Spring Equinox Webinar – March 20!
None of us know fully exactly what the Mother’s Plan entails in shifting us to a new realm of time and space. A space that feels like it has no edges and is filled with unlimited potential.
All of us have been experiencing what this Divine Lighting Bolt, that extreme quotient of Light, tossed into our lives feels like. The highs, the lows, the exhaustion, the incredible energy surges – the extreme ups and downs and in-betweens – we’re all feeling and experiencing that! Change is the watchword and theme of the day.
The Mother told us that this adjustment would take us through the first quarter of 2023 – well friends, that brings us to the Spring Equinox. Come join the Council, including the Divine Mother and our star family, to learn, attune and haromonize what’s next in this unfoldment of the Divine Plan.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you at our live zoom COL webinar March 20 at 11 AM Eastern. And yes, the session will be recorded for viewing and review after our time together. xxx Linda
For more information or to register, click here
The Mother sure knows how to keep me on my toes. Imagine my surprise when, just as we’re adjusting to the idea of a new time wave and frequency, She came and downloaded a whole new class. The Mother has titled this new class Embracing Sacred Love. New material, new meditations and most importantly, a massive expansion in what we as humans think of as Love. Her Invitation says it all:
This new series is the Mother’s project and our next step as we step fully into Her New Time. This is our beloved Mother literally taking us by the hand and showing us how to embrace and be the Love in ways we haven’t accessed or experienced before. When you look at the outline of the class, it appears amazingly organized and structured. But understand, the real agenda, the real transmission is simply about embracing Love. Embracing love in and for ourselves and all our relationships in a way that is much bigger, grander, and fulfilling than we ever imagined.
Is there anyone who doesn’t want to know, experience and be the Love more personally, more universally – to know Love in every fiber of our being? To witness and participate in Love in every interaction, relationship and experience? I sure do!
We start April 15 – I really hope you’ll join me for this new adventure.
For more information or to register, click here.