Your Spiritual Heart
Elevate Your Life Experience
Hello friends,
Today I’d like to introduce you to your spiritual heart. Understanding more about this part of you can give you increased self-understanding and an ability to navigate the challenges of living now. Continue reading to know what this means on a very practical level.
Physical Yet Spiritual
As a reminder, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. Taking physical form allows your soul to learn lessons and self-evolve. Some of you may not remember having lived in physical form before, yet you did.
For most people, there’s a kind of amnesia that sets in when you are reborn into a new body. Since information from the spiritual realms comes on a need-to-know, time-to-know basis, it’s common to be unable to fully connect the dots between relationship dynamics in this life and previous lifetimes. That’s purposeful, for if you could know everything ahead of time, your self-evolution would be short-circuited and it would take you longer to learn.
We humans tend to be impatient and dislike waiting for solutions. This is especially true involving key people in our lives. Our ego-self demands answers and wants short cuts. Our ego isn’t interested in learning something intricate over time.
Dark Night of The Soul
Quite often the people we learn the most from are the ones who challenge us the most. Consider a person in your life – family member, colleague, or close friend – who tests you repeatedly. This could be someone you still connect with, or someone from your past who shows up in your current life in a different way – but with the same annoying energy.
It’s not always easy to connect the dots, for we often can’t see beyond what our ego shows us. I’ve seen this in my 1-1 Personal Sessions with clients. It’s much easier to track when it’s someone else you trust doing the digging. Similarly, students in my Divine Changemakers Courses receive my guided practice tools to do their own digging.
Elevate Your Life Experience
Living in today’s world can test you unlike any previous lifetime. This is the case even if you accept that you are alive in a purposeful way and your energies are needed to change our upside-down world into one based on love. Your spiritual heart can help you elevate your life experience, regardless of how challenged you feel. Understand “how” below.
Your Spiritual Heart
- Your spiritual heart connects you with the Divine – which is your true nature.
- During dark times, it lights your way forward.
- Often known as your “high heart,” your spiritual heart is your doorway to limitless wisdom and a sense of peace.
- Your spiritual heart elevates your consciousness beyond the ego that can keep you stuck in a loop of fear and hopelessness.
- This wise part of you can help you connect with a sense of gratitude when you can’t find any within yourself.
I suggest that you daily remind yourself that you human experience is purposeful, and that you can learn to track and override your self-defeating ego by going within and accessing your spiritual self. It is boundless!
If you aren’t already participating in my monthly meditations and Divine Changemakers courses, consider joining me for guided support.
For More Energetic Support
Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.
Students in my Divine Changemakers “”ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth”” course – now evergreen – are receiving hands-on guided experience with embodying their authentic selves and tapping their vast inner wellspring of wisdom and creativity. They learn to connect the dots regarding current situations and soul lessons being activated in these times of mega change.
Coming up Saturday February 18 is my annual “Spiritual Heart Activation” Zoom Global Meditation! This will connect you with your spiritual heart – while helping you heal wounds of the heart that obscure your true nature – which is caring, compassionate, and divine! Join in a powerful planetary healing to transform our world into one based on love. I look forward to having you with us – live on Zoom or energetically afterwards with the download.
Don’t miss it by registering now!
Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know if a certain article or process has been helpful.
Thank you for being a part of my life in these auspicious times, and for your ongoing support!
May love and success be yours,
* All Rights Reserved *
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