Limitless Being with Archangel Raphael


Hello Beautiful ,

There is a ripple effect in our world, as we come into our power + embody more light…

We elevate everything.

Collective consciousness lifts.

People who are seeking, or reaching for clarity, and connection find it more easily.

Someone wanting to believe in the non-physical sees and feels that they’ll have company if they follow their inner knowing.

Those wanting to encourage others, find the right words. Smiles and cheerfulness expands.

There is more kindness and people notice and focus on good things more easily.

Everything lightens up more and more.


For most of us, this year has been an experience of continually integrating incredibly relentless incoming energies, and also, perhaps?

One of profound awareness and joy, as the REALITY OF ASCENSION becomes more and more felt, apparent, visible, and REAL.

The world is CHANGING. The frequency of the planet is RISING.
The Universe and the non-physical are providing us with ample assistance and guidance. And now?

I’m told: It’s time for the Lightworkers and Way Showers to THRIVE.

It’s time for the Wayshowers and Lightworkers to becoming radiant demonstrations of what is possible, now…

And Archangel Raphael is kicking this off with an invitation to:


Today’s new message from Archangel Raphael speaks to all of this and more, whlie laying out the invitation to our new program:

I hope you’ll gift yourself with reading this message, and take to heart the very real possibility that 2024 could be the most wonderful and expansive year of your Life…!!!!

And that the keys to allowing that are ALREADY YOURS.

You have everything that is needed.

We’re inviting you to come and get what you might think of as your user manual for accessing the inner gifts and incoming gifts of this time and this coming year…

And to think of this as PLAY!

We’ll share with you a wonderfully simple and clear method of daily focusing to generate amazing momentum towards what matters most for you, and begin to tune your energy to it and evolve your beliefs and expectations as you do this…

Very easily and gently…
And supported with and by the most luminous empowering clarity and healing, from Archangel Raphael.

Note: this program also includes the Solstice Event and making the most of the 12:12 energies — which will both be HUGE this year…

I am so happy about this!!

And this message and this whole program all came through on a current of joyful exhilarating energy this morning, by me using the very approach to creating that we’re going to be sharing in this program…


We begin this Friday!


Here’s to being a presence of love and wholeness in the world.

FEELING good. Being clear and true.

To lighting up and doing our part to elevate and change our world, by being our most radiant selves!!

To being and doing and having what calls to us, so we can SOAR and THRIVE and GLOW, with joy and light and energy….🔥 and the promise of a new world.

Amen? Amen!

I love you! I am SO excited for all we’ve accomplished and now? For this beautiful co-creation … this uplifting and healing and elevating and empowering “On-ramp” into the new year…with Archangel Raphael.

I’d LOVE to share this with you!
You can check it all out here:

👉 Your Invitation to Luminous Being

Blessings and light,



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