Benefit From Mercury Retrograde


Benefit From Mercury Retrograde

Tools For Transformation

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to share some tools for making the most of Mercury Retrograde starting today. Continue reading to be inspired about what you can do with the next 23 days until Mercury goes direct September 15.

Tap The Blessings of Mercury Retrograde

While Mercury retrograde can impact communications and delay projects, the silver linings of this particular retrograde are huge! Why? Decisions and key steps you are about to take benefit from taking a step back for more evaluation.

Right about now, you may say to yourself: “I know what I know.” Use this evaluation time to discover what you don’t know – that can radically change your mind and your outcomes.

3 Examples


You are human, with your unique views about what’s ideal and how you go about creating ideal outcomes. There can be wildcards in life – happenstance that when it shows up you are unprepared to navigate. Your human ego-self has fear-based agendas, and can push you to choose prematurely or even make a less-than-ideal choice. When you take a step back and are open to more insights from your inner wisdom, you may choose differently.


When Mercury retrograde stalls a project, do your best to apply patience. You benefit from meditation and applying the energy of letting go. This is part of your role as a Divine Changemaker – learning to own your power to create and trusting that you are being guided to the right thing at the right time. This is divine orchestration at work!


Go deep within yourself and invite a knowing of your assumptions. All of us make assumptions – from very basic notions about what we think will happen. In reality, nothing in life is guaranteed! Certainly, how things in our lives show up can be radically different from day to day. We are constantly-evolving beings! Knowing this, tune into one assumption you have, inviting a knowing of how and IF it applies to your life.

Your Silver Linings

As you work with the tools I’ve provided here, you can create a new start at the Virgo New Moon on September 14-15. When your new start is grounded and practical, your opportunities can manifest more easily. Let me know how it goes!

Coming September 24 – Dancing In The Fire Of Change

I’m now preparing for this year’s Divine Changemakers course – Dancing In The Fire Of Change! I will help you redefine who you ARE on a soul/cosmic level, and learn to own your infinite power. Importantly, I will give you tools to create joy and celebratory vibes in your energy field, lifting you up when the fire of change gets too hot. We will cover astrology in a way that’s practical and life-changing.

More info and registration link below.

Our Next Global Meditation on Equinox

I’m excited about our September 23 Equinox Gateway meditation described more below. Join us by registering now!

For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.

Attend my monthly global meditations that include guided process for life insights and healing of current challenges and old wounds.

If you participate in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course, I suggest working this month with our tools (e.g. “Inner Planes” and “Field of Possibilities”).

Not yet in our “ReAnchor” course? Join anytime HERE.

Feel free to contact me for more information on my new 2023 Divine Changemakers course, and to let me know if a certain article, meditation, or process has been helpful.

Thank you for being a part of my life journey in these auspicious moments, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



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