Today I wish to speak with you as one lifelong friend to another. It is very important for each of you to make the determination to stay in your center and maintain control of your emotions as the next week of cosmic and solar energies blast through. You may feel very unusually unstable at times. Things which you assumed you had long ago dealt with may arise in your lives. Just observe the remnants of these energies as they leave you forever. Even memories of them need not bother you from this point on.
Realize, however, that choice is involved. It must be your choice to have done with them. Realize also that there were important lessons involved and search in your heart for gratitude both for the lesson and for the blessing of its departure. Thank the Forever Being that you are for reaching this point and allowing you this opportunity.
The departure from your lives of these things will create the space necessary for you to replace them. Give thought to which personal attributes you wish to grow or acquire. In the meantime, you cannot go astray by breathing in all of the unconditional love of the Creator that you can imagine. Find every tiny corner of your being and pack it full of love. Every You which you have experienced will gladly accept more love. The potential persons which you have wished for, or imagined, may be waiting for more of this love to energize them.
This is the true power of prayer, dear ones, creation as it is done moment to moment, but with intention. Create yourselves as you will be in the next moment. Create the next moment itself.
Also, may we point out that, from this point forward, it will be very beneficial to you if you daily make every effort to maintain your calm as things appear to run amuck around you. Many things which have always been a part of your daily lives are going to disappear in short order, having reached the end of their usefulness. It will be very easy for panic to set in, and you will see this in others. We have asked you to prepare yourselves to be calm centers of reason in these times. You have very likely had to do that in your own personal lives. Having learned how to do that, it is now your opportunity to provide this calm for others. Nothing more may be required than your peaceful presence.
Your energy fields are affecting more than you know at this time. You have felt the changes in yourselves and they continue now, and in fact, will increase. Those reading these messages are the ones who have chosen to lead the way. There may be some who are teachers; however, most will simply need to be examples. This is the most effective form of teaching, after all.
We ask you to visit once more the visions of yourselves which you have imagined and held during this next week. You are being given the energy to bring these things into what you term your realities. The reality is, in fact, that they exist already, but polish them up a bit, as you will begin to see more of them in your day-to-day lives. As you learn that you are, in truth, creating these things for yourselves, you will find that the span of time you have granted yourselves between thought and manifestation will become less necessary. The control you have needed to keep from instantly creating whatever you may have thought of was actually a gift. Understanding the process will teach you to maintain that control for yourselves.
The joy and freedom you are so close to experiencing is beginning to be felt by some of you. That is the unidentified feeling which you are trying so hard to ‘put a finger on’. It is the knowledge of the Self that you are very close to home. Congratulations, dear friends. We await your arrival at your own surprise party.
Again we urge you to feel our presence around you. We shall continue to be with you in each moment. Good day.
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