Potentials to Heal Relationships – Resolving Wounds

Potentials to Heal Relationships – Resolving Wounds

Discovering A New Path Forward

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to focus on relationships and love. This week’s energies are putting a spotlight on these themes. Continue reading to understand this and how to apply it in your life.


Relationships are the cornerstone of our learning and spiritual growth. During these times of mega change, relationships will be tested continually. I include here all kinds of relationships – including romantic, platonic, work.

Even with harmonious energies in play, our connections with others can be challenging. When challenged, we are at choice regarding whether we respond to others with love or ego-based fear.

The key is being conscious and self-aware as we interact with others. As I spoke about last week, we as spiritual warriors are learning that our words to each other are powerful and that our ego – when not well managed – can create wounds and heartache.

Heart-Opening Energies

This week began with some heart-opening energies, beneficial for healing misunderstandings and wounds involving others. To take advantage of this, I suggest you invite this energy into your spiritual practice and meditations.

Healing Misunderstandings And Wounds With Others

Misunderstandings between people happen regularly, often because of assumptions and details not fully communicated. Examples below.

(1) When you know someone on more than a surface level, you could assume that your silence, description of something, or request was sufficient. Meanwhile, the other person could misinterpret silence or partial communication as lacking or hurtful. Another way this could play out: the other person didn’t interpret your interaction as something requiring their response.

(2) During roller coaster energies catalyzing fiery emotions, the tone between people can degrade from one of heart-centeredness to a reactive fear-based communication exchange. This can happen in a flash! The ego then takes center stage, leaving damage control to attend to later. Keep in mind: communications can be telepathic, get revealed in body language, or via an ego-stimulated dialogue with words that can wound.

(3) Words matter in all relationships. Even one word – which needed to be said but wasn’t – or the lack of closure between people discussing a time-sensitive topic, can leave a wound. What sometimes happens next is a ego-created grudge within one or both people. This is what can result when both people lack the presence and self-awareness to respond in a heart-centered way during a communication. It can be quite subtle, yet the wound is there.

I suggest that you reflect on these examples. Yours may be quite different than those I’ve mentioned. Invite your higher guidance to reveal a theme to explore. Trust me, taking the time to do this in present time – vs years from now and carrying within you a wound – will transform your life trajectory.

I look forward to having your feedback on these ideas and how applying them begins to change your life for the better.

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses, Sessions

  • Energies – August 4 Leo New Moon * August 19 Aquarius Full Moon * September 2 Virgo New Moon * September 17 Pisces Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse
  • Global MeditationsAugust 17 Full Moon * September 21 Equinox and others monthly on Zoom with professional sound (1.5 hours starting at 6:30pm PDT * call in at 6:15pm PDT for group sharing * benefit further by re-listening to the recording)
  • Divine Changemakers 2024 Course“Spiritual Warrior Changemaker” – Selacia’s brand-new 4-week course starting in September * more info and registration below
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Personal Support & Astrology 1-1 Sessionsfor deeper work – recorded on Zoom


Thank you for being here with me, and for your ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



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