Hello Beautiful ~
What a wild ride this year has been… and it’s AMPING UP EVEN MORE.
This email has information I think will light you up. Give you a sense of inner peace and also tune you into who you truly are.
NOTE: The highlighted section at the bottom is especially for anyone feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or worried about the world right now… So do, read on. And drink deeply of the LOVE that is here for you.
Dear Friend — we are now IN what has become one of my favorite times of year:
Welcome to the Sirian Stargate!! 🎉
Last year was the first year I was guided to work with these energies AND. Wow!
Today, I got the full download on this year’s energy potentials and I’m so excited to share the channeling with you and invite you to co-create with us!
Everything that we’ve been working with since the March Equinox has been preparing us for this time. Those hugely powerful Eclipses…? The incredible solar activity in May and June? The June Solstice? All of it is ramping up to THIS.
And I am SO excited about it. And my inner sense of the EMPOWERMENTwe’ll be initiated into. And the joy and fun we’re about to have as we liberate ourselves INTO higher light expression.
First thing to know? There is an exponential accelerating quality to this energy.
I channeled with Archangel Michael & my Non-Physical Team for hours today, preparing the field and receiving the information and energy of this offering.
As we worked with it and set the synergistic field (more on this in the linked message below) everything just kept accelerating, and expanding.
Even as I say this and am thinking about it right now, I feel the energy within me doing it again — accelerating and expanding. It’s WILD. And pretty cool feeling. Although I’m definitely a bit buzzy!!!
💙 Archangel Michael and friends had a lot to say, delivered what feels to me, like an awesome new program (REALLY GIVING US A LOT OF DETAIL ABOUT WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN).
Then they worked with me on initiating this field, so it’s LIVE and juiced up and they’re IN IT, to support us.
Do you feel how loved we are?
All this, so we might make the most of the time between now and the Lion’s Gate in August.
How great is that? And also?
This is, I’m being told, is a time of INITIATION. 🔥
As a friend of mine, who writes beautifully about astrology (Ronnie Grishman) shared today:
“This is not just the Sun’s annual conjunction with Sirius but it is a New Moon*—a joining of the Lights, our two most vital orbs, a magical creative cosmic alignment with our Spiritual Sun, the Star of Initiation, and through which the pure energy of gracious good Love flows through the solar center and into the planetary Heart and through this alignment a portal of higher frequencies opens as the sacred Lights are set aglow in our solar system.”
This time. These energies. ALL OF IT, is INITIATING US, into an acceleration of Divine Embodiment and Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangel Hermes and our other friends have laid out a beautiful, synergistic program to support us in making the most of this:
Know that you can already connect with this field and energy by calling upon Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light and asking for them to connect you to the Sirian Stargate Initiation. My sense is I will connect to this field of energy daily now.
We’ll be working more with all this, in our live, 7-7 Event ON SUNDAY, July 7and in the new program that includes that…
And they’re also saying that this is a time, activating higher ascension! For stabilizing our emotions and elevating our identity through the Divine Self, and liberating ourselves…
To allow MORE abundance, of all kinds.
READ the channeled message from Archangel Michael and friends:
👉 The 7-7 Stargate, Your Evolution and an Invitation
I think you’re going to like this. (It rather SOARS!)
More soon.
There is A LOT opening up and expanding right now…
PLEASE NOTE: If you’ve been tired. Overwhelmed. Feeling worried about the world or anything else that is hard, and exhausting, there is now a very high vibe uplifting energy flowing in and you can tap into it and LET IT NOURISH YOU DEEPLY.
All of it is supporting and benefitting US. Bask in it friends.
And feel the LOVE. YOU are SO DEEPLY LOVED.
Blessings and so much LIGHT!
*The new moon is FRIDAY, July 5.
This program includes 5 Tranmsission Experiences, arranged to provide us with the empowerments to make the most of this! Get ALL the dates and details here.
There is also the option to join the 7-7 Event, and the Lion’s Gate, on 8-8, by themselves, if you wish. Click the link above and scroll to the bottom of the page if you wish to register for a single event.