Kuthumi – The Birthing Bridge

01 March 2023
Hello again fellow Soul Travelers,
Wow, we are in March already and racing toward the March Equinox – a powerful crossroad for us all. The events leading up to this time from 2020 has assisted us in our preparation of a new creation of Earth. We must ALL play a part in this. When you joined Kuthumi School of Wisdom you would have received The Emerald Heart meditation as our thank you gift. This was given to me by Master Kuthumi over 20 years ago. I can say there have been times when I have felt a real need for this meditation in particular. Why? Because the message and the energy of this meditation has been so very needed in the Ethers. You see as you flow through a meditation, a message is released from your Higher Self along with heightened powerful frequencies to the Ethers and on to the Universe. Humanity needs both healing and Soul Light direction now more than ever in our history. We have said this before BUT……as we approach this powerful cosmic Equinox, timing is everything. Kuthumi speaks of The Birthing Bridge. How appropriate that term is as we begin a new 26,000 year cycle. YOU DECIDE YOUR FUTURE!  Some of you are unable to fully comprehend the huge implication of this crossroad we all stand on. You must. I cannot find words to tell you of the importance of this time and of your actions.

Master Kuthumi speaks of the critical times before us. Yes we will face chaos as the old ways begin to crumble away. This has already begun. In his previous message Kuthumi urged you to stand firm in your sovereignty. He speaks of his meaning of this in this latest message. He also gives you a very simple spiritual tool so you can play your part in creating a new Earth of peace and natural abundance. The Universe has and is sending us so much Light to assist us in holding higher frequencies. More Soul wisdom is available to you. The Solar flares from the Sun also assist in this process as well as in the adjustment of your physical body. I have said many times that all enters from the outside – your field – in to the physical body. Your body must be gently prepared to hold the higher frequencies of your new Light body.

We are entering such wondrous and magical times. In the future we will operate within our crystalline Light bodies, holding much higher dimensional energies. Yes. Breathe, it’s true. On the flip side we CANNOT give energy to fear! That will destroy you – cripple you – freeze your higher radar. Be aware of this. But I must ask you where YOU think fear comes from for you? Is it from outer events, from the dark elite wanting control, from enduring lack created by the same? Let me tell you it comes from YOU!! Your choice, your emotion. Please do NOT give it energy. Listen to a channel from Kuthumi, a meditation, look to the beauty of nature, stand barefoot on the grass and really feel the Earth’s heart beat. Come back to your Soul. Always come back home to your Soul energy and comfort.

Light Blessings to each of you

Lynette, Michael, Master Kuthumi and The Great White Brotherhood/Council of Light

Click Here for the Latest Teaching – The Birthing Bridge

Click Here for the Latest Meditation – The Universal Emerald Heart Meditation

It is Kuthumi who gives Lynette the information in any reading
These readings are unique and provide a Master’s guidance.

Click on this link to book your personal Reading with Lynette.

Click this link for testimonials


Our book –  The Magic of You  Stepping into Your Cosmic Body – is now available on Amazon Australia.  This is a channelled book helping you to understand, release, and enter the Higher Realms. Fully channelled and overseen by Master Kuthumi to Lynette.  

View the Trailer

Remember it’s also now available at Amazon Australia as well as Amazon USA.

Light Blessings to each of you as we join in the shift, a leap of faith

Lynette, Mike, Kuthumi and The Great White Brotherhood


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