21 Days of Transformational Healing 🌱



I’m excited to invite you to join me on a healing journey starting in a few weeks! This is your chance to step into a new chapter of your life with greater clarity, more connection to yourself and a true alignment with your intuition.

It’s a journey not just of personal renewal but an act of love that extends back through generations, offering healing to our ancestors and laying a foundation of well-being for those who will follow.

Understanding the significance of the energies coming in at this time, and how to best utilize them, my dear friend Ziad (who also happens to be an Amazing Healing Practitioner) and I are thrilled to extend you an invitation to 21 Days of Healing. 


With the backdrop of the equinox, this journey from March 19th to April 8thpromises to be a sanctuary of growth, healing, and profound shifts.

Here’s what awaits you:

Daily Healing & Guidance: Embrace each day with energy healing being sent your way, accompanied by guidance to help you anchor the healing on a deeper level.

Interactive Zoom Sessions: Join us for two group healing sessions, complete with Q&A and personalized support, ensuring you feel seen, heard, and valued. 

Recordings will be made available for your convenience.

A Nurturing Community: Gain access to our private healing circle, where additional support, spiritual guidance, and updates are shared, fostering a space of belonging and mutual growth.

This is more than an event; it’s an invitation to step into a vibrant new chapter of your life. 

To ensure this opportunity is accessible to all, we’re offering this transformative 21-day journey on a sliding scale.

Remember, spaces are filling up quickly, and this special offer closes at midnight on Sunday, March 17th. 

Embrace this moment to prioritize your healing, and let’s get you feeling more rejuvenated, expanded, and more empowered than ever before. 

Your journey to profound healing and joy awaits at:



With gratitude,




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