NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
June 14 to 20, 2021
by Pam Younghans
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FOR THE SECOND TIME this calendar year, Saturn and Uranus will be exactly 90 degrees apart on Monday this week. In astrological terms, the two planets will be in square aspect to each other. This relationship between planets manifests as dynamic tension and conflict, especially when the planets are as different from each other as Saturn and Uranus are.
Basically, Saturn is concerned with creating form and structure; Uranus rebels against anything that limits individual freedom. Saturn is consistent and disciplined; Uranus is erratic and unpredictable. Saturn focuses on the long-term; Uranus lives in the moment.
THE EFFECTS of this square are with us throughout 2021, but we usually expect to see specific manifestations of such long-term aspects around the dates of exactitude. During the week of the first exact square, which occurred on February 17, there was one specific situation that powerfully embodied the energies of the Saturn-Uranus square.
As Saturn and Uranus squared each other for the first time in mid February, the state of Texas in the United States was dealing with an extreme winter storm. The severity of that storm left more than five million people without electrical power, disrupted water service for over 14 million people due to bursting pipes, and caused both immediate food shortages and longer-term crop damage.
In this event, people were definitely caught by surprise, one of the hallmarks of a Uranus transit. We see the breakdown (Uranus) of systems and social structures that communities depended on (Saturn in Aquarius). We see upheaval (Uranus) as government officials and the heads of businesses (Saturn) tried to manage the impact of the storm. And, we see Saturn’s hand in this event as well, through the loss of electrical power (Uranus), and the short-term and long-term limits on food supply (Uranus in Taurus).
URANUS likes to surprise us, so we wouldn’t necessarily expect another storm event at this second exact square — although, with Uranus traveling through earthy Taurus, other types of environmental or weather-related events are possible. This Uranian unpredictability keeps us flexible and opens us up to perceiving reality in new ways, both of which are higher intentions of the planet. Still, the same basic themes are once again being activated, so it will be interesting to observe what does unfold this week.
And yet, there’s a slightly different flavor to this square, as compared to the first; in February, both planets were moving direct, indicating clear outward manifestations. At this second square in June, Saturn is now retrograde (moving backward).
WHEN SATURN IS RETROGRADE, progress in the “real world” tends to move more slowly. We can feel that our outer goals take longer to achieve, as we must spend time taking care of unfinished business before focusing fully on where we want to go next. This week, we may also find ourselves looking back to whatever occurred in our lives back in February, finding the need to wrap up loose ends that are still dangling.
All this being said, we can still “expect” that the Saturn-Uranus square this week will somehow alter our trajectory. This may happen in very tangible ways, as a clear course correction is made. But the shift may also occur on unconscious levels, making its way into our conscious awareness over time, courtesy of Uranus.
ONE OF THE MAIN THEMES of the Saturn-Uranus square, in my opinion, has to do with our concept of “reality” and how it actually works. Throughout this year, established perspectives and scientific evidence (Saturn in Aquarius) are being challenged through alternate explanations for how things in this physical reality come to be (Uranus in Taurus). Quantum physics, our role in creating our reality, our openness to interdimensional and galactic communications, all are part of Uranus’ playing field and may run counter to Saturn’s need for material proof.
Uranus is the planet of Awakening and of Higher Consciousness. At its core, the Saturn-Uranus square of 2021 indicates a conflict between the “tried and true” that has been accepted throughout recent history and the evolutionary shift in consciousness that is clearly underway for humanity. The reawakened interest in “unidentified aerial phenomena” (aka UFOs) and the increase in people who believe in, or are even channeling, other-dimensional beings are two pieces of that intriguing puzzle.
Although the Saturn-Uranus square perfects on Monday, we will also want to watch events on Friday and Saturday. This is when the Sun is in hard aspect to both of the slower-moving planets, perhaps highlighting the effects of the square more completely.
WE PASS THROUGH the portal of the Cancer Solstice this week. The Sun will enter the sign of The Crab next Sunday, June 20, at 8:32 p.m. PDT (3:32 a.m. GMT on Monday, June 21). According to some traditions, the Solstice is a time when we can more fully open to the realms of Spirit and make significant leaps forward in our personal spiritual growth.
Depending on whether you live in the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere, this event marks the beginning of either summer or winter. Rituals and meditations around this time may focus on working with Solar light, as explained by Orin (Sanaya Roman):
“Solar light is a vast, magnificent, living being. Its energy reaches out into infinity and shines through to the earth plane. It is the sum total of all consciousness on the soul plane where your soul lives and of all planes below it. It is connected with the seven rays of divine Will. Sunlight contains both physical light and Solar light in its rays.
“Since Solar light shines through the light of your sun, you can feel its influence change as the seasons change. Light is the highest, most powerful force in your universe. You can work with Solar light as it varies with the seasons to create profound transformations in your life.”
(To read more about the Solar light and ways to work with the change of seasons, visit
JUPITER is also an important factor in events this week, as the Giant Planet reaches its station next Sunday and begins its four-month retrograde phase. Whenever a planet slows to change direction, its influence is heightened for at least a week before and after the date of its station.
With Jupiter currently in Pisces, the emphasis both this week and next is on mysticism, spiritual growth, and inspired creativity. We may be more able to open our hearts in compassion and understanding now, sensing deeply that we are all connected. And yet, we may also see those who choose to live in a fantasy world, who are passive or apathetic, or who need to play victim or rescuer roles.
WHEN JUPITER STATIONS at 2°11´ Pisces, it will be very close to the fixed star Fomulhaut, which is currently at about 3°52´ Pisces. This alignment with Jupiter directs the fixed star’s energies toward Earth and even amplifies them, making them more readily available to us.
Fomulhaut is one of the traditional four Royal Stars, and is associated with the Archangel Gabriel. It is called the “Star of Alchemy,” and imparts creative mental energy.
ALL CELESTIAL OBJECTS have both a light and a shadow side, and Fomulhaut is no exception. Astrologer Roderick Kidston, in his book The Magic of the Stars, writes:
“Fomulhaut is at its best when expressing altruism and goodwill, and assists people to make truly inspiring achievements. It tends to work out most constructively when manifesting in spiritual ways; its finely balanced sensitivities don’t always work easily in the material realm.”
Fomulhaut has lofty ideals and can be quite magical and other-worldly in its effects, which sounds quite wonderful. But, as Jupiter stations so close to the fixed star, it may be hard to stay grounded. Some may be delusional or try to transcend this physical plane in less than healthy ways. There also appears to be side of Fomulhaut that has something of a guru complex, which means we will benefit from remaining humble and down-to-earth.
IN SPITE of the obvious challenges of the Saturn-Uranus square, it sounds like significant spiritual expansion is possible this week. To assist this, it will be very important to stay present in our bodies, to take most advantage of the potentials.
Nature is the perfect ally in this regard, and is eager to assist us. We might connect physically with her by hugging a tree, lying on the earth, sitting with our backs to a sturdy tree, or walking barefoot outside. These are healing and grounding techniques that will assist both us and Gaia in these times of accelerated growth.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, you will be making many adjustments in your life as you adapt to changing circumstances in the outer world. Do your best to find a healthy balance between the desire to throw everything out and start over and the need to keep some semblance of order in life. You are actually going through a very personal process of dissolving certain self-concepts and mindsets that have been keeping you from fulfilling some of your higher aspirations. If you feel at times that you are moving through fog, remember to call upon the qualities of trust and faith, to tap into your intuition, and to listen for higher guidance. (Solar Return Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn, semisquare Uranus, square Neptune, quincunx Pluto, sextile Eris)
In peace and with gratitude,
For a recording and non-English versions of this Journal, click HERE.
NorthPoint Journal © 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
MON: Saturn square Uranus, Mars quincunx Jupiter
TUE: Mercury semisquare Mars
WED: Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Sun quincunx Pluto
FRI: Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn
SAT: Sun semisquare Uranus
SUN: Jupiter stations retrograde, Sun enters Cancer/Solstice 8:32 p.m. PDT
TUE: Mercury semisquare Mars
WED: Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Sun quincunx Pluto
FRI: Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn
SAT: Sun semisquare Uranus
SUN: Jupiter stations retrograde, Sun enters Cancer/Solstice 8:32 p.m. PDT
About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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NorthPoint Journal copyright 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.