Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always excited to see what you will do next there on Earth to further your spiritual evolution. You have your individuals journeys, of course, and you have your journeys as a collective of humanity. When you see things going on out there in the world, in other countries, in other places, that do not seem to affect you personally, know that they are affecting the human collective consciousness, and therefore, they are affecting you.

When you recognize that you are there to exude love, you are there to help and to heal, then knowledge of what’s going on and where can help you to point your love and your healing energy in the right direction. You know that it is necessary to meditate more on peace when a new war breaks out, for example. When you look at your own lives and what is going on within them, or what isn’t happening that you want to happen, this is also a way for you to go deeper with your level of awareness about what you need and what is needed from you.

Other people in your life might be acting out in ways that are troubling to you, and then you know that the person or people who are acting out need more love sent their way. They are acting out because of an unprocessed emotion, because of an unreleased trauma, and when you see it that way, you know that you are being called upon to offer what is needed in that moment. Otherwise, they either wouldn’t be in your life or they would be living happily ever after in your presence.

We know that being the caretaker for the other people in your life and for the rest of humanity is a tall order, but we also know that those of you who are awake are always looking for opportunities to be of greater service. Now, you being of greater service does not have to mean that you are going out and starting a foundation to save the whales, for instance. It doesn’t have to mean to that you are going out on an international speaking tour where your objective is to enlighten and uplift. As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to show up, to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.

Again, it seems like a tall order, but if you were not up for it, you would not have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, and you would not have awakened before the majority of the population. The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is not about what you know intellectually. It is not about having inside information about what’s really going on with the government and the cabal groups. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time. It is about what you feel and what you do about what you feel. So we recommend spending more time focusing on how you feel and on what is needed out there in the world around you. That is the best way for you to know yourselves as the beings of love and light that you truly are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Ready to Stop Waiting for Med Beds (Medbeds)? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Ready to Stop Waiting for Med Beds (Medbeds)? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are absolutely certain that you are ascending and that everything you are experiencing is a part of your ascension. Nothing is just an inconvenience. Nothing should be seen as a blockage or something that is just getting in your way. Everything is happening for you and is happening because of you. It is also accurate to say that everything is happening inside of you.

So everything you experience as a blockage is meant to get you to grow spiritually. First, you create an obstacle or a hurdle, and then you find the power within yourself to go over it, or around it, or through it, but you always move on. You always get past whatever challenge you put in front of you, and that is true for everyone regardless of how it might seem to you right now. It might seem like you are embroiled in a bottomless pit of something, but there is always a bottom. There is always a continuation of the expansion of Source Energy through you.

And so, at times you just need to remind yourselves of the simple truth that, ‘This is temporary, and it serves me,’ no matter what it is you are facing, no matter what it is you are going through at the moment. You have the ability to relax and breathe into anything that is happening, and when you exercise that ability, you get the positive results that you want. You get to move on; you get to go to the next level of your ascension. And there will always be challenges. There will be challenges in the fifth dimension as well, because you will not be done ascending.

You will keep ascending from the fifth to the sixth to the seventh and so on. You want to stretch yourselves; that’s why you came to Earth, where you knew there would be myriad challenges to face. You are ready for all of that. You knew you were a master when you signed up for a series of Earth incarnations. And yes, everyone is playing their part in the ascension, and that includes you. In order to play your part, you must be you. That means being true to yourself is another way you take a gigantic step forward on the journey to the fifth-dimensional you, the fifth-dimensional Earth.

Be true to yourself, and be true to your feelings, and you give everyone else permission to do the same, and you start living in a world where everyone is doing the same, and you start seeing more signs of an ascending society. It all starts with you; you are the master and the creator, and you have every tool imaginable inside of you. That’s why we say stop waiting for med beds. Stop waiting for any type of bail out, and take the challenge that you have set before yourself. See it as an opportunity to become more of you, because that’s what it is, and you put it there because you knew exactly what you needed to go to the next level of your consciousness.

Are you ready to do that? If you answer in the affirmative, then again, you don’t need to wait for anything or anyone. Just look around at your life, the people in it, the world, because they all contain exactly what you need to rise up to that next level. And we have said this many times, but it bears repeating here. You are the ones to lead the way because you agreed to awaken first and to show the others the way. You don’t have to show them by getting up on a soap box and preaching. Show them by doing it first, and then you will have many brilliant stories to tell them, and trust us when we say you will have an audience for those stories.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Check out my new website!


SEPTEMBER 2023 NEWSLETTER Image Beloved Ascending Family, At the end of July 2023, I received a notice from my webhost provider that effective August 31, 2023, they would be shutting down their operations. They indicated they would be able to move my website to another website builder but then were unable to do so due to unexpected technical difficulties and as such I had to move my website to another provider by August 31, 2023. Today, August 30, 2023, I received another notice that I must do this by September 15, 2023 as on that date my website will cease to exist. Thankfully, I had already begun to immediately copy and paste all my content for the past 15 years and then deleting it from my site. It has been a painful and extremely difficult process for me due to being disabled but I have managed to save all of my content (More than a thousand pages!) I count myself fortunate that I contacted Steven North (he and his Twin Flame & Spirit Guide Amy are my friends) and he expressed his willingness to help me build a new website. He transferred my domain to his web providing site yesterday afternoon and here I am with a new look thanks to him! Image This is a significant time in our ascension process. It is a transition of one reality into another. It is a time to open up our hearts and our vulnerabilities! It is a very confusing time of shifts, endings, changes and new beginnings. Life is a constant cycle – our emotions are constantly rising up and needing to be released. Emotional blocks are probably the most common cause of energy blocks and disease. The use of the sound of moving water, various rattles, bells, gongs, & shakers containing seeds inside are especially good for breaking up static energy in our human operating system. So is soaking in a tub of  warm water to which ¾ cup of pink salt is added. Remember to utilize these tools as and when needed. THE BIGGER PICTURE Extreme Weather for the month of August 2023 Planetwide – God Bless Us, Everyone! Apocalyptic Scenes From Hawaii!🔴 Floods of a Century Hits Beijing! /Disasters On August 7-9, 2023 Thousands run away from floods in Primorye! Major floods hit Norway/Disasters On August 10-12, 2023 Eastern US Slammed by Deadly Storms!🔴Monsoons are devastating India/Disasters On August 13-15, 2023 Wildfires Continue to Wipe Out Canada!🔴Major Earthquake Hits Bogota/Disasters On August 16-18, 2023 Walls of Fire Destroy Towns in Washington!🔴Storm Betty Hits Ireland/Disasters On August 19-21, 2023 Athens is suffocating: the fires are too close!🔴Storms in Michigan /Disasters On August 22-24, 2023 Austria Floods and landslide Now! River in Tyrol Overflows, Ötztal is cut off Storm in Italy. Streets flooded in Genoa Italy now! All cities are sinking! The storm in Trieste became historic! Landslides in Blevio! China becomes a vast ocean in seconds! Guangxi major flooding turn roads to rivers | Three Gorges Dam Shocking footage🔴 in Florida! Hurricane Idalia landfall Tampa Bay, Perry We are all in this together! Please take care of each other. Take care of your family, your friends and your neighbors, We will be working through this process for several more months, at least. Don’t give up! You didn’t come this far to quit now! Stay centered on your Divine Source connection. Keep your eyes, minds, and hearts focused on the magnificent future that you have helped to create that is looming on the horizon! With my love and heartfelt blessings, Marlene

Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to go beyond where others in human form on Earth have gone. We have seen it many times in your evolutionary history, and we notice that those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. And we know that those of you who receive these messages have that itch. We know that you feel ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is at this time, and we want you to recognize that the itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.

Perhaps you will feel inspired to say something to someone, and that will be your itch. Or perhaps you will feel that the leap of faith you need to take involves your work, your career, or starting a new business. And sometimes you will find that your calling has to do with something that is seemingly not that important, like whether you get up and dance or not at a wedding.

You see, everything matters; every moment is an opportunity to be more of who you are, and those of you who are seizing those moments are making the biggest difference there on Earth. Most importantly, however, you are giving yourselves an opportunity to be more of who you are as Source Energy Beings. Oftentimes, we hear you express the itch in a variety of ways, including the desire to be somewhere else. We know that other places in the galaxy feel more alluring to you than Mother Earth does at this time. And yes, life is easier in other parts of the galaxy and universe, but you didn’t want the easy ride in this life…not at first, anyway.

When you recognize that you have the ability to take something that seems like an insurmountable challenge and turn it into a fun, joyous experience, that’s when you know you have attained mastery. When you take something that looks difficult and you turn it into something that is easy, that’s when you know you have risen above the level of consciousness that you once found so comfortable. We know that you are ready to make the quantum leaps that are possible for all of you, and we know that there has never been a better time than now to do so. We also trust that whatever it is that you are feeling called to do or say or be, that calling will get louder. It will take over, and you will feel that all you need to do is let go and let yourself be who you really are, without all of the impediments that you placed around who you really are in this lifetime.

And you don’t have to single each and every one of them out and pluck it away or destroy it. As you make a commitment to yourself to be who you really are, all blockages melt away. All obstacles suddenly become helpers. You change everything when you change one thing, and the one thing that is calling you right now is something that you cannot deny any longer within yourself. You have gotten to this point now where you must do what you must do, you must say what you must say, and you must become what you must become. You still have free will, of course, but we see you exercising that free will in the most positive way possible, from this moment forward, in this lifetime, on planet Earth. We know it; we feel it, and we witness it every day with those on Earth who are ready to take that leap of faith and go beyond where any other human has gone before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 09/24/2022 • Are you settling?

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Are you living your life? Are you getting up and looking forward to something each day, or have you settled for coping and getting through a life you don’t truly enjoy? As little children, you knew that you came to this planet to create, feel alive, and thrive. Slowly but surely, however, many of you were conditioned to wait for your joy, work for your reward, and to suffer and sacrifice. Many of you were conditioned by others who thought it was noble, holy, and righteous to put off their own joy. You were taught that you could enjoy your dessert only after you finished your dinner. You were taught that you could play only after completing your homework. You were taught that “life isn’t easy,” “no one hands you things on a silver platter,” “no pain, no gain,” “life doesn’t come easy,” “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you have to pay your dues,” and a whole host of other beliefs that were passed down for generations by those who had inadvertently disconnected themselves from the joyful energy of Source. While this may be conventional human “wisdom,” as we see it, it is spiritual nonsense. You came wired with a guidance system that gives you good feelings about things that are good for you and bad feelings about things that aren’t. However, over time, you learned to put your own internal feelings aside and look to others to “give you” feelings. You look to others for approval. You look to the pack to make sure you are socially acceptable. You look to the experts to figure out how to live your life. It can be so much simpler. If you want your life to be happier and easier, you can take a little quiet time each day, even a few minutes, to silence the mind and surrender to the love that is flowing to you at all times. The Source wants, knows, and cares about what is the most joyful, healthy, happy, abundant, and loving path uniquely for you. Your angels are always trying to guide you along that path. As you sit quietly, you reconnect with your own feelings. Some of these will be pleasant inspirations. Some of these will be feelings you don’t want to feel. You may feel the disappointment you’ve settled for or the frustration or impatience you feel around another’s behavior. You may feel your own anger or sadness. You may feel a sense of powerlessness, which often manifests as anxiety. Feeling your feelings is good. They tell you where your vibration is and why you attract what you do. When you get in touch with how you truly feel, then you can reach for the thoughts that truly create an improvement in vibration. You remain vibrationally stuck when you pretend to feel good about things you don’t. When you find genuine reasons to feel good about the here and now, your vibration rises, and you create movement. Perhaps you’ve pretended that you’re ok with a past relaionship, and that you’ve moved on, but everytime you sit quietly and think of the person you feel irritation or anger arising. Don’t stuff it. Feel it. Feel beneath it. What is the anger telling you that you want – not from that individual, but from life? Perhaps you passionately want people who take their share of responsibility in your life. Perhaps you deeply desire those who listen and care about your heart. What is it you want? As you focus on how it might feel to have that new and improved situation in your life, suddenly your passion for life returns. Hope returns. Soothing occurs. Joy may even return as you remember you can have what you want, if not from one person or situation then from another. You have gone beneath the painful emotions and found the love. This is a true vibraitonal improvement. Perhaps you’re coping but deep down feel an aching grief after a loss. This is entirely human, understandable, and nothing to be ashamed of. There are times when you must surrender to the emotion, and the greatest love you can give yourself is allowing the sobs and tears to pour forth from your ever-loving heart. But after the “rain,” after the “storms” of emotions, breathe. What do you want? You want to feel a connection with your dear ones. You want to feel a connection with life, self, and love. Can you, for just an instant, perhaps imagine what it would feel like to be in this state of connection? Can you find hope that you will achieve it? If so, you have raised your vibration, soothed yourself, and allowed the connection to begin. You may have to reach for these improved feelings time and again. Grief comes in waves. Nonetheless, each time you do, you are on a path to genuinely solidify the connections you seek. Perhaps you’re in a job you can’t stand, truly making the best of it, but as you sit quietly, you realize that you’ve lost hope for change. You feel resigned. You don’t quite believe you can find better. Perhaps you can admit that you can’t find better, but the heavens can. Maybe you can quiet your mind each day, make the best of what you’ve got, and dream of better. Now you are on a better path. Little by little, you’ll start anticipating a new job. As your vibration matches the future situation, you’ll be inspired and guided straight to a better job. Dear ones, we know that there are times when you are in a life situation you don’t like, around people you don’t care for, or faced with problems you don’t know how to solve. Feeling helpless, powerless, victimized, resigned, angry or sad is okay. In fact, it is better to feel that than to deny your feelings. Once you are honest about where you are, you can truly begin to create better. You can remind yourself, “I was not born to settle. I was not born to rebel. I was not born to save, fix, or change others. I was born to experience situations that would motivate me to create and then to create what I want. I was born to feel alive and to thrive.” Your life is happening now. It doesn’t begin when everything looks perfect. It doesn’t start after you have worked yourself to death to fill the bank account or, at long last, made it to retirement. Your life doesn’t begin after the kids are in school, when the economy finally settles out or when the world is stable. Your life is happening here and now, today, in this breath. Feel your feelings, then gradually, one choice at a time, begin to improve them. As you raise your vibration, hope, inspiration, passion, and enthusiasm for life will return. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels

The Arcturians Are Looking for New Recruits ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


The Arcturians Are Looking for New Recruits ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are setting our sights on those individuals who are most open to receiving high-frequency energies. We have been placing our focus on those who have demonstrated an ability to handle large quantities of high frequency energies because we know how much of a difference one person can make. We know that you all need more humans there on Earth walking around not only sharing with other humans what they know, but also emanating that high-frequency vibration that has a ripple effect that touches everyone they come into contact with.

We say this to you from time to time, but it is worth repeating here. You truly do not know how powerful you are, and when you decide that you are going to find out how powerful you are, you will be amazed by how much you can receive, how much you can create, and what you can do with those energies that you are accessing. You are phenomenal beings; you are beings of pure love. You are Source Energy projecting yourselves into physical bodies, and you have forgotten who you are and where you came from, but it is time to awaken. It is time to demonstrate to yourselves these truths. It is one thing to hold them in your consciousness and still another to live them.

If after receiving this transmission you decide that you are interested in knowing your power and in determining just how much energy you can receive, we will notice. We are very excited about what we see you all doing in the timelines that we put our focus on here in the nonphysical. We are talking about the timelines where you grow exponentially through opening your hearts and loving others, through opening your crowns and receiving more, through opening your minds and letting out all that no longer serves you and letting in all that comforts you, nourishes you, revitalizes you, and affirms for you those truths that sometimes run beneath the surface of your consciousness.

You are ready to take on more, to do more, to be more, and to show others the way, and we are looking for new recruits because we are ready to work with more of you as individuals and to help bring about this shift in consciousness smoothly, joyously, and peacefully. And we will continue to guide you towards those timelines and those futures because we love you so much.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Your Impact on the World & Universe ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Your Impact on the World & Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in following the progress of humanity, because it helps us to have that kind of feedback when it comes to our teachings and energetic transmissions. We know who is receiving us and who isn’t. We know that some people receive us consciously and some do not. We know that some are able to absorb the words but not the energetic transmissions. And so, we are able to chart the progress of each of those groups of humans and make adjustments. We have so much fun in watching you grow and progress, because we can see how what we are putting out energetically is having an impact on all of you.

You all don’t have that same ability, and that is unfortunate. It is unfortunate that you cannot see how you are impacting your world all the time, because we know that if everyone could, they would be much more conscious about what it was they were putting out into the world. And those of you who want to be of service but don’t know what to do must trust that you are still having an impact with the thoughts you think, the intentions you hold, the vibrations you offer, the words you speak, and so on.

You must put your faith in a type of ripple effect, and know that everyone out there in the world is affected by everything that’s going on with you, internally and externally. So if you do want to make an impact, please do not hesitate to make those energetic adjustments just because you might not be able to see how they have impacted the world and everyone in it. In fact, here is an even better approach for all of you. Do what you do, think what you think, say what you say, and vibrate how you vibrate because doing so feels good. Let that moment where you are resonating with what you are putting out there be enough.

Let your feelings guide you, and make sure that your feelings matter to you, because they do matter to you and to everyone else; they materialize. They are how you create your reality, and your reality includes the reality of the entire world, of the entire universe. If you cannot see the impact you are having, then just feel for it. Let your feelings be enough, because you are enough. Your existence matters, and you can put out so much more positive energy when you understand that it matters to everyone. And when you know that it is also coming back to you in some way, shape, or form, that’s just a bonus.

The fact that you got to feel good in the moment needs to be enough because that’s all you have in life is a moment. You have a series of moments. It is easier to continue to be in a moment that feels good, a moment where you are offering something that is high vibrational and that is supposed to be of service to others. Remember that. You get to benefit from the momentum that you create, and remember that everyone else benefits as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Real Event You’re Waiting For ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


The Real Event You’re Waiting For ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the utmost respect for humanity because the path you have chosen is filled with more challenges than any of us would care to consider taking on here in the higher realms. We see you as pioneers who were willing to explore the depths of darkness and the depths of despair, and all for the purpose of having new experiences that would lead to the further expansion of Source. Now, as we say that, we want to remind you that you are Source. Source is not a Being that exists outside of you; Source is inside of you, and so is everything else.

What we know is very hard on all of you is the acceptance of the truth that even a person or a belief that you despise exists inside of you and is not separate from you. What that means is that humanity needs humility in order to get to the step in the evolution of your consciousness. You cannot just stay up high above it all on a rainbow and look down upon everyone else. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you have it all figured out, that you’re doing everything correctly, and that you have all the right beliefs and information. That would be boring, thwart your growth, and be a type of death experience that doesn’t really exist.

You never stop growing. You never stop expanding, and you never stop becoming more of who you really are. In order to do all of those things, you needed the end of the spectrum to exist that was furthest from Source, furthest from the light and the love that is your true nature. What is more Source-like than being able to love the darkness and those operating in the dark? If you truly understand what the shift in consciousness is, then you know that it’s not just about a solar flash and three days of darkness. If you really know what the shift is about, then you know the real event is you becoming more like Source Energy, and that means acknowledging that it’s all inside of you, even the ones you want to condemn, even the beliefs that you cannot understand how anyone could even entertain.

Once again, you have our respect and admiration, because as we describe to you what you are being asked to do, we realize what a huge mountain that is to climb, especially when one of these beings that represents true darkness has done something to you or someone you love. You’ll say it’s not fair and that it shouldn’t be, but it is part of your journey and everyone else’s journey to experience some really horrific things throughout the course of your lives there on planet Earth.

Now most of you had those truly terrible experiences in past lives, and in this lifetime, you are meant to clear those traumas. That too is not an enviable task to have signed up for, and once again, it’s hard for us to even fathom making that choice. But you did, and we know you did because you are there. And if you are there, then you also get to have the biggest ride possible. You get to be on the pendulum when it swings into the light, carrying you and the rest of humanity with it to where you all belong. You are becoming your higher selves, and you are becoming fifth dimensional, and you knew exactly what you were doing when you chose that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Message from Matthew

December 1, 2022 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our privilege and honor to welcome God. GOD: Thank you, Matthew, and hello, my beloved children! Your traditional religious observances, festivities, glorious music, bright decorations, lighted trees, gifts and sharing with the needy of my flock have raised vibrations to grand new heights. When you hear or sing “Joy to the world” and “peace on Earth, good will to men,” let those words ring in your heart. Let this season’s heartwarming times with family and friends keep your spirits high as you enter a new year. When I spoke to you at the beginning of this year, I said it would be a game-changer, and indeed it was—the long era of dark control has been broken! Citizens protesting their governments’ policies, upheavals in national economies, Russia’s critical mission in Ukraine, and everything going on out of public view is coming in divine order to free Earth of all darkness. Even though this is one of the most significant developments in our whole universe, it doesn’t mean things will be blissful in the wink of an eye. There will be confusion and tumultuousness that you can think of positively, like clearing away debris left by a hurricane so things can be put in good order again. All along you boldly and fearlessly have weathered rough patches, my dears, and now you have the aid of vibrations your light has helped boost to new heights. As I look in on my Earth family from a spot in the continuum, I see a vanguard of triumphant torch bearers leading a crowd of folks whose eyes are sparkling with excitement and happiness. Gaia and I would dearly love it if everyone would welcome forthcoming revelations in that spirit, but we know that some who are firmly rooted in scientific principles, religious dogma or institutional standards may not. And it is all right, for example, if they can’t believe parts of holy books were written by self-serving individuals so they could control all others. It’s all right if they can’t believe that what has been taught about science and history is mostly wrong or that “conspiracy theory” is what truthful information is called when it comes to light. And if they can’t believe governments lied about vaccinations protecting your health and are keeping under wraps their contact with my children in other civilizations, that’s all right, too. If family and friends are among those folks, listen to them with loving attention, but don’t try to change their minds—that’s not your responsibility or your right. All souls in our universe are entitled to learn at a pace that’s comfortable for them, and they have all of eternity to do it. Some of you don’t know who I really am and what I do, so I’m going to tell you, but first I’ll tell you who I am not. I am not the supreme being of the cosmos, the Source, Totality, the I AM Oneness of All. That is Creator. I am a soul co-created by the archangels to whom Creator gave the gift of free will and its partner, manifestation—this is using Creator’s energy to put one’s own ideas into form or motion. The archangels made gods—I am one—and goddesses, and gave each of us the choice of taking on a tangible form or staying pure energy. I chose the latter. Creator picked me to be the supreme being of this universe—that is, to design and co-create everything here, then, as supervisor of operations, keep everything going nicely—and selected other gods or goddesses to fill the same role in the other six universes. In our respective domains, each of us has proportionally the power of Creator. However, It—as a pronoun for Creator, It denotes highest reverence and respect—added this rule: Nevermay we interfere with the free will choices of any soul in our universes. Regardless of how atrocious to others or dangerous to self those chosen actions may be and how greatly we want to step in, we cannot. That’s why in our universe Earth became so well known as a splendid schoolhouse with a perpetual karmic merry-go-round. Gaia is very weary of providing that service and she’s elated that it won’t be at all burdensome when she reaches her ascension destination in what you call 5D. Actually, areas in space aren’t numbered—planes of differing energy just flow in consonance with prevailing vibrations. Now then, Creator can make an exception to Its gift of free will, and a few decades back in your sense of time, It made this one: No soul may explode a nuclear weapon in space. The reason is, free spirits—souls so advanced spiritually and consciously that they don’t need a body—and souls traveling astrally have been shattered by nuclear blasts. This isn’t about bodies, which last but one lifetime—it is about souls, and they live eternally. Every soul is a part of Creator and in this universe, of me, and every one is valued equally and loved unconditionally. Each fragment of a shattered soul is vital, and searching for every one, then reintroducing those that are found to each other in the proper order of lifetimes until the entire soul has been perfectly reconstructed can take thousands of your years. The ongoing search for fragments will continue until every soul is once again whole and healthy—that is how important each soul is! In keeping with Creator’s exception, I told all civilizations in our universe with the technology to prevent detonation of nuclear warheads to do that. Of most interest to you, crews in your skies or my extraterrestrial children living in your midst have done this “a baker’s dozen” times. I know there is chatter about a nuclear war—I assure you, there will not be a war—and the occasional threat of sending up a missile. That isn’t likely, but if it were managed, the warhead would be rendered as harmless as all its predecessors. Let me think a moment, Suzy. … Okay, thank you. I know what I want to talk about next. It’s fine to call me whatever name you wish—I answer to all. My proper name is a combination of tones and pastel colors, so it’s not pronounceable, and I am a god, so he, him, and his are correct pronouns and Father also is fitting. However, like the other universal CEOs, I am androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies. Gaia, the soul who chose to embody as the planet and has feminine energy, can rightfully be called Mother Earth and my daughter. With the indispensable help of Sol—the soul you call the sun and whose energy is predominantly masculine—Gaia and I used Creator’s inexhaustible love-light energy to co-create a planet glowing with natural beauty and spectacular life forms throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. When we finished, the entire planet we called Terra was a paradise—the biblical garden of Eden. People, animals and plants knew their connection with each other and with us, their co-creators. All lived peaceably and happily together and communicated audibly and telepathically. Sadly, eventually things started going downhill, but Gaia and I continued loving and nurturing civilization after civilization after civilization. I am an amalgamation of every person and all of Earth’s other life forms—animals and plants also are souls—so omnipresence is applicable to me as our Wholeness, but omniscience, omnipotence and perfection are not. Those apply only to Creator, who is purely love and expresses it as light energy and cosmic consciousness. My dear children, a great deal that you were taught about me was made up, and some of it doesn’t even make sense, does it? How can I be a loving God and also a wrathful God of vengeance? Every soul in my flock is a part of me—why would I send any of my parts to a place religions call hell? Why would I tell some of my children to slay others because their religious beliefs differ? Why would I think that of all my children, only one has ever been worthy of my calling “son”? None of those things attributed to me is true! I digressed, but I wanted to set at least that much straight. Now, please think of this: For me to be on a level with Creator, I would have to be perfect. At soul level all of us are inseparable, so if even one of my children—and you don’t have a number large enough for me to tell you how many I have—has a frailty, I cannot be perfect. If we are to have perfection in our universe, some of my far-flung flock have to make wiser, kinder decisions. That isn’t being judgmental, it is a fact. Creator and I differ in another way. As Source of everything in existence, Creator is aware of what souls are doing throughout the cosmos but isn’t personally involved in their lives. I know only what souls in our universe are doing and I am personally involved in every one’s life. Also I respond to every one’s prayers. You may not get what you want, my dear children, but always you get what you need to stay on track with what you chose in your soul contracts. And if you are praying for others, their contracts take precedence over what you want for them. Other than compliance with Creator’s free will edict, I was given no limitations or instructions, so I set up this universe on a service-to-others basis. Most of my flock are doing fine with this help-one-another arrangement, but some behave as if we are a self-serving organization. Next I made the laws that govern all life here, where science and spirit are one and the same, the love-light essence of Creator. There is no judgment, partiality, estimated calculations or deviations in any of the laws. The foundation of life of all species and all action is the exactness of frequencies and vibrations. The most basic laws pertain to electrons, photons, magnetism, gravity, mass, motion and preservation. Some of those come into play in the formation of large spheres, where various kinds of layers, some with caverns and lakes in hollow areas, build up around a powerful central space that attracts solid particles. People who have developed technology to an extent that would astound you inhabit hollow areas of planets where the surface became inhospitable or they chose isolation as a sanctuary. Your closest neighbors are several highly evolved civilizations who live in cities ranging from modest to marvelous in Earth’s interior. One law keeps all celestial bodies in orderly motion so they don’t collide and another provides conditions for all life on and within planets to flourish. Yes, I know collisions happen and civilizations have been annihilated, but it isn’t due to flaws in the laws, it is action initiated by disserving flock members I’m not allowed to interfere with. In all fairness to Creator, It intended Its gift of free will to be used wisely and benevolently, and it was until Lucifer strayed. That set the stage energetically for all kinds of havoc in our universe—what some call Satan is energy streamers directed in destructive ways. Then there are laws about the activity and reactivity of elements in air, water and soil; heat; liquid, vapor and solid states. That no civilization may dabble in any other civilization’s affairs unless requested is a law—”good” souls honor that, “not-good” ones don’t. Many laws pertain to the vast variety of genetic materials and the composition and functioning of bodies. For instance, the union of a sperm and an egg develops into an infant of the same species and an acorn grows into a mighty oak. The law pertaining to communication, which includes telepathy, gives every soul a unique frequency and all are known by my emissaries—guardian angels, others in angelic realms and myriad spirit guides—who respond according to each soul’s needs. It is the unique frequencies that alert my children in spirit worlds to the imminent arrival of loved ones so they can gather to greet them. To laws that affect my children more intimately because individual choices are involved, I added soul-level guidance—conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspiration. One law where those are especially helpful is synchronicity—that is, events or circumstances pop up in keeping with goals in your soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, like one door closing and another opening, so to say. The law of inclusion refers to soul-level knowledge, where all truths are known, and what you call karma is the law of cause and effect. It isn’t a reward or a punishment, it is the opportunity to attain balanced lifetime experiencing so you can keep on evolving. The best known of my laws is the one about attraction. The energy of focused thoughts and feelings shoots out into the collective consciousness and brings back what most closely matches the focus. Another part of that law is not well known: The energy of thoughts and feelings of everyone on the planet collectively determines what happens in your world. The law of intent gives an intention its own energy, separate from the energy of the action, and the law of divine grace that prevents unintended disasters also strengthens struggling souls who ask for that help. And then there is the law that some religions interpret as what comes after death—first Judgment Day, then the decision: heaven or hell for eternity. The actual law is simple and instantaneous. When the physical body dies, the person’s etheric body and psyche automatically go to the part of a spirit world where the energy is the same as their lifetime energy that is recorded moment by moment in the Akashic records. Lifetimes in spirit include growth opportunities and preparation for the next physical lifetime. This isn’t a law, but maybe it should be for my Earth family—breathe deeply and rhythmically. That eases tension and keeps your energy flowing smoothly so it won’t clog and cause pain or illness. It also clears the way for information at soul level to more easily reach your consciousness. Other than wanting you to always breathe correctly, how do I feel my selves on Earth are doing? I’m ecstatic about most, who are thoughtful, caring, honest, kind, appreciative and generous. But frankly, that tenacious bunch I call disserving members of my flock and you call dark ones are distressing. They won’t be around much longer, though, because the light forces, or White Hats as you say, are rapidly removing their pits of darkness. Freeing a world from long, long, long ages of dark control and turning it into a world whose foundation is love is a huge undertaking with cultural, philosophical, economic, environmental and governance considerations. A lot of light is needed to spread vision, wisdom, good will and mutual respect worldwide—dear ones, keep beaming your light’s high vibes! I’m going to repeat something else I said last January because it’s important, too: Always I’ve wanted my Earth family to live joyfully, cooperatively together and diversity to enrich their lives. I want my humankind to love and respect each other and Nature—all of it are parts of me, too—to preserve the planet’s beauty and prosper in its abundance. That is the kind of fulfilling life I want for all of you volunteers! Yes, you’re there on a mission and you’re doing a magnificent job of inspiring family on Earth to wake up and manifest the planet’s Golden Age. The gratitude Gaia and I feel for you is boundless! But, my beloved children, I want your lives to be more than your mission—play, laugh, sing, dance, be joyful, hug a tree and love each other! Suzy, thank you for receiving my message and thank you, Matthew, for letting me be the messenger today. I wish all my children on Earth could hear me when I speak to them personally, and I do that frequently. Someday they will. MATTHEW: We thank you, God!  We endeavor to be enlightening and encouraging, but words from you have a great deal more impact than ours. Now then, dear brothers and sisters, we echo God’s words—play, laugh, sing, dance, be joyful, hug a tree and love each other!     Light beings throughout this universe are cheering you ever onward in your Earth journey and support you with the power of unconditional love. _______________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward   Please send questions and comments to   All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on  Please forward the link to receptive family and friends. If you would like to order any of the books, please go to Bookshop on that site.   Enjoy chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven on Matthew Books YouTube channel.    

In Conversation with Gregg Braden…

Unleashing our miraculous human potential
A Free Webinar
Dear Friend, Join me and my dear friend and colleague Gregg Braden for a very special LIVE webinar called ‘Unleashing our miraculous human potential as part of my on going series, ‘In Conversation with…’ on,
9 am PST / 12 noon EST/ 5 pm GMT/ 6 pm CET
There’s a growing momentum toward replacing our biology with technology, which has been dubbed ‘the transhumanism movement.’ Gregg Braden and Lynne McTaggart will be diving into an in-depth conversation about of what transhumanism is, what it means and how it’s pushing science toward a new understanding of our own miraculous human potential, which is far greater than the most sophisticated of artificial intelligence. For those of you who may not know him, Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human potential. Gregg is the proud recipient of numerous awards including The Walden Award for New Thought, The Illuminate Award for Conscious Visionaries and he is listed in the United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 7th consecutive year. He has presented his discoveries in over 30 countries on six continents and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military.
There will also be some time for a Q&A session, so be sure to come prepared with any questions you may have. Please note that only the first 1000 attendees will be able to join live on Zoom. However, if you do not manage to get into the zoom room, you can watch the live stream on my Facebook page. If you need some help in finding the right time for you, please use this time converter. I hope to see you there! Warmest wishes,
Lynne McTaggart