16th September 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Get Your House in Order

Upgrade Your Foundation

Hello friends,

Ahead of Equinox is the perfect time to begin a deep inner re-evaluation and re-visioning of your life. After all, the Equinox gateway avails us of opportunities to transform into a higher version of ourselves. 

It’s Us and The Collective

Opportunities arising are for us as individuals, and of course for the collective.

Our entire world is needing to face the dysfunction and unworkability of systems and institutions created in another era long gone. We are at the edge of our limits to continue. Societies of the past faced this, but not on this grand a scale. This time we need an entire new template of living if we are to continue to co-exist on this planet we call home. 

Upgrade Your Foundation

Your home is your physical foundation. Home-base gives you a respite from being in the world. When you meditate in your home, seeing it as your sacred refuge, you can become resourced to live your best life. 

Your home is symbolically where you are rooted. It represents the place you return to after engaging with the world. Just like you would tend to a plant rooted in your garden, you benefit from tending to your roots.

Rethinking Your Basic Foundational Principles

In practical terms, this means rethinking your basic foundational principles. This is a grand getting-to-know-yourself. It requires nothing short of diving deep to explore your inner terrain. You will re-evaluate what’s truly important to you. You will clean out the attic of your ego-mind – seeing how you want to see the yourself and the world differently. 

When you go deep, beyond your ego, you will discover that you are a quantum cosmic being. Expansiveness and openness – not perfectionism – exist at your core. You can learn to claim and embody that.  Trust me – when you do this, you will discover some very amazing potentials you never imagined! 


  • Get answers to questions you have had your entire life.
  • Learn what’s blocking you from expressing your truth. 
  • Understand what you as a soul long to be, do, and manifest. 
  • Have context for challenging relationships, learning how to improve them. 

Blessings of Getting to Know Your True Self

As you upgrade your personal foundation and see yourself more clearly, you begin to release the heaviness of trying to fit into a specific mold. You are free! Others around you are uplifted by your presence, in part because they witness you as a sovereign yet imperfect being doing his or her best. No magic show is needed. You are real. 

I share with you my journey as I write these things. I have personally witnessed them and lived them – and appreciate the personal dedication and persistence needed to do deep dives. In my 1:1 Personal Support Sessions, I’ve helped hundreds of clients worldwide to navigate this deeper work. It can be scary doing all of it on one’s own – which is why I help guide people through the process. This is also why I created this year’s “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” Divine Changemakers Course – providing simple and practical tools for the journey of deep dives. Students join together with me on live zoom group calls. 

An Auspicious Time to Go Deeper

I invite you use the energies of this season to go deeper. Think of it as getting your house in order.


You will have many places you treasure as “home” in this life. Your “home within” however is your true foundation and means of support. Inner wisdom you find there will take you anywhere you want to go. 

Go Deeper With Me This Weekend 

Come join me this weekend for your own deep dive!

Attend our Sept 17 Equinox Global Meditation and my brand-new Divine Changemakers Course “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth.” 

Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know your feedback. 

Thank you for being a part of my path this lifetime, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



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Equinox Zoom Global Meditation

  • Held Sept 17 during powerful Equinox gateway of transformation
  • New starts energized
  • Illumination of information previously hidden
  • Focus on what needs balancing
  • Join with others across the world, sharing with them on zoom before we start and at the end – building bonds of connection with others like you on a spiritual path
  • Participate in a global healing that uplifts consciousness 
  • Connect dots in your life and find a renewed sense of purpose


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