Auspicious Energies Of Wesak Season


Auspicious Energies of Wesak Season

How To Connect With May Opportunities

Hello friends,

Welcome to May – a powerful month filled with opportunities! Continue reading to understand how Wesak season can open doors and assist you with spiritual growth.


As a reminder, we have the ability to change our personal life experience any time. We are infinite beings, after all.

We Divine Changemakers can change our individual life experience by shifting our view. This means our perspective, our focus, and our ability to see beyond the obvious.

Below are some examples of how we can do this. I’d like to emphasize that changing our personal experience is an inside job – having nothing to do with the actual state of our outer world.

How We Change Our View

A life lesson we learn on the spiritual path is the importance of our personal view and how we interpret what we see in the outer world. Transformation begins there, with us as individuals. We are not ‘in charge’ of what everyone else says or does, and we cannot wave a magic wand at our divided hate-driven society and see love everywhere.

How do we change our view? We change our perspective, our focus, and our ability to see beyond what we see being played out in the world. We then discover the stark contrast between being focused only on what is ‘wrong’ and striving for a higher view of situations.

Our ego mind, focused on what is wrong, can keep us in a state of anger and uncertainty. This focus depletes us, reduces our frequency, and blocks clarity of the bigger picture.

The higher view in these moments is what stabilizes us – for we discover what needs to be fully seen and healed before we can have a world based on love. I am convinced that our current battles and dismal times can and will be transformed so we can live together on this small planet. I’m energizing this daily in my meditations and spiritual practice. I recommend that you do the same.

What Does This Mean In Practical Terms?

We stay awake to hate – without internalizing it as our personal view. Similarly, we are mindful of those who seek to have power over others – without allowing our ego to stir hate within us.

We also are mindful of the path we personally walk – showing with our energy and actions that it is love that creates the kind of world we want to live in. We demonstrate this daily, avoiding judgment of others who are lost in fear and ignorant of consequences they create.

We remember that we are Divine Changemakers – alive now use Divine power vs ego power, to help create a metamorphosis of humanity. We trust that this metamorphosis indeed is in the making, despite how dire things look.

How Does Wesak Season Provide An Opportunity?

Wesak season – which began April 22, continues when we celebrate Wesak May 18, and concludes June 15 with our Wesak Solstice meditation – is an auspicious time each year. The veils between dimensions are thinner, and it can be easier to access higher awareness and helpful energies from enlightened beings that previously walked the Earth.

This is an opportunity to access higher-vibrational energies, guidance, and support. With intention, you can invite in these energies on your own during meditation and other inner work.

I also suggest joining our May 18 Wesak global meditation – live or with recording – to go deeper and have direct experiences with enlightened beings who previously walked the Earth. More information on our Wesak meditation below.

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses

  • Energies – May 7 Taurus New Moon * May 23 Sagittarius Full Moon * Wesak Season that began April 22 continues through May 18 Wesak and June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice Global Meditations
  • Global Meditations – May 18 Wesak * June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Reset for Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change July 7-13


For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds. Receive additional benefit by re-listening to the meditation recording a second time – this factors in how your energy continually shifts and your view of things changes too.

Feel free to contact me for more information on my Divine Changemakers courses, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful. Let me know if there’s a certain topic you want me to address or further clarify, too.

I welcome your feedback after attending meditations and courses. And I appreciate your referrals to friends and colleagues who can benefit from my work.

Thank you for being a part of my life experience in these unique moments, and for your ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



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