Discover the Transformative Benefits of the “Steps Back to Me” Series 💜


Hello my Friend!


Speaking mainly (but not completely) to the women here —

Are you ready to rediscover the vibrant self you’ve lost in life’s shuffle?

It’s time to step into your new chapter with confidence and Joy!

Please join us for:

Steps Back to Me

Strategies to Help Women Reclaim and Recalibrate Life After Divorce
(or other huge life changes)

Now thru December 8, 2023

[Name & email address is fine]

This summit was created by my dear friend, Debb Jeremiah, your guide on this Transformative journey.

Debb’s life once mirrored a tale of self-neglect and lost dreams. Post-divorce, she has turned her struggle into a beacon of hope for others.

If you have ever felt the shadow of being alone, defeated, or have forgotten who you are, “Steps Back to Me” is your lifeline.

You might want to attend this FREE online series if you’re experiencing:

  • Emotional distress
  • Parenting challenges
  • Financial uncertainties
  • Changes in housing and living arrangements
  • Legal complexities

And if you are:

  • Adjusting to a changed support system
  • Finding it hard to re-enter the dating world
  • Struggling with lowered self-esteem and self-image
  • Making career adjustments
  • Dealing with health issues
  • Grappling with the loss of shared future plans while re-imagining your life

Debb’s beautifully aware group of speakers (including the higher energies and support of the Collective!) will guide you through holistic strategies tailored for life enhancement.

You will explore tools and techniques designed to elevate your personal well-being and assist in navigating your journey — post-divorce or post-breakup, and other after other hard moments in life.


The form will ask for your phone number — skip that if you prefer, and
just enter your name & email address

This series is a community where experts and real-life stories guide you toward the vibrant future your deserve.

Time to unlock the door to strategies, resources, and collective wisdom essential for navigating recovery from divorce or other shocks and struggles.

You can transform despair into joyful purpose, and exchange overwhelm for empowerment. 

Claim your free seat by going here:

Let’s reignite your life’s passion and purpose together!

Much Love & Light,


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