As many of you have noticed, the pace of disturbance has reached fever pitch in many, and rightly so, as from this day forward, there will be no holds barred. This may sound discouraging and even fearsome to some, but trust us when we say that you will not suffer unduly. And just what do we mean by that? Simply that you are not here to suffer, dear ones, you are here to conquer, and as such, the trials and travails you may encounter on your way are merely to help you to do just that. And when we say conquer, it is not in the old meaning of the word, for this is not about achieving an elevated status at the cost of others. No, this is simply about reconquering yourselves and your own inherent power, a power that has been taken away from you for such a long time. Again, we know that many will resent this message and call it redundant or at least repetitive, but remember, our task is to help you to fulfill yours, and so, we act in many ways as you supporters and cheerleaders, the bystanders that will egg you on to do all that you can to surpass yourselves.
For make no mistake, we are well aware that for some, this journey could not be more challenging than it has already been, but we also know that there is not a single one of you that is not capable of fulfilling this quest of being totally reunited with yourself in all of your glory. And through your very personal efforts, you will not only reclaim your own powers, you will also reclaim this planet back to what it was meant to be originally. A place for loving co-habitation, a place where mankind would live in harmony with themselves and all the magical creatures of Mother Nature, big or small, beautiful and wild. And as you know more than well, this has not been the case for a very long time, but now, thanks to your efforts, it is about to become so once again.
So take this as a reminder to keep the end goal in sight if you find yourself succumbing to these waves of transformational energy in such a way you think you are becoming utterly powerless. For you are not, in fact, you are reclaiming more and more of your original powers each and every day. But make no mistake, the feeling of powerlessness in itself can seem to go above and beyond of everything you will think you and your physical body are capable of. But you are made of strong stuff, dear ones, and you are capable of feats far, far surpassing all of the challenges you have already had to face on your journey and so, know that you have not even reached the nearest outskirts of your own limits. And that is something you can not do either, as you are above and beyond any old conceptions of human limits. But still, there will be more than one of you who still can hear that small and rather exhausted voice within saying “no more, you cannot take it, and neither can Iâ€. But remember, that voice is the voice of the old you, the little you, the one that had no way to access your own greatness. But now you can, and now you must. For no one can force you to step into your old and grand shoes, that is a decision that is left entirely up to you.
So remember that each time you find yourself starting to crumble and fall, give yourself a hug and some pep talk, and ask others to do the same for you. For you DO have it in you, but at times, the access to this greatness will be obscured by a seemingly impenetrable wall of physical and mental fatigue. So when you do find yourself slamming into that wall, know that there are more than one open door in this wall, ready to let you pass through without you having to exert yourself at all. And these doors are all marked with the same words: self-love. For if you manage to find that all-encompassing love for yourself, nothing will stand in your way, and you will allow your body and indeed your mind to become weary from time to time. For you will know why, and you will keep on loving yourself throughout it, no matter what happens. And then, you will find yourself passing through these seemingly dense phases much more easily, and you will not waste your time hammering on that wall, blaming yourself or even thinking you are failing in any way.
So again we say, love is the key that will open any door, also those within yourself, and we do know that these doors can be the last ones opened, for for some reason, mankind have found so many excuses not to let themselves be loved unconditionally by themselves. They will feel far more comfortable about extending that sentiment to others than to themselves, but remember, to know yourself is to love yourself beyond any concept of limits, for you can never love yourself too much. For only by loving yourself unconditionally can you truly extend that same generosity towards others, and so, going within and giving yourself free reins to do just that will give you literally a free ticket to everything else. For then, and only then will you be able to reach beyond any limitations at all and go as far as you possibly can. For the borders you must cross are the borders you yourself have stipulated, and you have done so by a misconception of your own self-worth. For you are worthy of all the love you can engender, and all the love that others will send you in return. But remember, you are the main generator of this love, and you are the one that need to understand that unless you find it in you to let go of any limitations of loving yourself, you will carry these limitations with you forever, and they in turn will limit everything else for you.
So sit down and have a deep one on one with yourself, and see if you can find it in you to be honest about what limits you have given yourself. Are there none? You cannot be sure unless you give it a hard try. We think you will all find a way to love yourself just a little bit more. And when you do, you will see how this love that you manage to convey to yourself will be reflected both outwards from you, but also back from everyone and everything that surrounds you. For if you do not think yourself worthy of unlimited love, then how can you be able to receive this flood of love that is coming your way even as we speak? And remember, the wave of love that is approaching will not take no as an answer, so even if you do not feel you are worthy of receiving it, it will still come to your door, and it will refuse to let go of the opportunity to enter, even if it has to do so by literally breaking the door to pieces in order to be let in. So perhaps it would be a better suggestion to have it wide open by choice, as in your choice.
So choose to embrace yourself with all the love you can muster, and then some. That way, there will be no more walls to climb or locked doors to struggle with. For then, there will be no obstacles in your way, and you will greet this flood of incoming love with open arms, and you and it will become one, for never again to be separated. But if you choose to barricade your door, this wave will not only serve to knock you off your feet, it will be more apt to drag you down under and leave you floundering for a very long time indeed. This may sound ominous, but it is simply a reminder that this is all about free will, and it is as always you yourself who must decide whether to let go of the old and become even lighter, or stick to the old and risk inundation. We can not force your hand, or rather, your heart, in any way. For you are the masters of your journey, and that is how it must be, so this time it is as always you and only you who must make that choice. And you must do so at your very core, for this is a decision that will have to be a true one. And that is why we say make sure not to get bogged down by any temporary symptoms or superficial events, no matter how taxing they may seem. For at the core, you are more than ready to make the choice to stand tall and find your one truth, so please make sure you do not let it fade away under the pressure of the day to day chores and challenges. For this time, it is more important than ever that you manage to find that wide open door within, the door that is marked with LOVE and that only you can locate.