Dear Friends, |
We have reached the last month of the year. December will be an exciting month as the threshold energy of the big year of 2024. The year 2024 is an 8 year and so will ask us to step into our Mastery and be ready to ground the New Earth frequency and assist others to reach this frequency too.
The first big energy in December is the 12/12 Portal on the 12th of December, which is also the New Moon in Sagittarius. The Energy will be light and warm and will lift willing souls to a new level of awareness of their Human Angelic Being. It will be a luminous time of Love and Miracles, taking us into the Festive season.
Then, on the 19th of December we will transit the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. At this time the Earth receives a beautiful flow of Diamond Light Codes that will further lift frequency and illuminate the New Earth.
On the 22nd December, the Sun moves into Capricorn and it is also the December Solstice. Here the Sun is having a last powerful connection with Pluto in Capricorn before the Great Transformer, Pluto, moves on into Aquarius. At the same time, the Solstice energies are pouring Golden Solar light and codes down onto the Earth. In the North there will be the shortest day and longest night, and you will celebrate the rebirth of the Light. In the South, there will be the longest day and the shortest night where we celebrate the apex of the lights of Summer. Solstice will indeed be a powerful moment as Earth celebrates the anchoring of the Golden Christ Light on the New Earth.
The Full Moon in Cancer is on the 27th of December, 4 days before the reset of the 1/1 on the 1st of January 2024. This will be a water sign Moon with power and dreaminess, and so will be a good time to meditate on how you wish to empower yourself in 2024.
To celebrate the Festive season, I am inviting you to join an online summit at which I am the keynote speaker. It is all about Miracles and Transformation and I am speaking about “The New Earth and the Field of Dreams: Creating Everyday Miracles”. Click the image below to learn more. |
There is also a special festive season webinar that goes along with the summit called “Creating Miracles 101: The New Earth and the Field of Dreams”. This will be held on the 23rd of December and will help you to stay positive and optimistic over the holidays. Here is the link if you wish to register: |
And, finally, it is my birthday on the 8th of December. I would like to ask from my heart, if you have enjoyed my work in 2023 that you consider making a donation to my Birthday Project which is to support the Cat Rescue Charity in my hometown. |
They do such wonderful work, and I adopted my girl Hali from them, I’ve added a picture of her here. Even a small donation will help. The Back-a-Buddy platform is based in South Africa, but it is a secure site, and you can donate in Dollars, Euros or Pounds. Click here to learn more and make a donation. Thank you so much! |
Have a wonderful December filled with love and joy, Celia |