Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas friend,
I am thinking of you today, and sending you a big virtual hug.
I also wanted to make sure you received the healing gifts I sent a few days ago, just in case you didn’t receive them.
The first gift is The Miracle, and includes 15 sound healing audio sessions:
  1. Bountiful Blessings
  2. Divine Alchemy
  3. Divine Transcendence
  4. Embracing Eternal Peace
  5. Epic Wellness
  6. Feeling Miracles
  7. Glorious Transformation
  8. Liberation
  9. Manifesting Miracles
  10. Mind Expansion
  11. Seeing Miracles
  12. Soul Nourishment
  13. Spiritual Awakening
  14. Super Consciousness
  15. Vitality Through the Sacred Breath of Life
These music sessions are infused with the most up-to-date sound healing technology (which you can read more about on my website,) and is designed to help nurture, heal and support the body and mind on a core level.
These sessions are designed for multi-listens, as the healing support that occurs expands with each listen. The more you listen, the greater the healing effects.
Gift 1: The Miracle
The second gift is a healing protocol titled Expanding Prosperity.
In this session, my dear Soul Brother Ziad and I take you on a healing journey to support you with being more available to receive prosperity.
Gift 2: Expanding Prosperity
I am also offering a special coupon of an additional 62% off of all healing products from my HEALING SHOP valid until midnight December 31st.
Your Coupon Code: HOLIDAY62
The Healing Shop is available at:
With gratitude,


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