And as every opening of every portal now is significant, we would like to give you some pointers on what you can do to better receive the energies of this 11/11 event. First of all, we always recommend that you ground in your physical bodies, and feel for your consciousness all the way down into the soles of your feet. Also, we are always reminding you of the importance of being hydrated, and we want you to know that drinking water in its purest form is always going to give you optimal hydration, but we also recommend more fruit, vegetables, and if you can get your hands on it, coconut water.

We recommend that you rest, that you meditate, and that you get enough sleep. We also recommend that you state out loud exactly who or what you would like to connect to with your consciousness. You are going to connect your consciousness with extra-terrestrials before you connect with them physically. But you can always connect to those of us who are in the nonphysical realm, and know that we are always offering something for you. On the date of November 11th, make sure you set aside some time to be quiet and to focus on being one giant receptor. You want to make yourselves available to these energies.

You want to feel yourself opening up like a flower does to receive sunlight and rain, and you want to know that you have these connections already to all of these beings. The connections are already there, and the energies are to assist you in recognizing the connections that you already have. They are to strengthen those connections so that you can feel them more powerfully, and these energies will help you to know exactly what it is that you are receiving from higher-dimensional beings and collectives when you are connected more consciously and with a wider bandwidth.

You all continue to make such tremendous progress, and that is why these connections are more available to you than ever before there on planet Earth. We are so happy to be able to make you more aware of what is happening throughout this universe of ours, and we are happy to assist you in actualizing all of your desires, including those desires for deeper and more meaningful connections with those in the higher realms, like ourselves. We look forward to connecting with more of you in the very near future.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Arcturians Are Looking for New Recruits ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


The Arcturians Are Looking for New Recruits ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are setting our sights on those individuals who are most open to receiving high-frequency energies. We have been placing our focus on those who have demonstrated an ability to handle large quantities of high frequency energies because we know how much of a difference one person can make. We know that you all need more humans there on Earth walking around not only sharing with other humans what they know, but also emanating that high-frequency vibration that has a ripple effect that touches everyone they come into contact with.

We say this to you from time to time, but it is worth repeating here. You truly do not know how powerful you are, and when you decide that you are going to find out how powerful you are, you will be amazed by how much you can receive, how much you can create, and what you can do with those energies that you are accessing. You are phenomenal beings; you are beings of pure love. You are Source Energy projecting yourselves into physical bodies, and you have forgotten who you are and where you came from, but it is time to awaken. It is time to demonstrate to yourselves these truths. It is one thing to hold them in your consciousness and still another to live them.

If after receiving this transmission you decide that you are interested in knowing your power and in determining just how much energy you can receive, we will notice. We are very excited about what we see you all doing in the timelines that we put our focus on here in the nonphysical. We are talking about the timelines where you grow exponentially through opening your hearts and loving others, through opening your crowns and receiving more, through opening your minds and letting out all that no longer serves you and letting in all that comforts you, nourishes you, revitalizes you, and affirms for you those truths that sometimes run beneath the surface of your consciousness.

You are ready to take on more, to do more, to be more, and to show others the way, and we are looking for new recruits because we are ready to work with more of you as individuals and to help bring about this shift in consciousness smoothly, joyously, and peacefully. And we will continue to guide you towards those timelines and those futures because we love you so much.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”