Are You an Above Average Lightworker? ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Are You an Above Average Lightworker? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always interested in how the energies are affecting you in any given moment. And as you know, there are more energies than ever that are affecting you as an individual, that are affecting the human collective and that affect Mother Earth. You are swimming in a sea of energies all the time, and sometimes certain energies get amplified because they have greater significance to that particular moment for humanity, and when you go through something as a collective that affects you, there are more energies sent to support you.

Think of how an energy healer works. They have someone who comes to them with some sort of physical or emotional ailment, and the energy healer taps in to the energies that will best assist the person who has come to them. The person with the ailments is the one who summoned the energies in the first place, but they have not been able to receive those energies themselves. So the healer is called upon to act as the conduit. That’s what you are all doing for humanity, for yourselves, and for Mother Earth.

You are the conduits for all the energies that have been summoned because you are open, sensitive, and you are taking care of yourselves enough to be able to let those energies run through your physical bodies. This can be taxing on the average lightworker, and so you are constantly being called upon to be an above average lightworker. You need to take care of yourselves by hydrating, by clearing your negative emotions and negative thoughts. You need to rest, to meditate, and to spend time in nature. You to take care of your relationships and eat well, and when you do all of that, the reward is a healthier you.

And also, by running those energies through your physical body, you get more to play with. You get to enjoy the ride that everyone there on Earth is taking to the fifth dimension with a sneak preview of what everyone will be experiencing at the completion of the shift. If you are receiving this message, then yes you are a lightworker, and yes you have been called upon to be an above average one. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. Take care of yourselves, and be the conduits for the higher-frequency energies that are coming in and that are all around you, and you will lead a happy and healthy life.

You will also be of service to everyone else there on Earth, whether they know it or not. And while you may not win any awards for being conduits of high-frequency energies, you will get to feel those energies first, and you will get recognize what is being created for humanity on the physical level, because as we said, the energies are just the sneak preview of what is to come, and there is so much more to come for humanity, even in the fourth dimension. So don’t worry about which future you are all headed for; trust that you are on an ascension journey, and therefore all of planet Earth is on an upward spiral, and know that there is a plan for everything to work out for everyone. You are a key component in that plan. Remember that, and honor yourselves as the above average lightworkers that you truly are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Simple Steps for Ascending Easily & Joyously ∞The 12D Creators


Simple Steps for Ascending Easily & Joyously ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You are becoming your higher selves more and more every single day. One thing that you can always count on there on Earth is that your evolution is a very natural process. It is not something that you have to force or even initiate. It just is. And with each and every breath, each and every passing moment, you go higher and higher and expand further out from your center. That is why we want you to know that you can relax and go easy on yourselves. You don’t have to take all of this so seriously, and you can laugh more, play more, and go with the flow, and you will just as easily get to the place that you are going.

Now, if you feel inspired to do some yoga, some breathwork, some chanting, some meditating, then go right ahead. Most of the work you have to do there on Earth involves letting go of that which you have become attached to, and some of what you have become attached to are your beliefs and your judgments. And as you let go of the ones that do not serve you, you make it easier on yourselves to move in that higher-frequency direction. So you want to go with the expansion, go with the flow, and letting go of that which is heavy that which is dark and that which is not serving you is the way to take those very natural evolutionary steps.

You don’t have to try, and you don’t have to struggle, and you don’t have to work very hard to make these things happen. It is as simple as letting go of that which doesn’t feel right to you anymore. And many of you have already let go of quite a bit in this lifetime, but you will continue to see elements of what you have yet to let go of showing up in your experience.

You will continue to have what you have yet to forgive come into your awareness. That which you judge will continue to show up until you let go of that judgment. That which you resist will continue to find its way into your experience until you drop that resistance. And so, you can become the very passive observer of your own process of becoming your higher self.

You don’t have to work on climbing the rungs of the ladder every single day. You can go off and enjoy yourselves, follow your bliss, listen to your heart, and anything and everything that needs to be seen and experienced by you in a different way will continue to find its way to your path. So the answers are very easy to come to when you just walk your path.

All you have to do is look around, see what’s coming up, see what feels like it is a thorn in your side, and remove the thorn. But you don’t remove the thorn and then burn it to a crisp and make sure that it is stomped out and into ash form. You remove it lovingly and send it on its way, because you know that the thorn has its own process of evolution and does not have to be eliminated from experience to make the world a better place for everyone.

In fact, what is a thorn in your side may be a breath of fresh air to someone else, and it is not for you to determine what is best for someone else. It is only for you to determine what is best for you and then follow that thread. Keep listening to your heart, to your feelings, to your gut instinct, and you will always be on the right path for you. These are the simple steps that it takes for you to ascend easily and joyously, and it does not have to be any more complicate than that. If something feels too complicated, too complex for you, then let it go, and trust that you will be guided to what is easier and more doable for you in the moment.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

A Message to Lightworkers – March 29, 2024 🐬


Hello my Friend!

Blessings on this Good Friday! For many the precursor to the celebration of the Resurrection of the Christ Being. And for all, the rebirth of spring Today’s Message shares a bonus chapter from the book Messages of the Spirits of Abundance, on the Divine purpose of Gold. Gold Frequencies: Healing, Wealth & A Secret Energy Language Last week the Collective finished the Gold Frequency webinars, in which 30 wonderful Light Bringers and I took meditation journeys into the Golden Pyramids of the Sun, to work with the powerful and renewing Golden Light particles there. We sought new direction for our lives, and an unveiling of our true selves, including past lives spent in the great civilizations, such as Egypt at its high point. So I wanted to share a bit about the gifts that Gold essence brings us. In this Message, the Lords of Gold explain: “Our element of Gold is a powerful one on many levels, and few people understand why that is, or how that came to be. “Gold is of such a high vibration on this planet, that it need not be given a Divine mandate. And yet, yes—it has a Divine purpose. “It was used in many ancient pyramids to assist transmissions of energies and of messages, aiding communication technologies and psychic transmissions between persons and groups around the Earth, through space, and even between galaxies. “It was also revered for its ability to hold information, and to facilitate shifts in vibrational frequencies, including in portals and stargates. “It speaks a rare language, one grasped by the wise priests of Egypt during the time of Egypt’s period of high awakening, and in other great civilizations. “It is a receiver of and a connector to the wisdom of the higher realms, when spoken to in its own energetic language . . . “ Go here for the video of the Message, and here to read the Message on the website. Both are embedded with beautiful higher energies of Love and support for your path. Sending much Love, and many blessings of New Life! Caroline  P S  Thank you so much, with all my heart, for your beautiful support of this work! It means so much that so many are reaping support and encouragement from these channelings. On May 11, I will be doing a live event — a half-day retreat here in Santa Fe, New Mexico — with my amazing energy healer friend, Ina Lanara. We hope you will join us, whether online or in-person — More on that soon! 

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Infinite Possibilities, in EVERY area of your Life.

Hello Beautiful  — We would like to assist you in opening up to the infinite possibilities available in every area of your life. We invite you to learn how to manifest and transform your consciousness by working with the synergistic and combined energies of LOVE + GRACE. We invite you to join us for a series of powerful, uplifting transmissions that will assist you in experiencing wonderful, expansive states of consciousness and strengthening your relationship with and awareness of your Divine Self. One aim of these transmission is to get you used to abundant support. Another intention we hold is to guide you in using LOVE + GRACE to manifest so that what you create fulfills you and brings more light into your presence and to the world. The energies that are coming now and through the next two months are those that can be used to really clear energies that diminish your clear, true awareness of who you truly are – the Divine Self. When your energy is clear, you know who you truly are. We see the most significant potential of this time, is to shift more fully and consistently into this awareness and begin to experience radiant flow and true expression — which we might call, Divine Creation. We invite you to join us, and co-create with us, and your Divine Self, during this pivotal time, to: 👉  EVOLVE with LOVE + GRACE This program will guide you in building a stronger connection for co-creation and communication with your SOUL and DIVINE SELF/I AM Presence. It will further your ability to increase your light quotient; activate your fifth dimensional Alta Major Chakra (at the base of the skull) by unplugging from consensus reality while providing inner journeys and guided experiences that guide you in shifting from all that has been into the wide open territory of DIVINE CREATION and DIVINE EXPRESSION. LEARN MORE and read the channeled message about this time, here: 👉 EVOLVE with LOVE + GRACE I am excited to become more and more clear and true, more empowered as we move into the Equinox energies, and through the Eclipse Cycle. What is your intention for these alignments? If you’d love to participate in a synergistic, customized communion of light, with guided inner journeys, expansive transmissions, liberating perspectives and abundant support, please join us. The events happen Live and all are recorded, so you can listen and move through each transmission whenever is best for you. Move at your pace. Do it your way. Nothing is more helpful and important these days, then tuning into your inner knowing and honoring what feels best to you. Everything we do is based on that foundation and designed to support you as you strengthen YOUR CONNECTION with the VASTNESS OF YOUR BEING. The light within you is your most perfect, attentive and loving guide. These transmissions will support you in getting to know yourself beyond the ego. Beyond this realm of focus and to experience more and more of the CONSCIOUSNESS of your Divine Self. So that your eternal infinite light and the qualities of your consciousness infuse more and more of what you create, experience, express and perceive. If this speaks to you, please join us! 👉 EVOLVE with LOVE + GRACE It’s time we get aligned, infused by our own vaster Self and expand our expression and flow. I am excited for this year and what it will bring! And what I will experience, become, and create. We’re truly at a turning point. Join me? In evolving with LOVE and GRACE? (and EASE?!) Can I get an amen? Amen.  With love,   P.S. Our first live event is today, Saturday, 9 March. You can join live, or listen via the audio — which will be available shortly after the live event. No rushing. Just ease and your own sense of timing — trust it. This can be graceful and beautiful and filled with love, for all of us. That’s the point!

Evolving with LOVE + GRACE 💛


Hello Beautiful  — Yesterday I got a major download about the current energies, what is coming, and the expansion opening up for us. The download came AFTER a huge clearing energy swept through me — unlike anything I’ve experienced before. I’m still articulating everything I was shown, experienced and received, but here’s what I know: A shift beyond limitation and into Divine Creation is at hand. I have been hearing about Divine Creation since before we opened enrollment for the new Conscious Evolution program which started a few weeks ago. But what came through yesterday was so much bigger, stronger, more intense. The energy is moving fast and in a sense feels like it’s popping — happening in bursts as we reach certain resonances and as this continues and unfolds, quite possibly you will feel a sense of deep completion with something. Lots is coming up right now for review, completion and endings. This may initiate healing/clearing in many of us. My personal experience yesterday tapped me into enormous ancestral energy, that felt old, layered and far deeper than I ever felt before. It was energy filled with fear and old patterns of “being threatened” and “being alone in the world” and what eventually came to me, after connecting with my Spiritual Support Team was to call in all my ancestral lines — my walk-in lineage; my biological lineage, my adoptive lineage and all energies in that in this plane, and any other and work with forgiveness  (I adapted the linked decree) and grace and love, for all of us. It was intense and beautiful. Then after that, I did a Sacred Offering — I gave all the old energy to the Divine and asked for and received the light and information I need to create my vision of heaven on Earth now. JUST. Freaking WOW. So — here’s what I feel guided to share with you: The opportunity to become truly free is here. This is a SUCH A HUGE CHANGE. Of course we’ve wanted it and asked for it for a long time. But it’s still — really different. BIG CHANGE. So accepting it, stepping into it, is leaving the familiar may involve shattering a lot of unwritten rules. Energies, beliefs, patterns, associated with our ancestral lines may be affected by this, and triggered. (Which is what I suspect happened for me) And if it’s triggered you may become aware of your lineage in a way you never felt or knew it, consciously before this. As we heal ourselves, we heal our past. And this at some point begins to ripple not just forward into the unfolding future, but backward into our lineages. This shift — out of lack, separation, limitation, fear… may trigger a sense of no longer feeling safe. Perhaps not immediately, but once you start to stretch out into the new possibilities. At first it feels amazing! But as you persist, and really reach new levels of expression, abundance, freedom, or manifestation, you may rigger any boundaries, or unwritten rules you experiences which you are now expanding beyond. Enter the beautiful energy of GRACE + LOVE We’re approaching the Equinox and an Eclipse Cycle, we’re in truth really beginning this year, NOW, and the potential is vastly different and expanded. Our non-physical friends have set up a new series of transmission experiences to assist us in making the most of these new and higher potentials.


This program includes 6, 60-minute transmissions. The first three lead up to and include the Equinox. The next three usher us into and through the Eclipse Cycle, that starts on March 25/26. I am SO excited to channel and receive the gifts of working more closely with GRACE ELOHIM and the energy of GRACE, along with the Andromedan High Council, the Archangels, the Galactic Dragons, Ashira, Mira and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, Sanat Kumara and Kuthumi, along with Gaia and Serapis Bey Together they invite you to join us, for a powerful, deeply nourishing and supportive series of live events infused with Love and Grace and higher light, guiding and empowering you to expand, elevate, heal and then FLOW, more and more of your own Divine Light.

This program will guide you in building a stronger connection for co-creation and communication with your SOUL and DIVINE SELF/I AM Presence.

It will further your ability to increase your light quotient; activate your fifth dimensional Alta Major Chakra (at the base of the skull) by unplugging from consensus reality while providing inner journeys and guided experiences that guide you in shifting from all that has been into the wide open territory of DIVINE CREATION and DIVINE EXPRESSION. GET ALL THE DETAILS AND SIGN UP HERE: 👉 EVOLVE with LOVE + GRACE Our First transmission is THIS SATURDAY! So starting soon. I’d LOVE for you to join us! This program is responding to the synergistic field created by all of us who join. So unique and specific transmissions will be given, based on each of us who shows up and in response to our intentions and desires.

May we all become FULLY FREE and CLEAR TO SHINE and EXPRESS who we truly are! May we be heart-centered and loving to everyone and especially to ourselves. This energy is moving all life in to higher expression as it can. Everything is happening FOR YOU. Remember that. 💛 Amazing times! I am so thankful and blessed to share in this, with you! All my love,

Unlock Everything You Haven’t Had Access To ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


Unlock Everything You Haven’t Had Access To ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always looking for just the right frequency to have the desired effect on humanity or on beings from some other world in our galaxy. The type of precision it takes to find just the right frequency is a skill that we hone all the time here in the ninth dimension. As beings who primarily feel, we have become quite attuned to the different levels of vibration, which we refer to as frequencies. And by finding just the right frequency, we can make the impact that we desire to make on all of you and all the others that we serve.

You have the same ability within you, and we suggest that you use it. Use this ability to help others and to manifest what you need to live the life you want to live there on Earth. In the past, you may have taken a very mental approach to finding the right frequency. You might want to know what the Herz is of that frequency, or you might try visualization, mantras, other ways of thinking positively to put you in just right frequency, and that is all good, and it will get you to a certain point. But we know that you are ready to go beyond the limitations of the mind and step into the limitless realm of the heart, which is your main point through which all feelings are experienced.

Therefore, as you tune in more to your heart and to what you are feeling, you will be able to fine tune the frequency that you are offering. And therefore, you can make the impact that you want to make. More importantly, you can go to the reality that you want to experience that is a match to that frequency. This is something all humans have the ability to do, but you are taught from a very young age that your actions matter more and that how much you learn in school is of paramount importance. However, very few are taught about the importance of their feelings and their ability to conjure up a vibration with intention and focus.

But now as adults, you have this information. You know that you can dive deeply into your heartspace and find everything and everyone that you are looking for, even those who are deceased. Now, what will it take to get you to actually do it? Usually, you do it when thought, word and action fall short of accomplishing a goal that you have for yourself or for humanity. When you are trying so hard to help someone else, but you just can’t seem to find just the right combination of words and actions to do so, you might then turn to sending love from your heart.

Find the frequency and you find everything that you desire, that you want to feel, that you want to experience. You find the world you want to create and live in and the people you want to live amongst in that world, but you must be willing to get out of your head long enough to feel into that heart center for all that it contains. And as soon as you do, you will feel more grounded and expansive at the same time; you will feel more infinite and eternal. And you will know that you have unlocked everything that you haven’t had access to previously. Now is a wonderful time to do this as everything is moving faster than it ever has before there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

22nd March 2024. Mike Quinsey.

22nd. March 2024. Mike Quinsey.   Matters are progressing in a way that we expected, and you could have hardly failed to notice that the changes you are experiencing are increasingly affecting the population of Earth. The problems for Humanity are still mounting up and stretching you and your resources to a maximum. Unfortunately much is unavoidable as the old ways are no longer adequate to bring in the required changes that will take you into the New Age that has already started to show itself. Meanwhile the dark Ones see the chaos as an opportunity to establish their idea of how life should be led. They are ready to enforce them to bring about peace upon Earth, with draconian measures that rely upon their ability to control the population upon it. They will not succeed as greater forces than theirs control the outcome that will see the people of Earth lifted up and beyond their reach.   Behind the scenes greatly evolved Beings are directing events always taking into consideration your freewill. However, you are on course to see many acceptable changes that will point the way forward, and achieve the ultimate release from the negative energies and their cohorts. It may be difficult to imagine better times in the face of so much destruction and turmoil, but there is a plan not just for your survival but also your freedom and release from the control of the Illuminati. At present you may find it hard to envisage better times, but already the foundations are being built. In the not too distant future it will become apparent which way things are going.   Go about your daily tasks knowing that there is a bright future ahead and that all of the good work you put in will reap its rewards. The important thing is to keep spreading the light and not allow yourselves to become disheartened. You are on the path to victory over the dark Ones who eventually have to answer for their activities and see the result of attempts to overcome Humanity and control their future.   Do you not feel the surge of positive energy that is gradually growing that will finally sweep away all of the negativity upon Earth. You may be assured it will and nothing shall stand in its way. That same energy will carry you into the New Age with all of its beauty, peace and happiness. So do not give up now whatever your experiences as they come your way for a good reason. You never stop learning even in the higher vibrations as after all you are in a manner of saying “the new kids on the block” You are ready to move on and the opportunities to do so will come your way.   Know that there is so much more for you to learn and once you ascend the opportunities to do so are endless. Indeed, you will have much more say in your manner of progress and will have much advice from those who have gone before you. Old friends from many incarnations ago are looking forward to meeting you again and many have followed your progress with great interest. The friends you have made will always have that link with you and wait to greet you with loving thoughts. Naturally your memories of them will return and a joyful reunion take place.   So Dear Ones, the future is not as dismal as it may first seem to be but clearly some experiences may not be to your liking, but all are necessary to help you overcome the negativity that seems to be all around you. Never forget you are overcoming the challenges that confront you and should never again give you concern. You may not realise it but you are a powerful Being and not aware of your true potential whilst being on Earth. Imagine how much experience you have had through your hundreds of lives and how much you must have learned. You are to be honoured for your devotion to your tasks that have seen you climb the ladder to success. You are now ready for greater things once you ascend from the lower vibrations, never again to have to return to that level.   You have made so many friends on your travels who are only a thought away from you, and you will be able to meet again in the near future. Some have followed your progress mainly because of your lasting friendship through many lives. Many are old family members that have been with you on Earth numerous times and often in different relationships. As you must know by now the links have always existed so you will have some old friends waiting to meet you when you return to the higher vibrations.  You may have met someone and felt a bonding and familiarity with them.   If you have a pet animal you almost certainly talk to it and it does understand you and your tone of voice. They can be very devoted to their human “owners” and dogs will guard them with their lives. By living with you they become individual souls and independent of the hub of animals that they would otherwise join. An animal’s devotion to their owners is remarkable and never goes away regardless of how they are treated. Animals do not become humans but can so to say, experience in what you would judge to be a greater experience. Humans can learn a lot from animals and likewise animals from Man.   Do you feel that you have learned something from being a human because over many lives it is impossible not to have done so.  It is of course directed by you when you decide what path to follow to expand your experiences. It can lead to you becoming more focussed on what you want to be as a human being, and have a succession of lives that achieve your goals. Again as with all experiences you will have your Guides on hand to guide you along. Be assured that what you prove to be good at will be used to help others on a similar path.   There is of course no reason why you should not aim for a number of different goals. It obviously gives you a greater choice when you decide to follow one particular path that you can expand. Again you get the advantage of having guidance from those who have gone before you. Life is about helping each other to evolve and souls have a natural urge to do so. When families come together many times there is an ongoing development between them that hastens their success and it is not unusual for such an arrangement to take place.   Much of your life is planned in advance and necessarily so if you are to be successful. It is arranged to give you the maximum opportunity to get the experiences you need to do so and inevitably means meeting some souls who can be useful to you. The most important event is meeting up with your partner who would also have been prepared for their part in your life. It is an involved affair to get things together as planned but it usually works out unless the person goes against the plan even so that they agreed with it before incarnating. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.   Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at  and contact him if necessary.  

Higher Wisdom for Your Beautiful Journey

Hello my Friend!

I hear it all the time — “I just can’t hear my Spirit team! I might sense their guidance here and there, but not a lot. And what if I’m just imagining it?” All that is about to change, my friend!  Join me tomorrow, Thursday, April 25 at 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern — I’ll be sharing how anyone can channel — bringing in the wisdom and support of your Spirit team or other higher beings, in my interview on Your Divine Uniqueness.” My wonderful friend Moncef will be interviewing me as I describe how I became a channeler, and how Anyone can learn how to channel. That might be through symbols or other images, music or healing tones, words, or higher energies. However you channel, it’s all sacred! Some guidance may be needed at first, so we’ll talk about that. This is a live interview, so please do call in with a question! The Collective will share a special activation to assist you in tapping into your higher self and guides, or any beautiful higher being you wish to channel from. Go here to join us! Your Divine Uniqueness Thursday, April 25, 2024 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern Time [US & Canada] Claim Your Healing Gifts Here! Join “Your Divine Uniqueness” here, and you’l instantly receive a Welcome Gift bundle of healing and support. This series offers the support of powerful healing processes from transformational masters and teachers. So please join me for Bringing in the Wisdom of the Higher Realms! Join now and allow these gifts of healing and support to flow to you. Much Love and Light, Caroline 

March Energy Forecast 💚

Happy March Adita! This month, we stand on the threshold of a new reality of our own making, consciously crafted from the depths of our newly expanded consciousness.   This is a thrilling prospect, for it signifies a departure from past choices and habits that no longer resonate with our true essence.   In this newfound clarity, we are afforded the opportunity to make decisions from a place of empowerment and genuine self-awareness.   You can read all about it and what’s coming up this month in the March Energy Forecast titled A Season of Rewards.

With gratitude,


Big Things Are Happening on Earth ∞The Andromedan Council of Light


Big Things Are Happening on Earth ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

It is an opportune time for you all to be considering what is happening because of you and what happening because of what is ‘out there.’ You do have a tendency to give more power away to what is happening out there and to take less consideration of what is happening inside of you. This is true whether you are spiritually awake or not. We have a desire to give you back your power, to remind you of your power, to show you how powerful you are.

Now, there are times when a belief in something outside of you can serve you very well, and there are other times when a belief in something outside of you is debilitating to you, preventing you from having something that you want or living a happy, healthy life. And so, the person who is willing to look within and ask themselves the most important questions is the person who is going to thrive the most there on Earth. Ask yourself the question on a regular basis of, ‘Is this just me?’

In other words, is it just your perception of reality? Is it that you feel the way that you feel for a very specific reason, one that is true for you but not for everyone else. As you look upon the landscape of the larger world and universe around you, it is easy these days to attribute many things to what is occurring outside of you. And we will always direct you back within yourselves to examine what your perspective is, what your thoughts are, what your beliefs are, and how you are feeling, because we know it serves you most to have your self-examination in that way.

Now, there is always going to be a lot going on there Earth, because of the changes that are already underway, but whenever something is affecting everyone on the planet by its mere existence, you also have to realize that it’s affecting everyone in very unique ways. Not everyone is affected by the same global event in the same way. And as you realize that, you realize you get to determine with your choice how something is going to affect you and what you’re going to do with it. If it is something that offers you the opportunity to step into your power more, then use it. If it is something that feels disempowering to you, then analyze that.

Go deeper within yourself, and ask yourself why. Why do you feel that this event that’s happening outside of you is disempowering you? Because you will come to some wonderful realizations when you do that, and you need to know how powerful you are. You need to know it, and you need to experience it, and you will not experience it until you know it. Remember that when you change your perspective on something, you change it, and that happens quite literally whether you’re doing it consciously or not.

Living a conscious life of self-examination is going to get you very far in terms of your goals and living the life that you want to live. So we encourage you to only give something power that is outside of you if you believe it is helping you in some way, and also, realize that you are utilizing your belief in it as you do so. Because then it can remain a positive thing for you, and you can have more positive aspects of life there on Earth to assist you on your journey.

We are here to assist you on your journey by giving you these types of teachings and by encouraging you to apply them to your lives. We know your lives will get better if you do, and we know that you don’t need us to wave a magic wand from our star system to make everything better for you and everyone else there on Earth.

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”