Prayers for John’s Highest Good
Dear Loving Souls, This is Kirstie, John’s daughter. I am writing to you all today with a request for your loving energy and prayers for him. In the last year, Dad’s health has waned rather significantly, although, in true British fashion, he downplayed things and was not forthcoming about many details of the experiences he was having in his physical body. In the last 3-4 months the decline has been steep, and I had to make the call to take him into the ER for help. To honour his wishes and privacy I will simply say, there are many complications and there is no clear path forward. There are only questions and we recognize our somewhat limited human minds cannot see or understand the answers at this time. I humbly ask you all to please send John your clearest intentional energy and prayers for his Highest Good, and the Highest Good of all of us, in our loving web of connection across this time and space that we are living through together. In Love, Peace, Gratitude and JOY for this wonderful Life we get to experience, Kirstie |