A New Message to Light Bringers 💜


Hello, my Friend & Fellow Traveler!

As always, I pray you are well.

Interesting times! Even as we see the world struggling from conflict, natural disaster, and shakeups on levels, we are ourselves are often in an internal struggle.

As these powerful solar Light waves from our transfiguring Sun Sol pour in, they’re showing us what — after to hundreds of Earth lives — we have not yet healed.

The Collective offer some powerful energy work in this week’s Message.

And they remind us that the self we see as vulnerable and alone some days is neither of those things, in our true form:

We would say, that what you experience now, with the shocks and jolts of a fast-shifting world, is not only due to the Solar Light Waves, but to your own decisions to bring Earth back into the Galactic Federation and the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds.

Most of you are expert at various forms of either commanding a ship on an intergalactic mission, or at fulfilling various powerful roles within a command . . .

This is your Earth mission, and you are all involved in it, though without much conscious awareness of such in your waking state.

Great is the confusion of energies within you now. Yet in your sleep state, as we have noted many times, you are never confused, or overwhelmed.

Your actions while in the etheric—and this is your true self—are that of very old souls with a vital role, pre-determined by you, that you are living out powerfully, without waiting for any outer situation to improve before you realize your full empowerment.

You have accepted that dealing with the issues you name is your empowerment, demonstrated within your daily Earth life . . . “

The word Sovereignty keeps coming up for us. And that’s what we’re regaining.

I hope you find this week’s Message a beautiful support, my friend!

With great Love, and great Thanks for all you are,

P S  Apologies that due to YouTube technical madness, we had to create a whole new link on the spot for the March Energy Update with Bonnie Serratore, which you’ll find here.

Bonnie gave an amazing update! (Though alas, my internet was unsteady.) But hope you enjoy it!

P P S In this video — no technical issues — I relay messages from our higher selves, on the hiking trail in Sedona:

Reclaiming Your Authentic Self: Surfing Solar Light Waves

P P S  A quick final reminder! The Healthy Love Show, a brilliant interview series, starts soon!

And it’s your Free Ticket to understanding relationships in ways that powerfully lift your perspective and your heart-space to a new, higher level.

Sign up here, and enjoy!


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