Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 31, 2019
What we want you to understand as you move forward into a new year and a new decade is that nothing is carved in stone. The energies are expansive and malleable, as are you. By embracing your alignment with your beingness, understanding that alignment might be in a different place each day depending upon what the energies are doing and where you are in your own personal shifting (but you can always find with your intention), you start to experience yourself as part of how the flow flows. Your willingness to move with whatever is being supported is how you experience yourself as a valued and necessary part of the flow, which supports your growth, expansion, and highest discoveries as well as your beloved planet’s. There is such joy moving forward for you as you accept yourself as an essential part of the heartbeat of the universe, for you will no longer experience yourself as separate from anything. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young