What’s Your Question for the Spirit of Abundance? 🌟


Greetings, Gorgeous Light Being!

Once again, my friend, it’s time to weigh in!

What is your question for the Spirit of Abundance?

and / or

What is your question for an Ascended Master or Archangel, about NESARA?

I am working on channeling two new books. (Can’t say which will be done first, at this point.)

The first book is about NESARA.

We’ll speak with Ascended Masters such as Lady Master Portia (Goddess of Justice), her twin flame Saint Germain (one of the initiators of NESARA), Captain Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, Admiral of that fleet Lord Sananda Kumara, Yeshua, Quan Yin . . . and the Archangels.

Including Archangel Michael, who is on the ground right now in the physical, working with the Forces of Light to establish Divine Justice.

All are working toward NESARA’s full enactment.

So if you have a question for any of Ascended Masters or Archangels about NESARA (please specify who you are directing your question to) . . . 

Please do send it in! Send your question to me at AscensionTimes@gmail.comThis is not a time for a strictly personal question. The answer to your question must apply to everyone. 

If you’ve forgotten which Archangel assists us with what, see this simple (though not definitive) description of the different ways that each each Archangels helps us.

The second book will be channeled from the Spirit of Abundance.

You might want to ask why it too often feels that the flow of Abundance eludes you and others who are honest and work hard. Or why only certain people seem to prosper, including those with no conscience. And so on. 

Many people send in questions for each book, so I apologize in advance that there isn’t room for everyone’s question to be included.

But please do send in your question anyway, for one or both books. The Collective will send energies to assist you in that area, whatever your concerns are at this time.

Please don’t hit the Reply button — please send your question to AscensionTimes@gmail.com this week, as I’m starting to channel both books now.

I so appreciate and give huge Thanks for the Love, support, and encouragement so many of you offer for this work!

And Thank You for volunteering to be on the planet at this time, anchoring your special frequencies of Divine Love, Joy, and Healing, while fulfilling an often demanding Earth Mission.

Your Light shall always prevail.

With much Love, and many Blessings,



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