New Videos + Live Q&A 🌟


Greetings, Brilliant Being!

Just a quick note — there’s a new Quick Energy Lift video from the Collective.

This one helps us with the issues we’ve never quite cracked, the opportunities we feel we missed, or the situations or people we never fully understood — huge issues for most of us!

Help for the Things That Never Felt Right

And a reminder also about a special event:

Live Q&A with the Collective

Monday, August 8, 2022
5:30 PM Pacific / 8:30 PM Eastern (US & Canada)


The Transformative 8-8 Lion’s Gate energies make now the perfect time to ask one question in a small group channeling session, and receive a channeled answer from the Collective and your Spirit team.

Ask a question about whatever is hardest for you now — it might be about:

– Relationships
– Work
– Finances
– Your path of growth
– Your soul mission
– Releasing old stuck energy patterns
– Increasing self-Love

Some Wisdom and energy work from the higher realms can assist powerfully.

You’ll also benefit from the answers and energies offered the others on the Call (no more than 7 participants on any one Call).

Afterwards, you’ll receive the MP3 recording, which will hold all the supportive energies of the live Call.

Go here for more info or to sign up — 

Much Love & Light, 

P S  The cost of asking a question on the Live Q&A Zoom Call is lower than the cost of a “Just One Question” channeling. 

Your name can be withheld if you wish — just let me know when you email in your question.



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