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Blue Ray Ascension Symptoms: Mercury Retrograde
The New Moon and the Solstice 
Ultra-sensitivity Upgrades and Shifts of the Starseeds, New Forerunners, Angelic Star Tribes, The Calling of the Shekinah Sacred Feminine Holy Fire of Presence
The cosmos is communicating through your body template with the Mercury Retrograde to release, clear, transmute and transcend for the New Year-the awakening of your multidimensional essence. 
You are becoming a walking, living breathing Galactic Angelic emissary, a conduit of Divine Love of the One New Universe. Your future selves are transmitting new pathways through your cells of enhanced spirit communion of time travel of dimensions and the divine realms. You are being awakened in connection to your higher guides, clear knowing, empathic sensory telepathy with your star family groups.
Many will be feeling ultra-super-sensitive, bringing a new awareness and light of enhanced communion with your true essence, offering spiritual tools of clarity in your relationships, perceptions, programs and beliefs to a higher path of the Purity of soul-the embodiment of LOVE.
Your body may experience challenges in digesting the foods you once did. You are receiving and awakening the ancient codes of the body template through the Sacred Divine Feminine Sophia Shekinah. You may require a higher frequency diet to attune to the cosmic source field of light.
Signs and Symptoms and of Crystalline Shekinah Holy Fire Body Template
Fatigue, requiring inward and rest time, Nature time
Nurturing the new being into presence
Projects, connections, situations, old gateways and certain relationships will end as the 10:10 gateway of new beginnings opens to expanding opportunities
Sadness transformed to Joy by letting go
Miracle resolutions of new pathways coming out of nowhere as you relax and allow Nature and Life to guide and show you.
You are the light of the new song of the New One Universe-it’s happening through YOU. You are the galactic commander, Angel of Presence that is orchestrating the direction, flow and timeline for the Creator. You are super significant, your presence a divine reward to the whole of creation. What you choose, how you feel, your thoughts, will either uplift, inspire, bring love or pain and suffering to the world and your future self.
You are the direction of the energies of your future and the future of Humanity, the New Earth. You are greatly loved, cherished and seen, and beloved, never alone! I love you!
{Please share on other sites and forums, this will help other light workers just add the links here with channel thank you!} Shekina Rose 

Copyright ©  by Shekina Rose of  

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