What’s keeping you from experiencing a healthy, fulfilling Love?


Hello My Friend –

Does this look like you?

You’re dedicated to your work . . . well-loved by friends . . . have a good, positive life for the most part.

Yet when it comes to love — yikes.

I hear you, my friend!

I’ll never forget how lost I felt when my engagement was ended (by me) some years ago. Or how it felt, years later, as I  moved out and away from another man I loved and had been ready to marry.

If I hadn’t found the mentors I did find, and done deep inner work, I’d still be struggling today, repeating the same mistakes and old patterns that drew me into the wrong situations for years.

This is why I’m happy to share about an upcoming series I’ll be speaking in:
The Healthy Love Show

How to Get Ready Emotionally, Physically, and
Spiritually for Juicy, Connected Love

This completely free series is led by my amazing friend Anastasia Frank, who knows everything about what it’s like to be highly focused and effective at her work, yet a recovered “mess” at Love.

Anastasia has hand-curated this series to give you all the concrete practices and principles she wished she’d known 20 years ago, so you can save time and energy, and be outrageously lucky in Love now.

She’s interviewing some of the absolute top experts to teach you everything you need to create a home run in aligned, lasting Love. 

I know you may be thinking, “I’ve seen a number of these series — what else is there to learn?”

I’m happy to share this is a series devoted entirely to naming and addressing the most common blindspots most of us carry around without even realizing it. 

The reason you haven’t created lasting, healthy Love yet is not because you haven’t wanted it badly enough, or done significant enough inner work.

There are simply a few key areas of knowledge and embodied practices that most people don’t talk about that will powerfully close the gap between you and healthy Love. 

So hop into this powerhouse series now, so you don’t miss a thing! ❤️

You deserve healthy and fulfilling Love, dear one! And this event may very well be your missing piece to finally make that a reality.

With so much Love,

P S  Join me soon for this supercharged, free series! It will help you heal your blindspots so you can finally create healthy, lasting love. 

It’s called “The Healthy Love Show,” and you definitely want to claim your free seat now while there’s time! ❤️

See you there!



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