A Message to Light Bringers – August 5, 2022  🌟


Greetings, Friend!

As always, I send you and yours blessings of wellness and Peace of heart-mind in these pre-NESARA days!

This week’s Message couldn’t be more relevant.

The Collective offer us support for feelings of insecurity and uncertainty as the world experiences monumental shifts:

The underpinnings of the old exploitative and dangerous practices are being consistently dismantled, as Earth stands freer alongside an increasingly freer human consciousness.

Though all of this sounds wonderful, you will be aware that some days you are feeling less secure about your quality of life and how the world is functioning, rather than more.

This is the subconscious and its buried fears and old programming . . . It is unsure it is safe to trust what is happening now, including your own Ascension.

‘Who am I, if I don’t have a physical body as I’ve known it in hundreds of incarnations?’ your subconscious mind might be asking. ‘A loss of the old dense physicality—that usually means I’ve died!’

And so, parts of your deep inner self will wrangle and wrestle with this whole Ascension idea, preferring to keep things as you have always known them while in a body.

You may wonder how you can deal with these fears—fear of loss of sameness, fear of loss of the physical, loss of your human aspect as you have known it for so long.

[Yet] there was a time, long past, when the great civilizations were still intact, that when a person was ready to simply step out of the physical and return to the etheric, they did just that . . . “

The message offers a number of updates on the world situation, plus a simple Tapping script to help us get past subconscious blocks to our New Earth life.

I found it very helpful — I hope you will too!

And a quick reminder — Join us for an 8-8 Lion’s Gate Live Call!
Live Q&A with the Collective

Sunday, August 7, 2022
1:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 PM Eastern (US & Canada)

[Monday Call is full]


So many are dealing with huge shifts and challenges now, in: 

  • Family or romantic relationships
  • Their job or business, or unemployment
  • Health and emotional well-being 
  • Receiving a steady flow of financial Abundance
  • Releasing old trauma, stuck emotions, and old energy patterns

As you ask a question in this small group channeling session, you will receive a channeled answer and focused energy work from the Collective, as well as a special message from your Spirit guides and higher self.

You’ll also benefit from the answers and energy work flowing to the others on the Call, with an energy lift offered to the whole group at the end of the Call.

Go here for more info . . . 

Let’s use the Transformative 8-8 Lion’s Gate energies to manifest greater healing, wisdom, and transformation!

Sending much Love & Light, 

P S  The cost of asking a question on the Live Q&A Zoom Call is lower than the cost of a “Just One Question” channeling, so take advantage while you can — 

Registration closes at 11:59 PM Midnight (Eastern Time) on Saturday, August 6th


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