Cosmic Weather Report: Testing the World with Radical Change


Cosmic Weather Report for 2020:

The Great Winter Solstice Conjunction-
Testing the World with Radical Change

By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax
Putney Mountain, Vermont

On December 21, 2020, at 1:21 pm eastern, the two largest planets of our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, meet in the first degree of Aquarius, forming what astrologers call a Great Conjunction. Jupiter rules the bright future. Saturn presides over lessons of the past. As they come together throughout the year we’re implored to make a quantum leap out of the shadow of the past to the bright future promise of our species.

by Autumn Sky The Age of Aquarius is calling us to free ourselves from the tyrannical rule of the elite few over the many, and raise the immense power of the Awakening of the Masses. This summons will intensify toward Winter Solstice, which, together with an eclipse that day will be the peak moment of the year.

The Aquarian Age is a 2,173-year period. Here at the beginning, mass consciousness cannot awaken till it realizes how unawake it is, which is the current, preliminary s tage of the awakening. The rise of fascism around the world dramatizes the dark disease of our species, which paradoxically contains its own cure. Like a homeopathic remedy, the antidote is contained in the sickness. Current outbreaks of false power can catalyze the deeper unity beneath the schism. The healing truth is that we’re all in this together, riding this blue-green garden planet through the galaxy, and either we all make it to the bright future or none of us do. By drawing the world’s attention to the imbalance of power, the wrongness of our time can ironically catalyze something right.

Supporting this awakening is Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on January 12, 2020 and three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn: April 5, June 29, and November 12. It’s been 4,000 years since Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn were this close in Capricorn, heralding a drastic change in world civilization. The old world is crumbling beneath our feet, and we must envision something new to replace it with.

By Adam Scott Miller
As if the Great Conjunction and three Jupiter-Pluto pairings weren’t enough to get the message of radical change through to us, numerologically 2020 is a 4 Year, demanding radical change in structure, foundation, and form. You’re being tested like crazy to see if the basis of the life you’re living is the foundation for the life you were born to live. The human race is getting its most radical test to change the underlying nature of our relationship to spirit and matter.

The way you think about yourself, about others, about the world you live in are being bombarded with the mandate to Change down to the bone. This mandate will only increase as we head toward Winter Solstice. To gain the perfect vision of 20/20 that this year is offering, our species is getting pushed through the most Radical Change anyone has seen on earth.

Sun Sign Snapshots for 2020

Aries Launch your greater path by listening to the transformative value of your own words. The things you say to others carry a hidden message from your soul to your personality. Decode it to find the way to true power, which you can tell from false power because false power only wants to take and true power just wants to give.

Taurus Love is not counter to your plans but essential to them. While you’re busy factoring in complex changes of your personal and professional life, do n’t forget to factor in the greatest power of all: the love that’s been sleeping in your heart of hearts, wanting to come out, come out, wherever you are.

Gemini Teamwork provides power for you this year, and will produce creative breakthroughs once you get out of your own way. Your stage is the universe. Your fellow players are everyone on earth, and your play is the Coming of Freedom.

Cancer Someone close to you is trying to tell you you’re much stronger and more magical than you think. Beneath your prodigious mind-power is the universal knowing you brought here from other lives, which is knocking on your door with the Hey-Jude message of Let it out and let it in.

Leo Let go of clinging to surface tales and sink into the deeper story of your soul, where a creative force is rising from the karmic theatre drama: The Death of What Never Worked Right in the First Place.

Virgo The world you inherited is falling apart because it wasn’t based on the outrageous truth of your soul that’s rising like Persephone from the hells you used to inhabit, to stun you with how magical you are and how the whole universe is begging you to be true to yourself.

Libra Each time you thought you got to the bottom you were only halfway there. It’s not enough to dazzle the world, until you dig down into the blue-white core of what you’re made of, ignite creative fire, and live your life by its glow.

Scorpio You’re being tested to master the evolutionary power of increasing your desire while decreasing the attachment to what you think you need. When you can do both simultaneously you’ll switch on the stunning radiance packed into your soul and the world can see by it.

Sagittarius The power to break free of everything holding you back lies within your childhood passion. What was ultra-real once upon a time will prove to be the realest thing in the end, once you find the right way to go crazy and let go of the wrong way.

Capricorn You’re the one to lead the way this year, by combining your mischievousness with your magic, merging what you love with what you dream of, and claiming the power of deep wisdom sleeping in your cells. Don’t ever talk yourself out of what you love.

Aquarius You have tons more intelligence and power than the world has ever known what to do with, but that was the old world that’s now dying. the new one being born needs you even more than you need it. Simple truths are the best way through.

Pisces Your path through 2020 will be found by listening. Lay your ear to the ground to synchronize with the heartbeat of the world, which is pouring the power of unconditional love into your soul and sinews, and lifting numb parts of you back into feeling.

Who Are You Really? Why are you here?
How Much Longer Are You Willing to Wait?


Soul Level Astrology twists astrology into a new form, like jazz did to marching bands, bringing the music of the soul into waking consciousness.


I’m conducting special 30-min and 60-min Snapshots for clients that have had at least one full-length session with me. Slots tend to fill quickly between now and January, and we book these seasonal readings on a first-come, first-served basis until my schedule fills up between January and March. P urchase a half-hour slot for $145 or an hour session for $210 . Once I get notice of purchase I’ll send you the link to schedule your session

I’ll be hosting my weekly Cosmic Weather Report LIVE! every Tuesday at 1:30 pm over zoom. Feel free to register here to participate. This week, on Tues Dec 3, l’ll break down how the current line-up of Jupiter, Ceres, Venus, Saturn, Pluto and the Dragon’s Tail in the Sign of the Carpicorn Goat-Fish, are summoning us to root out false power and activate the deeper power of the soul.

And, folks are welcome to join Marcella for her monthly Lunar Musing on the 2nd Monday of every month at 8:30 pm Eastern by registering here.

Blessings to you, as we enter the New Year!

~ Mark and Marcella

Soul Level Astrology Level 1
Winter Self-Study

Our Winter Self-Study Program is designed for people who wish to join Level 2 of our three-year certification program. Level 2 begins in February 2020.

Level 1 Self-Study requires catching up with thirteen class recordings, supported by class reading materials.

This program teaches you how to read birth charts while applying the tools you learn to change your life. T

Register for $425

Learn more

Master Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax

Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and bestselling author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. His books

2012 and the Cosmic Weather Report c an be ordered from bookstores and Amazon.

Soul Level Astrologer Marcella Eversole

Marcella supports human evolution while recognizing the deeper forces at work. Learn More

The founding director of two international organizations for world change, Marcella specializes in programs that clear obstacles and point toward the high road where human intention meets optimal evolution.
Soul Level Astrology ® | |
PO Box 623
Putney, VT 05346


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