New Harmonics + New Soar Fest


Hello Beautiful  —

How are you doing? The unprovoked war in the Ukraine, the ongoing pandemic … there is a lot going on.

I’m thinking about the Ukrainians, the Russian protestors. The people on the front line of this violence. I am personally taking A LOT of deep breaths, and I am practicing facing what is unfolding, with openness.

I’m also helping where I can — by praying and donating.* On Twitter many Ukrainians are posting their own personal journey. So there is an opportunity to respond to them with acknowledgement, and support which has been one way I have felt able to help and also more connected. A true gift of our time that we can share like this.

Even though we’re far away from this geographically, we can help. We are not helpless. And we are part of this. What we do with our energy in our own lives, each day, matters. It affects our life, and it affects our world. We can send love. Invoke grace. Cultivate peace. Expand the energy of openness and trust. Love ourselves when this is hard. And continue with courage — daring to LIVE the truth of our Oneness.

Today I received a new message from Archangel Michael about what they call, the “goings-on” in our world, and also, the invitation for a new Soar Fest.

I was so thankful to receive this message as it gave me encouragement and also spoke to so much of what I’m experiencing.

I hope it will comfort and support you as well — you can READ THE NEW MESSAGE HERE.

And if you would like to feel more connected and also explore your own deeper connection with the Universe and the expansion of consciousness in our world join us in the New Harmonics Soar Fest! (Starting March 3).

March is going to be a big month, energetically and this new Soar Fest will support us generously, be a wonderful way to be in a field of love and higher light and prepare us for the Equinox.

I am so thankful for you! For our non-physical friends! For this Life. For being here now.

Sending you much love,
Ailia 🇺🇦 

I gave to UNICEF and the Ukrainian Crisis Relief Fund — these are two groups responding to the crisis in the Ukraine.


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