Holiday Blessings to You! 💚


Just a word to say . . .

I send much Love to you at this special time of year, with many blessingsthat your highest visions 2022 will all unfold in perfect ways.

You may recall this channeling the Collective gave us a few years ago — still powerful, and more relevant than ever:

Greetings, dear ones!

In addition to your feeling the pressures of the “end-of-year holiday time,” and wondering how the requirements of the new year will be met, we are also seeing now your desire to restructure your lives on a much higher level. 

This desire is part of the Transformation that is reaching into your very cellular structure. 

You are not who you were even a day ago. 

Everything changes now in this new Light coming to your planet! 

It is speeding up in both transmission and intensity, creating within you a manifestation of new processes, new perspectives, and new and higher solutions for human life. 

So much is being revealed now, and you are here to witness and hold within your consciousness and life energies the higher realities long hidden. 

Open up to that constantly Creative aspect of your Spirit that is never frightened by outer changes, and can take them on with complete adaptability!  

You are well able to do that, and to actively Create life from a much higher level than you have in any previous Earth life. 

In time, you will exceed even that which was experienced in Atlantis and Lemuria.

You are paving that path. You are on it now.

And you are never alone.

The Collective and I and all your Angels, Guides, and Higher Self, send Much Love and Huge Blessings for the Light-filled path you are on now.

You are actively creating a New Earth that reflects all we know to be true, and real, and based in pure Love. And nothing can keep us from it.

Blessings of the Holy-Days of December, and a Joyful New Year to you, my friend!


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