Hello, Beautiful ~
If you’ve been feeling intense inner pressure, you’re not alone. I’ve been feeling it too.
It took a few for me to put into words what I’m being shown…but once I was able to express it, it helped. So I am writing to share it with you.
And to share with you the first channeled message I’ve received so far, about the upcoming Eclipse Cycle and the Equinox, which are really an ongoing elaboration of what we’re already feeling. The energies are here already… and they’re:
What I realized when I first tuned into this?
All the ways any of us have always held back or played small will simply not work anymore.
No matter how much we may try to revert back to the way it was…Our expansive heart will no longer tolerate diminished aliveness.
We’re going to have to learn to believe we can have more and are worthy of more.
There’s no going back. Only expansion. Only becoming MORE.
This is the REAL US, and it is arising, engulfing us and expanding us, from within.
I realized this on Saturday and the clarity of it has only expanded since then.
Today I received the channeled messages about the Eclipse Cycle and a offering — Liberating Your Golden Essence. This is a series of 6 Transmission Experiences that will support us through in working with the Eclipse Energies — which again, are already here — and the Equinox, and beyond with some powerful activations and guided inner light work and journeys to co-create with your Divine Self and access new capacities within you now available.
The focus in this message, and the energy is just so beautiful.
Archangel Michael speaks of our inner golden essence and our Spiritual Home in a way that moved me and made me feel so loved.
If you’ve been CRAVING soul family.
Feeling you really want more connection. More of anything, really….
Please click the link below and receive this message from Archangel Michael:
👉 The Harmonic Potentials — About this Time
From now through the end of the year and into early January, what I’m receiving is telling us, EVERYTHING is going to change dramatically.
That we will look back on this year, 2024 and especially these last four months and find it hard to believe all that was revealed and all that was elevated and transformed within us and also in the collective.
We’re entering a harvest time and a final clean-up of so much that will lay the groundwork for the more we-focused, love-filled world we know we’re moving into.
The fruits of this devotion and love are showing…
Feel that and celebrate.
And also? Get ready to open up fully and let yourself be CHANGED by the next six weeks and this Eclipse Cycle and the rest of this year.
Because it’s only increasing. And all of it is happening because there is inner liberation going on.
I love you all so much.
Thank you for your ongoing, heart-centered BEAUTIFUL Beingness.
I hope you’ll join us for the Eclipse Program, it’s going to be A BIG WOW.
🔥 🤗
Blessings and love,