A New World by Lee Degani

With the Divine Mother’s reset and new timewave, we can now more deeply heal and transform than we ever have before! As Archangel Uriel has said, “There is a world waiting for you that is more glorious and more astounding and brighter, filled with Light, more than you can ever imagine! It is calling you.”

We are being given an amazing opportunity this weekend to ascend to this world! To actually become the IGNITION of the Divine Grid where miracles are the norm!
During our time together we will:
✔Receive energetic downloads to hold higher levels of Light in our personal grids!
✔ Heal, integrate and bring all aspects of ourselves into Freedom!
✔ Share our hearts and experiences!
✔ Utilize the mystical energies of the Tree of Life, Rod of Moses and the I AM Presence to create miracles!
✔ Ignite Joy and your own magical inner child as attendees’ children join us the last 90 minutes of the workshop!

This is the LAST CALL to register for 13 hours with the Council of Love! 9:30 am – 4:00 pm EST Saturday and Sunday! Jan. 28 th -29 th .

Can’t attend the full weekend? Everything will be recorded and will contain the same energies!

A new world is waiting for you! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!
Register Now!


With Infinite Joy!
Love, Lee and the COL


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