Massive Intel Updates from Corey: Zulu/Eyosians History + LOC and Orion Conflict


Quick Update: Zulu ET Group Intel & Orion Group invades the LOC – More Videos On the Way

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The Cosmic History of the ZULU Alien Civilization – The Eyosians

and the Local Stellar Neighborhood.
By Corey Goode, Aug 16, 2022 – Updates Posted on AscensionWorks.TV


This is from a recent meeting with Emmi, from a planet and civilization our military industrial complex dubbed the “Zulu,” who have been around our local stellar neighborhood for over 2 billion years. They are identified as having African features, are typically over 7 – 8 feet tall and are a shamanic civilization that is managed mostly by their female elders and have a lifespan of thousands of years due to the frequency of their star and the unique conditions of their planet.


It is difficult to know if the African races on this planet are directly related to the Zulu as a large percentage of civilizations in our local stellar neighborhood have similar physiology and melanin rich complexions due to the frequency ranges of their stars.


The Zulu is a higher echelon, fifth density consciousness civilization that is located in our local stellar neighborhood of over fifty star systems. For many millions of years, they have lived and thrived in the interior of their home planet that their ancient culture had named Eyos.


Even in their earliest history, the Eyosians were extremely psychic with what we would consider magical manifestation abilities. Due to their abilities, they realized that the Universe itself seemed to be the manifestation of the imagination of a being they couldn’t yet fathom and was teaming with other civilizations that were mostly of a much lower consciousness level. Because of this understanding, they never developed religions based on gods, heaven, or hell. Instead, they developed their natural abilities over time to where they were projecting their consciousness to other planets to observe the civilizations where they witness atrocities and wars playing out.


Their culture became engrossed in their remote viewings of other cultures and over time it began to influence their mass consciousness in an unexpected way. Over time – due to their incredible manifestation abilities – they nearly brought about their own demise.


They began to encounter strange and powerful creatures in their astral travels that then began to influence the Eyosians through their dreams, prayers, and meditations. Before long their people were having violent encounters with these creatures in physical form before they would disappear into thin air. As they psychically investigated this new threat, they began to discuss their theories and findings with one another and came to a general agreement that these beings were from a star system that they had been unaware of in their psychic astronomical studies.


They began to reach out to that star system and remotely view their new enemy. They were shocked to see an extremely advanced civilization that had the ability to psychically camouflage itself from discovery by most other advanced civilizations. Once the Eyosians had penetrated the veil of this star system, they were shocked to see the build-up of a vast armada that was likely headed toward their planet.


The Eyosians are a peaceful race that has the ability to come together and focus their mass consciousness to defend themselves by psychically affecting their enemy’s minds – throwing the most technically advanced attackers into a state of confusion or causing them to turn their weapons on themselves. They had now met their match with this new group of invaders who seemed to be their equal psychically but had technology and weapons that were never a part of the Eyosians’ evolution – for the first time leaving them at a perceived disadvantage.


The Eyosians then became stuck in a cycle of conflict with this new enemy that caused a shift in their mass consciousness as their civilization moved to a defensive posture. They were stuck in this cycle for millions of years as other civilizations in our local stellar neighborhood began to be invaded by the same civilization the Eyosians were unable to defeat.
The Eyosian civilization was at near collapse when they were contacted by another extremely advanced civilization in our local stellar neighborhood. (More on them coming soon.) This civilization was so advanced that it had created an extremely sophisticated network of moon-sized stations that they placed in star systems around our local stellar neighborhood that used the power of the cosmic web to prevent intrusion of other alien races, who they considered genetic farmer races, that interfere with the natural development of civilizations for their own selfish agendas.


This civilization – who would later become known as the Blue Avians – informed the Eyosians that the enemy civilization that was wreaking havoc inside the local stellar neighborhood was impossible to defeat via physical or psychic warfare – even for them.


The civilization who would later be known as the Blue Avians described how there had never been a star in the location from where their new enemies came, and that the Eyosians were the key to putting the local stellar neighborhood back into balance.


What the Eyosians didn’t realize is that this unstoppable enemy was a creation – an egregore manifestation – from their very own mass consciousness. The Eyosians were so incredibly, and unknowingly, powerful that they had manifested the biggest threat that the inhabitants of the local stellar neighborhood had ever encountered prior to the protective network being created. While most civilizations were manifesting gods, devils, heaven, and hell, the Eyoscians were manifesting their own demons, but on a level that affected more than just their own civilization.


It took the Eyosians thousands of years to eradicate these beings from their mass consciousness and the shared reality of their cosmic neighbors. This was a major setback to the proud race of Eyosians who had preached oneness and taught shamanism to their stellar neighbors for eons and had developed a reputation as an extremely spiritually advanced culture. They were said to have even had a major impact on the evolution of the race that later became known as the Blue Avians.


The Eyosians eventually were able to heal and learn from their near demise and began to focus their co-creative abilities more and more to a point that they began developing ascended abilities – able to teleport and, in some cases, levitate and fly. This time period was an incredible renaissance for their civilization as they became more and more connected to the cosmos, what they considered the mind of the creator.


It is through this cosmic connection that they learned that their own stellar cycle was coming to the end of a major cycle. Their star resonates at a much different frequency than ours does, creates a lot more radiation, and began to have more frequent outbursts as it changed frequencies during its own life cycle. Their stellar activity became so intense that their culture was pushed to the interior of their planet where they have thrived until this day.


When they found the inner caverns of their planet they realized why their culture had advanced so quickly and had developed such a powerful ability to manifest. Their planet was like a giant Geode. Its interior had vast mountains made of a purple crystal. The Mountains seemed to be lit from the inside and radiated light and frequency that caused the Eyosians to develop at an even more accelerated rate. The energy that lit the mountains and cavernous valleys of their planet’s interior came from the core of the planet. It was a fast-rotating sphere of highly compressed molten liquid crystalline material that acted as a central sun that had an incredibly positive effect on living organisms and their consciousness. Even the plants and animals that had found their way down into this vast and magical ecosystem had evolved quite a bit differently than their counterparts on the surface of the planet.
Over eons of time, the Eyosians developed into the most psychically and spiritually developed civilizations within our local stellar neighborhood and beyond. They organized trade and commerce in our local stellar neighborhood and encouraged the development of civilizations in their neighboring star systems. Everything changed when the Pre-Adamite civilization – formerly from Mars – destroyed the protective grid that the Blue Avians had built nearly 2 billion years prior.


The local stellar neighborhood was immediately invaded and corrupted by the genetic farmer races so the Eyosians had no choice but to isolate themselves and try to work with various beings psychically and telepathically to encourage them to take their power back after bartering it away to the genetic farmer races. The only star system that was not influenced or taken over by these genetic farmer races – which included the Orion Group and Andromeda Syndicate – belonged to the Eyosians. The genetic farmer races had sent armada after armada to invade the Eyosian system, but every attack ended with the armada’s complete destruction with no indication of how they were defeated. The genetic farmer races decided to isolate the Eyosians as much as possible and continue with their agendas, focusing their efforts on corrupting the Super Federations, which enforce cosmic laws in each galaxy, in order to push forward with assisting their AI god to infiltrate every advanced civilization.


Currently, we see that the genetic farmer races have been mostly defeated and isolated within the Andromeda and Milkyway Galaxies. As I reported previously, our star system is one of the last strongholds for the Orion Group and their allies who have amassed their armadas within our solar system. I am told most recently that the largest of the ships in these armadas have dipped down into the upper atmospheres of the gas giants they were orbiting, to become harder to detect after a few encounters with the former GGLN battle cruiser – the Wandering Star – as it liberated a couple of major colonies on Mars, evacuating their entire populations to another star system controlled by the Mayan Group. In this encounter, the Wandering Star was transported into the orbit of Mars by Emmi, where they were immediately attacked by Reptilian and Orion Group ships. Each of the ships fired exotic weapons at the Wandering Star, only to have portals open and redirect the energetic attacks to the sender. All the attacking ships were quickly defeated within gravitational fields that crushed them like soda cans into extremely small and dense balls mixed with the remains of the ships and their inhabitants orbiting Mars.


After Emmi brought me up to date on his civilization and our local stellar neighborhood history, he began to give me information on what to expect on our own planet as our own major solar cycle ends.


I was given very interesting information about what we will likely see leading up to the solar flash. As we get closer to the solar micro-nova event, we will see the activation of the ley-line grids that correlate with increased solar activity. I was told that we would see portals opening randomly across the planet – portals that lead to other locations in the cosmos. Emmi told me that on each continent the Eyosians had worked with shamans to astrally travel these portal systems and learn where they go, and to keep detailed records and maps. Emmi said that these maps and records had been passed down in secret sects of shamans for thousands of years, and that when these portals open, they will be instrumental [to us] in knowing how to navigate them.
Some of the portals that open lead to the center of stars, to ocean-covered planets, and may even open thousands of feet in the air above some planets, making them quite dangerous to travel through physically without the use of these maps. Leading up to the solar flash, we will see more and more people disappear into these portals, leaving the rest of the world mystified or in angry denial of the process the solar system is going through. Many star seeds – aliens incarnated here as humans – will be pulled to go to the regions where these portals will open to go back to their home planet. During this time there will also be an increasing number of UFOs reported, along with strange disappearances and deaths that investigators will believe to be hostile alien acts.


Emmi told me nothing could be further from the truth. He stated that alien groups are coming back to pick up their operatives on our planet prior to the solar event. In some cases, the souls leave their human bodies and rejoin their own bodies on lightships that have been sent to retrieve them. I was warned that the leaders of Earth will use these events to pump even more fear into the world’s population to make it easier to control them – a plan that eventually backfires as each population begins to stand up against the increasing tyranny. This is where humanity comes in – we must liberate our planet and overthrow the death cults that fell under the influence of the Orion Group and the Transhumanist agenda of their AI god.


Stand by for the video version of this update and much more to come.

Corey Goode

Post Note to Update: The Starseed being removed is not a mass event where all star seeds are removed. Some stay through the solar event and keep incarnating here. There are certain groups that are coming to Earth to remove their operatives. There are HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Star Seeds on this planet right now – only a small fraction of the Star Seeds on this planet will be removed. The portals begin opening randomly because of the upcoming solar event and its increased activity. Some people will rush to try to enter portals only to end up in an inhospitable place or worse. This is not a situation where human refugees are going to be removed from the planet en mass. These are alien operatives who incarnated on this planet to observe or guide this civilization leading up to the solar event. Those who signed soul contracts to incarnate on this planet for various missions are not a part of this star seed evacuation. This is not a rapture event but a series of random portal openings and apparent abduction events – or deaths believed to be related to abduction events. I should have communicated that a bit more clearly in the update above. The vast majority of those on the planet now will be here for the solar event and will be the same people that will be a part of building a new future for humanity as it explores 4th density consciousness. When it comes to the Zulu and Wandering Star event on Mars – they rescued the inhabitants of a couple of large cities that were scheduled to be forced to accept Transhumanist technologies into their bodies. Mars was not fully liberated – only the bases that were going to be the pilot programs for testing invasive technologies.

– – – – – END OF UPDATE #1 of 2 – – – – –

SSP Update: The ORION GROUP and their Allies Attack the Lunar Operations Command (LOC)
By Corey Goode, Aug 27, 2022 – Updates Posted on AscensionWorks.TV

Wow, I just received another incredible update. I was going to record the video for the Zulu Update in the next day or so but am pivoting to drop some of this new info first. I wanted to provide a written summary prior to shooting a video on this topic.


As everyone who has followed my information knows – The LOC is actually 3 different bases that are designated LOC-Alpha, LOC-Bravo (aka Beta), and LOC-Charley. Alpha Base is where all of the meetings take place, where the spaceport is, and where all space traffic is tracked and managed. Bravo and Charley Bases are below the Lunar surface and have their own purposes. These parts of the LOC are even more highly classified than LOC-Alpha due to the nature of their operations.


A few years ago I was given an extensive tour of the interior of the moon after visiting LOC-Bravo and Charley for the first time. I released an extensive report on that tour and what I was told and witnessed can be found on my YouTube Channel or website.


LOC-Bravo and Charley were initially built in the 1950s by the NAZI regime that had built the original LOC Base Complex. In the process of building LOC-Alpha, they began to explore the vast Lava Tubes – Created by the meteor impacts that melted the Lunar Surface upon impact – that were found honeycombing the Moon. In their explorations, they discovered highly advanced doors and hatches that once opened led down to the interior of the Moon. After gaining access the German scientists found a mega-space base filled with extremely high technology that appeared to have been catastrophically destroyed long ago. There were bodies of the ET Group we refer to as the “Pre-Adamite” species who had a civilization on Mars and the Super Earth planet it orbited – until the Pre-Adamites misused these technologies nearly destroying our entire solar system in the process.


The German scientists contacted their allies within the Orion Group and were told to stay out of the interior of the Moon for their own safety and were coerced into signing a Moon Treaty that had strict provisions on where Humans could travel on or within the Moon. The Germans obeyed their Allies’ wishes but only after doing their own extensive expedition into the interior of the base where they were able to find bits of technology that had survived the Solar Micro-Nova that had caused extensive and catastrophic damage to this incredibly advanced mega-space-station that we call the Moon.


If you would like more details on the Pre-Adamites and how they used the Moon as a giant Arc to ferry survivors from their dying planet – Mars – to Earth before its orbit was tidally locked with our planet please watch the following update;

SSP Alliance Update: The Awakening of the Old gods in Antarctica – Atlantis –


In the decades that followed, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – A Super Corporation that exists outside the purview of government oversight – took over most of the Nazi Space Assets in agreements that were made and the Dark Fleet was officially formed in secret, and given immunities that no other program has ever been granted. The ICC – now allies with the Orion Group – then built out the vast SSP infrastructure within our solar system and dozens of others under several secret space programs.
Later, The ICC signed further Moon Treaties where they were given a set of very complex engineering plans and access to part of the ancient moon base where they removed hundreds of thousands of desiccated Pre-Adamite bodies. Once they had removed the bodies and cataloged the bases technologies and created maps of this incredibly enormous base complex. The ICC then created mining operations and manufacturing plants on the Moon, the Asteroid Belt, and Mars to acquire the exotic and rare minerals that they then engineered into complex technologies that they brought to the Moon in order to complete the repairs the Orion Group had ordered them to make.


Fast forward a few decades to the present (August 25th, 2022) – Once the ICC had informed the Orion Group that they had completed 90% of the repairs and renovations from their Engineering Plans the unthinkable happened – The Orin Group violently broke the Moon Treaties and invaded the area of the Ancient Moon Base killing thousands of ICC scientists, workers, and military personnel in a matter of moments. The ICC leadership and operatives who were monitoring the attack from the LOC-Alpha base complex sent reinforcements to the LOC-Charley and Bravo and began evacuating the bases of all nonessential personnel.


I was shown security videos from the incident where we see tall Grey Aliens, Reptilians, and Tall Human looking Nordics (The Andromeda Syndicate aka Galactic Federation of Worlds) appearing out of nowhere and opening fire with what looked like long magic wands and flashlight-looking weapons. I was told these weapons had the technology and ability to destroy organic material and stop the neurological system of the body of a target from processing signals – switching them off like a lightbulb – killing them instantly without damaging anything else in the attack zone.


In the video, you see the shocked ICC personnel reacting to the sudden appearance of the invading ETs just as bright flashes began to occur with people either falling to the ground or running frantically towards exits. The Orion Group attackers however had appeared in strategic places within the base complex making escape impossible. We watched as thousands of ICC personnel were killed with these exotic weapons with no way to defend themselves. The ICC military fired their weapons at the invaders but was only able to influence a hand full of casualties in their enemy before being completely overtaken by the exotic weaponry being used against them.


We then saw the Tall Nordics and small grey bio-androids walk around the facility melting the bodies of the ICC personnel with their Flashlight-looking weapons. They stood over the bodies and shined a beam on them reducing them to a liquid that solidified on the floor appearing similar to a pothole on a road that has been repaired with asphalt.


Once the Orion Group had cleared the human bodies from the facility they immediately sent in bio-droids and Tall Grey Scientists to finish the repairs that the ICC had nearly completed. We also witnessed the Tall Nordic (Galactic Federation of Worlds) building a factory of some sort. After consulting with the Global Galactic League of Nations scientists on their flagship – The Wandering Star – it was learned that these were factories for Brain Chips, Nanites, and genetic manipulation technologies that had been used against dozens of GGLN Colonies and Bases in the outer rim of our Galaxy. For more information on the GGLN, their declaration of independence from the ICC, and the Galactic Federation of Worlds that nearly enslaved them – watch this video update from my YouTube Channel;


SSP Alliance Update: GGLN Declaration of Independence from ICC, Rogue ET Federation & Orion Group –
It was at this point that the Orion Group discovered our hidden cameras and shut them down. Shortly after, the LOC-Bravo and Charley were similarly invaded and the LOC-Alpha and ICC lost all contact with them and 2 other bases on the moon controlled by the ICC. The LOC-Alpha is locked down with essential personnel only. To throw further chaos into the mix – 1/3rd of the ICC leadership was assassinated by the Orion Group by using the Brain Implants that the ICC is so proud of against them giving all of them fatal aneurysms. This is on top of a similar number of the ICC leadership disappearing without a trace about a year earlier. It is believed that the 1/3rd of the ICC Leadership remaining are Orion Group ETs incarnated as Humans as a part of their strategy to take over the ICC and our planet.


The Orion Group seems to be taking desperate measures to secure our solar system and prepare for the war against the GGLN and our Allies within our local stellar neighborhood. The Orion Group and their Allies are trapped in our solar system and are digging in for the big battle to come. As of the evening of the 26th of August, 2022 that is the status of the situation on the Moon. We also learned that when the GGLN Flagship – the Wandering Star – had attacked and liberated a colony and production facility on Mars – that was about to be implanted with brain chips – a few other Mars Colonies had risen up and declared independence from the ICC only to be invaded by the ICC’s genetically modified and enhanced super soldiers who violently crushed the rebellions. The Colonies have been locked down even more than they were prior now having garrisons of super soldiers stationed with them and fortifying the colonies as if they are anticipating them being attacked. The ICC is horrified that the recent attack by the GGLNs Wandering Star was a dry run for invading and liberating the rest of the Mars Colonies – An assumption they are correct in making.


Stand by for my video report on the ZULU ETs from our Local Stellar Neighborhood. This report was so urgent it needed to take precedence. I will be releasing the video versions of these reports soon though more of these urgent updates are sure to pop up in the meantime.
More to come – SOON!

Corey Goode

– – – – – END OF UPDATE #2 OF 2 (Whew!) – – – – –

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