New Video: Dissolving the Heaviness of Hard Issues 💜


BGreetings, Beautiful Being!

I send many blessings of this sacred season, including the beautiful Winter Solstice!

In today’s Message, the Collective speak on dealing with the intense news we receive in the media each day, in addition to these intense (exhausting) energies that are coming in now.

Due to increasingly powerful solar flares and the Diamond Light activations from our Sun, Sol, our old PTSD rises to the surface from this and other lives we’ve lived.

In the video, I talk about this for a bit, then the Collective come in around the 6:30 mark, flowing empowering energies to us throughout.

They take us on a wonderful journey to the higher realms, to help us release Earth life density.

Lightworkers: Reclaiming Your Power from Hard Life Issues

You can find the video Message here, with the transcript on the website: 

“[In these higher realms,] you’re breathing in pure Light as they’re working with you. Pure Light . . .

Just breathe that in . . . and breathe out all the stresses of the past week, the past month, the past year or two.

Let it go! Just breathe that out, with the open mouth. This isn’t you, dear ones!

You are so much more than any stress you could ever experience. So much bigger than any loss . . .

You have come in with certain situations that are difficult.

But we would love for you to make the determination right now, that you’re not going to carry the troubles of the world—you’re not going to carry this ridiculous old belief of ‘Well, that’s how I grow.’

Those times are over, dear ones!

In the fifth dimension, people don’t need struggle and hardship in order to grow. Not spiritually or otherwise.

And just make the determination right now, ‘I can grow in Joy’ . . . 

Go here to read the full Message. Both the written Message and the video offer energies of Peaceful reassurance and the kind of Transformation we’re being called to now.

Yes, amazing times we’re in! And things can only get more Light-filled from here on.

Sending much Love,

P S ​​ Is Winter Getting You Down? It’s time to Call Back the Light!

These long dark nights and chilly days can suck the happiness right out of you, unless you take measures to cultivate JOY. That’s where the magic comes in!

Let’s help each other through the dark times by sharing our support and our magic, in a Yule ritual for the 2022 Winter Solstice, celebrating the Return of the Sun. 


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