Messages from Ann & the Angels – 09/10/2022 • Are you creating life or is life creating you?


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is great movement on your planet earth right now. There is great love being sent to you by the heavens in response to the asking. There is great potential for manifestations and dreams to come true.

The question to ask is, “Are you creating life, or are you allowing life to create you?”

In truth, you are constantly creating your own experience of life – drawing people and circumstances to you as a result of your vibration. However, since your vibration is a result of your focus and your response to what you focus upon, many of you are allowing your vibration to be dictated by the world around you.

Nonetheless, just because the world offers you something to focus on does not mean you have to make the choice that is offered. For example, your world offered you plenty of fear around the pandemic. You had a choice to focus on fear, focus on being prudent and practical, focus on being healthy and happy, or any combination of those ideas. One is not more right or wrong than another – they simply offer you a different experience. The world offered you a sad and sudden war to focus upon. You could have focused on fear and hatred, but instead many of you focused on love and prayer and averted a world war.

The world has offered you unthinkable racism.You can focus on the horror, or you can focus on inclusion, a love of diversity, and an appreciation of the beauty of all beings. You can start in your own circles and spread love outward from there.

The world has offered you news about shootings and violence. You could focus on the horror, hatred, and anxiety, and vibrate with that news, or you can focus on prayer, love, faith, and intentions to rest in the security of Divine love.

Dear ones, you create your world with your conscious focus, or your world will affect your focus to the point where you allow it to create you.

Don’t let the world focus you into despair, hopelessness, frustration, or fear. Don’t let the world focus you into believing your climate is going to hell in a hand basket. Don’t let the world focus you into believing you are not safe, that well-being is out of reach, and that abundance is dictated by markets.

Instead, claim your God-given power to focus on the reality you wish to see. Focus on the good around you now. Focus on the solutions you want to see. Focus on appreciation whenever and wherever you can.

We’ve said it many times, and it bears repeating since not a single one of you was raised with an awareness of the impact of your energetic vibration. Your energy is more powerful than any effort you exertbecause in a high vibration, solutions come, guidance comes, helpful people come, your needs are met, and your desires are fulfilled. You live in a flow of energy that is in harmony with those in harmony around you.

When you have a problem, raise your vibration and wait for the solution. When you are upset with someone, focus away from them temporarily, raise your vibration and pray for God to heal the situation. When you have to have a difficult conversation, raise your vibration.Focus on what gives you joy. Focus on a mutually loving outcome. Focus on the good qualities in yourself and others.

When you don’t know what to do and feel without purpose, raise your vibration. Give yourselves permission to play, explore, rest, and know that you’ll find purpose on that path if only sitting in peace and emanating light, which is always needed.

When you feel worried about your money, raise your vibration.Find inexpensive or free things to enjoy. Take a walk. Watch beautiful videos. Savor your meal. Laugh with friends. These are abundant vibrations that, although unrelated to money, will help money flow into your life once again.

Seen through the lens of a high-vibration, the world will seem like a magnificent and magical place. Like the Divine and your angels, you will see humanity as a group of beings growing, evolving, becoming more accepting, less judgmental, more open, always and forever moving towards a greater and grander experience of love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


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