Greetings Angel Friends!
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All Angel Blessings to You!
Join us this Thursday, June 20 at 4:44 PM PT / 7:44 ET for our 2024 Summer Solstice Angel Circle. This is an ideal time to do this special Spiritual Energy work with the help and assistance of your Personal Angel Team.
The 2024 Summer Solstice energies are especially strong this year and co-joining with the Moon’s Lunar Energies to create both a Solar and Lunar Tide of Celestial Energies.
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These are the Peak Transformative Energies of the year for expanding your capacity to embrace & integrate the Energies of Light & Love and to release energy cords of darkness and fear that are holding you back.
We will also focus on our 3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus Power Center.Solar means sun and plexus means power and we will have the opportunity to receive more pure Divine Power as the source of your power and learn to release the fear-based limitations that diminish your ability to channel this power to fuel your highest and best intention.
Your third chakra is your “Solar power” center that connects you to our Sun, Sol, and the solar logos for our solar system. Our Sun is also the solar portal, or “Star Gate,” that connects you with the Central Sun of our Milky Way Galaxy and then through to the Universal Central Sun and pure love-based creative source energy.
During our Solstice gathering, we will work with our Guardian Angel, Kindle Archangel, Angel Teams, and our council of Masters & Guides that support us in our expansion and evolution with this powerful infusion of Solstice Solar Logo Light.
Our Angels will guide us into our Soul Memories of our Soul Mission, purpose, gifts & karmic challenges in this lifetime.
This Circle will help us to leap forward and our Angels are ready to help us use this Summer Solstice as a “Spiritual Springboard” to increase and accelerate your forward evolution and progress for the remainder of 2024.
Attune, align & more fully integrate your Higher Self for daily guidance & inspiration
Update & Upgrade Your Soul Gifts, Agreements, and Soul Purpose
Receive Direct Immediate Assistance from Your Angels & Guides
Clear Negative Energies, Thoughts & Karma
Release Blocks & Resistance to Seeing, Understanding & Acting on Your Intuition & Higher Self Guidance
In this new 2024 Cycle of Manifestation, Each of Us has a precious and essential part to play in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. Our Angels and Higher Selves will assist us in making the most of the opportunities for intuitive growth right now.
The Divine Mothers guiding the evolution of the Earth at this point in the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” are Quan Yin and Mother Mary – they will also be inspiring, supporting, and assisting us with assimilating and utilizing these New Year’s Creation Energies.
Please also be sure that you are a member of our Facebook Group:
All Angel Blessings to You!