You can lift even higher.


Hello, Beautiful —

I really believe in our power.

AND in the immense support we’re receiving ALL THE TIME.


Everything is happening FOR US.

We came here, with the ability to wake up, remember and transform anything we’re aware of and decide to change. 

We get to choose.

We have our will and our power of focus, and that is EVERYTHING.

We can decide to align with and receive a game-changing shift.

A breakthrough that lifts our life into a new, higher expression.

It’s amazing to discover you have this in you, and then, to do the radical things, of living this way.

If it helps, remember: power is just energy and light, used with focus and intention.

And skillfully finding your groove with this is the key to being who you came here to be.

This is how people become joyful radiant flowing beings of light.

It’s IN US. This very beautiful and yet, commonplace POWER.

The power to heal ourselves, to change ourselves and our lives..

To make decisions, and align with them using our will, and to invite the POWER OF CREATION to then flow through us, as we set ourselves FREE.

But are we doing this?

Are we transforming the oh-so-very familiar parts of our expectations, our stories, our inner guilt, shame, self-doubt, and all the other ways we’ve grown accustomed to viewing ourselves and what’s possible for our lives?

Not as much as we could. And in truth, I see us putting up with having way too little, for too long.

This is the legacy of the past — of separation, and limitation. Of lack and loss.

We don’t leverage our innate gifts and let Life Itself support us. Not that much, really.

Not because we don’t see the value in it. Or don’t believe it would serve us. 

I suspect mostly, it’s unconscious.

We’re just too used to where we are.

So even if, MORE calls to us. We hesitate. Hold back.

Then, over time, that call gets fainter.

And we can lose touch with our deepest desires.

But they do not go away.

Our desires are here for a reason — they’re the Divine speaking to us.

Our desires are our innermost self, our Divine Self, guiding us. Leading the way.

And I’m here to remind US ALL:

THIS LIFETIME is about exaltation.

Not just improvement, or fun, but being lifted to an entirely new level of being.

THIS is why, *Archangel Michael is prompting me right now… *

This is why we’re inviting you to join us for CLEARING THE PAST, so you might create the inner spaciousness and reclaim your power…

And create a significant and powerful shift in your consciousness and in your manifest experience.

So you remember


Are you willing to picture and receive HIGHER THOUGHTS about YOURSELF & YOUR LIFE?

And then to let them manifest?

We invite you, to open to receive, and to join us, for CLEARING THE PAST, where,

Over a series of 5 weeks, we’ll provide the experiences and materials and you will…

  • Be led through a gentle, reliable process of upgrading your energy. Making space and clearing the past and forgiving those you are ready, or wish to forgive;

  • Experience your energy in a new way. By receiving clear, uplifting channeled guidance, inner journeys, and energy activations and infusions that reconnect you with your alchemical power, via an expanded relationship with your guides, Divine Self and the Council of Radiant LIght and working with the 7th Ray;

  • So you can use your power to choose and decide, to make real (TRUE) more supportive, aligned beliefs and release the outdated stories from the past;
  • Find yourself manifesting new experiences, feeling more alive, energetic and living with a positive expectation;

  • Become more confidence and skillful in shifting your patterns, releasing what no longer serves you and feel confident you can create new ways of aligning and supporting yourself as your desires expand. (This experience will be one you can use again and again in opening up your flow, releasing the past and moving with curiosity and joy into your future).

  • Beyond personal history, we’ll guide you through a survey that helps you to identify cultural norms and ideals which you’ve felt the need to meet, and embody, even if they were not natural or authentic for you.

  • Begin to sense the freedom and opportunity to drop these external expectations and start to open up to your authentic, inner truths, with love and curiosity.
  • Activate Divine Expression and the Divine Perfection for your Life. Open to higher, more exalted and joyful visions for who you might be, how you might live and open to the freedom and expansive energy of being more true and aligned.

  • Elevate your own thoughts, feelings and expectations about your life, now. Expand into a new story, which supports you and aligns with your desires. Begin to feel powerful, capable, free, expanded and eager for the new life you’re choosing to arise in your experience.

We are so excited to share this new program with you!

✨ A channeled invitation from Archangel Michael + program details is here:

So, if you’ve been feeling ready to shift more and more into your own higher Self, to live more and more of your life in Unity Consciousness, …

To acclimate to higher frequencies and embody them…

If you feel called to serve, to create, to expand, to evolve…

YOU can use Clearing the Past, to shift into more of that…

And, if you’re weary, in pain, or feeling dissatisfaction, discouragement, overwhelm, self-doubt or sadness…

Realize: these are all indications of being out of your power. Pinching off your inner connection to the flow of LIFE.

These feeling states, indicate you’re in a momentum, which is diminishing your connection with who you truly are.

It makes it hard, or even feel like it’s impossible to receive from your Divine Self…

The SOURCE of all guidance and consciousness that can shift you, and support.

All of this, too, can benefit from Clearing the Past.

Anything that holds us back, or is now, obsolete, can be released, transformed, elevated, or simply replaced with the loving, empowering, supportive mindset and a belief system that is aligned with who you are now and who you want to become.

All the power lies within us.

But it’s up to us, to claim it.

We’d love to show you how.

So even though this is called, CLEARING THE PAST, it could be called:



But we’ll just say this about that:

We’ll provide you with a progressive, gentle, simple and beautiful unfolding journey …

We invite YOU to bring the willingness, the openness to receive more and to feel happier and more free.

And if you do, we are quite certain you will reconnect with an amazing flow…

Of the ascending current…

Feeling, once again, the enormous expansive enthusiasm for life that you had before you came into this body.

So, Beautiful One…

Ask yourself: is this MY TIME? Am I ready for more?

AND listen. Feel how this feels to you.

TRUST your inner knowing.

Wisdom is your innermost knowing of what serves you now, what is your SOUL CALLING YOU TO?


If you are joining us, welcome to CLEARING THE PAST, .

Here’s to your RADIANT JOY.

You being YOU, even more, feeling amazing, and Oh, SOOOoooo VERY FREE!

Here’s to living with THAT, now. (Smile!)

I love you!!


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