Becoming Love, with Crystallia
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Crystallia is a very high, light, vibrational being. Shelly has channeled her for eight years to bring through her beautiful messages of ascension. She comes from a place that is pure love. She comes from a place where there is a collective consciousness in which everyone is able to feel and know what others are feeling. This is quite different from what we have here on Earth.
She stated last fall she wanted to work with people at a deep level to help them move into love. While most who are on this ascension path are aware of the love and the light frequency, they may not always understand or embody the frequency.
This class will have experiences, discussion, meditation, and channeled messages to help you move deeply within and create a permanent change in your life.
Parts of the class:
Understand ourselves as our soul, as our ego or personality.
Understand the ways in which we already embrace love or manifest it in our lives.
Dig deeply within to find how we may sabotage ourselves, keeping this from happening.
Experience love as a feeling, vibration, intention, experience, and more.
Closing will include a channeled message from Crystallia.