Becoming the Greater Unity


Hello — 

I took a little break from the news lately and instead spent more time outside. I am so glad I did, as it really helped me to deepen and also to channel some more expansive energies. If you’re feeling tired, or overwhelmed, see if you can spend some time in nature today. Even if it’s only looking out the window and letting your eyes rest on something beautiful. There is sweetness and peace in the natural world that can be so supportive to us. 

I am here with some exciting news! Today I received two new channelings, and as I was “in them,” experiencing the energy of them as I translated that energy into words, I realized the paradigm, or underlying energy foundation of SEPARATION is gone. 

It’s GONE. It’s already happened. In fact, this may have happened some time ago when we — the collective of humanity, decided to move beyond separation. I don’t know. I do know that I hadn’t felt it until now. And it was SO spacious and palpable!!

And just being aware of it, really blew my mind. I could not focus and got very spacious and expanded. I had to take several breaks and just lie down on the ground and let the energy flow and integrate, while receiving these messages, because it was so vast and potent. Incredible!! And so wild to experience first hand. And start to integrate this expereince.

And too..realizing that NOW?
Now, the rearranging is underway.

The recognition of this. The inner shifts and changes as we discover life in Oneness. This is no small thing to do.

This is HUGE. And yes — the major work is before us, but the ENERGY the NEW CREATION is already here, and will continue to flow in, take form, arise, as we allow it, feel it, as the planet does, too and this energy of the New Creation can be experienced and realized, embodied and expressed. It is the energy of Home for us — the energy of the Infinite Oneness. 

If you’re keenly aware right now of what is happening in the world, what I’m saying may feel or sound crazy… I spoke with Archangel Michael about this today and that is part of what one of these new channeled messages is about (Infinite Light Knows Itself and Seeks Completion)

The second message, builds upon this (and is when I experienced this KNOWING that Separation as a foundational energy structure is GONE) This message is the invitation to the next Conscious Evolution Program — Becoming the Greater Unity. So that may be a way to think of where we are and what our shared Light-Work is, now. BECOMING, the Greater Unity.

See for yourself how you experience these transmissions and if you’d like to join us for the new Conscious Evolution Program, it starts next Saturday, April 2.

There is generous support here for you! Ask for what you need. Call upon your Divine Self and ask It to make itself known to you. Dare to discover how truly loved you are. Ask for more than you’re used to asking for and also? Perhaps, you might also ask to learn to receive more? These practices are ones I use daily and they help so much.

It is an incredible time to be embodied.

But it’s not always easy. And yet? We are surrounded by our non-physical friends. The Universal energies, the Angelic Realm, All of Life is here for us, and we are deeply loved. Open to feel this. Ask to know it. Dare to lean into it.

Thank you for playing your part in this massive planetary shift!

With love,

P.S. There are a lot of new channelings on Expect Wonderful lately. I think I’ve published 5 in the last week, so if you’ve missed any, you can find all the recent messages, here.  The Angels have been reaching out to connect with us a lot lately. They are making it clear how much support is here for us. These are really challenging and yet beautiful and potent moments. Open to your inner knowing about what you need most right now and honor yourself. ❤️


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