A Message to Light Bringers 💜


Greetings, Beautiful Being!

Many Solstice and Holiday Blessings to you and yours! 

Today’s MTL is the message the Collective offered on a recent Ashtar Legacy Call.

They spoke on the life of water being very like our own energies. They also spoke to everyone’s higher self, relaying that:

“There is a question in most people’s minds now, particularly Light Bearers who are very aware and awake.

You see that the old forms of living, the old ways of earning money, or the old forms of medicine or education, transportation, food, eating—all of these old forms are changing drastically.

You’re wondering, “Is the whole of life on this Planet going to change in a way that I’m not ready for?”

“Is it going to change so suddenly that there won’t be time maybe, for my soul family to come in and rescue me?”

Or “Maybe there won’t be quite the level of intervention from our Galactic families, as we have desired and are calling in?”

Or “Will I be around when NESARA is finally enacted and announced?”

These are questions on everybody’s mind, who is even slightly awake and aware, and even on everyone else’s, such as, “What if life changes so drastically that I can’t continue as I have, and I don’t know how to adjust?”

And we’re going to flow again this beautiful Light to you, dear ones . . .

Now it’s coming from the higher realms, and it’s flowing down through your crown chakra. It’s flowing through every single part of your life.

Even that which hasn’t quite arrived yet—relationships, forms of work, or self-expressions that haven’t quite shown up in outer terms.

We’re flowing that Light through every inch of your Light Body, past, present, and future.  . . . 

Go here to read the full Message, which again offer energies of Peaceful reassurance, supporting us in the Transformation we’re called to now.

And on the latest Abundant Living podcast, the Collective also spoke on the energies and how they are affecting us, and led us through a beautiful meditation to cleanse our lives and our planet of density as we prepare for a beautiful year in 2023.

Go here for that. Many found it very helpful as they deal with these intense times.

Yet as the Ashtar Command White Knights have relayed, the Light is going to keep on increasing from here on.

Are we up to it? YES, we are! YES, you are, my friend!

Sending much Love, and huge blessings for a beautiful, Peaceful, and Joyful holiday time for you and yours,

P S ​​ Channeling sessions are still deeply discounted, now through midnight Eastern Time on Saturday, December 24.

So if you feel that’s right for you now, go here to book your session. The Collective and I are honored to assist! 


A Special Note:

Our friends Tara Green and Rama Berkowitz, who are White Knights of the Ashtar Command, were told by their boss (codename King of Swords) years ago that they are not to hold jobs in our current, pre-NESARA economic system, but to be supported by the Light community.

They are both at retirement age, and have no income other than the donations sent by the Light community each month.

Their three weekly BBSRadio.com shows inform us of what is reallyhappening in the world. Those News Updates can be found here, at RainbowRoundtable.net, and they offer the kind of amazing, cut-through-the-propaganda truth you’re not going to find anywhere else.

This is vital work, as Rama works with Archangel Michael (who is on the ground now, on the Earth) and the Forces of Light, a number of Ascended Masters such as Saint Germain and Lady Master Portia, and other astounding people, including ETs in human form, to keep us informed on both Earth and galactic news, and to assist in Earth’s Ascension.

If you are able to donate anything toward their work right now, which is groundbreaking and singular, they send their profuse thanks!

Just go here to help. This also supports the enactment of NESARA law.

They currently need their (only) car fixed — about $800 worth of work. Rama must be able to travel daily, to speak with his contacts on an encrypted, completely private phone line. They also need help with bills and rent for this month. 

Thank you so much for all you do! Namaste!


Another Special Note:

Chris Banks is a wonderful friend to many of us, an awake & aware Light Bringer, and the son of White Knights of the Ashtar Command, Tara Green and Rama Berkowitz.

He is recovering from two bad knee injuries due to two cycling accidents in the past year.

Thanks to your donations, Chris has been able to pay his rent as he mends. He is FULL of Thanks to all!


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