Ascension Update: 2025 Energies + Power of Living Field of Ascension


Ascension Update + Encouragement
by Ailia Mira ~ 9 January 2025

Hello Beautiful !

2025 Energies are very different.
They’re vast, the vibrational spectrum is significantly enriched, the energies are intense and flowing through us; surging us forward.

The latest channeled message from Melchizedek the Universal Logos explained the incredible benefit and planetary service of being a WorldBridger — as forerunners move into ascended frequencies, receive ascension initiations (many happen during sleep) and now we focus on integrating the ascension templates and codes these initiations empower, we become WorldBridgers.

The way we do this is to stay focused on inner harmony, love, peace, cultivating a flow in which we feel trust — Self Trust and a growing Trust in Life Itself.

“We are the ones we have been waiting for,” feels more relevant to me now, then ever before. If you’ve not yet read the New Channeling from Melchizedek, which is also an Activating Transmission, I encourage you to do so now. You can find it here:


Archangel Michael has made me aware that when the outer planets change signs as they are this year, the movement is both rebooting cosmic connections and supporting states of mind, where the mind expands and merges with higher mind and pure potential.

The more time we spend in these states — where our mind is quiet, open, spacious and expands, naturally merging with the primordial mind, the more access we have to new opportunities, new ideas, new potentials, and new states of being.

These outer planets, often called “generational” planets because they move more slowly and have a significant effect on trends in society and collective psychology are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In 2025 (a “9” year) each of them is moving into 0° in new signs.

The key to now, and to aligning with your highest path and greatest joy and our collective path of Oneness, is to focus on the higher timeline, the emerging energetic experience on the inner planes, and our intention and desire to ascend; to embody and evolve into higher consciousness and conscious Oneness with more expansive fields of energy and consciousness.

When you focus on the emerging, higher timeline, sometimes called the New Earth, IT draws you into it’s energy template. Your focus on it, attunes you to it and then IT can envelop you, draw you further into resonance, energizing you with beneficial potentials (keys, codes, templates, connections).

Realize that ASCENSION is a template; a LIVING evolving pattern, with specific intrinsic structure that expands into full expression. The same way an acorn has a living, evolving pattern to become an oak tree.

When you focus upon ASCENSION, your awareness of it; treasure your knowing that this is occurring; intent to participate and evolve in this flow, you are not only moving into the ascending flow, the ASCENSION Template, or Pattern, this LIVING CONSCIOUS LightBody if you will, emanating from higher mind, draws you in.

In the past I remember Meredith and myself channeling about how Earth Itself, was drawing us forward in Ascension. That we could allow the Ascending Earth to carry us, to draw us forward and upward. This is a similar, but much more expansive realization. That there is this vast unified, intelligent, evolving field of consciousness and energy that is ASCENSION. Ascension isn’t really a thing to accomplish, or accept, it’s vast living intelligent field; a pattern with clear intent; an energetic experience to choose, align with, cultivate resonance with, allow and BECOME ONE WITH. That is what I think we’ll be becoming more and more aware of in the coming year and as that knowing deepens, it will alter everything…

In part, through belonging — through the experiential ONENESS of it.

The New Conscious Evolution program overlit by Melchizedek the Universal Logos, Archangel Michael, and our other Angelic Friends, is already opening up our awareness of this. You’ll feel it in the invitation and the message from Melchizedek.

In that co-creation we’ll be working deeply with all of this, allowing ourselves to acclimate to these vast perspectives in a way that brings them down to day to day life. Practical, beautiful, grounded, love-filled ways of co-creating and continuing on our ascension journey. We’ll also be introduced to connections within the planetary realm, the solar realm, the galactic realm and the universal realm… This is an opportunity to be supported energetically, and guided in opening up new connections, to energy and light that can further your own unique divine expression being revealed to you, from within and opening up and blossoming in your day to day life, in a very natural and real way.

I am looking forward to this co-creation in a way I’ve never before experienced. I can feel the completely unprecedented opportunities emerging and the vastness and powerful intelligence that is the basis of my own being! It’s wild and beautiful and also, in some completely grounded way, feels like the obvious, and natural next thing. How wonderful is that?

If this speaks to you, please check it out:
With Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, Archangel Michael, and more…

II’ve written lately on social media and in my newsletters about the LA fires. I live in Pasadena now, and for the last 20+ and lived for 10 years in Altadena, which are both significantly affected by these fires. #eatonfire It’s been intense, super stressful, fear-inducing, and also something that I choose to experience by becoming fully present. I did this so I could feel my way into what was right for me. So I could allow my intuition and family of light to guide me. So I could choose wisely, be in knowing, and flow with that.

As I’ve done that, I’ve found rest, connection, incredible love and support and although it’s been tiring and required me to overcome staying with what was familiar and known, has led to inner peace and joy, even amid this.

I flowed into an open hearted states of harmony, peace and expanded awareness. I am in this, feeling the potential and possibilities arising in my and our ascension, while also grieving with my friends and neighbors, and feeling the feelings that are overwhelming for my nervous system and unfathomable for my mind, as I see places I love and live and have hiked thousands of times and live presently, transformed by fire.

We can do this. We can ascend. We can do this even when life surprises us in very challenging ways. I hadn’t thought about it directly, but as I write to you now, of course I TRUST LIFE, so somehow this will all weave into what is arising, dissolving, and the many personal and collective choices we’re each making and aligning with.

If That I can come into this awareness in only a couple of days, even with a challenge like the one presenting currently, is encouraging and also a demonstration of what I’ve shared here. As I realized that I was SUPER STRESSED + TIRED… As I realized I was having trouble keeping up and integrating what was happening LIVE IN MY LIFE… As I accepted — easily actually — that I just had to do what I knew to do, choice wise, even if I was tired, or it felt like a lot — to accept the safety and well-being these intuitive choices were making available to me. I have come home to my inner, multidimensional heart-center in a deeper and more open way.

I look forward to healing and building with my community as this new me. I look forward to channeling and ascending and making art and writing and teaching and painting and taking long dog walks with Lily as this new me! I feel excited to be ALIVE in this way. And as I am aware and present right now, I AM the Divine Perfection. I AM who I truly am. And I feel the naturalness of it, and the pleasure.

Wishing all of us many, many, many more of these moments, and the powerful expansion that I know is part of sustaining and stabilizing in these higher states of BEING!

Blessings and love friends,




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