Ascension Update: Working With the Eclipse Cycle


Eclipse Update – 2 November 2022~

Hey Beautiful — 

Just a reminder — we’re in the middle of a hugely transformative eclipse cycle.

There is so much high frequency light pouring into our world right now. Clarifying our energy.

It’s a wonderful time to step into a more clear, true way of being…

To really believe that you can be who you truly are, that you being you will work.

It’s also a wonderful time to actually believe you can let go of the past, break, free of ancestral patterns, by choosing to align with who you truly are and welcoming the changes these waves of energy bring.

Are you noticing what is presenting to you? What feels like it wants your attention? What you’re finding you no longer are tolerating and might be ready to shift, release, upgrade, or finally align with?

All that we are is always helping us to feel what within us wants to move, what’s ready to change, where we could be more joyful, fulfilled, genuine … all pathways to embodying more of who we truly are, and claiming the inheritance of our innate abundance and belonging.

The eclipse cycle concludes next Tuesday, November 8th — with a total lunar eclipse.

Surrender — allowing ourselves to be led by our own greater wholeness, is a powerful way to participate. It can collapse obsolete timelines, and allow our energy field to become clarified, more coherent and spacious.

May we be a collective presence of love, kindness, peace, and compassion. Believing in our diversity, and the underlying divinity and Oneness expressing as Us.

These are amazing times!
I’m thankful to be here with all of you.

Sending love & joy your way,

P.S. If you live in the United States, please make time to vote!
Also? This writing is also available as a blog post online, if you prefer to read it there, or feel inspired to share, click here.


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