The New Consciousness and our accelerated Transformation in October 2022


Dear Friends

Welcome to the New Consciousness or the New Earth Consciousness.  After the huge expansions we have made in the last months, we have arrived at a place where we are able to hold higher consciousness in a consistent way.  I call this place the 6th Dimension, because it is a Magical and Creative place that is dreamy and a bit “warm and fuzzy”. Miracles and Magic are possible at all times!
Of course, this is only on the levels of higher consciousness.  On the lower levels we are dealing with increasing fear, anger, confusion and paranoia.  Our work as Starseeds and Lightworkers is to develop the ability to move between these two levels, without allowing the lower consciousness to drag us down or entrap us in fear.
In the month of October we will have access to more Light Code energy to assist us in out transformation.  As we enter deeper into Solar Maximum, the  frequency and intensity of Solar Flares is increasing and more Solar activity means more Light Codes to activate our Light Bodies and our DNA.  The Light plasma activates the Water in our bodies which is now ready to activate into Water Plasma or Crystalline Liquid Light!
This is another huge step forward in our Evolution, and the Cosmic Whales and Dolphins are on hand to assist us with this process.  Whales and Dolphins are Galactic Masters and know how to hold expanded consciousness. They will be present with us at the two Eclipses in October and November and also at the powerful 11/11 Portal on the 11th November, which is also called the Scorpio Gateway.
I will be offering a 5 part online webinar to assist you to integrate and work with these powerful incoming energies.  You are invited to join our Diamond Light Community as we transit these key moments together.  Here is the link to learn more and to book your place:    

I will also be available in October for 10 Private Sessions and for Private Mentoring Programs.  You can learn more here :

I hope to see you in October!  May it be a month of Simple Joy and Heart warming experiences!

with love and blessings


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